Tag Archives: Opportunities

How to Turn Negative Problems Into Positive Opportunities

Have you ever had a problem or negative situation arise that if there was some way of turning it into an opportunity that you would do it in a heartbeat? We all have at one point. Maybe it was a financial setback. Maybe it was a heart break from a relationship. It could be that you fear for what happens when you die. It could be an emotional or a very stressful situation. Maybe you are up against the wall with a physical infirmity or sickness or disease of some kind. It could even be that you just have never fulfilled your potential in life.

Whatever it is I am telling you that you can turn it around for the positive and I will show you how. I will be using the example of Jesus and the very first miracle that is recorded which he did. The miracle is turning water into wine and it can be found in the bible in John 2:1-11.

When a good situation goes bad what do you do?

Here we have a couple who is getting married. Mary, the mother of Jesus is there and Jesus and his disciples were invited. So, we find that they wanted wine. Okay, so far so good. But then the mother of Jesus comes to him and says that they have no wine. Here we have a good and festive occasion that has just gone bad.

Jesus’ mother comes to him and says they are out of wine. Jesus says, “Woman, my hour is not yet come.” Did you ever have a situation or many situations that arose that were not life threatening, but fell into a category that if possible you could do without them? Yea, they won’t do anything except hurt your feelings or embarrass the daylights out of you, but you will live through them. They are the kind of situations that if you are already having a bad day it could be the proverbial straw that breaks the camels back so to speak.

So Jesus’ mother ignores him and tells the servants to do whatever he tells them to do. First you need to realize that even in those trivial and meaningless situations that are annoying, but livable, God still loves you and wants all things to work together for your good. You have to understand that. So you go to God for help and instead of complaining about your life or murmuring about the circumstances you are in just do what Jesus says to do. And what does he say to do? Let’s find out.

Here in our story we find six stone water pots that are used for purifying. Jesus told the servants to fill the water pots and these fellows filled them to the brim. Jesus told them to use what was right in front of them. Did you ever look so hard for an answer to your situation that you missed what was staring you right in the face? We all have. You need to slow down and allow yourself not to be in a rush. You need to get yourself in a neutral frame of mind and just get quiet and think things through in a more simple way. When you spend time in the Word of God on a regular basis I can assure you that when pesky circumstances arise and you quiet yourself down and pause for a moment that the Word of God will return to you and you will have an answer rise up from within you and you will know what to do.

So then Jesus says to draw some water out and give it to the head person at the feast. And the servants obeyed. When you obey Jesus by obeying the Word of God you will not fail. Usually obeying the Word of God will be contrary to what you think should be done. But you must ask yourself if you want to do things your way or do you want things done right and successfully? That would entail consistently doing things God’s way. If you want a life then lose yours in Christ. Let Christ reign in your life and I promise you that you will be delivered from every affliction that life throws at you.

Now the ruler tastes the water that had been made wine and he now calls over the groom to come and see him. Did you notice that the water did not become wine until the head person at this wedding was ready to drink it? Did you ever wonder why God doesn’t do a miracle based on your time frame? The ruler of the feast compliments the groom by saying that the good wine is usually served first and when people have drunk freely then the worst wine is served. Sounds like they water down the drinks as people get more and more drunk.

But in this case what happened? The water that was made into wine was the best that had been served. So let’s summarize what happened.

A situation arose making a positive occasion into a negative one.

Immediately a person went to Jesus for help instead of looking to the world or to personal knowledge or to any number of things that might have solved the situation.

When Jesus speaks you should listen and obey. This the same as reading your bible and obeying what is in there as well as getting quiet and allowing God to speak to you through that inward witness you have on the inside of you.

What Jesus tells you to do might be contrary to what you want to do or even abnormal in regard to even the laws of nature. This means that a higher law that you are not aware of might be available to use and work if you act on it. For example in Galatians 5:22 and 23 we read, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” Did you see that? There is no law against such things. That means if the fruit of the Spirit is developed in you as a born again Christian then when needed there is something that even lifts you above the laws of nature. Hence we have the gift of the Spirit of the working of miracles available to us when we need it.

And here is something that I want you to notice. You can do things in a natural sense or the way the world teaches and get by or you can do things God’s way and really do much better. If you do things the world’s way you won’t please God and you take your chances with the end being that you are the loser. Turn your life over to Christ Jesus and find out just how good life can be even when life throws every affliction and piece of garbage at you.

Gregory Whitaker is an ordained minister and Evangelist since 1996. He continues to share the principles of faith along with the the gospel of Christ so that others can live abundant and healthy Christian lives. For more information and encouragement go to: http://www.workingmiraclesbyfaith.blogspot.com

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Sleep Programming ➤ Rewire Your Brain – Manifest Magic & Amazing Opportunities | 8 Hrs Affirmations


8 Hours of Spoken Positive Affirmations for Deep sleep programming – personal development & Spiritual growth! Manifest Miracles, magic and amazing opportunities with these powerful law of attraction affirmations. This audio is available for sale and download HERE: http://bit.ly/1NOjguf

Words spoken by Alexander & Kenneth (PowerThoughtsMeditationClub)

Affirmations are useful in wiring the brain with positive & optimistic thinking! From positive thinking comes more positive emotions and less stress and anxiety. This is a powerful tool you can use to plant positive seeds into your subconscious mind to increase your sense of well being, joy, motivation, inner peace, happiness, love and improve the success you’re having in all aspects of your life. With more positive emotions we are more likely to follow our dreams and awaken our true potential! Time to activate our higher mind! The law of attraction works! This audio can be used to program your subconscious mind while sleeping. ( Sleep affirmations ) While sleeping, the affirmations bypasses the filters of the conscious mind and sinks even deeper into the subconscious enhancing the effects!






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We are very proud of our hard work and commitment to create HIGH quality Guided Meditations, Affirmation audios, Hypnosis sessions, Solfeggios and Relaxing Music. We put our Heart and Soul into every video we create with the intention to create something valuable for YOU, so you can walk the path of life feeling much more positive, conscious and empowered.

Our a grand mission and lifepurpose to raise the energy vibration of our planet and to make this world a more Loving – Peaceful and Joyful place for ALL life. To help and inspire YOU and the other millions of people listening to our audios to awaken to that awesome POWER we have within us. Prepare to open up the gates and let the pure lifeforce from YOUR HIGHER SELF flow through you NOW. Enjoy your journey.

For Your Freedom, Love and Joy,
Kenneth & Alexander – PTMC



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Mind Changing Hypnosis for Sleep Negative Mindset Becomes Positive Thinking.

In this guided hypnotic visualization you are kindly and gently lulled into a deeply relaxing trance or meditative state where you can work the magic of hypnotherapy to start changing any negative self talk you are in the habit of using into a more positive and uplifting dialogue making your own mind a more pleasant and productive place to begin making your dreams come true. After you have become deeply relaxed, and followed along with some very relaxing exercises, or just allowed your mind to drift and wander while you relax your way into a long, sound, comfortable sleep, or have prepared yourself for a nice relaxing nap, letting your subconscious mind do all of the work for you, some of the suggestions will repeat themselves to lay the foundation for the wonderful positive changes you would like to make, and then my kind, gentle, relaxing, and soothing female voice will guide you gently down into a deep, refreshing, restorative sleep where the best dreams happen. I’m wishing you a happy holiday season, and unlimited peace, prosperity, love, luck, joy, and happiness in this coming new year.
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