Tag Archives: Positive

Abraham Hicks – How to Stay Positive In This Negative World

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The Power of Positive Thinking in Your Life

The power of positive thinking is very powerful indeed. Why? It relates to the fact that the process of thinking takes place most of our awake time, whether we like it or not. Additionally, every single action we carry out originates from a thought. We cannot act upon anything unless there has been a thought about it first. Our whole organism reacts on what goes on inside our heads. That is what´s powerful about it. Because it means that we have the power to control our thoughts, actions and results. Our destiny is in our own hands.

It also means that you become really careful about what you think. Your subconscious mind will act on any thought as a command, whether the message is positive or negative. And since you have the choice, it makes sense to direct your thoughts in a constructive way, to your best benefit.

There are empowering thoughts. They are uplifting, inspiring, joyful, full of hope and positive energy. Thinking positive is like feeding yourself energy. Consequently, the opposite is true of negative thoughts. They rob your energy and attract more negativity into your life.

So it´s all about conditioning yourself to a positive mental attitude. I say conditioning because it is a process that might require some time and effort on your part. If you are very conditioned to negative thought patterns (and most of us are), you are probably also used to blaming others for anything bad in your life. As a result you complain about work, your boss, your spouse, your kids, your neighbors, your kids´school, the government, the weather, God… anything or anybody! And if you complain and expect them to be bad to you, your subconscious mind will create that scenario for you. Others cannot be blamed. Your thoughts are responsible for what´s going on in your life. Or as Earl Nightingale puts it: “You become what you think about all day long.”

There are many parallels and similarities between positive thinking and affirmations. The same basic principles apply to both, so let´s summarize them:

1. Phrase your statements in positive terms.

2. Counter negativity by interrupting the pattern. As a negative thought arises, just jump to any thought that has a positive message. If you are stuck with ongoing destructive thoughts, make yourself shift focus to anything beautiful, loving or otherwise empowering. The trick is to shift focus. Not stay in a negative place. “Do not rent mental space to anything that you do not want.”

3. Expect it to happen. Whether you think you can or you cannot do something is equally true! So you might as well choose to believe that you can. Now THAT is the power of positive thinking!

Kourosh Kavian is an avid learner of personal development and the study of success. He is totally into helping others achieve success in every area in life. Please visit: http://www.personal-development-inside-out.com

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Three Fundamentals of Positive Living

Did you hear!?  The sky is falling!  Get out of your chair, on the phone and tell Ducky Lucky!  Time is wasting!  Go tell Foxy Loxy!  Hurry!  Go tell Henny Penny!!  Maybe I am getting this story completely wrong, but that’s what I’ve been hearing on the news.  Haven’t you? Recently, I was discussing leadership strategies with a client (who works as a manager at a dairy) when she said, “Regardless of the economy, the cows gotta be milked.”  Okay, it may not be the depth of Socrates or Plato, but it struck a chord with me on staying positive and focused.  That, no matter what is going on, there are still things that need to get done, goals to be met, and people to impact.  In short, we can’t let the listlessness that comes from being stressed impede our journey because, no matter what, the “cows gotta be milked!” To help you stay “up” when all is down (and the milk flowing), try working on these three fundamentals.

Fundamental #1:  Keep Moving

I have had some difficult journeys that were traversed one step at a time.  Many times, I had no idea (in the beginning) where I was going but, in the end, I got to places I never thought I would.  Why?  Because I kept putting one foot in front of the other and kept moving.  Do you ever feel like there is no point starting on your journey because it may seem pointless or difficult?  If so, don’t wait – get moving and keep moving!  The surest way to get where you need to go is to pick up one foot and then put it in front of the other.  Then, do it again, and again.  Keep repeating that process and, before you know it, you’ll be on your way to getting “there.” You don’t have to get there fast – sure and steady wins the race, every time!

Fundamental #2:  Keep Laughing

Last year, I was a guest lecturer at Northern Illinois University on the power of laughter in our lives and led the group through a few laughter exercises.  The next day, I received an inspiring testimonial from a professor at the college.  After my lecture, a student told him that two years ago she had been diagnosed with cancer and had been battling with depression ever since.  Then, she told him how wonderful it was to laugh again through the laughter exercises – that a few good belly laughs renewed her spirit and gave her a new hope for the future. She is not alone!  Humor and laughter can help any of us make the rapid mental adjustment needed when times are tough and we are down.  Cows gotta be milked but you can’t find the energy?  Take a break and watch a funny movie, call a friend that always makes you smile, or read a funny story – anything to help you laugh so you can make that adjustment.

Fundamental #3:  Be Awesome!

I make a list of things to do every day (a part of “keep moving”) and every day my youngest daughter, Abby, writes “Be Awesome!” on my list of things that must be done. No matter what is happening, when I see that on my list it reminds me that I am awesome!  But I am not alone in my awesomeness!  Each one of us is special, has something to share, and has something to contribute.  Because of this, each one of us is awesome.  We just need to remind ourselves of it.  So, write it on your list of things to do and then do it.  Don’t wait – BE AWESOME NOW!

In the end, all things pass and we can’t stop doing what needs to be done because of how we feel.  There will always be the “Chicken Littles” – running around, creating frenzy, and yelling the “sky is falling!”  We just need to remember to keep moving, keep laughing and, no matter what, be awesome!  You can consider these three fundamentals your own, personal stimulus package to help you get past the sky falling and to keep milking those cows!

Chip Lutz is a professional speaker, trainer, and retired Navy Officer with 22 years leadership experience. He speaks and trains on the power of positive leadership and the infusion of humor in the workplace to increase morale, productivity, and teamwork. He served as Commanding Officer of two separate Navy Facilities and was the Director of Security for Naval District Washington, DC during September 11th, 2001. Additionally, he is adjunct faculty for two colleges where he teaches classes in leadership, teamwork, and organizational behavior. Find our more about his work at http://www.covenantleadership.com or email him at chip@covenantleadership.com to be put on his weekly newsletter distribution.

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Hypnosis a Catalysts For Positive Change

I am a personal development coach that helps people make significant changes in their lives in 30 days or less using hypnosis, NLP and the martial arts breathing techniques of Qigong. When I tell people what I do I am often asked, “Well what kind of changes do people make and how does that hypnosis stuff work?”

Hypnosis is one of the most widely used and effective catalysts for positive changes that a person can use. For example, you can use hypnosis for weight loss, for quitting smoking, for erasing bad habits like fingernail biting or drinking too much alcohol, for emotional healing as a result of loss from a death or divorce, becoming more confident in meeting more of the type of people you are attracted to or on the job, and almost any other inner change you can imagine.

When I explain this people usually ask me two questions, they are “How do you start?’ and “How much does it cost? If they live far from San Diego I am often asked, “How do I find a good hypnotist?” and “How about using self-hypnosis recordings, are they effective?”

First I want to tell you that there are no simple answers that cover the above questions in depth. But I also want you to know that one thing is for sure, hypnosis is powerful and sooner or later almost everyone who is looking to make significant changes in their lives explores using it to some degree or another.

Let’s dispel some old myths because hypnosis is no great mystery. In fact, many social scientists and psychologists agree that hypnosis is a normal and natural part of every day life. For instance, have you ever been so involved in reading a book or watching a movie or TV show that when someone came into the room and asked you a question you didn’t hear them? Of course you have. That’s a form of hypnosis. Advertisers understand that TV and radio can be very mesmerizing and use a form of hypnosis when they sell you things on them. For example, suppose you watch an ad on the TV for a new magic mop that is available at your local big box store. You may or may not jump up off the couch and go buy that magic mop but the message has been sent out a lot like a hypnotist sends it out.

The question is never about how powerful or clear the hypnotic message is, but more about how open or closed you are to receiving it. The truth is that all hypnosis is actually self hypnosis. A good hypnotist is really a guide that helps you relax and get the most out of the positive suggestions you want to receive during your hypnotic session. Notice I said positive suggestions you want to receive. You see, all hypnotists know that hypnosis cannot make you do anything you don’t already want to do. So in the case of the magic mop advertisement, you may already have one, or you may have no interest in purchasing one, or you may even physiologically rebel against the big box store commercials and become even less likely to buy the magic mop after hearing the ad. All of these outcomes are possible, and all of them involve some degree of hypnosis.

However, suppose the commercial entices you to run out and buy the magic mop after hearing the ad. This is what may be termed “organic hypnosis” or hypnosis that can actually happen naturally in the world at large. In the case of the commercial it is a free-form style of what goes on in a formalized hypnosis session that involves trance states, inductions, deep relaxation and the like.

Hypnosis happens all the time. It is a naturally occurring experience. So what is hypnosis really and how can it offer a positive effect?

Effective hypnosis is simply the result of a positive suggestion working its way in-between doubt or fear. It is a method that offers you new alternatives to the way you are presently thinking about your situation. Through the relaxation process it opens you up to allowing a new suggestion or a new truth to take help in your subconscious mind. Hypnosis is the acceptance of a new, more powerful perspective, a perspective that can move you in the direction of your goals and dreams. That is all. It’s not Harry Potterish or magical. It’s no huge mystery. No strange trance-like state needs to occur, although it often can and does.

Hypnosis is normal part of everyday life and you can benefit from it. If you live near or around San Diego call me at (800) 989-6570. If I think you are a good match for what I do then we can schedule a session to help you on your journey. If I don’t think we are a match I know many local hypnotists and will gladly lead you toward one that might be more suitable for your particular issue or personality. If you don’t live here you can start by looking for practitioners in local spiritual directories. You might try checking out massage schools in your area. If you do not find any leads there, I would suggest turning to the Internet. Many excellent hypnotists are now offering telephone sessions or if they are like me they have sessions on Skypes.

Another alternative is to practice self-hypnosis. Although there are many great books on self hypnosis I’ll give you some basics here. Relax and quiet your mind. You can do this by using progressive relaxation techniques, relaxing one part of your body at a time. Once your body is relaxed, relax your mind. Learn to sense the spaces between your thoughts. This is where your own hypnotic suggestion must travel through. Pick a positive suggestion that is simple and feels right for you. “I am now rich” is too broad and may be too difficult at first. But the suggestion, “I am increasing my income daily” is more specific and may make more sense and meet with less resistance. Repeat your suggestion quietly to yourself, over and over. Make the suggestion in the present tense, not the past or future. You cannot do it any other time.

If you would like more information on self hypnosis you can receive it as a bonus for signing up for my “Boost Your Attitude” course which can be found on my website.

Five minutes in the morning and five at night of self hypnosis can sometimes bring amazing results. Try it, you’ll like it. It can make significant changes in your life.

Wil Dieck is the founder of Total Mind Therapy and author of the self development course “Boost your Attitude” that you can have at absolutely no charge. Drop by http://www.totalmindtherapy.net/ for your copy today.

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Positive Attitude In The Workplace

http://iHaveTheBestLife.com/free – Positive Attitude In The Workplace

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How to Create Positive Change

It’s funny, we do it all the time but we only try to maneuver it when things start looking scary. I’m talking about our life, our business, our circumstances. We attract to us everything we experience simply by our thoughts and actions. So if something is unpleasant we have to make changes inside in order to change the outside.

You get what you look for

I know someone who expects the worst – and she gets it. She expects to be slighted and she is. She expects to be ignored and she is. I know someone else who feels deserving and she attracts great opportunities. Your life begins and ends within – with what you believe you deserve and what you believe can happen.

How to change your life

Some changes are happening in my life and I get to make new choices and attract new opportunities. How do I get to vote on what shows up? By my expectations. For instance, I’m ready for more clients and as I review my Red Velvet Rope policy I know that I want people who value my work, believe in the coaching process, do their assignments and are eager to serve others. Oh yes, and have the funds to pay for it. As I move through my day I keep the image in my mind of people like that calling me and signing up for sessions. Then I will recognize them when they call.

Some of my projects are coming to an end and there is room for new ones. How do I choose? How do I attract the best ones possible? In my case, I’m going to take more contemplative time – time to draw a mind map, to list a zillion possible projects, to look at my business and see what it needs and see that my passion is still high about how I am in service. And I’m going to particularly look at what people are asking me to do for them. It’s like checking the engine of your car – is every part of your business in working order? Will it take you where you want to go?

What does your life/business need now?

What’s missing? What have you been putting off? What would you love to do if you had time? What would make your heart sing? The funny thing is that we make up our life by our choices so why shouldn’t you simply choose to do what you love to do? See what you need to stop doing that you only think you should be doing and start doing what is calling you.

Overcome your reservations

Interviewing others for a podcast has been on my list for a year. It would be a great way to reach out and get to know others and it would be fun to do. But it has yet to make it to the top of my “I’m Doing It!” list. It’s time consuming, it means committing to a regular schedule, it means pushing through to another level of technical knowledge. Gee, that’s a pretty good list of reservations standing in my way. All of which are made up by me. And I’m just the person who can undo them. Look at what’s stopping you and push it aside. There’s too much fun waiting on the other side to delay moving forward.

Stay open to the unexpected

About the time I get my list prioritized and have a clue where to start an unexpected opportunity will come up and the whole scenario will change. That’s the fun part – being surprised and being invited to move in a direction you hadn’t considered. You do need to know your core purpose so you can keep your choices in alignment with where you want to go, but at the same time, let the new opportunities open new doors for you. Go exploring, you can always change direction after you check it out.

Be willing to change

You have to make room for change to occur. You have to make it OK for things to be different. I know I’m at a crossroads. I know things have to change – are changing and I’m willing to change. I want to invite new elements into my life. So I’m going to take time to journal and mind map, listen to what people are asking me to do for them, overcome my own reservations, and explore every opportunity that shows up. That’s how I’m going to create positive change.

Cara Lumen, MA, The Vision Distiller, keeps you passionately on purpose as you work to make a difference in the world. She helps you believe you can! Through her Magnetic Marketing Method, Cara creates personalized stepping stones that keep you passionately on purpose. You are invited to keep in touch with Cara through her Passionately On Purpose emagazine at http://www.caralumen.com

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The Philosophy Behind Positive Affirmations

When the philosophy behind positive affirmations is explained, it is really easy to see why so many people practice this method every day of their lives. It becomes habit forming, and when one goal is achieved, you find yourself moving onto another goal.

The philosophy is really simple. You have two levels of absorbing, retaining and reacting to information. The first level is called the ‘ conscious mind’ and the second is called the ‘subconscious mind’.

I like to think of the ‘conscious’ mind as the ‘surface’. It takes things at face value and issues an answer based on that instant information.

The ‘subconscious’ mind however, is the ‘deeper’ part of the mind that we unconsciously tell things to and it reacts emotionally by the information we are constantly feeding it.

For instance, if we tell ourselves often enough that we are gross and ugly, that is what our subconscious would absorb and we would see ourselves in this vein. However, if we tell ourselves that we are fit, healthy and glowing, our subconscious leads us to believe that this is true and we naturally feel this way whether we are or not.

By constantly repeating positive affirmations about something we desire, we can in effect ‘re-program’ how we think about ourselves. This positive attitude will then attract positive things back to you (you may have heard of ‘The law of attraction’).

There are a couple of rules of thumb that you will need to follow. First be absolutely definite about what it is you want. Talk about the desire as if you are already in possession of it. For example, instead of ‘I want to be a millionaire’  you might want to say ‘I own a million dollar house with a swimming pool etc and a red Porche 911with…….

Be sure to be specific. Describe the details of the house, the spec of the car and the amount of money you have. The more precise you are, the more real it will seem and the quicker things will come to you.

You need to be disciplined and practice your positive affirmations every day. Feel and believe what you are saying or thinking and you will soon see major changes to yourself and your life.

Find ideas and inspiration when composing Positive Affirmations. Learn techniques that can catapult your life forward and obtain all your desires. Visit http://www.positiveaffirmations1.com/

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Methods to Create Positive Beliefs

Creating positive beliefs involves training yourself to believe in the things that you desire and love and be willing to live your life in accordance these things and also be determined to commit yourself to do everything to develop your awareness in different ways to rid yourself of negative and conflicting belief systems. To do this it is necessary to dig into your subconscious mind with the use of meditative techniques. This way, you become a believer rather than needing to change your entire personal belief system. All negative belief systems in the future can be changed and deconstructed easily, which can produce a kind of enlightenment.

It is known that belief systems can be difficult to change especially when these beliefs are survival oriented and embedded deeply in the subconscious mind. This is usually the reason why most people can’t seem to get anywhere because most belief systems tend to work against the aspirations and goals. In addition, some belief systems are unconscious in nature, which can work below the level of awareness.

A belief system has the ability to help you attain success but it can also block it. Such a block must have a close analysis, which can be done using meditation. Most individuals find meditation very difficult to do but it is not impossible especially with the use of meditation guide. Having a greater awareness of the situation is the first important step to meditation, you have to visualize what you want and need in your life. Committing to this regular discipline may result to discovering your mental blocks and start you up in getting into your consciousness.

Imagination is a powerful tool for personal improvement, which can develop strongly with the use of meditation techniques. If you do not know how to use your imagination, you need to be persistent and patient.

Would you like to have more success in your life?

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How to Stay Positive on a Bad Day | Robin Sharma


How to Stay Positive on a Bad Day | Robin Sharma

Want some unique yet practical insights + tactics to pivot from a bad day into a wonderful [and productive] one?

At legendary leadership + elite performance expert Robin Sharma’s live events like Personal Mastery Academy [2 days of personal transformation‎ each June] and the famous Titan Summit [4 days of legendary training for entrepreneurs and world-builders where luminaries like Sir Richard Branson, Shaq and Woz have been on Robin’s faculty], people quietly ask him how to turn hard times into great seasons.

Look–we all have days where nothing seems to work. That’s just being human.

And without a clear and strong ritual to run when things don’t go as planned, your focus, productivity, prosperity and impact on the world will suffer…

…The key is to have a toolkit of winning moves to “course correct” both your mindset [so you think like a pro] and your heartset [so you feel brave, joy-filled + loving].

In this inspirational + tactical video‎, Robin will walk you through an innovative method he calls “The 5 Ps of Premium Performance” that will show you how to transform a messy day into a valuable one.

The 5P process has helped the clients he works with ‎achieve world-class results and craft lives they adore. So it’s been battle-tested in the real world.‎

Please remember: each day of your life counts. A world-class life is nothing more than a series of well lived days strung together with bravery and consistency.

Ok. Be great. Go rock your game today. ‎

More Resources If You’re Ready to Go Deeper:

Robin loves helping + serving…

–if you want a potent learning tool to rewire your mindset [and heartset] so you stay strong and undefeatable, Robin has created The Mental Mastery Toolkit. Zero cost. Just use it and share it. Get it here: http://rshar.ma/28ZJNpJ

–to join the millions of people who watch Robin’s Mastery Sessions podcast, subscribe here‎: http://rshar.ma/masterysessions – Again, a free [and handcrafted] resource with superb content.

–if you want to attend Personal Mastery Academy in June this year, definitely get onto the waiting list here: http://PersonalMasteryAcademy.com – Robin would love to work with you over these 2 life-changing days.


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Instagram: https://instagr.am/RobinSharma
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How to Develop a Positive Mind Easily

The strength of the word that come out of our mouth is wonderful! The chatter with in our mind, is so amazing that the average person has 60,000 thoughts a day! I don’t know about you but that is a ridiculous amount of thought that are within the mind of an average individual is quite amazing! But before I tell you guys how to change you thoughts from negative to positive I would like you guys to listen to the thoughts that are going on in you mind right now. I hope is positive and if it isn’t I’m going to show you how to change that!

So now I will show you how to take more control of you mind “Self talk” So get phasing you seat belts and get ready to become a positive individual!

2 Steps to regaining your mind:

1. Consume your mind with Great thoughts. I want you to make a conscious decision to find good things in your life as you wake up every morning! As you focus on things that are good in your life, you tend to bring about more positive circumstance instead of negative! its pretty simple! This takes practice, but it gets so much easier , until it reaches point in which you will never feel negative or depressed!

2. Use self talk. Talk to yourself in a positive manner. By talking to yourself in a positive manner you will be reprogramming yourself to think in a positive way. For example: when you wake up say today is a great day, every thing good happens to me, I love my life, I am going to enjoy today no matter what, I am going to be financially free, I believe in my self, I am a positive thinker, I like myself etc. By saying things like this to yourself you allow change the picture of yourself in you mind to a positive one! And once you have done this, you have created a positive mind!

Don’t take this article as something light, this method works guaranteed because your just doing the opposite of what got you the negative mind in the first place, so you cannot lose!

Now I would like to invite you to get your Free Instant Access to the the 4 FREE video tutorial on how to become Becoming a Self-Motivated Financially Free Entrepreneur when you visit: http://www.MaverickMoneyMakersNote.com

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