Tag Archives: Positive

How To Cultivate a Positive Thinking And Positive Attitude

I am very excisted to write this article as I strongly believe that positive attitude can indeed change something from bad to good. Let me start by asking you a question right now…

What thought is on your mind right now? Do you label your thought negative or positive? Now with that in your mind, let imagine that you are currently talking to a person, would you think that the thought that is currently on your mind is going to impact your interaction with that person? Would you think that it is going to impact your interaction with others positively or negatively?

You see, what is in your mind is going to be reflected in how you behave and how you behave is going to affect how you feel; and how you feel is going to affect your action.

Therefore, if what you have in your mind is positive thoughts, this is going to reflect in a positive behaviour as well. And if you behave positively, you are going to feel good and this is going to show in your action. You will act in a positive way.

Here’s another question. When you enter a party filled with friends, do they all fall silent as if something terrible had happened? Or does everybody there perk up as if waiting for something exciting to happen?

You know what? The answer to this question will depend on your frame of mind.

Thoughts are very powerful. They affect your general attitude. The attitude you carry reflects on your appearance too. And it doesn’t end there. Your attitude can also affect people around you.

The type of attitude you carry depends on you. It can be either positive or negative.

Positive thoughts have a filling effect. They are admittedly invigorating. Plus, the people around the person carrying positive thoughts are usually energized by this type of attitude.

Negative thoughts on the other hand have a sapping effect on other people. Aside from making you look gloomy and sad, negative thoughts can turn a festive gathering into a funeral wake.

A positive attitude attracts people, while a negative attitude repels them. People tend to shy away from those who carry a negative attitude.

Your attitude is also going to affect how you see the world. If you have a positive attitude, you will see the world from the bright side. On the other hand, if you have a negative attitude, you will always tend to see the world from the dark side.

That is the reason why people with positive attitude always have a lot of friends because people feel comfortable and happy around them. On the other hand, people with negative attitude will always shy away from people.

You have much to gain from a very positive attitude. Many studies have shown that a positive attitude promotes better health. Those with this kind of attitude also have more friends. projecting a positive attitude also helps one to handle stress and problems better than those who have a negative attitude.

Although it is impossible to keep ourselves from the negative things around us, you can still carry a positive attitude by focusing on the good things, the positive things in life.

You see, life is short. So why focus our energy on the negative things? Negativity can drag you down and drain your energy. It takes the same effort to think positively so why not choose to think positive instead of negative? Since positive thinking and positive attitude can give you so many positive benefits, why not focus all our energy and effort on the positive things in life?

If you can always think positively, this will reflect in your action. You are going to do positive things and produce positive result!

So, it really isn’t that difficult to think and behave positively, is it? I hope you find this article useful and will put this information to good use.

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How To Stay Positive In A Negative World

It’s hard to stay positive in the tough world of today. Every day we come across situations and people who remind us of the harsh realities of life. No one can avoid problems, but they can definitely determine how to face them. As famous graphic artist Mary Engelbreit said, ‘If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.’ Here are some tips to stay positive in a negative world.

Tips to Staying Positive in A Negative World

Surround yourself with positivity: Feelings and attitudes are infectious. That’s how the company of some people automatically lifts up your spirits. Seek positive friends who are happy and hopeful. Surround your home and office with quotes on positivity.

Nurture your mind: Consciously avoid television programs and films that are negative. They always have an impact at the subconscious level. Read positive books with happy stories and the inspiring lives and thoughts of great people. Spiritual, emotional and mental wellbeing helps you stay happy even in the worst environments.

See hardship as an opportunity: Your view determines everything. The world is the same for everyone. How is it that some make it while others don’t? It’s because the former saw possibilities where others only saw hardship and pain.

Do something: When plagued with negativity, don’t brood. You will only feel worse. Do something you love. Your spirit will be uplifted as your mind is diverted towards the new activity. Like every other organ, the brain has to be fed. Give it light instead of the darkness that comes from pondering over something bitter.

View the positive side of things: Even negative things have a positive side to them. Train your mind to concentrate on those. Losing your job is not all about losing your only source of income. It also means free time for family and all the things you always planned to do but never found the time for.

Appreciate and be grateful: Gratitude is one of the greatest gifts to man. Learn to be grateful not just for something good but even for the negative because it teaches you something. As Oscar Wilde said, ‘If you don’t get everything you want, think of the things you don’t get that you don’t want.’

Forge a strong belief system: Everything starts with you. What are the values you treasure? What is your attitude to people and the world in general? Consciously work on a program of self development that cultivates hope, optimism, faith and your own unique potential.

Learn to let go: Accept that there is only so much that you can do. The rest is outside your control. So just shut out those things and forget about them. Remember that you cannot please all the people all the time. As George Bernard Shaw said, “A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.”

Follow these tips as a basis for a more positive life and you will surely see a change. There is no time like NOW to make a fresh start.

Doug Dvorak is a motivational speaker with vast experience in helping a wide range of companies and employees. His captivating style and humor have made him a popular speaker for a huge variety of issues.

How to stay positive all time – By Sandeep Maheshwari I Hindi

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Change Positive Thinking to Positive Believing

Affirmations alone don’t work. Almost everyone has heard of positive thinking being a key to success. You are to start out repeating affirmations like “I am Rich.” “I am Healthy.” “I am getting better and better everyday.” When your life doesn’t change quickly, you quit. You tell yourself it doesn’t work.

What you may not realize is that your sub-conscious is a little voice inside you that’s telling you the affirmations are wrong. It’s all a lie. You know better. You’re not wealthy and never will be. Money is hard to get. You’re fat and doomed to stay that way. Or any number of negative things that contradict the affirmation.

This diminishes or even completely cancels your efforts. And you may not even be aware of this little voice. But it is this voice that holds you back.

This voice comes from beliefs that you hold that you may not be aware of. It could be some hidden belief like being rich is evil. Do you know the saying “Money is the root of all evil”? That could be where your block comes from. Or maybe you have a belief that rich people are selfish and feel that being selfish is something to avoid at all costs.

If you are trying to lose weight by repeating “I am thin and healthy” when you are far from “thin and healthy”. You won’t believe in the affirmation. In fact, it can boomerang right back and the negative thoughts come back stronger. This is similar to what happens with yo-yo dieting. You lose weight on the diet then when you stop that particular diet, you can all the weight back and more.

Now positive thinking can work. But you need to be able to believe in the affirmation. Tone down that affirmation until it is something you can believe in. Something that little voice can’t argue with too much. Then change it little by little.

Here’s a possible progression for weight loss:

* I am building a desire to be thin and healthy.
* I will like my healthy body.
* I will enjoy the increased activity.
* I am working to become healthier everyday.
* I can picture my new body and I’m pleased with it.
* I work diligently to be healthy.
* I eat mostly vegetables and feel satisfied.
* My level of activity is increasing and I enjoy it.
* Exercise is great.
* My muscle mass is increasing.
* My body is well toned.
* I am thin and healthy.

Here’s a possible progression for increasing wealth:

* I know of people who are wealthy and still nice, thoughtful and generous.
* I can learn what I need to increase my wealth.
* I am as smart as wealthy people and opportunity will come my way.
* I am looking for ways to increase my wealth.
* I expect opportunities to come into my awareness.
* The world abounds with opportunities and there are some for me.
* I will recognize the perfect wealth creating opportunity for me and take it.
* Prosperity lies just ahead.
* Money is flowing my way.

I’m sure you can come up with more and I would be interested in hearing them. Send me your ideas and read more about Changing your thoughts at Thoughtful-self-improvement.com.

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How to Think Positive ? The Power of Positive Thinking

If you want to know how to think positive, you probably aren’t that happy with your life. Maybe you worry a lot about yourself, the future, about your job. Or maybe you simply worry about anything!

The important thing here is that it’s your way of thinking that makes you feel uncertain and bad. You have to realize that how you feel depends on you – and only you. You could feel awesome right now, in this moment. There might be “problems” around you, but only as long as you see them as problems. Of course it’s helpful to identify problems, not to ignore them. But a lot of people are scared of any kind of problems, so the first thing they try to see in every new, unknown situation are the problems, the negative aspects. It’s obvious that you make your life unnecessary difficult and bad this way (as our thoughts shape our moods). This is called negative thinking.

So, the first step to positive thinking is to identify the way you are thinking. You need to recognize the destructive thoughts. Are you a pessimist type of person? Simply try to answer these questions:

1) In a bad situation, do you always expect the worst?

2) Imagine yourself in five years – are you scared?

3) If all your friends tell you about this great movie you simply have to see – you still have doubts?

4) Are your friends pessimistic?

5) Do you worry about things you can’t change?

6) If something good happens, do you think it happened by accident?

Now, if you have answered the most questions with “yes”, you definitely need to change your way of thinking. Here is a great technique to break the vicious circle of negative thinking: sit down for 15 minutes every day for some weeks and write down the thoughts that don’t let you sleep. Next, take a rational look at your notes. Are they true? Mostly there are not. Finally, you can rewrite them in a positive way.

Keep in mind: you don’t need to change yourself as a person. You need to change the way you think of things, the way you look at problems. This will not only improve the quality of your life but also attract other people – maybe even the mate of your dreams! For more information, take a look at this article:

Law of Attraction in Getting a Mate

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Jetking reviews are positive

The IT sector has seen a huge growth and a number of people are collectively flocking towards the same. This is precisely because it is one of the largest growing industries across the globe and is highly rewarding. Due to this, almost everyone today is highly attracted to the prospects of joining the IT industry. This increase in demand has led to a number of institutions coming up in the market and training students to be complete professionals when they enter the real world. They provide a number of courses which truly benefit the students and make them able enough to handle things effectively when they are asked to face new challenges. One such company that has a cutting edge over many others is jetking and you can find a number of jetking infotrain reviews online that might help you before you think of joining the institute.

A number of jetking reviews vouch for the fact that it is undoubtedly the best institute when it comes to computer hardware and networking programs. They offer a number of training programs to their students which is highly essential to get good placements in retail and manufacturing, BPO’s, the IT sector etc. The courses offered are such that these students become highly compatible with any of the industries they are placed in and they also have complete knowledge regarding every little detail that is required regarding computers hardware and networking.

Jetking reviews are extremely beneficial for those who are entering this field for the first time. With the number of institutes that have come up in the market, it is highly possible for one to get a little confused and choose the wrong option. To avoid this, one must always go through a number of reviews and ask people who have gone to various institutes for a feedback.

However, getting trained at jetking has a number of benefits. Apart from the fact that it is the best in the computer networking and hardware industry, it also provides the students with practical knowledge and not just the theory part. They are given a good amount of exposure which readies them for the real jobs in the world.

I am a professional Hardware Networking engineer & working for last 6 years in this industry

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How to Stay Positive When Disaster Strikes

Seeing your home and all of its memories, destroyed in a catastrophe is a striking blow that hits you deep within your soul. Some never recover from the trauma while others emerge stronger from the experience. Until disaster strikes, you may not know how you will respond. And when it does strike, staying positive may seem impossible – even unfair. However, as angry or as sad as you may be, remaining angry and sad is counterproductive. As with most other things, attitudes often become self-fulfilling prophesies. Try to stay positive when disaster strikes and the aftermath will be that much easier to deal with.


Steps for Staying Positive:


· Count your blessings. Your house may be a pile of sticks, but if you and your family are alive and well, you have much to be thankful for.


· Realize that you are not alone. When a disaster strikes a community, the entire community is affected. While your suffering may be great, others are also suffering. Literally, your neighbors are feeling your pain. Many disaster victims have found great solace in comforting one another.


· Realize that help is available. As devastating as it may be, it’s doubtful that you’ll be completely on your own. Emergency relief from local, state, and federal agencies as well as non-profit organizations will arrive in the near term while long term relief including disaster assistance, grants, loans, housing, and other disaster aid programs will follow. Make sure to go to Disaster Recovery Centers set up by disaster responders and agencies and learn about the aid that is available to you. As you become better educated about what the future holds and the help that is available, you’ll become less uncertain this makes it easier to maintain a positive attitude.


· Take action. While it may be tempting to play the role of a victim and continue to grieve you losses, taking action can have a healing affect. It propels you forward and demonstrates that you do have some control over your situation. Empower yourself by volunteering to help others in worse shape than you are in, clearing debris as soon as it is safe to do so, starting the insurance claims process, filing for aid or loans, and so on. If you see a need, do what you can to fill it. For example, instead of worrying about your kids missing school for months at a time, organize study groups for the neighborhood children to keep them focused and in a routine.


All of the above steps can help you to move from a state of shock and grief into a state of peace and action. But what if you are incapacitated or have lost family members as a result of the disaster? Staying positive in these situations is far more difficult when you feel as though you don’t have any blessings to count or you are too injured to do anything but lie in your hospital bed. Below are a few tips that may help:


· Allow yourself to grieve. If you’ve lost loved ones, grieving is a natural process that shouldn’t be ignored even if you have insurance papers to file and nowhere to call home. You may have to move quickly and feel as though you don’t have time to fully grieve. When this happens, promise yourself that you will honor your lost loved ones soon. Give yourself permission to tend to your immediate emergency needs now so that you can grieve properly once you are in a safe place.


· Seek and accept help. Counseling, medical care, and assistance programs are available after disasters – and people from all over will want to help. Many disaster victims are hesitant to accept help or even resistant to it, but you do need support. By allowing your neighbors, family members, friends, or volunteers help you, your eventual recovery will be that much easier.



· Remind yourself that being positive doesn’t mean you have to be happy. In fact, you can be incredibly sad, yet positive. Tomorrow is another day. You can survive.


Disasters, as terrible as they are, often bring people and communities together. Many disaster victims find that they are stronger than they realized and that despite the ill luck that has fallen their way, they are equipped to survive. You too are equipped to survive a disaster and one of the most effective tools you have is your ability to stay positive.



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Stay Positive With These Tips

Everybody has been in a room the place one person seems to stand out. They are not necessarily the leader or the biggest person within the room, but everyone will look to them for advice, or they’ll need to talk to that particular person, just to be near them. Standing again, you may see that they aren’t dressed any in another way than everyone else or they are not bodily bigger. There’s something about them though that makes them stand out. It is simply because they’ve a greater outlook on life than all people else. They’ve achieved that angle because they have their own positive pondering tips that they comply with on a daily basis.

Optimistic day by day affirmations help constructive thinkers stand out and be seen in a crowd, as a result of the group senses their attitude. People are social by nature. In a group of individuals, every particular person’s particular person feelings will imprint themselves onto the crowd as a whole. What this implies is that if an individual upbeat, with an optimistic attitude, the people round them will decide up on that. Everybody round them will discover themselves feeling a bit higher just by being around that person. Ask these individuals, who are no totally different than you, how they have such an awesome perspective, and they’re going to inform you about their own constructive thinking tips.

Utilizing constructive considering tips, you possibly can grow to be an individual who stands out in a crowd, also. Among the most well-known optimistic thinking tips are repeating your individual optimistic daily affirmations, surrounding your self by other optimistic thinkers, and forgiving yourself in the event you make mistakes. These positive considering suggestions are necessary, because they may help form your mind to be a positive force. You will find yourself dwelling your life following your optimistic daily affirmations. Surrounding yourself with other optimistic thinkers will help elevate your individual angle, the identical as it would in any crowd. Remembering that you are human, and will make errors, it is possible for you to to forgive your self for making them. It will make it easier to get past them and understand that you simply be taught from every mistake, slightly than dwelling on them.

Every individual is different. You might have a special set of optimistic affirmation ideas than the person who is the focal point in a room. That’s no drawback at all. There aren’t any fallacious or right optimistic affirmation tips. The one qualification is that they assist towards the objective of having an optimistic attitude. Everything you say and do, all of the optimistic affirmation tips you select to use whereas by yourself street towards a constructive outlook will prepare your thoughts to think in optimistic, therefore healthy means.

If you follow your personal optimistic thinking tips, the next time you go to a celebration, you might discover that you are now the middle of attention. Just watch for individuals who may seem uncomfortable the place they’re in life. Sharing your optimistic pondering suggestions with them could assist them change their mind-set also. In the long run, it is optimistic to bring the whole world to positive thinking, one individual at a time.

Matthew has been writing articles for over 3 years now. Come and visit his latest website for information on Fireman Sam Toys and best steam shower review

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Creating Positive Relationships

Creating Positive Relationships

I am sure I can offer over ten thousand pages of advice about relationships, but I won’t.  The world is filled with techniques, books, CDs and seminars designed to help people live together harmoniously.  Yet, since the beginning of time, one of the largest problems we face on this planet is the inability to get along with one another.  Poor relationships create war, divorce, family separation, runaways, defiance, fear and hostility.

One of my favorite movies is, “Oh God” starring George Burns and John Denver.  If you did not see this movie I hope you will.  The movie is a classic and full of advice for positive living.  One great scene was when God (played by George Burns) appeared to Jerry Landers (played by John Denver) while he was taking a shower.  God’s request to Jerry, “Tell the world I’m still here.  Spread the word that I still care and that the world can work.”  Jerry is a little distressed by God’s request and he quickly challenges God.  “The world isn’t working.  It’s not working at all.  We need help down here.”  At that point, God brilliantly replies, “That’s why I gave you each other.” 

I’ve always believed that God cares for people through people.  We need each other for our lives and our world to work.  Instead of fighting over the last barrel of oil, we need to change our thinking and understand that our very survival depends on sharing it with each other.

Did you ever walk through the mall and notice someone wearing the same outfit you were?  This has happened to me often.  Two complete strangers for a brief moment in time stop and smile at each other.  Sometimes we may even comment, “nice outfit,” or “good taste in clothes,” or “you look great.”  We laugh, and move on.  Did you ever drive past someone who had the same car as you?  Sometimes when this happens, people nod or beep the horn to acknowledge the coincidence.  It’s fun to see that someone has the same taste as you or that two strangers have something in common. 

How about things we have in common globally?  Wouldn’t life be great if we could walk up to a total stranger and excitedly say, “Wow, you’re on Earth, too?  Wow, isn’t this great?  What a coincidence!  We’ll have to get together some day and be best friends.” This has been the dream of many great leaders.  I believe it is a possibility.  Jacobsen Seminars teaches a very powerful relationship program.  In this program we discuss the five basic elements required to create positive healthy relationships.

1) Open, Honest Communication – before we married, my wife Kathy and I spoke with many couples who were enjoying blissful lives together.  We both believe in “modeling” successful people in order to create similar success.  Every couple told us the secret to a successful marriage was open, honest communication.  Communication is an art form.  Whether you are relating to a mate, child, parent, brother, sister or neighbor, your communication skills are a valuable asset.  I remember a story about a lady supposedly filing for divorce.  The judge began to question her about the decision she had made, so that he could properly hear the case.

Judge: On what grounds do you want to appeal to your husband?

Wife: On the court grounds of course!

Judge: No, you misunderstood the question.  What I mean is do you have any grounds?

Wife: Yes.  My husband and I own two acres.

Judge: What I mean is, do you have a grudge?

Wife: Yes.  We have a two-car garage.

Judge: No! No! No!  What I mean is, does he beat you up?

Wife: No.  I’m always awake before he is.

Judge: What I mean is was he unfaithful?

Wife: My husband doesn’t belong to a church.

Judge: What I’m trying to find out is why you want to divorce your husband?

Wife: I don’t want to divorce my husband, he wants to divorce me.  He says we have a communication problem.

Although the above story is humorous, it unfortunately happens all too often.  The way we communicate with each other will determine the quality of the relationship.  Learn to speak to people, not at them.  Speak to people in the way they like to be spoken to.  When speaking with others look directly into their eyes.  This is a sign that you can be trusted and it also demonstrates your high self-image.  Before you speak to anyone ask yourself, “How can I say thiswith sincerity or with tenderness, or how can I make my point understood without creating any hard feelings?”  These questions will help you to effectively touch the heart of your listener and a high quality relationship will be inevitable. 

Another vital part of communication is to be a good listener.  You can win more friends with your ears than with your mouth.  When you give your undivided attention to another, he or she will respect you.  By listening to others they know that you care and this mindset will create instant friendships.  Opportunities are sometimes missed because we do not listen.  Nature reminds us that our ears are designed to stay open and our mouth designed to stay closed.

2) Change Your Attitude Towards Others – the truth is that we all have different values.  We must never negate someone because their value’s are different from ours.  Negative attitudes make it impossible to get along with ourselves and with others.  This is the basic law of cause and effect!  What we give out, we get back.  Psychologists tell us that we always see in others what we recognize in ourselves.  The world and other people are constantly reflecting back to us – all that we think about it.  At the core of your being, begin to recognize the divinity in others and they will soon recognize the divinity in you.  Treat all of whom you meet with respect and dignity. We need to constantly ask ourselves the following question about every thought, emotion or feeling we have, “Does this type of thinking create unity orseparation?” If the answer is separation, change the thought to enhance the relationship. 

Here is a popular technique that I know will help you if you are challenged by other people.  The moment you sense a relationship may be threatened, or that someone is about to push your buttons, immediately ask yourself, “What would someone like Gandhi or Mother Teresa do in this situation?”  After that, follow your heart.

3) Practice Forgiveness – one of the greatest acts we can perform is the act of forgiveness.  This is a master key for high quality relationships.  We must remember we make mistakes because we’re human.  You’ve heard the expression, “To err is human, to forgive is divine.”  Every time you extend forgiveness to another person you are expressing your divinity.  To express this divinity, it is important that you forgive and let go on an inner level, too.  To merely utter the words, “I forgive you” yet still harbor inner resentment is like burying the hatchet but leaving the handle exposed. 

 I recently worked with a gentleman in New York who was having a challenging relationship with his sister.  Apparently, she expressed some unkind words to a lady he was dating.  Upon hearing her words, the lady broke off with him and vowed to never speak with him again.  Months after the break up, he verbally forgave his sister, but his heart was still angry.  He was suffering with all types of psychosomatic health problems which I attributed to his hardened heart.  I taught him a great psychological technique that I hope you may find beneficial.  I told him to enter a meditative level and mentally speak to his sister.  He was to mentally express all of his anger and mentally tell her off.  After this, when he was ready, he was to mentally forgive her.  He mentally repeated the affirmation, “I now let go of all the negative feelings attached to this event and the negative feelings now let goof me.”  He explained to me that he felt a moment of peace and serenity after this process as if a big weight lifted from his body.  He immediately called his sister and forgave her again, but, this time he meant it.  Shortly after this his health problems vanished and he met another lady.

Remember physiologically, when you are angry with someone you create angry, toxic body chemistry within yourself.  Similarly, when you curse someone, you’re actually cursing yourself and when you hate someone, you first taste the poison. 

The power of forgiveness helps us to heal ourselves, allowing us to become whole.  It is very difficult when someone hurts us and that is why it is sometimes difficult to forgive.  Yet, once we overcome this difficulty, forgiveness strengthens the relationship making us better people.  Mark Twain once gave a beautiful definition of forgiveness:  “Forgiveness is the fragrance a violet leaves on the heel of the person who stepped on it.”  That may be the most godly definition of forgiveness I have ever heard. 

4) Discover Each Other’s Needs – this is a basic rule of thumb for any type of relationship.  If you want a high quality relationship, find out the other person’s needs and fulfill them.  To terminate a relationship the opposite is true – discover the other person’s needs and keep those needs unfulfilled.  If you want a good relationship with your boss, meet his or her needs by producing high quality work.  If you desire a good relationship with your mate or other family members, properly meet their needs with love in your heart.  The most fulfilling relationships are the ones where you go to give, not where you go to take. 

When you have the willingness to place another’s need over your own, you are demonstrating the highest expression of selflessness and love.  The more love you give the more love you will receive.  When you hold sand in your hand and tightly clench your fist, all of the sand will escape from your hand.  However, when you extend your hand and hold it wide open, the pile of sand will sit on your hand and you will barely lose any of it.  Therefore, hold your hand out and contribute all that you can toward your relationships.  As you put this rule into practice, you will soon discover that giving is receiving.

5) Do Unto Others – this is known as “The Golden Rule.”  Treat others exactly the way you would like them to treat you.  If everyone followed this rule, our planet would become an instant paradise.  We would no longer need laws, prisons or a judicial system because we would live together in harmony and in peace.  This principle is taught in most of the world’s major religions and is an absolute standard for harmonious relationships with others.  If you want to have friends, then be a friend.  If you want to be loved, then love others.  The best way to have your needs met is to lovingly, without strings, meet the needs of others.  If you do not want to be judged, never judge another.  And if you want to be forgiven, forgive others.  This is known as the “Law of Indirect Effort.”  Practice being the person with whom you would like to have positive relationships.  This is the bridge that will help you cross over to relationship fulfillment.

I encourage you to practice and saturate your mind with these five relationship rules.  Let these guidelines become an integral part of your lifestyle since these five elements create a powerful foundation for rock-solid relationships.

I wish you luck & success!


John Eric Jacobsen was born to teach and destined to be a motivator.  In 1985 John founded “Jacobsen Business Programs, Inc.” (JacobsenPrograms.com), a corporate seminar company helping people to succeed personally and professionally. 

John’s experience is what sets him apart. With a diverse background in business, sales, communications, theatrical arts, dance and acting; John has the unique ability to not only be a great entertainer, but also an amazing teacher.  He has trained and worked with over a half a million people and has performed or taught all over America on stage and on TV. 

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What is Positive Stress?

Stress does not always mean something negative. It need not be an awful experience always. There are times that stress can be a positive thing. In fact, there are two types of stress—Distress that is the negative stress, and Eustress, which is the positive stress. As one author wrote, two individuals may perceive a situation differently. One may see it as stressful at a certain point, while the other may not see it as such.

Normally, any situation that is perceived as threatening, or testing, or obliging for a quick change is downright stressful. However, people respond differently. They may see it either as “challenging” or “threatening.” Stress, apparently, does not affect everyone in the same way because experiencing stress is something that is subjective. Many factors contribute to how people perceive things.

The study of stress and coping resources tells us that skills and experience are not man’s only resources to cope with stress. Another available resource that plays a significant role in buffering the ill effects of stress is our social relationships. The claim that the effects of stress in people’s lives are influenced by how deep and how much they are active in terms of socializing with people. Stress is an everyday phenomenon that individuals have to face. Stress is everywhere; it either comes from the environment or within the individual himself. And everyone regardless of age experiences it.

Eustress, as defined earlier, is the type, which is actually good. It is the desirable kind, which actually helps one’s health and allows someone to feel content, and keeps one’s optimism in life.

There are various instances wherein a person experiences Eustress. One may experience it while seeing a suspense thriller movie. It can also be experienced when one gets excited out of winning a game, a sport, or the lottery perhaps. One may experience eustress whenever one feels he has accomplished a challenge. When he feels ecstatic out of riding a rollercoaster. When one feels euphoric when a baby is born, or when he is in one of those momentous occasions such as a wedding, a house purchase, graduation, job promotion, etc. These instances give to a person a tinge of nervousness and stress albeit in a good kind of way. So from now on, look at stress in two different light. It may mean negative most of the time, but not all the time.

The author is a health care specialist that deals studies on the subject of alternative medicine.

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Positive Daily Affirmations

Positive Daily Affirmations

Everyone has things in their life that they wish they could change to make life easier. Whether you want to make more money at work or you just want to ease the stress in your home life, you will find obstacles in your way. These obstacles may be large or small, it doesnt matter. What matters is that you can actually overcome any obstacle placed in your way with the proper way of thinking. Waking up every morning going through a list of positive daily affirmations is a great way to start training your mind toward a positive way of thinking. Coupled with other positive thinking exercises, these positive daily affirmations will help you overcome any obstacle that is put in front of you.

There are literally hundreds of positive daily affirmations that you can use to help begin your day on the right foot. The list would go on for pages just beginning to list them all. It doesnt matter, in the end. The specifics of your positive daily affirmations will be suited for your own life, but in general, you will want to include thoughts such as these in your positive daily affirmations:
I am successful
I am a worthy person
I make mistakes, but will forgive myself for them
I deserve happiness

Positive daily affirmations are what you will repeat to yourself every morning. The object of these positive thinking exercises is to ensure that you train the most powerful muscle in your body: your brain. If you want to change something physical about your body, you would exercise that part physically to make it stronger. For example, to strengthen your legs to achieve faster running speeds, you would practice running every day, as well as doing squats, lift weights, or leg thrusts. Positive daily affirmations are to the mind what running is to the legs. You are using these exercises to tone the muscle you are training into being stronger and acting the way you want it to. And much like physical exercises, the more positive thinking exercises you do, the more they will become almost automatic for you.

The power of the mind is something that is often under rated. Simply by practicing positive thinking, you will be able to change the circumstances of your life, or at the least, change the way you view your circumstances. Changing the way you view your circumstances can be just as important as what the actual circumstances are. For example, if you make a mistake during the day, instead of dwelling on that mistake, fall back on your positive daily affirmations and realize that making a mistake is OK. Not just that, but if you learn from your mistake, then you have used that mistake to better yourself in some way. Keeping points like this in mind will help you create a set of positive daily affirmations that will fit your own lifestyle, and will be a solid base for all of your positive thinking exercises.

RichardALuck.com is where Richard posts weekly (or thereabouts) thoughts, tools, wisdom and advice to help guide and move you powerfully toward your boldest dreams and goals, and to live a truly remarkable life. The aim is to show you how to rapidly close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. Richard is a Master Practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Hypnosis, and Neurological Re-patterning. He has helped more than 3,749 people in the past 5 years to break free from their limiting beliefs and live the life theyve always dreamed of. Go to RichardALuck.com to get 5 Free Techniques That Will Begin To Move You Rapidly Towards Your Goals.

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