Tag Archives: Over

Get Over Being Dumped – The Positive Way

Your partner decided to let you go and you’re all alone. You feel abandoned, lost, and heart broken. You’re in a terrible position where happiness seems impossible to reach. What choices do you have? How do you get yourself out of this emotional mess? You need to see the separation from you’re partner as a “blessing”. Maybe he/she just wasn’t the one for you? Losing you’re partner might be the right thing for you, you just don’t know.

Picture You’re Previous Relationship

Was you’re ex-partner really the right match for you? Really ask yourself this question. You may have been having the time of you’re life with your ex but maybe he wasn’t really the right one for you. Don’t think that he is the only one for you and you will never find someone like him/her again. Was the relationship you had together really that great? Could you have captured somebody better than you’re ex? You’re relationship with your ex might have been great but there are other men/women available that you haven’t met yet. Your ex left you but it’s not the end of the world. There is someone better out there waiting for you!

The Emotions You Are Feeling

The emotions your going through after getting dumped are truly terrible. You must not let these emotions take control over you. The confusion, anger, sadness, you’re experiencing is totally normal but you must switch them around. Once again I have to tell you that you need to see your break up in a positive light. See you’re anger and sadness as tools for motivation. “I loved him but he doesn’t love me”. “Why did he leave me?”. Don”t you know that I love you?”. You might have loved them but obviously they didn’t feel the same for you so they let you go. Take all the negative energy that you got from you’re ex and turn them into positive realizations. He/she left you because you weren’t a compatible match together. Let this be a positive sign to you helping you realize that you weren’t with the right mate.

I’m Over Him/Her

Once you’ve accepted the fact that you got dumped your automatically set in a whole new playing field. You should be free of the thoughts of you’re ex by now. Keep in mind that you’re past partner wasn’t the right one for you and that you are lucky that he dumped you. You deserve better. Keep yourself in high spirits by occupying you’re mind. Stay busy as much as possible by doing activities that you enjoy the most. I suggest not going to places that you have spent with you’re previous partner. Instead go to places that you haven’t socialized yet to meet new people. Spoil yourself to the point where if someone even mentions the name of you’re ex it wouldn’t even ring a bell because of all the fun your having.

Why Did I Get Dumped?

If you have a day off spend that time alone. I recommend going somewhere where you are totally alone and have the ability to relax and feel comfortable. Now, when you are sitting down I want you to remember the events that lead to you’re break up. Who was wrong in the relationship? What did I do or what did my ex do to cause our separation? Ask yourself this and come up with the most honest answer as possible. Don’t deny anything. You need to analyze every moment that you and you’re ex spent together and see what mistakes you committed. Remember, answer them honestly. Whatever answers you come up with will benefit you’re future relationship knowing the mistakes you made in the past. Really take you’re time in doing this. It will come in handy so much in you’re net relationship.

“Sorry, But I Just Can’t Get Over My Ex”

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Mindset Over Matter

Anyone who is in business for themselves starts every day with a list of problems to be solved. If it’s not problems, it’s projects that need to get done on the task list that never ends. Sometimes it’s easy to become overwhelmed and frustrated by a seemingly endless list of things that demand your personal and immediate attention. When overwhelm takes place, it’s easy to think about maybe just giving up – throwing in the towel and calling it quits. Unfortunately, some small business people actually take that drastic step. They shut the doors, shutter the windows and walk away, back to their corporate cubicle that they don’t really like anyway.

The truth is that this endless list of things that needs to be accomplished is really your freedom. Nobody makes the self-employed entrepreneur do anything. One of the joys of being your own boss is the ability to control your own schedule, and to determine how your most precious resource-time freedom-will be spent. Instead of shirking away from the list and complaining about its length and complexity, the self-employed entrepreneur should embrace it, as the template for personal freedom.

This is where the topic of mindset comes into play. Mindset is simply how we tend to think about things. And think is the operative word there. Nobody forces your mindset on you. You can change your mindset of your own free will, turn it from negative to positive in an instant. It’s purely a matter of focus, and perspective.

The key is to continually reaffirm to yourself the reasons you do what you do, and why you do it. By focusing your mindset on the positive aspects your life, it will improve automatically. The difference between having a miserable day and having an outstanding day is simply a matter of mindset-of conscious thought and free will.

The lesson here is not to be overwhelmed. The lesson is also not to get frustrated to the point where you feel as though you are a prisoner of your own creation. The matters that you address on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis are the very things that enable you to be free. By the way, if you work for another company, maybe it’s time to think about an alternative. Because if you are an employee, your daily task list is not your own. You’re at the mercy of someone else.

Remember-it’s mindset over matter. You are whoever you want to be.

David Allinson is the president and owner of Allinson Master Marketing Inc. David is an online business and lifestyle coach. He specializes in both online and offline marketing for the MLM, direct sales, and network marketing industries. He actively promotes and teaches others the value and benefit of Attraction Marketing – which simply put, means – be the “wizard”, and give without want while being the leader people are seeking and they will ultimately flock to you and your opportunity!

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