Tag Archives: Nurturing

Why Positive Affirmations Need a Nurturing Environment to Be Successful

For your practice of saying positive affirmations to have the best chance of being successful you need to practice them in a nurturing environment.

Take the example of germinating seeds. While some seeds are directly planted outdoors, in other cases seeds are germinated in special environments such as a greenhouse where the ambient conditions can be controlled. This gives the germinating seeds the best possible start in life.

In many cases, when you start the practice of saying positive affirmations your mind is in a negative state. It’s like a garden that’s completely overrun with weeds. In such a garden the weeds seem to grow effortlessly and often look much sturdier and healthier than the plants you’re attempting to grow.

Similarly, under such conditions, your mind is more receptive to the negativity that surrounds you. It is in harmony with negativity. Negativity is its base-line state. This is what your mind will readily revert to before your neural re-conditioning. And so you need to create for yourself the equivalent of a greenhouse for your positive affirmations.

Consider another example. This time imagine a patient who has been given a liver transplant yet still continues to drink alcohol. You know that the chances of their body rejecting the new liver are going to be very high. Likewise, for your mind to accept your new positive affirmations you need to immerse yourself in a positive, nurturing, supportive environment to give your new affirmations the best possible chance of taking hold.

You know how individuals working an environment where there are high levels of potentially life-threatening radioactive radiation have to wear a dosimeter to show when they have reached their radiation threshold. Well, it’s a pity there isn’t such a dosimeter for negativity so that you know when you’ve reached your critical level of negativity. You see you have to take into account that it’s not only what people say it’s people’s thoughts as well. Thoughts have energy. So just being around a negative person can place you in a very vulnerable state.

Having said this some people are very attuned to their environment and can readily sense whether it has a positive or negative energy signature even if there isn’t anyone there. And, even if you’re a bit of a sceptic I bet you’ve had the experience, at some point, where you’ve been somewhere and the atmosphere felt distinctly uncomfortable although you could quite say why.

The first 30-90 days of practicing your new affirmations are critical. You may need to audit your friends, for example and ensure that you are not spending time around people who are negative and not supportive of you.

In fact, you want to do the polar opposite. Find yourself a new group of friends and or associates who are positive, who think on a higher plane than you and who have accomplished the things that you want to achieve.

And if you don’t personally know such people then you can certainly gain access to such individuals even if it’s just reading their biographies, their books, listening to their audios and watching their videos. And that means that you don’t necessarily have to rely on the ‘support’ of individuals who are still alive. There are many individuals who are now dead but whose spirit you can still tap into. And “spirit” here is not used in a religious context but simply refers to the essence of someone. By studying the world’s great achievers and people who inspire and motivate you can begin to understand how they thought about things and expand your own thinking.

If you completely immerse yourself in a positive environment you’ll make it an uncomfortable environment for your negative thoughts and your practice of saying daily positive affirmations will have the best chance of success.

For a FREE Gift that will help make the practice of saying daily positive affirmations easier and more fun as well as help you boost the power and effectiveness of your affirmations, enhance your ability to attract wealth, improve your relationships and improve your health and well being visit Positive Affirmations Booster.

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