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Positive Thinking: Using Biblical Principles – Law Of Attraction

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We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the “Law Of Attraction”, or the law of “Reaping and Sowing”. This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret…
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The Law of Attraction and Positive Thinking

The process behind the realization of what it is you want to experience in life is commonly referred to as the Law of Attraction. This process is arguably one of the most fundamentally important law to the building of a fulfilling and beautiful life and yet despite the prolific amount of information available that is dedicated to the Law of Attraction it is widely misunderstood.

The most common mistake is the misinterpretation that the Law of Attraction is merely a fancy term for positive thinking, a mistake that also acts as one of the key aspects seized upon by those who seek to ridicule the idea of the Law of Attraction as a mechanism for creation.

The more people who misinterpret the idea that the Law of Attraction is reliant on positive thinking, the harder it will be for the human race to awaken to its true nature. For this reason alone I would like to wrap some clarity around the subject.

The process described by the term Law of Attraction begins through the fixated and isolated placement of attention. The process itself has nothing to do with positivity – it has everything to do with attention. I’d like to repeat this, for it is most important to understand:

The Law of Attraction is a natural process of creation that works with or without positive thinking.

Yes, in respect to certain desires, through the power of isolated attention the Law of Attraction can be invoked and will fully manifest the object of attention purely by thought. However, it should always be remembered that the world we live in is a co-creation – not only of mind, but also of matter.

There are many mental and physical beings who, through that which they place their fixated attention upon, create their life and, at the same time, co-create the changes that reality itself undergoes – changes to the world that we all share. Because we are mental and physical beings, the Law of Attraction is primarily a process of creation that works through both the mental and the physical. That is, it requires the application of both mind and matter.

Rather than being a magical fancy of ‘think positive and it will appear’, the Law of Attraction is instead a systematic method of active creation through the principle of combining ‘isolated and fixated attention’ (mind) with the necessary ‘action’ (matter) towards the object or experience of desire.

What we create, either individually or as a shared collective, manifests as a synthesis of the active image in mind (thought) and the active image in form (matter). Manifestation can occur through pure thought attention, but, at least in human reality, it occurs primarily as the result of the combination of an active mind and body. Regardless of the way in which manifestation may occur it is not a process that requires positive thinking as its prerequisite.

The bridge between the effectiveness of the active thought and the physical action that is necessary to contribute to the manifestation of the thought is what is referred to as ‘receptivity’. Receptivity is the ability to see the signs that inspire thought and action towards realization of the intended object or experience. In other words, receptivity is the art of taking notice and even looking for the signs that relate to the bringing of the image in your mind into the form of reality – moments that highlight or indicate things you should or must do to make the object of your intention a reality.

Again, receptivity requires fixated attention – not positivity. That is, receptivity means watching for, or at the very least being actively open to noticing signs upon which you can take the necessary action required to advance the manifestation process. All the amount of positive thinking in the world will never substitute for a mind attentive to that which it wishes to experience, receptive to the signs to make it happen, and active in its approach to helping make it happen.

The simplest definition of the Law of Attraction is to say it is the process of bringing together the various things necessary to realize the object or experience of your desire. This is why I actually prefer to refer to the Law of Attraction as the Art of Realization. You may also refer to it as the Process of Creation or any other fancy term, as all would be just as accurate. However, to refer to it as purely a method of positive thinking is inaccurate.

It is here that I qualify my commentary to avoid the inevitable interpretation that I am somehow against positive thinking. Quite the contrary, I highly recommend maintaining a positive outlook for a positive mind will most definitely support you as you progress through this thing we call life.

The nature of your outlook will also influence the nature of that which you attract, and so positivity is beyond a shadow of a doubt an important element of a healthy attractive mind. But positivity is not the key to harnessing the process of creative attraction and neither is the Law of Attraction another term for positive thinking.

The Law of Attraction as a term has many misnomers associated to it thanks to a variety of representations from those who do not truly understand it. Sadly there are many so-called ‘experts’ who actively present it in ways that confuse many people such that through error the concept itself has attracted much stigma. Fortunately the process that the Law of Attraction refers to does not become a kind of nonsensical magic simply because certain misinterpretations paint it so.

The wonderful truth is the Law of Attraction is really quite simple to put into practice, even if you don’t fully understand the universal mechanics of manifestation. It is surprisingly empowering to realize that even on the days where you struggle to find positivity, you are still able to wield the Law of Attraction with power simply by keeping your attention fixated upon your goal, remaining attentive to the detail, being receptive to the signs and taking action when you notice them.

Become Aware Of Yourself: http://www.therealizationsystem.com

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3 Secrets For a More Positive Mind

Remember Stuart Smalley from Saturday Night Live?  If he said something negative about his life, he’d stop himself and say, “No, that’s just stinkin’ thinkin’! I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!” This was Stuart’s way of shifting his thoughts of low self esteem and personal defeat into feeling okay and even loved. If you ever tend to look at all the possible ways you or your life are no good, you can shift your thoughts into higher levels.

Thought Shifting

 So if like Stuart you do a litany of stinkin’ thinkin’, you can shift your thinking upwards. First you take note of what you’re doing. Here’s what Stuart once said to himself:

 “Oh my God, I said the wrong thing to someone. I’m going to die homeless and penniless, I’m twenty pounds overweight, and no one will ever level me.” That’s Stuart’s negative spin and is not quite the truth. Choose your own negative spin if you have one. You first pay attention to it and look at it from a distance. Stand back as if you’re on a mountaintop and take a look. No judgment, just observation.  “What am I attempting to say here?” you might ask yourself. You may be attempting to self destruct or treat yourself less than well. (You can blame it on the devil or the negative thought forces of the world.)

“No that’s just stinkin’ thinkin’ – or something like this to yourself.” “I don’t need to do this anymore. I’m a being of the universe.” Or “I’m fine just the way I am.” Or “Maybe I didn’t do so well that last time, but I can transform this, and I will.”

 And you can always remember this: “It is what it is!”

Seeing the Advantage of Everything

 If you lose something or regret something else, you can look for the advantage, the other side to all things. Maybe you hurt your leg, but perhaps this keeps you from having to do some work you really didn’t want to do. Maybe you lost something, but you’re learning to be non-attached. Or maybe you’re being opened up to a new life. Perhaps you’re being prepared for something higher or more expansive. Maybe you’re learning the importance of spiritual values. Perhaps something has worn out its usefulness or relevance in your life, but you haven’t yet acknowledged it, and now you can. Learning to see the advantage of everything is a major life transforming habit of mind.

Connecting with Your Wisdom

 Your Wise Mind has a fresh perspective on life. When you ask it what it would like to tell you about something, it will tell you the truth. A young eleven year old girl was afraid to go to sleep because she could only think of bad people who might try to harm her. She allowed herself to feel her fear, and then she asked her Wise Mind to tell her more:” It’s okay. You used to feel this way when you were a younger child, but now you can grow up some more and think thoughts of being safe.” Anyone can do this, young and old – connect with the Wise Mind, for fresh perspective and for truth.

Want to learn more about life transformation, spiritual growth, and healing? You can download our 100 page free ebook, Extraordinary Healing at http://www.thewisemind.com You can also subscribe to our wonderful free monthly newsletter, “The Transformation News.” Marilyn Gordon is a board certified hypnotherapist, teacher, speaker, healer, school director, and author with over thirty years of experience. Her latest book is The Wise Mind: The Brilliant Key to Life Transformation and Healing.

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Believe and Receive – Positive Affirmations

Today is great! I believe today is going to be the greatest day of my little ole life. I will succeed, achieve, and accomplish goals today. I will be happy, healthy, and wealthy today. I have a smile on my face right now and I will smile the entire day.

Without believing you can never receive the blessing God has for you in this day so believe, believe and believe again and again and then one more time determine to place your faith in God. God is God, you are His kid, and He is blessing you right now in this day.

Name ten things you believe God does for you that you can’t do for yourself. Well, stop scratching your head and just start shouting them out. Ok, God hangs out the sun, yep. He keeps me safe on the freeway. He keeps my kids safe and on and on and on. Now, He also provides for me. Things like toothpaste and cool water and toilet paper. Wow, God provides toilet paper. Yes, he provides you with the power to work which brings money, which pays for the toilet paper.

Believe and receive. I tell you what, quickly without too much thought write out or shout out ten positive affirmations about this day. Base these affirmations on the word of God. Go, I am happy. I am going to succeed today. I am ……… fill in the blank. Do you believe these affirmations? Ok, believe and receive. Your day is going to be the greatest day in your life.

One more thing, positive affirmations are beliefs and beliefs results in actions. Now start acting like you have received these affirmation. The affirmations are coming true right now, so act as if they are true and alive in your life. Actually, affirmations can be prayers. Prayers God wants to answers in your behalf because He loves you and He loved you enough to provide Christ Jesus just for you.

Dr Bob Wilkerson is author of the book, “I Will Not Be Defeated Anymore”. He is dedicated to helping others recover from life altering circumstances. Dr. Bob is a motivational speaker/singer with a true life story of God’s power to change any individuals life. If you would like more information go to http://www.freewebs.com/bobwilkerson

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Positive Attitude and Reading People

Go to http://www.babelgum.com/dilbert to see all the new cartoons!
http://www.dilbert.com/animation by Scott Adams. RingTales presents Dilbert Animated Cartoons. Positive Attitude and Reading People. In Positive Attitude, Dilbert is unable to maintain a positive attitude. In Reading People, the pointy haired boss can’t tell if Wally is working.
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A Positive Story About Reconstructive Surgery

If you’re not familiar with the story, in 2004, Ms. Culp’s husband, Thomas G. Culp, tried to kill his wife by shooting her in the face with a shotgun. She survived (as did he, unfortunately, and is now serving a seven-year prison sentence for aggravated attempted murder).

But while Ms. Culp survived, her face was horribly disfigured. Do a search online for Connie Culp and you can get photos of her before the shooting and after. The shotgun shattered her cheeks, nose, one eye and the roof of her mouth. Ms. Culp has reported that it was terribly uncomfortable for her to go out in public because of the stares she would get.

Enter Dr. Risal Djohan. While not a plastic surgeon by normal practice, Dr. Djohan combined plastic surgery methods with transplant procedures to perform what is being hailed as the first human face transplant. A donor had left permission to use the biggest portion of the organs and constructions that comprised her face to be used later for this procedure.

Dr. Djohan and associates have performed six major reconstructions and 30 total operations before the face transplant itself,and then the actual transplant. He says the patient can expect two or three more operations to improve the look of the face, including removing excess skin tissue. Most of these two or three procedures will be almost entirely plastic-surgery-related.

According to what I read in The Associated Press, Ms. Culp can now smile and eat and drink. Her face remains a bit bloated and squarish, and there are skin droops. However, this bloatedness and these folds should be improved with the operations yet to come, as the doctors pare away some of the excess skin. Eventually, they say, her face will begin to look like something of a combination of Ms. Culp’s own face and the donor’s.

This, I believe, is a tribute to what modern medicine can be and should be. Remember every time you read about the quacks and the whackos in the plastic surgery field and the tragedies that taken place, there are ten more stories of instances in which plastic surgery has genuinely saved a person’s way of life and way of looking at themselves. This story of Ms. Culp and Dr. Djohan is a story of heroes. But there are lots of other unsung heroes in the world of plastic surgery.

Dr. Helen Colen is a board certified plastic surgeon in Manhattan. Visit her blog for more information about vaginoplasty and labiaplasty

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A Positive Birthing Experience Is Possible!

When I first found out I was pregnant, I was overjoyed. I was about to embark on an exciting rollercoaster of emotions, hormones, spiritual and physical changes as I journeyed into motherhood. This joy and rush of excitement however soon turned to anxiety as I realised that before I can hold my beautiful baby in my arms, I would have to go through labour first! As someone who has always been a little bit… “delicate” I was, in short, terrified and the countless horror stories from friends and family (one friend said dying would be easier!) didn’t help.

I had a brilliant pregnancy. No cravings, no morning, noon or night sickness, no backache. In fact the only give way sign that I was pregnant was my expanding tummy, and even this was a cute neat little bump. I decided that the best way to overcome my fear was by the power of positive thinking. Even though the baby will learn more in the primal period than in any other time of their life, they also teach their parents a lot and give back to them from the very start. My baby was looking after me so far, and I persuaded myself that somehow she (I found out the sex so I could shop, shop, shop) knew I was afraid and would do all she could to look after me. That feeling stayed with me throughout my entire pregnancy. I no longer felt scared and really believed that my little girl would make it as easy for me as she could.

Due date arrived, she arrived. Only 5% of babies are born on their due date and as I went into hospital (St John and St Elizabeth; a marvelous private hospital that I would thoroughly recommend to anyone in London) I knew that this would be the day she would be born. I am an impatient person you see, so her being late would have caused anxiety and she wouldn’t do that to me! My husband, sister and I went to the hospital at 4pm and as I complained of sporadic twinges they said I was already 3cm dilated but certainly wouldn’t be giving birth before midnight. I got ready and went to the birthing room where the pool was set up, scented candles were glowing and the room was peaceful. I had a membrane sweep and at that point my waters broke. The pain was immense with no let up. The gas and air did nothing for me, but my husband and sister certainly made the most of it! It was 6pm and I thought there is no way I can go another 6 hours with this kind of pain. All thoughts of a natural birth went out the window as I demanded (in my weak voice) for an epidural. By the time the epidural was set up I was 9cm gone and the midwife said the baby would be born in half an hour. Okay scrap the epidural, I will just go for it. I climbed into the birthing pool while my husband massaged my back and my sister got her hands squeezed so hard they nearly fell off. I withdrew into myself and focused on pushing. By 7.59, one minute before my midwife was due to sign off duty (which I was not looking forward too. Continuity of care at that point is so important), my gorgeous little girl weighing 6lb 6oz was born. She was placed in my arms looking all shiny and new and looked up at me with her beautiful big eyes and gorgeous long eyelashes. She came through for me (and also through me!); no pain relief, no stitches, nothing.

After my daughter was checked, we were taken to our large private room which resembled a hotel more than a hospital; large flat screen television, en-suite bathroom, lounge area. Best of all there was a double bed so my husband could stay (I would have hated it if he had to leave) and a beautiful wooden crib for my little angel. She slept through the night which I was overjoyed with. Until that is the midwife said they all do for the first 24 hours because they too are so tired after monumental journey into the world. Take lots of rest while you can they said, it won’t last long. It didn’t.

I stayed for 3 days and was taught how to do all the basics by the midwives. After all being a parent doesn’t come with a manual and no matter how many books there are out there on parenting, it doesn’t compare to having someone experienced there to show you just what to do and to re-assure you. In fact I enjoyed staying there so much that I actually did not want to leave the hospital and go home (and be left to my own devises)

The midwives were very supportive and with a 24hour number you can call on if need be, no matter how silly the question (she has had hiccups for the last 10 mins, is she okay, is she going to get frustrated, what do I do) they were always on hand. In fact they could not believe my first birth experience was so quick and so straight forward that they that they invited me to talk about my positive birth experience and the parents’ weekend.

Okay I went to a private hospital and paid the earth for it, but I saved and saved for it to get the best and most out of what was sure to be the most momentous and special day of my life (people spend more than what I did on their wedding and that is just one day too) It is such a shame that the cost is so high however, and more of a shame that NHS hospitals just do not have the budget for this level of care, no matter how nice and experienced the midwives are. Yes the midwives that work in private hospitals have come from NHS, but where the average NHS hospital takes about 400 expectant mothers per month; St John and St Elizabeth only take 40.

But this isn’t a plug for the hospital. What I really wanted to say is that pregnancy is a time of new experiences and opportunities that need to be savoured. Labour can be easy(ish) and if I had a choice, I would rather focus on how smooth it can be as opposed to focusing on the rocky road that may lay ahead and the potential horridness of it all.

I am expecting my second child now (three years after my daughter was born) and am going back to St John and St Elizabeth. This time they are really worried that I may not make it to the hospital at all and my baby will arrive en-route, so fingers crossed for me please!

This article was written by Tom Shurville, injunction with ThatCuteWebsite.com Managing Director and Mother of 2, Kruti Shah, a online baby boutique that sees a wide variety of bay clothes and toys including the ever popular shoo shoos.

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For Success You Must Have a Positive Attitude and Mix With Positive People

There is certainly more to a positive attitude than first meets the eye. For by having a positive attitude you suddenly find most of the following benefits, and positive attitude becomes part of you. Next, you will realize that without thinking, beautiful things begin to happen.

Take note of these right now, for when you begin to get the idea of positive thinking, these are your rewards.

You have to say to yourself, each of them is what I want and what I need.

-Positive thinking, Constructive thinking. -Creative thinking, Expecting success. -Optimism, Motivation to accomplish your goals. -Being inspired. Choosing happiness. -Not giving up. Looking at failure and problems as blessings in disguise. -Believing in yourself and in your abilities. Displaying self-esteem self-respect and confidence. -Looking for solutions. Seeing opportunities.

Each one of these mentioned above is very important to your existence and each of them will improve your whole life. Take each of these and begin working on them. I would suggest you download Napoleon Hill’s wonderful book “Think and Grow Rich” if you want to have a detailed understanding of the power of positive attitude and the power of your subconscious mind.

As an uneducated man, I am pleased to tell you that I have had a pretty successful life, not just in the business world, but in marriage and with family. I assure you being positive is far better than having those negative thoughts that were forever with me when I was young.

Please take another look at the list above and go over each of them carefully, for each has a message you should investigate.

Once you have that positive attitude your life will never be the same again.

To be positive you have to never mix with negative people, what happens they bring you down, a little negative here and a little there is just like pricking a balloon and deflate slowly.

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Five Positive Benefits of Cardio Training!

Did you know that being fit and healthy is “cool” and the in thing to do these days? Being fit is something that never goes out of style and your body will greatly benefit from cardio training helping you to a long and healthy life. These days with everyone so busy it is important to take care of and pay attention to your most important asset, your body.

So what is cardio training you ask! Well it is probably the best thing you can do for your body to get it in the best overall shape possible. This training involves using the large muscle groups in your body regularly and uninterrupted. It helps the heart by getting the heart rate up to 60 to 85 percent of the fastest heart rate you can achieve.

Cardio training is thought of as aerobic exercising because of moving from one exercise to another. Swimming, rowing, jogging, running and cycling are just a few cardio training exercises you can do. There are a lot, and the key is to keep moving at a regular pace.

Here are five benefits to doing cardio training!

1. The Body Receives Energy
After a regular routine of training is implemented you will feel a greater level of energy as well as better endurance.

2. Disease Prevention
An important benefit is the prevention of heart disease as well as diabetes, obesity and high cholesterol. The heart is greatly strengthened by cardio training while exercising by walking or jogging is best for disease prevention.

3. Weight Control
You will burn a whole lot more calories with this kind of training and in this way lose weight. Once you reach your desired weight you will then be able to much easier keep your weight at the level you want.
There are different needs for everyone as far as weight loss goes and so you should consult your doctor or trainer as to what type of cardio training you should do to meet your goals.

4. Loss of Body Fats
You may say, “I don’t need to lose any weight”, well that is all fine and good but you may need to get rid of some form of unwanted fat that is bothersome for you. Cardio training will help you to become lean, fit and toned because of the regular activities that use the large muscle groups on a regular basis thus ridding yourself of these unwanted fats.

5. Say Goodbye to Boredom
You will have fun; feel motivated, energized and full of life. This will become a way of life and you will find that when you are not doing your cardio training your life is missing out on something that you have realized you really need.

Beside the benefits of cardio training here are some recommendations so you can better enjoy your training.

First off if you want to improve your overall health you should be doing cardio training, and you should do it 3 to 5 days a week with about thirty to forty-five minutes of exercise each workout. If you want positive weight loss you should work out at least 4 to 5 times per week. Remember that you do not want to over train and so you should avoid becoming tired and sore from over use of muscles. Don’t train to long in a given workout and try to keep it to not more than 60 minutes and do your training on a regular schedule.

The key is to get started. Do it now, don’t wait. Set a goal and keep it. Start by walking or biking in your neighborhood or train with that new video you just bought. Combine this with a sensible eating regime and you will be on your way to a healthy, fit and trim body others will envy.

As you become more fit and your endurance level rises your training intensity can also increase. Keep your workouts new and different by switching up little things to keep your body guessing and so you will not plateau. You can accomplish this by doing interval training when jogging or walking. Try going at your regular speed for a while and then increasing you speed for 60 seconds before slowing down again. Repeat this as you train and you will challenge yourself and find you will reach your goals faster and your body will perform better in time.

If you are combining cardio with weight training you should do a short cardio warm up, then do your free weights exercise routine followed by your long intense cardio workout. This will give the best and fastest results. You should never do cardio training just before bedtime as your energy level will be high and remain so for a while not allowing you to relax and sleep.

For best results eat a protein snack about 30 minutes before your workout and never start on an empty stomach. Avoid a big meal prior to working out and be sure to give your body just the fuel it needs to perform the vigorous exercises you are about to participate in.

If the weather and conditions allow it is good to do your cardio outdoors. This will give you a chance to breathe good fresh air as well as enjoy the natural surroundings. You can meet new friends in your community who are like minded and make your healthy lifestyle something that impacts the world you live in.

Remember to stick with it. Do not give up, and be consistent. If you want the full benefits of cardio training you need to stay disciplined, focused and determined to achieve all of your goals. You can do it as long as you remain positive and take action now.

The author of this article can attest to the positive results of cardio training from personal experience. You to can achieve all of your goals with determination and an action plan to follow. If you are looking for a step by step action plan to get you started to a healthier lifestyle you can get all the information you need to get started now by clicking here http://www.loseweightgetfitforcouples.com

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The Secret Success in Positive Thinking

Imagine yourself saying a statement such as:

My income is constantly increasing.

And then listen to what you think in response to that.  If you’re spending more than your income, or if your income is static, it’s likely to be something like ‘no it isn’t’, or ‘what a lot of rubbish!’  Over the last twenty years of using affirmations in my own life, and teaching this method to others, I have always taught people to acknowledge these responses, because it is in the airing of them that their power is lessened. It’s a bit like seeing you have some weeds in the flowerbed, and pulling them out. In order to pull them out, you have to realise they are there, and sort out which ones you want to keep and which ones get to stay.

This is exactly the same with positive thinking. From your responses to the positive thought, you get to see which ones are causing damage and need to go, and which are innocuous and don’t matter.  When you release the blocks getting in the way of truly believing ‘my income is constantly increasing’ regardless of whether it physically is or not, then you can make that statement as if it were true right in the moment. This is when your energy then begins to line up with the statement, there is congruence, everything begins to flow, and you start to feel abundant and prosperous. 

But it takes patience to get this far; patience, persistence and practice. Without that you become just one of the many people who know the theory, and even agree with it, but because you’re not practicing it with full understanding and a determination to see the process through, are one of the disgruntled and disillusioned ones.  How do I know this? Because I’ve been there.  Many times. And therefore have discovered that it is only in the practice that we become what we truly say we want to be. Rich thinking teaches these principles and allows you to become a master of your thoughts and feelings, leading to much more health, wealth and happiness.

Jane Duncan Rogers works with self-employed individuals and others to use the power of their thoughts and feelings to achieve more of what they want in life. Sign up for her free report 7 Steps to Thinking Rich by visiting http://www.richthinkers.co.uk

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