Tag Archives: Parenting

How to Use the Yogi Approach to Positive Parenting

Being a Mom is hard. Learning the best way to parent your child is difficult and requires patience, understanding, and a support system. Yogi parenting is an approach to positive parenting that gives you an opportunity to allow your child to make mistakes and learn lessons. The yogi parenting approach applies yoga techniques to parenting in an effort to provide a nurturing environment for your child.

There are many different techniques to try; you have to find what fits for your partner and yourself. Parenting books can provide different ideas and examples of what to do. Couples often have difficulty deciding the proper way to react to situations. This summer, take a deep breath and try a new style of parenting.

Yoga techniques can help you remain calm and stress free in situations with your child and it can be useful when disciplining your child. Come up with a system that encourages your child to do the right thing and then reinforce that behavior. Act in the present and ask them why they acted in that manner. Create an open, honest environment where it is alright to make mistakes and try new things.

If you child does something wrong show them they can talk to you without angry. Support their growth and development. Your child is learning right and wrong and through those experiences are developing their own personality. Set a good example by focusing on what they do right during the day. Open up dinner conversations to discuss one good and bad behavior that happened during the day. Give them choices and so they feel powerful as well. As you start to focus on the super things they do, you will stop noticing the negative.

Remember to be patient, stay calm, and most importantly, breath. It’s easy to overreact, but overreacting is not the best way to end problem behavior. Next time your child throws a tantrum, relax, take a deep breath, and act how you would want them to act. Following the yogi parenting method, reinforcement can be giving them a couple extra minutes of play time before dinner or letting her watch their favorite movie. Just remember to stay consistent with your parenting.

As parents, you learn as you go along. Find what fits for your family. Yogi parenting is one approach to positive parenting that may work for your family.


Maggie Fairchild is a writer for My Mommy Manual, a website that connects new and expecting moms with practical and inspired tips. Visit My Mommy Manual for more tips on buying a crib for baby as well as great parenting advice.

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Positive Parenting Technique Number 1 – Speak Your Child’s Language

By learning to speak your child’s “language,” you begin to apply a powerful positive parenting technique that significantly improves both your relationship and influence with them.

Let’s explore two situations that can happen when you “speak” a different behavioral language than your child.

If you are fast paced and energetic and your child is not, they may seem to move and speak so slowly that it nearly drives you nuts.

Likewise, if you are more contemplative and slower paced and your child is fast and energetic, their energy, volume, and pace might exhaust and frustrate you.

If either of these situations describes your relationship with your child, the frustration and disconnect you feel may be because you and your child have completely different behavioral styles.

The examples above reference some common frustrations that happen when parents and children have different “motor” drives. A difference in motor drives between parent and child can create a pace, volume, and intensity mismatch between them that causes real stress and frustration in the relationship.

Another common difference can occur between “compass” drives. Some people are naturally very task-oriented. They tend to look at every situation as a task to accomplish. Other people are very people-oriented. They tend to evaluate every event based on how relationships are affected. Most people have a blend of these two perspectives, and will still tend to lean a bit more one way than the other.

Both perspectives are perfectly normal and natural. Neither one is better or worse than the other. However, when two people in a relationship have significantly different tendencies in this area, conflict can erupt.

For example, task oriented parents with people oriented children may come across as too harsh or rigid to their children. Similarly, people oriented parents with task oriented children may frustrate their children because they (the parents) act “too silly.”

The types of conflicts and misunderstandings that come from these differences are many and varied.

To minimize these conflicts and build a better relationship with your child, learn to understand and speak their behavioral “language.” The DISC model of human behavior is a powerful tool to help you develop this understanding and skill.

Study the model. Consider taking assessments so that you can objectively identify the differences and similarities you have with your child. If you will dig into understanding your child and speaking their language, you will be applying one of the most powerful positive parenting techniques at your disposal – the “technique” of love and understanding.

With his wife Sandra, Guy Harris co-created a positive parenting program called The Behavior Bucks System. Guy and Sandra Harris are both Human Behavioral Consultants and parents.

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Positive Parenting Tips: You Won’t Believe This Positive Parenting Tip!

Are you in need of positive parenting tips?  Are you having trouble with your children, and you are beginning to believe that nothing will help you?  Read along to see how this one tip can help change your life!

Before we get to the positive parenting tip that we believe will change your life, let us first identify the three main reasons why children act out, to see if this tip would apply or not!

The first reason a child will act out is because they don’t understand something.  Sometimes when a child doesn’t understand what is going on, or what is expected of them in a situation, they may, for a variety of reasons, act out.  For some reason, they don’t feel comfortable communicating what it is they don’t understand, or they may be just too young to be able to effectively communicate to you what the problem is.  In any case, it is good to keep this in mind when dealing with children, especially if they are very young.

The second reason a child will act out is if they need something.  This could pertain to something that they actually want, but it may very well be about some basic need.  They may be hungry, thirsty, cold, or too hot.  The same rule applies here.  The younger the child, the more difficult they may find it to let you know exactly what is going on with them.

This leads us to the final reason, and the positive parenting tip that has already been hyped.  A child will act out when they are afraid.  On the surface, this makes sense, and it may seem to not mean that much.  However, we need to take a deeper look at this potentially serious problem.

When a child is fearful, their stress levels go up.  When this happens, extra cortisol is sent to the brain, and they become disoriented.  This causes them to act out even more.  There are two very important reasons that we need to be careful about this scenario!

First of all, it has been proven that almost all regularly practiced forms of child discipline that parents use, cause increases of fear in children.  This includes yelling and screaming, punishing, belittling, lecturing, and much more.  Even using rewards causes fear because children become fearful of not being able to complete the task in which they would get the reward for.

The second major thing to note is that long term effects of increased exposure to extra cortisol causes teenage delinquency and sociopathic behaviors.  So it is ever so important, if you use the most commonly practiced discipline techniques, that you consider learning, and trying new methods.

To get information that will help you focus on the roots of bad behavior in order to make a deep and lasting change, visit this site, or go to positive parenting tips to learn more helpful ways to deal with your children.

If you liked this article, go to my blog, at positive parenting tips for u, to read more and to get more helpful links.  No matter what you decide to do, now that you are moving in the right direction, hopefully you will keep going until you find the solutions that work for you.  Good luck, and God Bless!

For lots of great ideas about how to be a more effective parent, visit positive parenting tips to get help with your family situation. There you can find lots of positive parenting tips.

Register Here and Receive This FREE Report-“Respect & Cooperation with Children” to get you going in the Right Direction!

Paul Donahue has been a parent for over twenty years, and shares with you many of the positive parenting tips that have worked for him, as well as some things that haven’t. No matter the age of your children, there’s always a chance to turn things around. Don’t put off the chance to start over.

If you liked this article, you can read more at my blog at parent effectivness training!

If you need any further assistance, or would like to share some of your story with me, please e-mail me at prdgloballlc@gmail.com.


You can also click on my picture and go to my profile page to get more resources!


No matter what you try, just remember to be consistent, and persistent, and you will, day by day, reach your goal of gaining control of your household. Now that you have started to do the footwork, don’t stop until you’ve found what works for you. Thanks for taking the time to read my article and profile. Good luck, and God Bless!

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Positive Parenting

You may not realize it but one of the best things that you can contribute to your childrens personality is by creating your own positive parenting method. This would be very useful and helpful for you especially if you have kids ageing from 4-12 year of age. Though no matter what age your children are such a plan can still be useful and effective for you.

Positive parenting would definitely be a great help for you and your family in organizing and in living harmoniously, you may not realize it but children crave for organizing or structure. You may very well observe that in unstructured kind of environment they totally would be chaotic, however once you put some standards and rules for them to follow; they eventually learn how to adapt with it instantly.

Organizing and structuring makes your entire entire family member establish stronger and better relationship towards one another, quarrelling and petty squabbling can be prevented or reduced as well.

Here are some positive parenting structures that might be applicable for your family:

Individualized parenting plan can help you with your parenting skills area; children usually pass through all sorts of challenges and problems in life. Such problems could cause you also to worry about their behavior in reaction to the kind of challenge or problem that they encounter. So, before you butt in and inject your kind of parenting tools might as well correct some unwanted attitudes while teaching your child learn the lesson in a bit light and comfortable way.

Having a positive parenting strategy on hand, itll make your child feel more secure. On the other hand youll have also a better idea on how to deal with your kids when faced by behavioral problems.

Misunderstanding would be reduced; it may not be totally eradicated within your family as we all have our own individual differences. However, with positive parenting put into play the effect would be lesser unfinished chores, lesser conflicts and quarrelling, lesser frustration for the entire family as well. Positive parenting will put your entire family into proper perspective, giving place for understanding and have better and clear expectations and standards towards each other, building a happy and healthy relationship in your family.

With these suggested strategies, you may find it useful for you. However, the way you are going to train and raise your kids would entirely lie in your hand. After all it is you who knows what kind of individual each one of them, some parenting strategies may apply to some of your kids, while some may not. It is therefore essential that youll learn to adjust and modify your parenting plan from time to time but maintaining that certain bond among your children and your family as a whole.

To read more interesting articles on pregnancy, baby care and parenting, visit http://myparentingguide.com. Do not forget to check out the articles on parenting skills & parenting styles.

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