Tag Archives: Positive

My tips for staying positive and motivated


My tips for staying positive and motivated

How to be more positive and motivated
In this video, I share some things I do every day that help me to be more positive and motivated, and I hope that some of them will help you too.

For more details on how to stay more positive and motivated, you can read the post related to this video: http://www.ahintofrose.com/2016/04/how-to-stay-positive-motivated.html

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My last video | How to be more productive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1NdlBapatI


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Introduction to minimalism: https://youtu.be/dKhblUPMhzw
The need to slow down: https://youtu.be/n0xU6-pP5rY
Digital minimalism: https://youtu.be/m5uyHgKJHOg
Simplify our life | 5 healthy habits for a better morning : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHz2bLzZ5aQ
How to change your relationship with money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nr-gjnpkwfI
How to be more productive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1NdlBapatI



|| MUSIC ||
Riot – So Far Away – YouTube Audio Library

|| GEAR ||
Editing software: Adobe Premiere Pro
Camera: Canon t5i
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f1/8 STM
Recorder: Portable Recorder Zoom H1


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Dog Aggression and Positive Reinforcement

As a dog trainer I deal with many behavior problems. Aggression is one of the most common reasons I get called to someone’s home, whether it is aggression directed towards a person or another animal (usually other dogs). In my 20 years experience as a dog trainer I have found that aggression is usually caused by one or more of a few things:

1) under-socialization/fear
2) a traumatic experience when the dog had little to no “padding” of good experiences
3) mishandling of the situation by the owner
4) genetics

Unless a dog is poorly bred, has a neuro-organic disorder, or is bred specifically for its aggressive tendencies, the most likely cause of its aggression is fear. The old-school way of dealing with aggression of any kind was to try to punish it out of the dog. The problem with this concept is that it usually only made matters worse. Yes, a well-timed choke chain correction or shock from a collar may have suppressed the behavior temporarily but, if in the future, the dog is ever put in a situation where it knows the correction is not immediately forthcoming, its reaction will be worse than it would have been to begin with.

Let me put it this way. Lets say you are deathly afraid of snakes, so much so that you react violently when you see one. One day I come along & beat you over the head while you are reacting to this thing you are so afraid of. Now how do you feel about snakes? You would probably be more afraid of them & more anxious because not only do you have the original fear, but snakes have come to predict me beating you over the head. So, the next time you see a snake you would react even more violently in an attempt to make it go away before you get another beating.

This said, the best way to deal with any aggression problem is not through positive punishment. The most effective options are Classical (also called Pavlovian or Respondent) Conditioning, and the positive reinforcement & negative punishment aspects of Operant Conditioning. Classical conditioning is the typical Pavlov’s dog scenario: bell rings = dog salivates. Operant conditioning is based on B.F. Skinner’s work where the animal’s behavior predicts whether or not it is rewarded or punished.

The solution through Classical Conditioning is get the dog to understand that the presence of something it doesn’t like predicts a reward. The reward has to be something the dog finds rewarding, not what we think the dog should find rewarding. It could be prime rib, a ride in the car, going for a walk, or even a thrown tennis ball. It doesn’t matter, as long as the dog only receives this special reward in these situations and at no other time. Basically you are trying to change the dog’s internal emotional state about whatever it is he doesn’t like.

The process for classical conditioning goes something like this: the stimulus (person/dog) appears, the dog gets a reward – REGARDLESS of his behavior! Preferably he is not in full blown attack mode at this point, but it doesn’t matter. Every time this stimulus appears the dog gets a reward. Sometimes he may be growling, sometimes he may be sniffing the ground, sometimes he may be sitting. It really doesn’t matter because the common denominator here is the presence of what he doesn’t like. Pretty soon the dog will be begging for this situation to happen because it means he gets his favorite reward. We have changed his way of thinking. This is called a Conditioned Emotional Response, or CER for short.

Now, for the solution to this problem using the positive reinforcement and negative punishment parts of Operant conditioning. The stimulus that your dog doesn’t like comes into view. Hopefully, being the good owner you are, you know the threshold for your dog in this situation – lets say 15′. You want to begin reinforcing your dog for his good behavior when the stimulus is more than 15? away. He gets reinforced based on his behavior. This means he really has to concentrate on how he is acting in the presence of this thing he doesn’t like. Once your dog is really comfortable at this distance you gradually decrease the distance.

You do not want to get so close as to cause him to react. You want him to remain calm and relaxed. Decreasing the distance down to nothing may happen in one session, or it may take many sessions depending on the severity of your dog’s problem. The key here is not to push it. If you push your dog too far too fast then you will cause anxiety. You will not have a stable foundation on which to build and your dog will not be reliable. If your dog reacts then do not punish him because it was your mistake by getting too close & not reading your dog properly. The best thing to do is to remove the reinforcer (negative punishment) and distract him while you increase the distance and begin again.

Obviously there is more to this than I can possibly cover here, but hopefully this gives you an idea of the process. There are benefits and drawbacks to each of these methods, but either way they are much more effective than positive punishment.

Laura Bourhenne
Animal Attraction Unlimited
Copyright 2009

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Relationship Repair – Staying Positive After a Breakup

Every relationship has it’s ups and downs. Some days you are on top of the world and the next day you are on the bottom. But when a relationship breaks up you can really sink into a negative mood. Of course you are angry and upset and granted you will have a period of mourning over a lost love and questioning your self worth. Despite these feelings it’s critical to regain your positive attitude and at least appear confident and mentally strong if you want to get your ex back.

So why is it important to be confident and have a positive attitude? How does this help getting your lover back? The real secret in staying upbeat is it makes you more attractive. Not just to your lost lover but to friends and people in general. Think about this who would you rather be around? A happy, confident person or some one with a negative attitude? I think your answer would be to hang out with the confident person. This person is fun to be with, happy and self assured and people are attractive to him/her.

The great thing about this positive thinking and acting idea is your former girlfriend/boyfriend is going to see you in a new light. If she still has strong feeling for you she will begin feeling a sense of longing to renew the relationship. Seeing you as outgoing, positive and fun loving will draw her to you. So decide today to turn the frown into a smile. Go out buy yourself some new clothes. Put a bounce into your step. Yes it may be hard at first to stay upbeat, but remember what your goal is: getting your lover back.

Breaking ishard to do! But trying too hard to get your lover back will only drive them further from your arms. Keep the communication lines open. They may have ended the relationship, but you just need to make her feel like communication lines are open and that you want to be civil. You do not have to be the one initiating the conversation, but you should be willing to say hello and have a conversation occasionally with her, keeping in touch casually. Above all else, analyze what went awry with the relationship. “The Magic of Making Up” can be your guide to restoring your relationship. Visit http://www.howtogetmyloverback.blogspot.com for more free heartfelt advice.

Your broken heart stops here! Put the love back in your life. Learn the “Magic of Making Up”; the secret recipe for getting your ex boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse or lover back. There are alternatives to suffering, heart ache and loneliness. You deserve your lover back in your arms.

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How To Stay Positive // Tips for Staying Optimistic, Happy & Motivated

Hi guys!

A common question I get asked is “You always seem so optimistic? Where does that come from?” So I thought it may be helpful if I share some of my SUPER easy tips for grounding yourself and getting your ZEN back.

Confession: I’m really hard on myself and stress myself out regularly. If that sounds familiar to you, make sure you take steps to reduce negativity by practicing self love and appreciation.

Most importantly: take a mental break. Focus on the good. 😎

❤️ Natalie

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Acai Berry Research Finds Positive Benefits

Acai Berry is being cultivated in the jungles of Brazil since centuries. However it is only recently that scientists of America have begun Acai Berry research. The results of researches have unfolded its nutritional benefits when the tiny fruit is used for losing weight and for promoting healthier life.

Most Americans do not have any idea about effectiveness of this wonder of nature and its healthy nutrients till the publishing of book “The Perricone Promise” by Doctor Nicholas Perricone. The author of the book is an anti aging expert and he earmarked this berry as the world’s number one super food of the world.

The book caught the eye of many health experts and dieters including celebrities. One such celebrity Oprah Winfrey invited this Acai Berry Guru (Dr. Nicholas Perricone) to her show for discussing Acai Berry research and explaining its healthful benefits.

Acai Berry Researches have proved that this tiny berry is made up of key units that help in speeding up metabolism, suppressing hunger and for developing shaped muscles. It seems that it is a lot for such super food. It has been discovered that this wonder of nature is rich in its antioxidant content. All other foods do not even come on comparison when evaluated by USDA. It is believed to contain the maximum nutritional value compared to any other fruit of the world.

Acai berry research has revealed this tiny fruit contains many benefits like:

• Help to lose weight
• Increase the speed of metabolism
• Relieve the pains
• Support the immunity system
• Help in fighting and preventing cancer and many other diseases
• Help the process of digestion
• Aid in sleeping disorders
• Serve as an anti aging substance

This small berry is a new diet evolution. Many Americans are in search of this tiny fruit. Unfortunately this is not as easy as it seems. The reason is that it is impossible to cultivate the fruit in America or any other part of the world except the damp jungles of Amazon. It cannot be sent to other parts of the world because of the perishable nature of the fruit. The berry once picked from the tree stays fresh for not more than 24 hours. Nonetheless many companies extract the pulp of the fruit, process it and include the healthful ingredients in dietary supplements. This way they are able to preserve the nutritional benefit of this small wonder of nature.

Extensive Acai Berry Researches have revealed that this small fruit holds its magical properties even after processing. So the health supplement made from the extract of Acai Berry ate favorable and one must step ahead to order it.

Learn more about the acai superfood and see why so many people think the Amazon acai berry will stay around.

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Psoriasis and The Power of Positive Thinking

Never underestimate the power of positive thinking. Negative thoughts and emotions are what often keep people in the condition they are in. Illness and disease happens, but it is the negative thoughts and emotions that keep us from healing quickly, or at all. Daily affirmations may sound like a lot of hocus pocus, but it is amazing what can happen when we get rid of the negative energy and replace it with positive.

Negative thoughts lead to negative emotions and actions. If you are feeling down, all you want to do is stay under the covers and not deal with anyone. Telling yourself negative thoughts can lead to you, and others believing those thoughts. If you constantly tell people you aren’t smart enough for that promotion, in time you and your co-workers will believe that to be the truth. However, if you tell yourself you are just as qualified as everyone else for that promotion, you and your co-workers will believe that to be the truth. A negative thought process and negative attitude will not give you the courage and strength to even try for the promotion. A positive attitude will give you the confidence to go for it, even if you don’t get it and least you tried.

The road to recovery is more than just medication and doctor’s visits. It is about convincing yourself that you are going to be alright. It is saying everyday that this illness or disease is not going to bring you down or stop you from reaching for the stars. You may have a disease, but it is not all you are.

Positive affirmations are a way to force a decision and commit to gaining control of your life back. Close your eyes and say “I will overcome this”. Bring up pictures in your mind of you free of your illness. Picture yourself living a healthy life and immersing yourself in healthy things. Remember that picture for when times get tough and things get hard.

You don’t have to spend tons of money on self-help tapes. It is easy and free to make your own daily affirmations. The trick is to make yourself recite these affirmations daily, even when you are in the foulest of moods. Write out things such as “I am getting stronger and healthier” “I feel better and more positive with each passing day”. Put these sayings in your purse or wallet or hang them in the mirror where you get ready each day.

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Making Positive Changes in Your Life

In each of our lives everyday, there is always something changing that affects us. It can be the environment, a downsizing at the company you work for, an economical recession, or even bad luck with getting dates. How can one continue to smile and make positive changes through it all ? For starters, it all starts with placing thoughts, dreams and visualized goals into action. At times, when we tend to think on something too much, we most likely follow with acting upon it, if it positively benefits us. Despite not getting a pay raise, or having a shaky marriage/relationship/or even unstable finances, do you see yourself making positive progress in what you desire to accomplish ? The changes you make today for the better will affect your future, slowly but surely.

One of the major changes I’ve made since working on bettering my life, was staying on track with what I spoke into existence. Just speaking it into existence before almost 18,000 friends helped emotionally to turn the “switch” back on in my brain. I’ve slacked for so long, and now was time in my early 30’s to clean up my act and back back rerailed on track. At the same time, I acknowledge I can’t continue to grow, without first acknowledging GOD, and extending my support of others throughout my mission of being a positive influence to someone else who needs uplifting in their pursuit of transforming into happiness and a better quality of life!

In efforts of cleaning up the mildly wild character of myself, I now analyze everything, in my expressions, videos, words and so forth. It helps to intellectually remain acute, while tweaking other areas which are being spiritually welded, such as image, relationships, how I come across to others, remaining optimistic about turning around as a completely new person. In anything in life, and the business world, OUR success depends on the meaningful relationships we have with others, and serving one another.

In additional changes being made today, I’ve learned and felt forgiveness lightens up the load on the heart. By default, before a vast majority of us take the time to focus on spiritually restrengthening ourselves in a closer walk and relationship with GOD, most of us “talking about myself too” tend to walk around with anger, bitterness, resentment and hatred in our hearts. If you’ve ever analyzed your actions in straightening up your life, if you’ve ever felt like you fell in love with someone, felt you had a chance to succeed at something, or could become a new person and leave the bad stuff behind, it helps to create a new love for life. In this new love for life, if you are truly in love , LOVE helps anyone to see where he or she went wrong , and work feverishly in cleaning up their act, in hopes that their character and persona is potentially acceptable, before GOD and others. Forgiveness also restores hope in anyone’s life, without the need to ingest St. John’s Wort on a daily basis (smile) LOL

Last but not least, daily exercise helps the mind to remain positive intact. What I mean is, when you workout constantly, while incorporating healthy cardiovascular activity and a clean diet , it helps to reduce the anxiety, cortisol and lactic acid buildup. As most of us know, cortisol and lactic acid buildup on the mind not only leads to muscle deprivation, but it also contributes to feelings of skipping the gym, and may possibly affect one in having an obtuse attitude in general. When most folks are starting out in their exercise endeavors is overweight, they may tend to have a negative attitude, due to life’s problems, not feeling sexy, or desired by the opposite sex.

As we strengthen our minds through cardiovascular activity “both Spiritually and complimenting it with the physical” , we are congruently placing ourselves in a position for “infinite possibilities. Infinite possibilities includes the spontaneous respect we may receive from others, increased deepening of relationships, increased admiration, increased feelings of love and emotional wellness in OUR hearts. The list goes on. So, it always helps to exercise daily, in one form or another, even if you perform a stationary bike or mild treadmill run for 5 minutes a day. Not only will it strengthen your heart , but it helps you in the long run, performance wise, in exercise, daily productivity at work and feeling better about yourself.

Shawn Drewry is the CEO of

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Positive Discipline For Teenagers Lack of Respect

What Causes Lack of Respect in Teenagers?

The lack of respect teenagers show these days is certainly no secret. Today, I found myself thinking about what some of the causes could be and I identified three things I believe contribute greatly to the lack of respect found in teenagers.

Changes in Government and Society

There was a time, and not that long ago, when most parents enforced the rules in their homes through several different methods including physical punishment.

These physical punishments, most often spankings, were actually very effective positive discipline for teenagers. They might not seem so positive but they were because the paddling was the final line. It brought real consequences to a child’s actions.

For example, when I was growing up if I did something I wasn’t supposed to do I’d find myself grounded for anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

Often, I’d be punished physically as well. I’m not talking about being slapped around or any foolishness like that. I’m talking about a good ole paddling. Often those were administered with a belt.

It wasn’t just me either. It was quite common for a kid to be spanked back when I was growing up.

The result? We learned if we did not want to get a whupping we needed to follow the rules.

Times have certainly changed. Some of the people who make the laws in this country decided that a parent disciplining their child by means of a paddling was child abuse.

These days any parent who spanks their child can have child abuse charges filed against them and find their state government interfering in their family life.

I believe this is one of the greatest reasons teenagers have a lack of respect today. Because without the backup of an actual real punishment there is no real motivation for a kid to change their behavior.

Parents today often have their kids right up in their faces yelling at their parents. What is the parent going to do? Well, when it comes right down to it they really cannot do anything.

Sure they can tell the child to stop it or else… but what is the or else? The parent can try grounding them from the television or computer. They can take away their cell phone. They can tell their disobedient child he / she are not leaving the house for a week.

This all sounds good. It should be effective, right? So… what happens when the child thinks “to heck with this!” and watches television and gets on the computer anyway? What if they sneak in and take back their cell phone? What if they sneak out of the house or simply walk out right in front of their parents?

Although this might seem quite extreme for kids to do, believe me, it does happen and is happening all over the USA every day. Talk to your friends. Watch the news. Search the Internet only briefly and you will discover what a huge problem this has become.

The bottom line is without any real “tool” in their toolbox the parents no longer have any real power to enforce the rules and make their kids behave.

Everyone Must Earn Respect… Including You!

Recently, I was reading an article that talked about how teachers are seeing an alarming trend these past few years.

The students are expecting everyone else to earn their respect. Teenagers make their teachers earn their respect. Until the teacher earns the respect the student has none for them simply because of the teachers position.

The same goes for their parents and even other teenagers. They do not respect people for being older. They do not respect people for things they have accomplished. They do not respect their parents for providing for them and for bringing them into the world in the first place.

I have talked to many teenagers in an attempt to understand it. The things I have been told are “what other people have done has nothing to do with me” and “Why do adults always brag about what they have done, pat themselves on the back and want us to kiss their behinds?”

The only explanation I have for this behavior is the teenagers may have learned this from a role model.

A Disrespectful Role Model

If a child has grown up around a parent, or other adult role model, who often talks and acts disrespectfully the child will pick up on that.

For example, if a parent is always complaining about their job, and in particular, complaining about their boss or other people they work with… think about what kind of message this sends to kids.

First, the child can begin to lose respect for their parent. They may think “wow, (mom or dad) must be a real pushover if they have so many problems at work.” They may also support their parent fully and think “I’ll never let some idiot ruin my life like that. I won’t even give them the chance to!”

Neither of these views is a healthy way for a child to see the world and other people. Under such circumstances, it is understandable how the child may develop an aggressive personality causing them to challenge all authority. After all they have seen what such people did to their parent’s life. They’ve listened to their parent complain about it for years. The child may simply be doing whatever they can to make sure they will not be treated the same way as their parent has been.

I’m not laying the blame solely on parents. Believe me, I understand this cannot be the entire reason behind teenagers lack of respect.

The Always Improving Parent has four children. He understands the challenges today’s parents face.

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How Negative Ions Are Really Positive

By now, you have become a big fan of your water fountain. You not only appreciate the wonders it brings to your home- what with the relaxing and soothing mood it sets, the aesthetic value it adds to your foyer and lawn, the natural humidification it brings about your kid’s room, and being your pet’s favorite source of drinking water-your friends also rave about it!

There’s one more thing that would make you absolutely adoring to your water fountain- negative ions.

What are they?

The air is full with charged particles called ions. These are formed when electrons are ejected. This happens when energy reacts on molecules like water, oxygen or carbon dioxide .The dislodged electron affixes itself to a molecule which then becomes a negative ion. The original molecule, now without the electron, becomes a positive ion.

We have all experienced the effect of negative ions. Think of the time you were on a beach, or near a waterfall, high up the mountains, close to a pine forest, in the country. We feel better about ourselves and others, more alert and energized. Even in simple activities like taking a shower or turning your fountain on. Research has proven that negative ions are abundant when there is falling water. What flowing water does is split positive or neutral ions and create negative ions.

What negative ions do is help freshen the air in your home, lift your mood and relieve stress, amongst other benefits.

Freshen the air

They bring about clumping of allergens causing them to be heavy enough to be pulled down to the floor and be vacuumed, rather than being suspended in the air where they can be inhaled and cause allergic reactions. In other words, negative ions help eliminate dust, spores, pollens and other allergens floating in the air. This creates a better environment for your home or office.

Lift your Mood/ Relieve Stress

Some studies show that when negative ions reach our bloodstream, our serotonin level increases. This means that we feel happier and energized and our stress level decreases.

It is also important to point out that positive ions are undesirable. Breathing in positive ions decreases our energy and our over all health is compromised. It’s not easy to avoid positive ions as they are everywhere-indoors or outdoors. Household appliances- computers, TV, microwave ovens, refrigerators- emit positive ions. Outdoors, whenever warm, dry wind blows or when there is pollution (which is pretty much everywhere), there’s an abundance of positive ions.

That’s why having a water fountain is important. You have a constant supply of these healthy ions in your home or office. What that means are happier spouses and children, happier pets too! In the office, you not only get happier clients, you also get more efficient workers.

And then you prove for yourself that negative ions are really positive.

Article Source: http://ezineseeker.com/?expert=Kaye_Castillo

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Affirmations and the Power of Positive Thinking

To think positively, one has to change their mental and emotional thinking about every aspect of themselves. There are steps that you can take to create positive attitudes toward other people and different situations.

You have to learn what the most important factors are that affect your attitudes. In this way, you learn to eliminate all negative things that can affect the way you make decisions.

You have to take charge of things that affect your life, instead of allowing other people and circumstances to decide how your life will play out. You must also associate with others preferably with greater skills and knowledge that will help you develop in a positive direction and pull you up to their level. It is said that if a positive and a negative person are around each other for any length of time that the negative person will almost always bring the positive one down instead of visa Versa. Avoid negative people like the plague and take small steps each day to achieve your goals. Remember, ” How do you eat an elephant ?” Answer, “One bite at a time”. You should always associate yourself with like minded people who can motivate to achieve your goals.

Look in the mirror and say positive things about yourself to yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself how do you expect anyone else to believe you are successful. This is called positive affirmations. The way you communicate to yourself influences the way you think and the way you approach other people and situations.  Read about those who have overcome great difficulties, fought their fears, overcome obstacles to succeed in life. You will then be able to learn understand new ideas. You will also begin have a positive outlook on life in general. Your mind cant hold a positive and a negative thought at the same time. So anytime you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, change it immediately to a positive one. Remember, you have control over your mind and what you think!

Always make lists to stay motivated in achieving your goals no matter how hard they may seem. Always take time to work on your goals. Accomplishing one task will motivate you to conquer another, and another and another, ect. This momentum snowballs and makes you more self-confident and when you are more self confident it is much easier to achieve more goals.

Replace your old sad depressing mental images with happy positive images that you want to experience. Become aware of your attitudes and behavior. You can then make an action plan to create those attitudes you like and and discard the ones you dislike.

Always think about, “what you want, not what you don’t want”, if you believe in the,”Law of Attraction”, you will bring into your life, what you think about. So only think about what you want!

You cannot control all things all of the time in your live, but you can change the things that you think about in a positive way. You have the option to choose what you think about to increase your self-esteem.

Positive affirmations are a powerful tool that can influence your attitude and behavior. When you say positive things about yourself, you will be able to respond and react internally on what you would like to happen in your life. Your thoughts determine your personal feelings and your reactions to certain situations. When you practice positive affirmations, you start taking control of things that can affect or change the way you see the world and your life.

The way you speak to yourself allows you to see your emotional side. What you say to yourself should relate to things that are currently happening in your life. Remember, you are in control of what you think and what you think determines how you feel and therefore your actions.

Get a Mentor! A Mentor is someone who has achieved the results you desire in life that agrees to take you under their wing and teach you how to do it. Your gains under the direction and guidance of a mentor will supercharge your progress many times faster. Example, The U.S. Small Business Administration offers a program of retired business executives that act as mentors to those wanting to start their own businesses using their experience to help people avoid many of the pit falls they have already experienced.

READ, READ, READ. Your mind is like a sponge. Let it soak up all of the knowledge possible. Never stop learning. This is one of the main reasons people shortly after retiring. They quit life and learning ! Never retire from learning and doing new things.

Help someone else, it’ll make you feel great!
“Now go out and make someones day”

Corky Carsons”

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