Tag Archives: Positive

Get Over Being Dumped – The Positive Way

Your partner decided to let you go and you’re all alone. You feel abandoned, lost, and heart broken. You’re in a terrible position where happiness seems impossible to reach. What choices do you have? How do you get yourself out of this emotional mess? You need to see the separation from you’re partner as a “blessing”. Maybe he/she just wasn’t the one for you? Losing you’re partner might be the right thing for you, you just don’t know.

Picture You’re Previous Relationship

Was you’re ex-partner really the right match for you? Really ask yourself this question. You may have been having the time of you’re life with your ex but maybe he wasn’t really the right one for you. Don’t think that he is the only one for you and you will never find someone like him/her again. Was the relationship you had together really that great? Could you have captured somebody better than you’re ex? You’re relationship with your ex might have been great but there are other men/women available that you haven’t met yet. Your ex left you but it’s not the end of the world. There is someone better out there waiting for you!

The Emotions You Are Feeling

The emotions your going through after getting dumped are truly terrible. You must not let these emotions take control over you. The confusion, anger, sadness, you’re experiencing is totally normal but you must switch them around. Once again I have to tell you that you need to see your break up in a positive light. See you’re anger and sadness as tools for motivation. “I loved him but he doesn’t love me”. “Why did he leave me?”. Don”t you know that I love you?”. You might have loved them but obviously they didn’t feel the same for you so they let you go. Take all the negative energy that you got from you’re ex and turn them into positive realizations. He/she left you because you weren’t a compatible match together. Let this be a positive sign to you helping you realize that you weren’t with the right mate.

I’m Over Him/Her

Once you’ve accepted the fact that you got dumped your automatically set in a whole new playing field. You should be free of the thoughts of you’re ex by now. Keep in mind that you’re past partner wasn’t the right one for you and that you are lucky that he dumped you. You deserve better. Keep yourself in high spirits by occupying you’re mind. Stay busy as much as possible by doing activities that you enjoy the most. I suggest not going to places that you have spent with you’re previous partner. Instead go to places that you haven’t socialized yet to meet new people. Spoil yourself to the point where if someone even mentions the name of you’re ex it wouldn’t even ring a bell because of all the fun your having.

Why Did I Get Dumped?

If you have a day off spend that time alone. I recommend going somewhere where you are totally alone and have the ability to relax and feel comfortable. Now, when you are sitting down I want you to remember the events that lead to you’re break up. Who was wrong in the relationship? What did I do or what did my ex do to cause our separation? Ask yourself this and come up with the most honest answer as possible. Don’t deny anything. You need to analyze every moment that you and you’re ex spent together and see what mistakes you committed. Remember, answer them honestly. Whatever answers you come up with will benefit you’re future relationship knowing the mistakes you made in the past. Really take you’re time in doing this. It will come in handy so much in you’re net relationship.

“Sorry, But I Just Can’t Get Over My Ex”

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Daily Positive Affirmations change things for the better

Our lives have been influenced by whay we say to ourselves because our thought and behaviour are not just a product of our conscious mind but also of our subconscious. As a result, daily positive affirmations are said to change those negative thoughts into positive ones and start making a change for the better.


Because it changes the way you see things and the way you deal with life, daily positive affirmations are not just beneficial for yourself but also to people that you deal with everyday. Daily positive affirmations are done by talking and communicating to yourself positive things that you want to inculcate into your subconscious.


If for example as a child you are being told repeatedly that you are stupid or dull, it would, in the end, affect the way you think about yourself, your behavior, and you lose confidence in yourself. You may even unconsciously reinforce the idea in your subconscious by telling yourself how stupid you are every time you are not doing something right.


If you are bombarded constantly with negative statements, you also tend to feel tired, with low energy, and you end up always in doubt. Truly, by changing the way we think, we can do better and we can strive to reach our goals, and be happy with life, and having daily positive affirmations is a great tool in doing this.


In making positive affirmations, you have to create positive sentences that you will tell yourself everyday – either mentally or saying it aloud. Saying it aloud is seen to be more effective as it can be clearer when heard. These short sentences are formulated in a positive way and make sure you are not using negative words.


Say, if you want to lose weight and you want to retrain your mind to getting into shape, you tell yourself ‘I choose to be slim, attractive and healthy’ and not ‘I am not fat.’ The mention of ‘fat’ may bring in negative thoughts into your mind, and of course, you might not even want to hear the word. Also make statements as if they are already happening and true. Instead of telling yourself, ‘I want lots of money,’ go tell yourself, ‘I can see more money coming to me’.


In making sure you are drafting good statements for your daily positive affirmations, you can find many resources online on how to make your own affirmations. You can even find some CDs and videos of positive affirmations that you just have to watch everyday.


Another technique in retraining your mind fast is by the use of subliminal messages. Unlike positive affirmations, these messages are not grasp by your conscious mind but reaches out directly to your subconscious. These messages are often embedded in mediums like videos or photos, and are even found in movies and ads. Although these messages are not readily grasped by the conscious mind, they too can affect the way people act and behave. When put into good use, positive subliminal messages can be a good tool in changing the negative thoughts your have to positive ones.


Carolyn Anderson practices positive affirmations to help her live a positive life. If you are interested in subliminal messages, check out this Subliminal Power. Also check out Brain Bullet, a software that flashes positive affirmations on your screen.

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Self Esteem – How to Use Powerful Positive Passionate Thoughts

Is thinking that you can create the life you want simply by your thoughts just metaphysical mumbo jumbo? If one can truly create real happiness just by thought then why aren’t more people happy?

Let’s consider the two sides of this particular coin.

Here are some self limiting, negative, sorrow inducing thoughts, statements, ideas that are often taught to our children:

– You’ll be sorry later.

– Life is full of disappointments.

– You can’t always win.

– You can’t always be happy.

– You’ll just have to learn to live with it.

– One person can’t make a difference.

– Money doesn’t grow on trees.

– There is not enough for everyone.

Here are some powerful, positive, passionate thoughts, statements, ideas that can be taught to our children:

– No need to be fearful, you are a magnificent person.

– Life is wonderous and full of excitement.

– You can be, have or do anything you want.

– If you choose to be happy then you will be happy.

– Live with purpose, live your best life.

– Having money allows you to serve others, attract lots of money.

– God (the universe) provides lavishly for you and all humanity.

With the first set of thoughts what kind of family, community, country do you think this child will create as he reaches adulthood? Looking at the second set of thoughts what kind of family, community, country do you think this particular child will create?

The first child might find himself living in a world filled with kids taking guns to school, teachers afraid to teach, countries at war, rampid disease, poor living conditions. The second child would not, his world would reflect peace, a sense of purpose, that making a difference in all aspects of his life matters. His sense of well being would bring him prosperity.

Examine your beliefs closely. Do you fall into group 1 or group 2 or maybe a combination of the two. What does your life reflect right now? Is it a match to the reoccurring thoughts you have daily? The secret, often unshared thoughts that live in your soul, the ones that make up who you think you are.

If you want to have a powerful, positive, passionate life, then why not focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Your thoughts are the most powerful thing you own, pass them on. It can make a great inheritance for your children

As the saying goes ” A man is only as happy as he makes up his mind to be.”

Copyright (c) 2007 Priscilla Parham

Become part of something that is sweeping the world with inspiration. You’ll find jokes, free audio affirmations and other secret tools to download at www.LiveTheSecret.us

. Priscilla Parham coaches on awareness and goal setting for your health, your business and your relationships motivating change from the inside-out.

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Long Term Benefits of Positive Reinforcement vs Negative Reinforcement

Long Term Benefits of Positive Reinforcement vs Negative Reinforcement by J. Richard Kirkham

Over the years of tutoring students with behavior challenges, I’ve noticed a pattern of negative reinforcement by both parents and teachers in an attempt to diminish or stop such behaviors.

Let’s review some basic behavioral reactions from all human beings. This includes both adults and children since these are basic behaviors.

Children and adults avoid negative stimuli.

This includes but is not inclusive to spankings, getting yelled at by the boss, or even disapproving looks.

Children and adults attempt to receive positive stimuli

This includes but is not inclusive to hugs, getting complemented by the boss, or even approving looks.

In the absence of any stimuli children and adults will attempt to create situation wherein responses by authority figures or peers is motivated.

In most cases I’ve witnessed in both children and adults the activity to promote this stimuli tends to be in the form of a negative behavior issue. Again, this applies to both children and adults from throwing paper airplanes to antics at the water cooler at the office.

Why are these behaviors primarily negative?

Let’s consider the way we were raised.

I’ve actually had successful, intelligent parents tell me and I quote one person

“My wife and I don’t believe in rewarding expected behavior.”

What do you believe my former student will do when he/she feels a need for attention? Do well on a test? No, that’s expected. As is behaving in class, in public and basically acting in an appropriate manner in all situations.

I’ve seen the same attitude in over 75% of the parents who hired me to consult with them over email or tutor their child and it’s not the parents fault. Most parents don’t have a background in teaching, counseling or psychology They raise their children, in most cases, the way they were raised. Getting the occasional tip from another parent or television. If the technique the parent uses even temporarily hinders a behavior. They feel successful.

For the most part, if the child has no extreme behaviors, the parents techniques raise a socially acceptable child with average goals in life, but at what loss of potential?

Let’s look inside the mind of a child through adulthood.

Let’s presume he/she has average self-trained parents who understand the benefits of positive reinforcement, but are, for the most part unsure how to execute it and therefore is sporadic at best.

Here’s a scenario;

John gets an A on his test. Parents praise him.

The next class John tries hard though he gets a D. Parents admonish him.

John gets another D in the same class. Parents ground him

John gets yet another D parents take away his hand held gamer

John stops trying in the class

John resorts to acting out for attention in that class

As his peers grow accustom to his behaviors John escalates them in order to receive the same amount of attention.

The parents finally have a meeting with the teacher of that class to find out why John gets into trouble in that class.

This can escalate further but generally doesn’t. Do you now understand, however, why we act out in a negative manner in order to get attention. We keep the traits in us which are reinforced whether this reinforcement consists of negative or positive stimuli.

Let’s now examine some parents who, through classes study or perhaps even buying my book (were they the one’s) understand the importance of consistent positive reinforcement.

John gets a D on his test

A compliment is followed by constructive questions

John changes his study habits

John still gets a D

The parents hit a heavy bag, power-walk and release their stress in constructive ways.

A compliment is followed by constructive questions

The parents have a meeting with John’s teacher for the class.

The teacher works with John.

John probably does better on the next test.

Regardless of the results John still has his support group and is not alone. Which means I probably won’t get the “you’re my last hope” call.

Let’s carry both these scenarios into adulthood

Primarily Negative Stimuli

John graduated high school with B’s and C’s He’s working at a grocery store. He bags groceries and is a hard worker. He does what he’s told at work because he doesn’t want to get into trouble. He shows up to work regularly and has had a few raises.

Scenario with primarily positive reinforcement

John graduated high school with A’s and B’s. He started out bagging groceries. John knew he could do better than that. He worked hard utilizing the same positive reinforcement techniques his parents had utilized with him to improve his self-confidence. The customers, coworkers, and management appreciated his positive attitude and hard work. John asked questions and was not afraid to try or suggest new ways of performing daily tasks at work.

He’s now the manager of the grocery store with a very busy schedule as he is taking college courses in the evening.


Though John’s character is fictional, the results are not. Self-confidence and a lack of fear to attempt to achieve tasks without negative reprisals due to temporary lack of achievement is a must for the building blocks for both leadership and innovation. Without consistent positive reinforcement the child’s chances of realizing this self-confidence to perserveer and to develop and initiate new ideas and methodology is greatly restricted.

Let me conclude with a quote from my book

“Do you want your child to want to do the right thing or be afraid to do the wrong thing?

About the Author

J. Richard Kirkham is a dual certified teacher and martial arts instructor. He has expertise in alternative teaching methods and positive reinforcement methodology. He’s written several books in the printable electronic format and has made downloadable videos and DVDs. One of his books he put his heart and soul into is “Tutoring and Positive Reinforcement Techniques and Methodology for all Parents and Teachers” formerly titled “Raising Your Child to be More Positive and More Confident” Feel free to visit Mr. Kirkham’s website at KirkhamsEbooks.com or you may email him at help@kirkhamsebooks.com

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Inner Peace – How to Stay Positive When Dealing With Negative People

You may have limited control over your circumstance but you can have total control over your emotional response to your circumstance. In this article you are going to learn two things that you can do to have total control over your emotions and have a positive response in a negative situation every time. The two steps are 1) Identify your triggers and 2) Replace your negative thoughts with positive actions.

Step #1: Identify Your Triggers

1. Keep a journal of all of the things that ticks you off for a week

2. Each time that you are ticked off, ask yourself “Why do I react negatively to this situation?” “What is it about this particular situation that gets to me in this way?”Write down your thoughts in numerical sequence in your journal.

3. At the end of the week, review your journal and identify what you were thinking each time that you felt ticked off.

Step #2: Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Action

1. Now that you are able to identify the reasons why certain people and situations ticks you off, your next step is to write out several positive ways that you can respond to each of the items that you listed in your journal that ticks you off.

2. Practice role-playing with a partner. Pretend that you are in a particular situations or you are in the presence of the type of person that ticks you off.

3. You should practice until you are comfortable responding positively to the negative situation so that when you encounter a negative situation you are not triggered to respond with negative actions.

The way that you are going to maintain a state of inner peace is by not being stressed out. You have to learn how to be positive and stay calm in situations that are negative. At the end of this exercise, you will be able to take positive actions the next time that you encounter negative people and negative situation because you will not be taken off guard. You will not respond based on your emotional state at the time of the negative event because you will be prepared to recognize your triggers and you will be well rehearsed on how to take positive actions when you are faced in your trigger situations.

Antionette Tate enjoys helping people to discover their inner peace and joy.

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Stay Positive in Time of Recession – Not Easy, But Possible

How to stay positive in time of recession can be tricky if you do not take same careful steps. The global economy is really struggling, and there is no doubt that many people will be going through some very tough times. Pretty much everyone has felt the effects of the recent recession, and financial issues have impacted the entire world. It seems like a lot of things are falling apart, but it is not all bad. If you are trying to keep things positive, there are a few good ideas that can help you stay on the right track.

As a professional, it is important to know how to stay positive in time of recession. Without some resilience and careful action, you could end up in a bad situation. There are some smart moves that will help you keep your job or find a new one should things go south. Try to start by researching your industry field. See what the trends are. Does it look like there is room for growth, or are massive layoffs affecting most businesses in that sector? This will tip you off as to how long you will last at your current job. Stay positive by evaluating your expertise and skill set. Think about all the qualifications you have that make you special for potential employers. Putting together an updated resume is good so you are ready to show off your talents and capabilities at any given point in time.

When you think about how to stay positive in time of recession, remember that others out there are going through the same problems. There are also others out there who may have just the solution you need for professional advancement. Stay flexible and try to network as much as possible. By networking you can learn of interesting job opportunities as well as ways to save money. Talking to people about what they do to get by can give you ideas too. Speak with a mentor or a friend to get some connections.

Finally, always keep your head up and stay focused on the brighter future that will eventually come. You are not the only one struggling with all the negativity in today’s economy. You may not know exactly how to stay positive in time of recession, but if you follow these simple guidelines you will have a better chance of staying afloat amidst this sea of negativity. As always, careful planning and solid effort will prevail.


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Tips on Staying Positive in a Stressful Life

In today modern world, technology plays a very important role. It has many side effects. However, the reverse is also true. Technologies allow us to work smarter, faster and more efficiently. However, the downside is that we can get carried away by advanced technologies. We sometimes try to cram too many things in our life. Hence, creating stress and anxiety that may get the better of us.

Stay Positive And Take Care of Yourself

In today fast paced world, everyone needs to work extra hard to keep up with the demands. However, do not get carried away by your work. Your career is important but our health is the most precious thing in life. You need to be healthy in order to be productive in your work. Without health, everything will crumble!

You may feel like you should always be doing something productive. However, taking care of yourself is ultimately the most productive thing you can do. When you have given yourself proper rest and permission to do whatever you want once in awhile, you will be better able to focus great efforts on the other things in your life that matter.

Exercise Regularly To Beat Stress

Exercise can help to beat stress. You don’t need to go to gym to have a good and effective exercise. You can just walk in the park and enjoy the surrounding fresh air for 30 minutes. You can do this after a dinner. If you eat out after work, take a walk home if possible.

I know that we all have a very busy work schedule these days. But we can’t ignore exercise because our body needs it. You will feel a lot more healthy and more productive at work if you exercise regularly.

People who make time for regular exercise will have lower stress levels. Also, remember to give yourself a proper amount of time for rest. Get 6-8 hours of sleep at night and avoid the temptation to stay up doing something else with that time.

Self Reflection

Self reflection is very important in life. It allows us to have a better perspective in life. “Mind Over Matter”; perhaps you have heard about this phrase before. It is a very powerful statement! The mind is a very powerful thing; “What the mind can conceive; it can achieve”. If you think positive, you will feel and act positive! Surrround yourself with positive people and stay away from negative people!

When you reflect on your life, you can concentrate on the meaning of it all. You will be more likely to truly enjoy your journey. It is so easy to let life pass you by if you don’t take some time to reflect.

Learn To Deal with Stress Naturally

Whether you like it or not, stress is part of our lives! You will experience stress from time to time during your daily routine, it is very normal. However, what is important here is your ability to monitor the amount of stress that you are experiencing and prevent it to overwhelm your life. If you allows too much stress to creep into you, it can cripple and destroy you!

Therefore, it is very important that you learn how to deal with stress effectively. Do what you can to relieve your stress in a healthy way. Avoid using prescription medication or drugs. Focus on the natural stuff like taking up a yoga or meditation course. Work on relaxation and breathing techniques. As long as you are doing something to relieve your stress naturally, you will be able to jump back into your fast paced life with a positive attitude.

If you use and apply the tips that we have just shared with you, you will be able find calmness in life and keep stress at bay.

How to overcome financial stress? Learn how to make passive income to improve your finance. Visit this site CB Traffic Warrior for more information. You should also check out this site: Dominating Video Review.

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How to Stay Positive While Looking For a Job

Back in March of this year I joined the millions of people out there looking for a job. If you are also part of the millions of people looking for work then you know that it is brutal out there and keeping your head up is not easy.

For me personally, I had never been laid off from a job before, never applied for unemployment, nor have I ever been unemployed for longer than 3 weeks. Being without a job has made me crazy! I hate not having the money I am used to, I hate having to count on my husband to help me out, and I am a far cry from a housewife. I can tell you first hand that it is really hard sometimes for me to keep it together. With that said, I know I am not alone, so I thought I would share some of the things I tell myself in order to stay positive. Hopefully, they will help some of you in the same boat.


This is the main theme of today’s blog post. I know sometimes it can feel like you are but just turn on the news and you will know it is not just you. When you feel like it is just take a minute to be grateful for what you do have – whatever that may be. Talk to your family and friends, they are your support system. Be thankful that you have them and that there is someone on your side.


Again, just a reminder that you are not alone. There are millions of people looking for work. Some are more qualified than you, some are less, some have college degrees, some don’t. Companies are doing their best to stay afloat just as you are. So when you don’t get that job, don’t take it personal, just keep truckin’ – your time will come.


After sending out hundres of resumes and getting no call back or turned down, it is safe to say that your ego is going to take a hit. Don’t let it get to you. Know who you are and know what you are worth and be confident in that. Remember again that you are not alone and plenty of people feel just like you. Also remember, if you start to doubt yourself it will start to show and that is the last thing you want to show any recruiter. Be confident, you are fabulous and it is only a matter of time before the right position comes along.


This is a lesson I learned from my mother in law. I wish she was here today because she would be proud that I really did listen to her. When I was down in the dumps about anything she would always tell me that nothing is forever. As impatient as I am, I know she is right. Be patient, this is just a temporary set back and with time this too shall pass.


This is a great way to get your feelings out. I am sure there are going to be times that you are not going to want to share everything you are feeling for whatever reason. For me, I have a pride problem. I try not to let people know I am feeling vulnerable. I don’t like people to see me as “weak”. My mother always told me to put up a strong front and cry in private. This does not work for everyone but if you are a more private person then this is definitely the way to go. And once you get a job you can throw it out as a way to symbolically throw away your worries.


I just learned that this can happen! I really like to consider myself some sort of superhero. Don’s ask me why because it really does add a lot of undue pressure. But going on so many interviews and getting turned down so many times can get you thinking that there is something wrong with you. And I am starting to notice that sometimes I am starting to notice that I am becoming just as insecure in other aspects of my life. This is very out of character for me. I am lucky enough to have the greatest husband in the world and the best family and friends I could ever ask for – it is not their fault that this happened to me and if anyone is on my side it is definitely them. Make sure you don’t forget that about your own family and friends and partners or spouses. They are on your team!


Volunteer work is great for 3 reasons; it gets you out of the house, it is very fulfilling and it keeps your skills sharp. Check with your local church or your town hall, check places like YMCA or Boys and Girls Club, go to your local hospital or soup kitchen. I don’t think there is anything more fulfilling then being able to help someone in the simplest of ways. You will be amazed at how good you feel afterward.

I hope this is helpful for everyone. Just writing it has made me feel better. If you have some advice that I may have missed please feel free to drop me a line or comment on this blog – I would love to hear from you!


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Advance Your Attitude to Positive For Your Awesome Life!

Your attitude will determine your future. It sounds simple, but it’s harder to do. When you turn on the television, read the newspaper there’s negativity being broadcast, so it’s easy to ‘tune in’ to that type of thinking. BUT you have a choice. Advance and aim for an awesome life…or not. The Choice is yours.

If you want to have a fun and exciting life…you just do as Nike says…”Just do it!” I had to learn how to ‘do it’ and now I teach others how to create a positive attitude 24/7.

Your past has created who you are today. It’s been based on the decisions that you’ve made and for most people some have been good and some ‘not so good’. It’s the choices you’ve made and you learn more from the ‘not so good’ decision’s you’ve made. You’ve had some failures and some successes and that’s okay because that’s what life is about… creating steeping stones to your future. The key now to your future success is to release your past, and move onto your future.

Often you’ve had experiences, which I call ‘critical turning points’ in your life. This is where you’ve had a ‘situation’ that becomes a turning point for major decisions about your future. If you’ve had a major health scare, it may be that you’ve got to change your diet dramatically and exercise regularly.

Statistics worldwide prove that greater health is maintained by regular exercise. It’s not an old wives tale and unfortunately our younger generation is having major health challenges, firstly with their diet and also their exercise. Most baby boomers (like me) walked, or biked or some people like my mother, rode a horse to school. So we exercised regularly. Today many children are transported to school in a parent’s vehicle or the bus, so the early morning exercise is non-existent. This includes adults as well as we’ve become couch potatoes who watch television, use the remote to change the channel, sit at the computer and generally do not get as much exercise as previous generations. I’m sure there are not many people who spend time digging the vegetable garden anymore! Congratulations to those who do.

If you think of our top sportspeople, we admire them and they are skilled because they practice their sport. You have to learn how and then practise to have a positive attitude. That’s where my Attitude training and these tips can help you.

So…. if you’re feeling sluggish and not enjoying life as much as you’d like, here’s seven steps to help you.

Step Two – FIND A TYPE OF EXERCISE THAT SUITS YOU – walking is great!!
Step Three – Write in your diary 3 or 4 times a week as “make you beautiful” time.
Step Four – Write out the attitude poem below and read it regularly.
Step Five – Get a health check if necessary.
Step Six – Write yourself an affirmation. Eg: I am exercising and my body is trim and taut. With an affirmation you write it as if it has happened and repeat it 2/3 times per day.
Step Seven – Get your gear on….and ….JUST DO IT!

A great New Zealand Motivational speaker Tony Christianson always inspires me. He’s from Tauranga and was a ‘mystery’ speaker at the National Speakers Conferences in USA a couple of years ago. Tony had a sign writing business, has a pilot’s license, black belt in a martial art, was a regular competitor at international sports in a number of fields and his list of accomplishments goes on and on. An autobiography has been written about Tony and when people hear his message they are in awe of him, You would be too. as….Tony lost both his legs in his teens. He’s overcome huge challenges physically and mentally, and it’s Tony’s attitude that’s helped him succeed. Just like this poem.


Attitude is more important that facts. It is more important that the past, than education than money, than circumstances, than failures, than success, than what other people think or say or do.

It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill.

It will make or break a company…a home… a relationship.
The remarkable think is we have a choice, every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for the day.

We cannot change our past.
We cannot change the fact that other people will act in a certain way.
We cannot change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.

I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90 % how I react to it.
-Charles Swindoll

If ever you’re not achieving, it helps to remember people like him and others who support charities and achieve great things and overcome their challenges. They’ve become winners, they’ve had physical challenges but their mental thoughts and attitude have ensured their success.

In a local newsletter I had a little chuckle with some of the new fitness classes that were advertised. I especially like this one “Born Again Bodies” and another was LEGS – Linda’s Easy Going Strollers, for women who have various health challenges.

I walk or jog regularly through a gully with native bush and a 20-foot waterfall in central Auckland. It’s an unknown haven situated behind the grounds of UNITEC. It’s wonderful to hear the birds sing and see the ducks diving in the stream and the dewdrops glistening on the leaves with the morning dew. I try to ensure I’ve ‘sparked’ up each of my senses as these are the ‘real moments’ in life and I stop and take time to breathe them in. This is what makes life ‘special’. What are you doing? If not much, I urge you to go and explore. Seek out these moments during your physical exercise program.

If it’s ‘attitude’ and inspiration and it’s up to you to get your thoughts right and to Advance your Attitude for your Awesome Life!

Janice Davies is ‘The Attitude Specialist’, who teaches people to be positive and empower themselves through attitude training.

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How to Be Positive – Stay Away From Negative People

Today is a good reflection of how far I have come from negative thinking to positive thinking and positive actions. I was coaching a client who is processing her breakdowns in a stuck state, the feeling of confusion whether the forward actions is going to create the result she wanted. It reminded me of how I got a Life Coach to work with me and experience being positive most of the time.

Stay away from negative people

Don’t make the mistake of talking to the wrong people. People who are negative. Either they have had bad experiences because of lack of knowledge or strategies or they have no clarity of their own direction. They do not have positive experiences to share with you. Stay away from them.

The solution is to talk to people who are already successful in doing what you wanted to do. Model after them. Get them to mentor you, or collaborate with them. They will have many success stories to share with you. That would give you more confidence, support and encouragements to move forward.

Get a Life Coach

There is a great difference with talking to a Life Coach or your friend. The positive thinking and the positive energy from a Coach is uplifting. Most of my clients said, I wish the people out there could be as positive as you. The way they talked are “noise” that often held them back from the decision that they want to make. As a result, they become indecisive. It’s through some powerful questions that clients become clear with their thoughts. When clients are sure of what making that decision would give them, e.g. More confidence, more time to have a balance life, better relationships with family and more income, they are open to taking positive actions.

“Noise” are unfounded fears from people who may mean well, thinking that they are protecting you; But they do not know what you really want. It’s based on their own pattern of thinking and their own fear which is projected onto you and is quite often negative. Unknowingly, they operate from fear.

How a Life Coach can help

A Life Coach can certainly help you with the breakthrough from thinking negatively to thinking positively and taking actions that move you towards achieving the outcome you want. This is the support and encouragements that most people need, to have a breakthrough. The positive energy is automatically transferred to you. The confidence is projected onto you. These comes from having experienced that journey.

Get free tips from http://www.mindset-coaching.com and free downloads of her E-Book.

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