Tag Archives: Positive

Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain – Dealing With the Pain in a Positive Manner

Many people who live with rheumatoid arthritis are faced with repeated or ongoing discomfort each and every day. Since you may not be able to avoid being uncomfortable, you can still learn to manage the situation. Being well educated about rheumatoid arthritis pain will help you to maintain better life control and help you to learn to live “well” in spite of this diagnosis.

There are many various types of rheumatoid arthritis pain, so let’s look at a few.

* Severe pain from inflammation.

* Pain from joint damage – joints may become damaged over time and can cause acute misery

* Pain exacerbation – living with prolonged discomfort, you can easily get worn out and stressed. The actual physical irritation you may feel can certainly be made worse by your emotional condition.

Many people with this kind of condition will eventually experience all of these types of pain. These can become more critical and complicated that will require an overall treatment management approach.

There are skills on how you can best manage your soreness such as:
* Increase coping and life management skills

* Study on how pain works, why it is happening, and what it means as well.

* Learn biofeedback or cognitive-behavioral therapy. These are methods on how you can increase your comfort simply by using your mind.

When pain strikes, consider it as a sign to take up a positive action, instead of giving up and suffering in silence. Even though you are not able to get rid of it totally, at least, you are doing something to help yourself.

Here are some tools that might help you to better manage:

* Pain reliever medication – think of taking your pain relieving medicines right on time, instead of waiting until you are already suffering. Most people usually need the maximum doses of NSAIDs, though, side effects should be considered at higher doses.

* Relaxation and Meditation – Break out from stressful circumstances and relax your mind. Meditation can help to relieve pain and generally reduce overall life stress.

* Distraction – do not focus on pain, it can make it worse. Do something that can make and keep you busy.

* Heat and Cold Therapy and Massage – These are tested and true treatments and can often give you some quick relief for mild symptoms.

Understanding rheumatoid arthritis pain will be better to help you deal with it. Try these positive actions that may provide you relief. After all, learning to better control your pain will help you to live the life you desire and not one that is controlled by your being uncomfortable.

Living with Rheumatoid arthritis pain? You are not alone.  There are more than 2 million Americans battling this disease.  But there are options for learning to “live well” even though you have been diagnosed with RA.  Visit arthritis-lfe.com to learn more about how you can say goodbye to the arthritis pain that is stealing time from the activities you enjoy most.  Don’t give up the fight!

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Quantum Economics Part Four – “Formulas of Positive Fluctuations”

Quantum Economics Part Four “Formulas of Positive Fluctuations”

As explained in previous chapters:

There are in the Iphysical Quantities or so called Grid of Quantum Economics:

1. “Positive Fluctuations” = A

2. “Turning Point” = x

3. and then “Negative Fluctuations” = B

Where the positive fluctuations are empowering the real economy, by promoting growth and after getting to the turning point into the negative fluctuations the same tools of economics start having a negative effect as negative fluctuations.
There are:

1. “Regulatory Parameters” = y

2. “Functional Parameters” = z

Where the regulatory parameters are more long term stationary and the functional parameters are more short term adjustable.

There are:

1. Iquantas = Iq

2. Iglued Plasma = Ig

Where part of iquantas is the market supply and part of iglued plasma is the market demand.

There are tools of economics setting regulatory parameters:

1. Business laws = Bl

2. Contract laws = Cl

3. Exchanges laws = El

4. Bank laws = BAl

5. Environmental laws = El

Where personal liability is enhanced to a maximum to lift the iphisical quantities or so called grid to a higher level of competition. Even changing these tools of economics are irreversible.

There are tools of economics setting functional parameters:

1. Monetary = Mp

2. Fiscal = Pp

3. Social = Sp

4. Madicare = Mdp

5. Educational = Ep

6. Infrastructural = Edp

Where these tools of economics are not anymore considered “expenses” but “equity” more like on the demand side of the Market, therefor there are more like a balance to the supply like iquantas.

There are iquantas supply like tools af economics:

1. Industrial production = Ips

2. Agricultural production = Acs

3. Service sector production = Sss

4. Return on investments = Ris

5. Equity on investment = Eqs

6. Intellectual properties = Ips

7. Others = Ots

Where these iquantas are to be balanced by the demand oriented regulatory and functional parameters.

The main purpose of the iquantas and iglued plasma balance is to lift the iphysical quantities so called grid without creating big waves.

From the prospective of Quantum Economics the following formulas will establish technical parameters for such balancing.


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Importance of Positive Attitude and How to Develop It

I am the only child for my parents and was pampered well in my family. Not sure how, I picked up a bad temper in my child hood. I used to be a jerk and hurt the feelings of my friends and family many times. I didn’t realize what I was doing until I read a story in my tenth grade. This story had a great impact on me and helped me to understand that a verbal wound caused by anger/ temper is as bad as a physical wound caused by a knife. Today, I want to share this story with you.

There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence. On the first day, the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down.

He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than hammering the nails into the fence. Finally, the day came when the boy did not lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and his father suggested that he pull out a nail each day he was able to hold his temper.

The days passed and the boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the fan and led him to the fence. He said “You have done well, my son by holding your temper. But, look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, you leave a scar like the hole in the fence. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won’t matter how many times you say sorry, the wound is still there”.

When I read this story, I flash backed to my child hood and thought of all the incidents when I had hurt the feelings of others. I was really ashamed of my behavior and apologized to each one I hurt knowing that I could only alleviate the pain of the wound and burden of my guilt but cannot remove the scar.

Today, after years of practice, I could say that I am very conscious of my attitude and have been quite successful in dealing complex situations without hurting the people involved most of the time. Here are some of the ways you can develop a very healthy attitude (control your anger) and have long lasting enriched relationships ( family and business)

1. I always try to remember the story above when I have a strong urge to blast off. It really helps me to look at the situation from a different perspective and cools me down for the moment. Similarly, You can create a mental picture of an incident and its repercussions that happened in your life ( when you were either an victim of some one’s temper or you had verbally wounded someone) and had a deep impact on you.

2. Invest some time and effort in personal development. If you are reading this article, you sure are investing and are on the right track. Every time you invest into Personal development, you are increasing your mental and emotional strength required to handle the curves life throws at you. A person who has high level of emotional and mental strength will either not panic or lose temper during stressful times as he understands the simple fact that how you treat others is a true reflection of how you treat your self.

3.Understand that there is no such thing as constructive criticism. Sometimes, we do either criticize or get frustrated with the person involved ( for example, kids) for their actions. Unknowingly, we might hurt them. It is important we understand others perspective and be patient with them. Patience is a virtue and should be practiced diligently. Always expect the best to happen with strong faith and enduring patience.

4. Practice some form of meditation for at least fifteen minutes a day. For starters who are not used to meditation, take some time out for yourself and relax . This simple exercise would release the stress/anxieties accumulated within and rejuvenates you.

And there are many more ways to maintain a healthy attitude in life . In this article, I have listed the ones that I have been using diligently to maintain a healthy attitude towards others.

In a nut shell, you can have a positive attitude towards others by simply being very conscious of the fact that the words you speak reflect your attitude and can be used to either add value or to hurt others. The choice is yours. The good news is that you can be in total control of your attitude and develop life time relationships by taking simple steps as mentioned in this article.

Wishing you all the best and I will see you at the top

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Ways To Stay Positive And Confident When Dating

The period of dating can quite be nerve racking especially for people who are a little shy and introvert. However it is vital to maintain a very confident and positive outlook during the entire dating phase. This will keep the relationship on a smooth track and also you guys closer to each other.

It’s a true fact, that no one likes companions who complain or crib all the time. Positive nature attracts people like a magnet. Insecurity is another major reason that turns off people at a very early stage of dating. So try and learn how to be positive and confident when your date is around even if you are not feeling up to it all the time.

Here are some tips and ways that will help you breakthrough the stereotypes and have a healthy relationship with your mate-

• Shake off the negative vibes. It’s quite obvious to feel conscious and it’s not a cup of tea for everyone to show how cool they are. But try to control your feelings. You have to realize that you are responsible for your actions. Your significant other will not try to cheer you up all the time. You have to learn to be positive and stop showing that funky behavior.

• Give compliments just as you expect them. Giving compliments to your companion can actually make you feel good about yourself. Try it out! It works!!

• Listen to good music. Rocking music really helps to make you come out of depressing and negative thoughts. It also gives you that extra bit of confidence. Your favorite music will definitely help you calm down and be pleasant.

• Smile can work wonders. A perfect smile will help you be more balanced and positive. It will also give a good vibe to your date. Sometimes smile can work wonders for a date! So make the most out of this simple weapon!

• Exercise and yoga. This can help you a great deal to de-stress yourself as well as feel composed. Not only will exercise and yoga help you in your dating period but also in the other phases of life. This will bring a good amount of improvement in your nature as well as your relationship.

• Keep yourself clean and well-groomed. This tip really works especially with those who want to feel good and confident. A well-groomed and clean look will make you look much smarter thus making you positive about yourself. For guys, it’s imperative to wear well ironed clothes, a clean shaven look and a nice hair cut. Where girls are concerned, a good hair-do, simple and subtle makeup and sexy but not revealing clothes will definitely work well.

• Be satisfied. Keep this in mind that no one has a perfect and fulfilling life. It is how you take life and with what attitude you handle it. So just stop cribbing or being frustrated and live a happy and satisfying life. This will also please your date and make you feel more secured about your relationship and certain about what you want in life.

Match Maker is a global network of various dating websites. Some of the sites include Aussie Match Maker, a site for singles interested in free web cam chat, and The Love Club, a place to meet hot sexy women.

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Improve Conversation Skills With Positive Attitude Techniques

When you try to make conversation or small talk with other people, do you find that you put yourself down a lot? Does your mind quickly fill with negative thoughts about yourself?

Here are several ways you can use to start filling your mind with positive thoughts about yourself instead of negative thoughts when you are having a conversation.

When you catch yourself saying negative thoughts, watch out for statements where you say that you always do something wrong. This is a very extreme and negative statement to make about yourself. Instead of saying that you always do things the wrong way or the stupid way, phrase your remarks to yourself in a more neutral or more positive manner.

For example, tell yourself, “Sometimes I say things that are not exactly perfect, but so what? Nobody is perfect all the time. I am doing my best, and what I am saying is good enough for now.”

You can also make an inventory of all your positive qualities and write them down. Look often at your list. Give yourself credit for all your good qualities and give yourself the respect you deserve for trying to make progress in your life.

Another way to boost your conversation confidence is to actively use the techniques of positive visualization and affirmations.

What are affirmations? Affirmations use words to affirm something about yourself that you would like to be true, even though at the present time you don’t feel fully confident that it is true.

For example, you could tell yourself, “I grow more confident about my conversation skills every day.” Positive affirmations become more powerful when you repeat them frequently. Remember, in many cases you have already repeated a negative statement to yourself hundreds of times. It may take thousands of times of repeating a positive affirmation before you start to believe it.

You can try using written affirmations as well as spoken affirmations. There are many important points to remember about using affirmations effectively. An affirmation technique that works well for one person may not work well for another. Feel free to try many ways of using positive affirmations to overcome the negative affirmations you have used in the past.

You may also try using various visualization techniques to increase your comfort level in making conversation. Visualize yourself speaking happily and in a relaxed manner to other people. Feel the happy emotion you would feel during a friendly conversation with another person.

If you happen to be very critical of yourself, you can learn to become kind to yourself instead. It is only when you show true kindness and understanding towards yourself that you will make true progress. You need to be kind to yourself to create true conversation confidence.

A positive attitude towards yourself is the first step to conversation success.

This article was written by conversation expert Royane Real. To learn more about how to improve your social skills and conversation skills, download her new book “Your Guide to Finding Friends, Making Friends, and Keeping Friends” at http://www.lulu.com/real

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Success, Positive Attitude & Erasing Negative Memories

A positive attitude can make the difference between success and failure, yet too many individuals struggle with the creation and maintenance of a positive outlook. Why is that and can anything really be done to permanently fix this problem? Yes!

A positive attitude, believe it or not is actually supposed to be our normal set point as human beings. Well if that is so, you might ask, then why are so many stuck in a negative mind set?

Well the answer is both simple and revolutionary. Let me use a metaphor to describe the situation. Suppose your computer is operating on software that is exceptionally slow because you have failed to update it regularly. Clearly this is going to leave you feeling frustrated, annoyed, and perhaps angry and falling behind.

Now suppose you realize the problem and you decide to download the updates. Almost immediately your computer’s performance will improve and you will feel your mood shifting into positive territory. So now let’s shift back to you and your attitude situation.

If I said that you, that is your conscious mind is operating on outdated software that lives in your unconscious mind and is stored there in the form of negative memories that constantly darken the perception of yourself and your world how would that feel to you? If that resonates with you then try the following exercise, place one hand over your Heart and as if you are speaking from there simply affirm the following statement to yourself:

“I resonate with the fact that I am being negatively affected on a daily basis by the software of my negative memories and I would like to erase/extract/uninstall this software and replace it with life enhancing software that is more optimally aligned with my true authentic and positive self.”

Now notice how you feel there in your Heart. You may have begun to feel a sense of relief, feelings of release, freedom, lightness, warmth, joy, optimism, peace, clarity and so on. If you like this experience then simply affirm that too to yourself via your Heart and it will grow stronger.

Now if you’d like to learn more about how to make this new state a permanent and solid experience kindly visit the web site below where you can also request a free introductory telephone consultation.

A Free 1 Hour Introductory MRP Telephone Consultation is available upon request. (You will be asked to cover your own long distance telephone charges)

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Top Ten Tips to Stay Positive and Focused

The cliché, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going,” is a truism for those who practice its wisdom. Here are ten tips to stay positive and focused throughout your life.

• Re-Evaluate and Set Priorities-Daily and Weekly: While planning a positive future you are creating new things to look forward to, living ‘in the moment.’ Living in the moment is truly the best way to move past the drama and chaos that is kicked up by the media or others. You can move past any drama and chaos by facing and changing your life. No moment is as important as this one right now. Consider this effective prioritizing system that is easy to use. Prioritize each task on your daily “To Do’ list as: Urgent & Important, Urgent & Not Important, Important & Not Urgent, Not Urgent & Not Important. Urgent and Not Important is a nice to have item. If I want this item included, it is urgent to do it today, albeit, is not important – it is a nice to have item.

• Bring Only Positive People Into Your Life: Seek new ways to interact and connect with people, who are positive. Positive people forge ahead and find ways to approach each day with optimism and excitement. These new connections will lift you up and inspire you and likewise you will lift them up and inspire them.

• Expand your Perspective: Focus on finding role models who are living the life you are striving to create. There are thousands of examples of people worldwide who have suffered and yet have created a wondrous and fulfilled life. They establish patterns that will work for you. If you do not find positive role models in your area, find their stories vis-à-vis the media, movies and books.

• Include Fun And Enjoyable Activities Everyday: Everyone has something they love doing to help them through the tight spots. For example: Music. Music fills your soul. It can remind you about what you care about and gives you a sense of being connected. Pursue your life with focus, purpose, enthusiasm and humility. Choose something each day to create fun, something that does not require a lot of effort or motivation and simply gives you joy. When you have fun and enjoy activities in your life, it lifts your mood, energizes you and motivates you to meet life head-on each day.

• Give Your Time and Talent to Others: Regardless of how much travail might be in your life, give your time, attention and resources to others. Giving to children, older people, or others in need provides relief from your own issues. You will feel useful and part of the larger community. Isolating yourself from others is paralyzing and self-defeating. Connect and give if only for brief periods. Being of service diminishes a sense of ineffectiveness, helplessness and provides hope that you can help someone in a sincere and meaningful way.

• Organize Tasks for Maximum Efficiency: Avoid allowing drama and chaos to control your schedule, enthusiasm and focus. When things are difficult it is more challenging to avoid losing track of what is important. Time, schedules, appointments and people might all seem to fall into the category of simply adding to your frustration. Keep a clear focus and manage your life, professionally and personally, in a well-organize system. (See prioritizing system above). Nothing is more draining than spending inordinate time to keep things on track or reestablish connections that have been damaged due to living your life in a whirlwind.

• Maintain Good Health: Exercise and a healthy food plan are essential at all times, and critically important during stressful periods. Exercise does not mean you need to spend hours every week. A daily brisk thirty minute walk or thirty minutes of moderate exercise works wonders to keep your mood elevated and your focus clear.

• Forgive Yourself for Perceived Mistakes or Transgressions: Nothing is a mistake, because what you did that missed the mark is a learning opportunity. Use it for your emotional and spiritual growth. Your finances and circumstances might change significantly. However, you can create new opportunities albeit seems you are in the dark. Focus on creating new circumstances in your life. The majority of challenges bring wonderful growth potential that you might not be able to see in the heat of the moment. If you allow yourself to let go of what you experienced and give yourself permission to look for a new perspective, you will find that everything is transpiring as it needs to transpire. You can then embrace the journey and a new path.

• Find or Organize a Support/Mastermind Group: Surround yourself with others who are creating positive results. Creating a group of experts, whom you meet with on a regular basis to gain insight, receive advice, or spiritual and emotional support is crucial. Move beyond a social circle and build a supportive community of like-minded people who are on a positive track.

• Be Open to Learn New Perspectives: Create a new vision of how your life might look five years from now-your career, your lifestyle and/or other fundamental parts of your life. It will be exciting and invigorating to embrace a new perspective that you might not have considered before. You might not be able to control the journey, but you can control how you experience the journey. Focus on how you feel and on the people you value in your life. Avoid focusing on the negative aspects of your journey. As a result you will feel empowered, inspired and enthusiastic each day as you are the architect of your life. Build the life you can be proud about and enjoy.

This moment is the first moment of the rest of your life, I invit


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Make Success Real by Building New Positive Habits Now!

Most of us tend do things that are familiar to us. For example, we tend do things that we are ‘used’ to doing. These are called habits! Habits actually guide our daily life-styles and makes it easier for us to perform day to day tasks.

You habitually brush your teeth after you wake up in the morning and you habitually put your clothes on.

It is very unlikely that your going to wake up tomorrow without brushing your teeth and walk in the middle of the road naked.

Your mind’s ability to learn habits and automatically execute them is a very beneficial quality you already possess as a human being, because you don’t have to re-learn how to do ‘common’ tasks every-time you encounter them.

However, there are also bad habits that we have which don’t serve us.

For example; Do you habitually let people down? Do you habitually lie? Do you habitually feel bad about yourself on a daily basis? Do you habitually stay away from positive opportunities – that could potentially transform the quality of your life?

These type of limiting habits keep us from creating the success we deserve!

Habits represent, whatever has become ‘familiar’ to you – over a particular period of time!

Meaning, whatever you do over and over again, eventually becomes ‘familiar’ to you in your life and starts to become a habit.

People usually stay away from making positive changes because ‘changes’ are ‘unfamiliar’ to them.

Others tend to be caught in the trap of what’s ‘familiar’ to them, and don’t break through fears to create success, hence the expression ‘Your stuck in your ways!’

The’ unfamiliar’ is actually a good thing though, it’s taking the opportunities to experience more possibility, more happiness and more success that allows you to break free into new ‘unfamiliar’ levels of abundance.

Human beings are generally afraid of the ‘unfamiliar’ as it causes uncertainty, but the unfamiliar is actually the place you need to start diving into more often, especially if you want to improve the quality of your life and create new habits that serve you.

Take a first-time skydiver for example; They want to jump, but uncertainty strikes them with fear of what might happen, but soon they build up that much needed courage to take action and begin getting the results of more freedom, greater accomplishment and new thrilling experiences.

If you don’t have that dream job yet, it’s because you need to step into the unfamiliar, something new that will increase your success.

If you are un-happy it’s because you are ‘familiar’ with feeling sad and haven’t yet stepped into the ‘unfamiliar’ to create new levels of happiness!

The ‘unfamiliar’ basically means, what you have YET to experience for yourself! It is impossible to say that an ‘opportunity’ to venture into something new is bad (or doesn’t work) if you haven’t yet experienced it (or tried it) for yourself!

The goal here is to venture into these new opportunities and to step into the ‘unfamiliar’ long enough, so you can make the ‘unfamiliar’ – familiar in ways that serve you!

Just like learning new habits, you should start practising how to feel good, learn how to become more capable and practice how to manifest success to create the results you want!

Start building new habits and start stepping into ‘unfamiliar’ situations in your life. Whether if you want to lose weight to start feeling good about yourself, become more social-able, feel more motivated and create the business success you want!

By building new positive habits they’ll start to serve you automatically in your daily life!

Build new habits that expand towards greater peaks of success. And make WHAT you want to achieve in your life, more ‘familiar’ to you from this moment on, by doing things that are unfamiliar to you starting from today!

Make the positive ‘unfamiliar’ – more familiar to you to achieve your future success.

All the best,

Nicholas Finnegan

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Tips to stay Happy and Positive in life

Positivity in life is a trait that needs to be mastered than acquired by birth. You need constant investment in yourself and your thoughts to stay Positive and Optimistic. Happiness does relate to positivity and goes a long way to help you become a happy person. Happiness is in thoughts, its in our mind that comes out and shows up in many forms. A happy person is always happy no matter what the situation is and it has significant amount of impact on his conduct, actions, health and outlook towards life. It is like releasing the venom inside your mind and giving way to thoughts that makes us nothing but happy.

Read more on How to Stop Worrying and How to manage Phobias and How to make Love

Tips to stay happy

1.  Take time to acknowledge personal accomplishments and celebrate success in a manner that can strengthen relationships. Keeping good social and personal relations are very effective means avoiding stress.

2.  Take good care of yourself. When you feel good, you also feel good and vice versa. Love yourself each day. Tell yourself ‘I love you’ and give yourself a hug everyday.

3.  Wear a smile everyday, compliment at least one person in the day, greet people, and take each day as the first day of the rest of your life. Do something new every day or as often as you can.

4.  Practice self-help methods, like writing journals, being passionate about work, taking on some hobbies, improving social life by meeting up with friends and relatives.
5.  Figure out your fun quotient of the day.

6.  Avoid procrastinations and perfectionism.

7.  Eat healthy and exercise regularly. For this, all one needs to do is wear one’s exercise shoes and step on one’s treadmill for a few minutes or even better, jog on beautiful beach side.

8.  Avoid addictions or any such risk-driven activity.

Here is some food for thought:

1.  Be assertive instead of being aggressive.

2.  Control anxiety by identifying one’s irrational thoughts and beliefs and rectifying them.

3.  Instead of cribbing, accept loss gracefully and move on with life.

4.  Replace low self-esteem with good-self image by always choosing to think positive, strengthening your talents and learning from your mistakes.

5.  Overcome ‘boredom’ with introduction of changes and passion in life.

6.  When feeling sad or low, you can have an attitude towards good thingsof life, and observing how you are better compared to some others who are not.

Do not base your happiness solely on material possessions. Learn how to be happy from within. Focus on the good things in your life, like your health. Develop a sense of well-being from within. Don’t live with the attitude of greed or excess. There is enough for everyone. Give away things that you don’t need that are still valuable and can be used by other people. Become earth friendly and recycle. Become more connected to your environment and community. Take care of yourself and others.

Create affirmations and get in touch with your God centeredness. Utilize what you have to create wealth. Avoid negative people who constantly talk about the recession and enjoy being miserable. Bless these people with love and be on your way. Connect with like minded people. This is how you will stay happy and positive during the recession.

Read more on How to Stop Worrying and How to manage Phobias and How to make Love

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How to Become a Better You With a Positive Attitude on Life

Everyday fun, happiness, enjoyment needs to be incorporated into your daily life. Watching the sunrise from the top of a mountain after an early morning walk on a weekend tramp might not be everyone’s idea of an adrenalin rush, but if it’s what you enjoy, you need to ensure you’re doing it in your life. You are unique, there’s no one in the world like you and it’s up to you to become yourself.

You have to feel positive and have a positive attitude to want to engage in some of these things. If you don’t you decide it’s easier to stay in bed or slouch around home and your attitude becomes more and more negative about your life. I know, I’ve had to learn and now teach others through my attitude training.

Your life is about fulfillment and enjoyment and it’s your choice to include this into your life. Maybe it’s the beach, or forest, temple, church, mosque, or golf course where you experience tranquility and a sense of inner peace. You need to discover it as well as your ideal relationship, job, financial and lifestyle choice on your journey to become yourself,

When you have a goal, target, intention or mission in life, you have a sense or urgency in life and an ‘energy’ to achieve. You are more motivated and enthusiastic about life.

At the beginning of each year, it’s a good idea to think back to the previous year and what you didn’t achieve. However, if you’ve missed doing it then, anytime you start Is the perfect time for you. If you’re struggling with achieving your goals you need to analyse why. Here are a few possible reasons.

1 Did you need to do some ‘background’ work first and was working towards achieving those goals.

Some big goals require a series of small goals (the background work) to be achieved before achieving the ‘big final goal’. That’s great because each step is progress in the right direction. I.e. To run a marathon you may have needed to lose weight and improve your diet to give you stamina.

2 Did you lose motivation?

When you’re working towards achieving a goal, it’s important it is what YOU really want. If someone else who wants you to run a marathon to join them, you’re less likely to be motivated. You could be feeling you ‘should’ do it to keep them happy. However in the process, you are making yourself unhappy. This is a common challenge with many people. In some instances it feels easier to ‘go with the flow’ rather than cause a disagreement. It’s not an intentional cop-out of being responsible for your own life, it is that the person is lacking the personal development skills, communication, self-esteem and knowledge, about how to break the cycle, of being kind to others versus being kind to themselves.

3 Were you afraid of losing friend because you were changing your life?

In the process of working towards a goal, you are experiencing change. If losing weight is your goal, the people who you might have gone on social outings with, may encourage you NOT to change. The liked you ‘as you were’. When you choose to become healthier, the decision to change is your choice. However, your associates are having change forced upon them. Your weekly routine may have included two visits to a local restaurant, which serves ‘unhealthy’ food. Now you don’t wish to go, but instead visit the gym. They are lonely and forced to accept your decision. Rather than be pleased that you wish to address your health issues, they encourage you to remain as you are, because it suits them. So remember when you are unique and learning to become yourself, it’s important to learn to become yourself, which in this example is fit and healthy.

However, don’t be dismayed about losing a friend, new people will enter your life as you continue to make positive changes

4 Did you change your goal?

Not achieving because you’ve changed your mind is great. You weren’t on track with the right goal. Now you have the opportunity to refocus the next year.

You want to achieve your dreams and live the life you want as early in your life as possible. Some people seem to have the knack of achieving it early in life, for others it takes longer and some people never achieve it. You want to eliminate the zigzagging through life to find fulfillment and happiness, you want to zero straight towards your dreams. For some people, it may even be discovering what your own dreams are, because you’ve been caught up in other people’s dreams.

If you understand your values, beliefs or rules for your life, you will set goals that will be specific to your dreams and desires. By that I mean there’s’ a WIIFM what’s in it for me. eg. If a health related goal involves losing weight and building stamina for your marathon, the additional benefits you may experience might include: more vitality, looking good, feeling attractive, opportunity to modernize self-image, purchase new clothes, sense of achievement, increased enthusiasm about life, and more energy to include new activities in life. All of these factors raise your levels of enthusiasm towards achieving your goals.

Often you’ve never thought about your values, so when you’ve been setting goals they’ve been contradictory to who you are and what you believe. In your goal to be yourself it’s important you take time to assess your values as step one. Then as you start setting your goals, every one needs to be aligned to your values. Failure to do so will inevitably mean failure of your goals because of inner conflict. Eg. You want to be healthy, but you continue to smoke. Decide what you want and overcome the challenges to achieve it. You’ll feel much better about yourself and life when you’re working towards and achieving your goal.

Here are ten tips that will assist with your goals, intentions or target setting for your Keeping your attitude positive as you create your dream life.

10 Tips towards achieving MAGIC in your Life

1. Take time to daydream and write down or draw your goals.
2. Created your MAGIC from your right brained creative thinking (the first thing to come to your mind)
3. Use your left analytical side of your brain plan out HOW to achieve it.
4. Understand that you will be challenged and it’s okay to ask for help.
5. Visualise achieving your goal.
6. Be prepared to make sacrifices and changes.
7. Take the risk and enjoy life as you’re achieving
8. Value your health, have fun, laugh and love along the way.
9. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
10. Pat yourself on the back and reward yourself constantly.

In your quest to be yourself you will be challenged. The opportunity to be you is exciting, scary and even daunting for some. It takes personal growth, understanding, communicating, and overcoming fear, courage and knowledge to align your mind body and soul, or mental thinking, physical direction and spiritual self to work together harmoniously. When they do you’ll find fulfillment, happiness, love for yourself and others, and inner peace. It’s a great way to live. You may need to attend courses, read books, ask questions and be open to learning. Across your path will come signals about which path to follow. It’s up to you and your free will to make your choice and enjoy the ride. The fabulous thing is you don’t need to conform to others. Here’s an example.

Some months ago I enjoyed a round of golf with my partner who has a very low handicap my seventy-four year old mother who is midway handicap and I’m ….a novice. I had a wonderful time, it was a beautiful walk, surrounded by lovely trees and bird life. Out of the hundred or more shots I played, maybe fifteen percent went in the direction I aimed and travelled a reasonable distance. Throughout my game, I replaced my ball on the nice pieces of grass and when my ball ‘flew’ over to another fairway, rather than disrupt the other people’s game, I explained I was new to the game, and rather than further disrupt them, could they please throw my ball back. They obliged. My mother was shocked! I will never make a golfer, my putting on my partners $ 500 putter was good (I’d practiced as a child up the hallway when we had family parties), so it was an enjoyable time….for me. I’m not sure my mother will play much golf with me unless she understands this if fun for me, not a serious game. However, I’ll go for a walk and pull my partners trundler and when I chose and when my we’re ready for a laugh, I’ll play a game of golf. However …if I chose to continue with golf, professional lessons will definitely benefit me and in that year I’ll include it in my goals. Meanwhile, it’s a lovely environment, good exercise, fun and enjoyable and that’s what golf is about for me. Good Luck with your journey to be uniquely you.

Janice Davies is The Attitude Specialist, who teaches people to be positive and empower themselves through Attitude Training. As a Professional Speaker, Success Coach and author Janice educates people at conferences, workshops and through books. Janice is the founder of the global movement International Self Esteem annual awareness day and features in the new True Happiness DVD. Janice has an online products featuring about attitude, goals, stress, happiness, relationships and more. Visit http://www.attitudespecialist.co.nz for other complimentary articles and tips.

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