Tag Archives: Positive

Positive Manifestation is For Everyone

How do we get better at positive manifesting? We keep learning and applying what we learn. That’s the only way to do it.

Instinctively we all know how to manifest. We manifest stuff we do and don’t want every day. We’re just a million times better at manifesting what we don’t want which is why we’re always saying ‘I knew that would happen!’ or ‘Can’t anything ever go right for me?’

If everyone could only realized that just saying and thinking those common negative phrases is making everything we don’t want manifest over and over again, then we could get rid of those sayings completely and start to turn all of our lives around.

We’re pros at manifesting being late for an appointment or our order coming back wrong. Are you one of those people who never receives your order the way you want it, whether it’s at a restaurant or just a delivery from a store?

If you are then congratulations, you really are a pro at manifesting.

It’s easier for us to manifest the negative things because we really believe they are going to happen.

I’m not sure when it becomes ingrained in us that we can’t obtain everything we want whether it be the perfect career, house, partner, education, and on and on. All I know for sure is that it’s complete crap.

All those things you want are obtainable and all you have to do is start working your way towards it.

You can’t manifest something without putting the effort in and really believing that you are going to reach your end goal. And all the effort in the world is not going to get you there if you don’t believe you deserve it.

I don’t care whether you are a doctor, a rocket scientist, or a fast food employee. Everyone deserves to have whatever makes them happy and everyone can obtain happiness. We are all equal.

Having doubt about receiving what you want happens to everyone but if you take you thoughts and detour them around your doubt than you will end up at your goal.

The more you learn about positive manifesting, the more you will apply what you learn, and the more you will see your positive manifestations come true.

Start living the life you want to live and not the life you’re expected to live.

Visit my website at http://manifestconnection.com/ for weekly updates on topics involving manifestation.

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Bowel Cancer and a Positive Attitude

We’ve all heard about the power of positive thinking. Having a positive attitude and so on.

Some of us will have found that these clichés are indeed true. Positive thinking can change your life dramatically. For many people their positive attitude has carried them through many adversities. For some, its made them rich believing in themselves and what they can achieve by being positive and pushing on regardless of what’s put in their path. There are many paths in our lives where a positive attitude has triumphed over what might seem insurmountable obstacles.

In case you were wondering what this has to do with bowel cancer and indeed any cancer, it’s this same positive attitude of the patient that’s important in the recovery process and in fighting the disease itself. The mind plays a significant part in the healing process of cancer and time and again its been shown that patients with a positive attitude fare better than those that give up or are overly pessimistic.

The power of the mind can be demonstrated by such occurrences as the pointing of the bone by Aboriginals at a member of the tribe, who has done something wrong, and is to be punished. There have been authenticated cases (1953) where this has occurred and the victim has simply died over a short period of time with no medical explanation. (Sources: John Godwin, Unsolved: The World of the Unknown, pp. 163-76; Ronald Rose, Living Magic, pp. 30-36):
Even though this is a somewhat morbid demonstration of the power of the mind it does show how powerful it is. Powerful enough for a person to believe he is cursed to die, and does so.

Could it now be argued that you could use the power of the mind to not die and to survive your cancer despite the odds? My research has shown that you can’t afford to take this literally. I don’t think it can be said, that if you have a positive attitude you won’t die from cancer. That depends on a number of other factors but what I do think you can say is, having a positive attitude helps enormously in surviving.

The cancer patients I interviewed for my book, who are long term survivors, have all taken a positive attitude toward their treatment and outcome. None of them were ready to lie down and die just because they had cancer. They had the courage and the fortitude to take on this disease and beat it.

I don’t think many of us can say how we would feel if diagnosed with bowel cancer. It would certainly take the wind out of your sails primarily, but having talked to these people who have survived I think, after my initial shock, I would be doing the same as they did. I would be positive about the outcome and would let nothing stand in my way in beating this terrible disease to live a long and happy life.

Roger Cuff is a freelance writer living near Sydney, Australia. He has currently just finished his book about long term survivors of bowel cancer and the strategies they used to survive. http://www.survivingbowelcancer.com

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6 Steps to Maintaining Positive Attitude

Maintaining positive attitude allows us to focus on our strengths and achievements, instead of allowing negative thinking to stop us in our tracks, when it comes to making and maintaining progress as an entrepreneur, either online or offline.

Here are 6 steps to maintaining positive attitude and taking control of your emotions and thoughts to allow endless possibilities into your life.

1. Look After Yourself

As much as you’re able to, eat a healthy diet, get as much sleep as you need and exercise, at least once a week!

2. Don’t Forget What You’ve Already Got

When you remind yourself of the things that are good in your life, however small or insignificant you think they are, it makes a difference in maintaining positive attitude and starts to attract bigger and better things to you. Just pause for a minute every day to remind yourself of what you have got.

3. Believing In Yourself

The need to feel accepted by others and to fit in is perfectly normal, as you’d agree. All of us have had a fear or nervousness about what other people might be thinking about us, but what we fear isn’t always real.

Regardless of other people’s opinions, if you know yourself that your chosen course of action is the right one for you, don’t let anyone persuade you otherwise.

4. Watch Your Language!

We tend to think the way that we speak, I know I do. If you use certain words or phrases, they will affect the way you think. Maintaining positive attitude means you need to consciously think about the way you phrase things. Avoid using words like “can’t”, “never”, don’t”.

These words will send your thoughts and emotions the wrong way.

Be aware of what you’re saying and thinking. Instead of “I can’t afford this”, use “I can’t afford this yet” or “I can afford this if I…”. 

5. Be Aware of Negative Thoughts

If you have a moment in struggling with maintaining positive attitude and negative thoughts start to creep in, be aware of what is happening. If you are aware of something, you can control it.

When you notice yourself having a negative thought, recognize it for what it is, make the choice to not let it affect you, let it go and move on.

6. Taking Action – don’t Procrastinate

If you get stuck in the headlights thinking over the best way to go about doing something all of the time, you end up doing nothing. Pick one of your viable options and carry it through by taking action. It’s easy to become paralyzed with analyzing things too much.

Take action and reap the rewards. Do nothing and receive exactly that. 

Keep these 6 steps in mind and use them as a foundation for maintaining positive attitude in order to become a successful entrepreneur.

Online income mentor Ed Hodgson teaches people how to generate a substantial passive income from the internet. For free tips on making money online, go to http://www.EdHodgsonBlog.com

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How to turn negative into positive thoughts

Did you ever wanted a parking space nearby the mall entrance, but finally you ended at the beginning of the parking aera. I bet the thought:” I probably won’t find a space nearby”, crossed your mind several times.

So got what you asked for. The word “won’t” is a negative mind related thought. A so called negative affirmation. You probably experience more of these things in life. You would like a nicer house or car but for some reason things don’t change. Let me explain how to mind works. Our mind is the most amazing hard drive you can imagine. There are billions off= neural connections possible. Every time you think or see something your brain stores the event with sound, odeur, feeling or other senses that you’re not aware off. Sometimes when you hear a sound that event runs through your head again. The sound is called an anchor. Also smell is an anchor. Every time you experience that specific smell related with an event those thought comes in mind.

We can use those anchors in a positive way. We must realize that our mind doesn’t recognize negative words similar like “not” . For example if you say : I will not be late”. Your mind will registers: “I will be late”. The result is that you will be just in time for your appointment.

Therefore the way to use our mind is by positive affirmation like: I will be on time, I have a parking space near the entrance . Believe me it works. Nine out of ten times I have a parking space close to the place where I must be. The times I don’t have that spot is because I didn’t thought of needing a space at all or enough .

Positive thinking is like sports exercising. The more you repeat the better you become. Forget the negative thought or emotion that comes into your mind. Say: “Next” to each of those negative thoughts. Stay focused on what you want. Think in possibilities not in problems. Use positive affirmations like:

I feel more secure each day

I’m emotionally in balance

This is another perfect day for me.

Start with positive thinking right now!

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Stop Worrying & Stay Positive – Subliminal Message Session – By Thomas Hall

This recording contains powerful subliminal messages. Please only listen to this subliminal recording in a safe environment.

Here is a list of all the affirmations/messages in this recording.

You are a positive person that can see the good in every situation
I am a positive person that can see the good in every situation
You enjoy life
I enjoy life
You feel calm
I feel calm
You are calm
I am calm
Let yourself relax and feel good
You can achieve anything you set your mind to
I can achieve anything I set my mind to
Let yourself completely relax
You are a good person
I am a good person
You are a happy person
I am a happy person
You feel happy and relaxed in all situations
I feel happy and relaxed in all situations
You can focus on all the great things in your life
I can focus on all the great things in my life
Focus on the positive things
Focus on positive thoughts
You become even more relaxed everyday
I become even more relaxed everyday
You can think of the positive things in the world
I can think of the positive things in the world
You love life
I love life
You are a relaxed person
I am a relaxed person
You deserve to be happy
I deserve to be happy
You are happy
I am happy
Enjoy your life
People like you because you are a happy person
People like me because I am a happy person
You can laugh and have fun
I can laugh and have fun
Think of happy thoughts
Let yourself relax
You can achieve anything you set your mind to
I can achieve anything I set me mind to
(((((All of the above are repeated throughout the recording)))))

Thank you for listening for a full range of subliminal and hypnosis recordings please subscribe.

Credit line

Background Music: Music from The Self Development Network www.subliminal-studio.com, in accordance with Copyright Law.

Beautiful Clouds In The Blue Sky (photo) – artist name: schankz – Photo ID#:40138712 – royalty free image brought from www.pond5.com

Hypnosis Image – royalty free image brought from ©Valkos|Dreamstime.com

Everything else by Thomas Hall – (C) Copyright 2015

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Positive attitude

Attitude is Everything! Funny attitude video of babies at the office. Having a positive attitude is the key in life. Inspirational!
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Be Positive Every Day With Subliminal Positive Affirmations

Good personalities attract better results. That is true whether you are at home, at the office, in a party, or anywhere else. So if you want to achieve the best results in everything you do every single day, you need a daily dose of positive thinking and subliminal mag cd that can maintain it.

Here are some tips on how to start thinking positively:

1. Identify the negatives in your mind. You may be unaware of it, but the way you think eventually and very easily becomes a habit. Everything you see, hear, and absorb from since you were a child contributes to these thoughts and turn into habits.

So if you have accumulated a lot of negative thoughts, like how your grades have always been average or how your parents have always favored your other siblings, these make it hard for you to believe in positive ideas, such as you are capable or you are admirable. Eventually, this becomes a habit, that when someone asks you to do something or assigns a task to you, you automatically think that you cant do it.

So before positive thinking can take over, you need to be aware of these negative thoughts and guard your mind against them.

2. Take control of your subconscious mind with self help subliminal messages. Once negative thoughts become habits, however, weeding them out can be harder than you think. Usually these negative thoughts set up shop deep in your mind that they are bound to come up every now and then. If you want to be positive every single day, you cant let them survive, not in your conscious mind and not in your subconscious.

Its easy to control your conscious mind. But if the negatives are in your subconscious, the only way to attack them is with affirmations like these:

I enjoy life.
I am enthusiastic.
I am content and satisfied.
I am energetic.
I am passionate.
I appreciate everything I have.

DIY subliminal messaging can help you customize these affirmations to help with your worst negativity issues. Subliminal programming is a way of communicating with your subconscious mind. These can involve customized affirmations in various forms like subliminal text, images, audio/music, and film/videos. Whats special about them is that they go straight to the subsconscious, ignoring the filtering and analysis of the conscious mind. Ultimately, they are more effective since it is easier for thoughts that rule the subconscious to turn into habits.

3. Live it. The joint effort of your subconscious mind and your conscious decisions to choose positive activities and decisions is the key to being positive every day. With negative habits at bay, you can make conscious decisions and actions; you can simply choose to live positively. Nothing is hindering you anymore; no negative thoughts are holding you back.

So every day, you can be proactive and actually make something good happen to your life. If an old friend from the past invites you for coffee, take the opportunity. When you see an ad to help plant trees, joint the cause. Do not just let life go by; you have to actually live it.

Positive subliminal suggestions will tell you that you are fully capable of enjoying life to the full. You can invite positive results and circumstances to your life with that shining positive attitude.

Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages online. Valued at 0, click for 4 Free Subliminal messages!

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The Shift – Wayne Dyer – Positive Attitude – English

Wayne Dyer is a motivational speaker. He speaks about the importance of thinking positively and how thinking positively can influence our lives in a better way. He does not list down principals but just speaks of the ways in which you yourself can be happier and more content in life.

To Watch More Videos SUBSCRIBE NOW – https://www.youtube.com/GoodHealth24by7

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Positive Motivation: Building a Network of Positive Energy

Take a solid look at your friends and family, and focus your thoughts on the messages they convey to you. When you look at each person individually, do they build you up and motivate you or do they tear you down and spread a “can’t do” message to you? Each of these people are important to your life and are loved by you, and yet some people are simply negative forces in your life. If you want to be successful and happy in life, you need to build a network of positive energy by focusing on those individuals that provide you with positive motivation.

Obviously you cannot stop interacting with those people in your life who don’t offer positive motivation, but you can limit your interactions with them. You should also take steps to avoid internalizing their messages if you know they will bring you down. Don’t ask them for advice or talk to them about problems more than necessary, but instead do these things with the positive forces in your life. You can absolutely still socialize with those you love who are less than positive, but you need to be aware of how their words and actions can affect yours so you can take steps to head that off before it starts.

For a truly more productive and successful life, you should try to spend more time on those people in  your life who do offer positive motivation. Internalize their messages to you. Develop more friendships and relationships with people are are positive, and really build up a strong network of positive energy. It is truly amazing how being around negative people can bring you down, too, and likewise how being around positive people can be uplifting. Surround yourself with positive energy, and you will find that you lead a happier and more successful life.

Carla Kaplan is a writer and researcher on positive motivation. Find insight, inspiration, and tips on how to stay positively motivated at this blog: eof737.wordpress.com

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A Positive Attitude Attracts A Positive Fullfilling Life

You might think that attracting prosperity sounds like a phrase that people use who think you need to meditate two hours a day, not eat meat and communicate with spirits with Biblical names. And while there are some New Age and New Thought gurus who do all of those things, actually attracting prosperity to your life is much simpler than that.

That’s not to say that it’s easy. There are a number of ways to do it wrong, which only means that you won’t attract the prosperity you deserve. There’s no doom and gloom option when it comes to trying to bring good things into your life. There’s no way to do it wrong and actually attract heartache.

Even by just attempting methods of attracting prosperity, you start wheels turning in both your head and the universe that can help good things happening in your life. Because the first step in making good things happen for yourself is a change in your attitude. This can affect every part of your life, if you let it.
Instead of seeing things through a negative lens,it’s necessary to see them through a positive one.Use the analogy of a glass that’s filled halfway with water. Instead of seeing it as half-empty or half-dirty, learn to see it as half-full.If you burn dinner,don’t see it as a ruined meal, notice that the pans will still be fine after they’re washed.

This shift in perception takes you from seeing negativity and limitations and instead into seeing the positive side of everything.Attracting prosperity works on the principle that what you believe and what you surround yourself with will attract similar things.If you go through your day noticing what’s wrong with everything,you are going to attract problems.

But if you go through your day noticing the good side to each situation,you will attract prosperity.This might sound far-fetched to some people,but when you focus on being positive and on seeing the good in things, your attitude will change.

Once this attitude shift takes place,it becomes even easier to automatically see the positive in even a very bad situation.When you begin noticing positive things, opportunities that you would have otherwise missed if you had been focused on the negative instead make themselves known to you.

When viewed this way,attracting prosperity seems less like some strange metaphysical system than it does good common sense.When you see an opportunity you might have missed with a more negative attitude, it’s like you’ve attracted the potential for prosperity, by seeing an opportunity where you wouldn’t have before.

And when you’re faced with an opportunity, you can take advantage of it where you couldn’t have before. Even if it was something you might have noticed before but not acted on when you had a more negative attitude, with a positive attitude you may act on it and believe that it will work in your favor. Attracting prosperity becomes second nature when you believe that good things are possible.

Joanne McMahon is a health and wellbeing author. Join The Healthy Wealthy Wise Club to read more lifechanging tips and join their club to receive free giveaways and information. Sign up to recieve the newsletter at http://www.healthywealthywiseclub.info

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