Tag Archives: Positive

Empowering Yourself With Positive Talk

Many people thought of communication, they immediately thinking of communicating with someone else. And if the person they like or respect, they will communicate in a manner that projects a positive image to the receiving party, if not, they behave otherwise. Before we start communicating with others, there is one very important person that you need to constantly communicate positive with at all time and to convince that you idea works. That very person is YOU!

Do you know “What to say when you talk to yourself?” You may asked, ‘Why should I know what to say when I talk to myself. Only crazy people do that!’ Well, it matter most on what you have been talking to yourself all this while..

Our success is life is very much depend on what we say to our self, more often than not, we always talk our self out not to do something that is out of our comfort zone. Most people seldom talk themselves into venturing in something new that can make our life better. That’s why few millionaires than commoners. We all constantly talking to our self mentally, negotiating whether to do this or do that, to take the job offer or not, to start or not to start building your own business, even a simple thing like drinking hot, warm or cold water. But do you realize what did you say when you talk to yourself? My guess is you don’t; either you are too busy making ends meet or “it’s just a thought and I can’t never achieve it.” You see, the Pain Little Giant has won.

Every one of us has two little giants in our mind, every time when you have an idea, the two little giants will fight against each other, the first one if you like call it, Pleasure Little Giant will come out with all the wonderful things that you will have when you successfully implement the idea; The Pleasure part or the Positive part. The other little giant; The Pain Little Giant will come out with all the argument why you should not do it, what if you fail, what would happens when you fail? The Pain part or Negative part of it. You will be constantly struggling with the feeling of which of these two little giants won their fight among each other to get control of you. If you Pain Little Giant win most of the time, you will find that your progress in life is dragging and awful. If your Pleasure Little Giant wins most of the time, your life is mostly pleasant and full of energy.

So what do you say when you talk to your self? You need to learn how to help your Pleasure Little Giant win all the time by using the correct language, feeling and action. Never underestimate Your Mind Power. Learn how to do the right and powerful Self talk that will propel you to a higher level. Why settle for mediocre when you can easily be a champion?

SK Wong, A Chartered Marketer of The Chartered Institute of Marketing UK; graduated with an MBA in Finance. He is a Certified NLP Sales Trainer and also Certified Member Trainer and a Senate Member of Junior Chamber International. Currently working as Manager of a Risk Management & Insurance company in charge of Business Development, Operation and Management of his unit. He has conducted numerous training seminars on Motivation, Goal setting, Leadership Development, Marketing & Sales and Management Effectiveness for his groups of financial consultants and agents. His website/blogs Inspire Success Action provides insights, ideas, strategies and tools for personal motivation and success!

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7 Ways to Stay Positive

BBC News on 24th July carried a piece with the catchy title:

‘Uk Economy continues to contract’.

Headlines like this make great fodder for driving traffic to news sites, but do little for the mental well-being of your typical business owner. Also, if you had taken the time to read the article, you would have found that no real conclusions were drawn.

So since reporters won’t take the responsible line, you are faced with task of managing your own internal focus in spite of the endless buffeting you receive from the economic clairvoyants. The Philosopher James Allen stated:

‘Situations do not make a man. They reveal him’

We are not our circumstances, but the more we believe they define us the more they control us. We can literally undo our own better future by a consistent line of wrong thinking.

Some negatively will get through. It always will, but the key is what you choose to focus on consistently – remember, failure is a few errors repeated every day while success is a few positive actions repeated everyday.

We must choose to respond and not be made to react to the negative influences we encounter everyday. The following are 7 favourites of mine which I regularly use to push through down days and keep a more positive outlook on daily happenings.

1. Take news Sabbaticals

Our minds are like gardens. They need to be tended and cared for or the weeds take over. We need to watch closely the ideas and information we allow to take root, as both positivity and negativity can easily flourish here.

Don’t read or watch anything news related until very late on in your working day. If you can abstain completely you’ll see better results. You will find that your mind is clearer and you will find it much easier to remain on track.

2. Practice Consistent Goal Setting.

If you don’t know where you’re going you’re probably not going to get there. A strong set of goals paint a compelling picture of your desired future. If well defined they will pull you through the most difficult of times.

Its easier to get through dark days when we have something to look forward to. So make the practice of defining and then redefining your daily, weekly and yearly goals on a consistent basis.

3. Keep fit and well.

It has been said if you don’t make time for being healthy then you better make time for being ill. Exercising at least 20 minutes everyday will greatly increase your level of fitness and reduce your susceptibility to illness.

Exercise releases endorphins which make us feel good. So if you can fit in 20 minutes running or walking every morning you will find it easier to remain positive once the rigours of the day have begun.
You will also find that the time spent exercising is returned to you. You will need less sleep as you become healthier and your energy levels will stabilise throughout the day. Drink at least 2 litres of water everyday and settle for just one cup of fresh coffee.

4. Be thankful

Begin your day by taking 5 minutes to be thankful for what you already have and achieved. Think of your children, your family and friends and how truly blessed your are to have them in your life.

Be grateful for your pass successes and acknowledge their importance in making you who you are. Also be thankful for the past trials you have suffered – they have made you who you are today.

Most of all, be thankful that you have been born into a nation which affords you more opportunity than 98 percent of the population of the globe. Be thankful that you are you.

5. Watch the power of negative association

If your worst enemy was to poison your drink you would die. If your best friend accidently did the same it would make no difference if he was your best friend, you would still die from the poison.

Your level of mental positivity is the average of the 5 closet associations which you enjoy today. Never underestimate the power of a negative influence. Negative people can destroy your dreams and ambition. The problem is most negativity in our lives comes from those that are supposed to be loving and supporting us.

The solution is to limit your negative associations or better still remove them completely. It is hard to do but you must protect the well-being of your positive attitude.

6. Feed your mind.

If a void is left, a negative influence can rush into the gap. We must therefore consciously select what we focus on, or it will be selected for us by default.

Rather than reading and listening to negative news stories why not replace that time with more positive influences. Listen to your favourite music. Take a walk in the countryside with a portable mp3 player filled with your favourite business biographies.

What is important though, is that a conscious selection is made as to the direction of your focus.

7. Just Decide.

No Excuses, no pondering, just decide. Are you going to make the very best of your life and the opportunities it presents or are you going to make excuses?

This is a big responsibility but once taken you will feel a sense of relief. You are finally in control. Decide and commit to treading the future path you have designed for yourself.

Once you accept, these challenges will hurt but not cripple you. You will be quiet in the knowing that you are going to make it no matter what.

The next time you think of reading a headline witch catches your eye make a decision not to focus on it. Instead replace the time with one or more of the suggested positive activities listed above. I’d love to hear how you get on.

Mr Anthony Hartley Denton is author of the popular eBook ‘The Diamond Principles’ Coal face case studies to recession proof your business & survive a downturn.
Click to http://www.the-diamond-principles.com for more information and your free chapter sample.

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Positive Thinking – No Sweat

Karl Jung famously said “What you resist, persists”. You might not have heard of or know much about the Law of Attraction, but this basic statement demonstrates one of the Law’s key principles – whatever you think about you attract. And when this is something you really don’t want, you tend to think about it even more and with real feeling – which means you attract more of it, more quickly.

So how does this apply to the problem of excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis as it’s scientifically known? Well, if you suffer from this problem you probably don’t need me to tell you that when you start to sweat, you get stressed…which can make you sweat even more.

You become so conscious of your sweating that it is all you can think about, and you’re thinking about it with such intensity that, according to the Law of Attraction, it’s inevitable that you will sweat more.

Think about it, even when you’re not sweating, if you are going to work in an office all day, or are on your way out for a date, you probably have in your mind the worry that you will start sweating – even though it hasn’t actually happened yet.

So what does this worrying about sweating do? It keeps the problem in your mind and attaches a really strong emotion to it so in the end, you start to sweat.

The Law of Attraction would probably take a lot more than the space on this page to explain in detail, but if you can believe that thinking about the problem makes it worse, you can use the Law to your benefit. If you give some feeling to more positive thoughts the Law says that this is what you will get.

If what you are wanting is to be sweat-free, confident and dry all day, then give some focus to that. Visualise yourself in the office sat back in your chair with your arms behind your head and not a hint of perspiration showing on your shirt or blouse. Picture yourself on a fantastic date where you are able to get really close to your partner because you know your underarms are dry and fresh.

If you’ve ever heard of or used affirmations, these are a big part of using the Law to your benefit. By affirming, saying out loud or in your head, what you want the positive outcome to be, the Law will take notice and bring this outcome to you.

Affirmations should always be positive and in the present tense to be really effective, for example you could try saying this every morning before you go off to work. “I am confident and comfortable and my underarms are dry and fresh all day”.

If this is the first time you are hearing about the Law of Attraction it might be a bit difficult to believe that these principles will have any affect, but if you have faith in what you are saying and try it repeatedly, you should see an improvement. Even if you are a little bit skeptical, what have you got to lose?

If you are keen to understand a bit more about how this approach and the Law of Attraction works you might want to check out a book by Rhonda Byrne called “The Secret”. If you want a more practical approach to curing your excessive sweating problem naturally and permanently, further information is available on my website.

Matthew Johnson promotes only natural and effective cures for excessive sweating and other problems that can drastically improve sufferers’ lives. For more information and a preview of how to cure hyperhidrosis naturally and permanently please visit http://www.StopSweatingStartLiving.co.uk

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Train Your Brain to Be Positive

We are so surrounded by negativity and bad news these days that it seems to be increasingly difficult to remain positive. And yet negativity gets us nowhere. When we focus on what’s gone wrong, judge or criticize others, get worked up over small things, put ourselves down, doubt our abilities or expect failure, all we do is perpetuate the vicious circle of negativity, with the effect that we feel even more negative and stressed than before. This impacts upon our work, our relationships with others, our confidence, the quality of our decisions, our happiness, and our whole attitude towards life.

So, what if we could beat those negative habits and develop a healthier, more positive approach to life? It is not always easy, but by following even one of the following three steps, you will notice a dramatic improvement in your approach towards life. In fact you might be amazed at what you can achieve with your new-found upbeat and positive attitude!

1.Become aware of your thoughts

Make a conscious effort to notice what your inner voice is telling you. Every time you notice a positive or negative thought, note it down. At the end of the day, take a good look. Becoming aware of our thoughts is a powerful tool, and you may be shocked to find just how much negativity dominates your thoughts. Do you constantly criticize others, do you always put yourself down? Or do you spend your day thinking good thoughts about yourself and all those around you. If so, congratulations – keep up the good work!

2.Transform negative thoughts into positive ones

This is the fun part! Make a list of each negative thought as it pops up. Place it on the left of the page. On the right, write down how that thought could be seen differently and more positively. This is also an opportunity to go a little crazy – get your creative juices flowing, come up with some absurd ideas and have some fun. You’ll start feeling better almost immediately.

3.Focus on the positive

Once you’ve transformed your negatives into positives, decide to focus on the positives. This is simply a question of developing a new habit. Try it out for one day – then for one week, and longer. Don’t worry if the odd negative thought pops up. Just notice it, transform it into something more positive, and move on. This technique requires a conscious effort to break free from your old habits. It’s often said that it takes 21 days to form a new habit – so within just one month you could be seeing real changes to your life.

Positivity is a habit, which means you can learn to see the positive in everything, no matter what. Your subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between what is true and what is not, so it will focus on what your conscious mind tells it to. Make a decision to be positive today and you will be amazed at the difference it brings to your life.

Susan Andrewes is a leading career and confidence coach based in Brussels, Belgium. She coaches clients throughout Europe.

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The Power of Positive Reinforcement

There has been much written about positive reinforcement as a psychology for changing performance. It is a technique both used in animal training and child development, which now has proven as effective for use as part of human resource management in business tool. As a business manager, how can one apply and monitor positive reinforcement?

First understand that everyone enjoys being recognized when they do good work. Only pointing out when someone does something wrong and never acknowledging what is done correctly can lead to negative results. Employees who are given praise for doing things right or for progress in performance improvement will work harder to do an even better job. Employees who are not told when they do good work and are corrected or ridiculed when they do bad work, will only do the work that is required to stay out of trouble in the future. These employees can enjoy their work, improve their attitude, or see a reason to work harder because only bad performance is acknowledged. 

With this understanding of human behavior, managers must begin to modify the approach to employee recognition. Managers must notice when an employee does something right and give them simple and sincere praise for what they did. Tell the employee the specific thing they did right and how that helps the department or company. Let the employee know that management has confidence in their ability to continue to perform well and be innovative in their approach to their own tasks. This positive reinforcement of the employee’s effort should occur as soon as possible after the job well done is noticed. Frequent, sincere, and positive praise can go a long way to getting employees to perform at their best.

Giving positive reinforcement does not mean that what is done incorrectly by an employee is to be ignored. Instead, it means to recognize what portion of the work was done correctly first, then follow-up with what can be done better the next time and why the performance or work result was not quite what was expected. If this means the manager must take some of the blame for not giving detailed instructions for the desired behavior or result, they should do so in an apologetic manner and then proceed to explain how the manager personally will try to do better. This is an excellent time for the manager to let the employee know they still have faith in them but need their help and cooperation by their asking questions if the manager’s instructions are not clear. This allows both the employee and manager to get better at communication, which results in improved task completion. Remember mangers need to give positive results first, then follow-up with what improvements are needed, apologize if necessary, and then reinforce what was done right again. When working the improvement or follow-up statement do not use the word “but” as this word often negates anything said before it and the employee may stop listening as they know a negative is coming next. 

Understanding that everyone enjoys being acknowledged when they do good work is a typical human response should help improve performance. Business managers need to learn how and when to apply positive reinforcement when monitoring improvements to work behavior or task completion. Managers should always consider the positives rather than only mentioning when employees may be performing beneath the desired level. Positive reinforcement could be the key to better results in human resource management, which should lead to better business results as well.

Shirley Fine Lee, author of “R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard’s Approach”, has worked as a training and development specialist since 1986, and an independent consultant since 2000. She has extensive experience, helping organizations with their team building, training development, meeting facilitation, presentation delivery, and other communication needs. This work involves developing productivity tools, presenting workshops, and writing. For instance, she has authored numerous training manuals and guides, on a wide variety of topics. Her programs include time management, getting organized, problem solving, and team building. Sign up for Shirley’s free productivity newsletter on her website or visit her leadership blog. Find out more about her and options she provides on her website at http://www.shirleyfinelee.com.

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Choose a Positive Environment

I used to have a sign on my face that said “Fools come to me.” I can remember a time in my life when gossip was a form of entertainment for me. I would thrive on the negative gossip of who was doing what, where and how. I couldn’t wait to go to the next person and tell the story. It was like living in a constant soap opera. The more I got caught up in the gossip, the more I attracted it from other people. Eventually I realized how wrong I was to participate in this behavior and it is still hard for me at times to remove myself from it. Recently, I have lost some close friends because I no longer choose to participate in the negative talk about other people.

Many times I have been stung by gossip myself. People talking about me, telling lies and sometimes telling the hurtful truth behind my back but in the end it is a suffering pain to feel people talking negatively about you.

As the Bible states, “Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you.” This is a very true statement. When you walk with the positive, faithful people you will attract a positive faithful life and when you run with the negative, destructive people you will attract a negative life. Spend time with positive, successful people who will encourage you to reach for new heights. Make sure that people are building you up instead of tearing you down. And don’t be jealous of other people’s success and happiness. I always love to hear peoples positive stories, whether they have received a promotion, gotten their dream home or had a great event occur in their lives; whatever it may be positive, I want to hear it. It reconfirms the same positive experience can happen to me.

Although I have lost some negative people in my life, I would rather have fewer friends who are positive, loving influences than be influenced by a large group of negative friends. Everyone does have love in them, and it is not my place to judge, I just do not want to be involved in anything that could hurt someone else. Some people like my old self do not understand the repercussions of gossip and negative energy. They have not been taught or they might not be open to it in their lives at the moment. I want the best life for me and everyone else in this world! And if each of us pursues a positive life the better the world will be.

Make a difference and choose a positive pathway everyday!

Melissa Carter Brewster
http://www.livelifeblessed.com Trying to make a difference in this world one word at a time!

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The Power of Positive Feelings

The quality of your life in this moment is determined by how you feel about it.

Whether we do it consciously or unconsciously, we create our experience of life.

If you’re under the impression that the power of positive thinking is a useful skill then you’ll enjoy this insight into a more profound and essential approach to achieving sustainable positive results in your life.

If you are one of those who disregard positive thinking due to its one sidedness, superficiality or inability to affect the underlying issues that are responsible for our problems in life, then this article is most definitely for you too.

Our emotional feelings, whether we’re aware of them or not, are the foundation of our thoughts and behaviours, and therefore our results. Emotions are our signal to take action in a certain way or to abstain from inappropriate action.

Emotions are the energy associated with our beliefs. Our past experiences, especially those from the first 10 years of our life, determine our core beliefs. These beliefs become self fulfilling prophecies that when combined with powerful feelings are responsible for attracting the people and circumstances that we experience in our life.

No amount of positive thinking will do much to change a negative core belief. Therefore many people who use positive affirmations and visualizations to manifest their goals don’t experience their desired results. The reason for this is that they have beliefs that are not in alignment with their superimposed thoughts. It’s like trying to steer a train by asking someone in the last car to change the direction of the entire train. It simply won’t work.

The current state of your life – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually along with your personal and professional relationships, finances and belongings are an indication of what you believe.

To overcome the unconscious programming that prevents you from being successful, you may want to update any limiting beliefs to new appropriate ones that are aligned with the results that you want to experience.

Experiencing the external results that we want in life begins by changing our inner model of the world to match this. This means that when we take control of our beliefs and feelings, we will then be in control of our results.

You can predict your outer life tomorrow by looking at your inner self today. You can change what’s in front of you by changing what’s inside you.

Question the perspectives, attitudes and behaviours that don’t serve you in achieving your desires: How have these adopted beliefs benefited you in some way? Where do they come from? What is the constructive lesson, or what can you become aware of now that changes everything?

No matter what you’ve ever been told about yourself, and no matter what you think you are – You Are More Than That. Believe it and you will experience it!

Thinking that only through some kind of achievement or acquisition we can feel a certain way is the cause of hardship and disappointment for many. The reason for this is because nothing outside of us can ever provide us with what’s most important to us. Only you are responsible for your feelings.

Become the conscious creator of your results by answering this question: What do I need to believe about myself and my capabilities in order to enjoy this moment and create a bright future?

Appropriate beliefs and lifestyle choices will assist you to achieve the feelings which cultivate thoughts and actions that lead to positive results. Begin today – it’s never too late to become who you are meant to be.

Those who fail to think, speak and behave resourcefully are the ones who wait to first feel that way. It is true that we can induce a feeling by thinking, speaking and behaving in a way that matches the emotional state that we desire, however there is another way to more rapidly elicit a positive state.

Since our mind and body is ultimately the same thing, what we do physically influences our mental and emotional state. Therefore a healthy and fit physiology assists in experiencing a positive state of mind. Similarly a physiology that resembles the state that you wish to be in is the expediency to achieving it.

There are no un-resourceful people, there are only un-resourceful states.

The quickest way to change your state is to change your physiology. An effective way of achieving this is to either take a few deep breaths or get up and move about. For this reason Breathwork and/or exercise are prescribed as natural ways to overcome depression and negative emotions.

Have you noticed how a distressed or depressed person holds their body? To switch from depression to happiness; lift your chin, look slightly upwards, relax your shoulders, take a deep breath into your belly and let it out slowly while imagining yourself smiling and thinking a positive thought.

This skill is a useful way to break distressing or depressing patterns of thought and behaviour.

Become attractive from the inside by asking yourself: “Who do I need to become in order to attract the people and circumstances that I want in my life”?

How will you feel when you’ve become this person? Imagine fully becoming this person for a moment. Now adjust your physiology and expression to that of the person you have become. And now, in this resourceful state ask yourself: “What’s the most important and productive thing I can do right now”?

Go with your first impulse and follow your bliss!

Always make sure that any action or goal setting is done in a resourceful state. The energy of your present state is the feeling that stimulates resourceful thinking and behaviour.

Finally, take some time each day to count your blessings. Feel sincere gratitude for what you’ve got, as this is a powerful way of accessing the feeling that attracts more of the good stuff.

Remember, you create your experience of life, so make it a fantastic one!

Written by Jevon Dängeli – NLP / HNLP Trainer & Wellness Coach – http://www.neuro-linguistics.net

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Positive Attitude and Entrepreneurs

 If you are an entrepreneur, then you need to keep a positive attitude. This is a must for you. You will never be able to achieve your goals as an entrepreneur if you don’t own a positive outlook towards life, no matter how much technical skills and qualification do you posses. At the time of the start of a business, every entrepreneur has the motivation and the passion to achieve his goals. But the real test of your attitude comes when there are any troubles or problems in the business. If you are a person with a weak will power then you will take these obstacles as a personal failure. You will feel that the problems cannot be solved and it is better to quit as you cannot overcome them. But this is the wrong attitude to have. Rather, this is the time when you as an entrepreneur must keep a positive attitude towards life.

Because a positive look on the circumstances will tell you that it is very natural for any entrepreneur to make mistakes. You should rather treat your mistakes as an opportunity to learn and gain from this experience. You should try to learn from your mistakes and not lose hope. Instead of losing heart and quitting the business, you should try to face the problems and find a solution. If you keep a positive attitude then you will show extraordinary potency and temperament for working towards your goals till the end. You will be able to see things and situations with a positive point of view and have the power to pick yourself up on your feet. Doesn’t matter how hard you fell.

As an Entrepreneur, you more often than not will have to work with a team. In order to keep your team motivated, you must have a positive attitude. This is because if the team works with it then it functions well and becomes more efficient in their work. Therefore, you should keep it towards your work and also try to keep the work atmosphere as positive as you can because it will help you in achieving your goals faster. Therefore, if you are an entrepreneur and want to achieve your goals fast, then you should adopt a positive attitude immediately. 

For more articles visit Self Improvement Guide

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Positive Camping Holiday Experiences

Camping trips allow a wonderful way for you to spend time. But that’s not to say that they don’t occasionally go wrong. Some of us have probably experienced the more negative aspects that can be associated with such holidays.

It’s clearly the case that most of us would wish to avoid any problems. If you’re looking to create a very positive experience then it can certainly pay to spend time doing a little preparation. This needn’t be hard work, but it can make sure that everything is in place for you to succeed.

As a starting point, it makes sense to think about the particular needs of your family. This is suggested as the starting point because we all have different requirements. Some people like their camping trips to be very relaxing, while others take a more active approach.

Consider what is best your family. Will you be wanting to spend time walking and may be taking part in outdoor pursuits? Maybe this isn’t your idea of fun. It may be that you don’t have definite ideas on what you are aiming for. Some people simply like the idea of spending time as a family.

Planning can help you to focus on achieving what you really want. It can also help you to avoid disasters. In particular, planning in advance should ensure that you don’t forget to pack vital pieces of camping equipment. It is even worth drawing up a list of individual items.

Why risk the potential effects that failing to plan can lead to? If you want to have a really positive experience then it is clearly important to focus on the key aspects and to ensure that you have all of the camping accessories that you need. It’s always sad to see people who don’t take this approach.

The reality is that it’s quite easy to have a great holiday. The complete failure to plan could lead to problems.

Investigate buying camping toilets and other camping accessories with this author’s other camping articles online. This article may be used by any website publisher, though this resource box must always be included in full.

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How to Stay Positive In Today’s Economy!

First of all, take a real hard look at your life, what have you really lost? A house, a car, those are just material things. Do you still have your arms and legs? If you can still walk and talk, you may have to just survive for a while until the economy turns around, but the point is you can survive!

The economy has taken a toll on a big percentage of Americans. People have not only lost their jobs, their dream homes, their cars, their worldly positions, but their dreams have also been shattered.  So how do you stay positive when you have lost everything?

Stay Away From Negativity

One way to do this, is embed positive affirmations is your mind. Stay out of all the negativity, like the news and people around you that are whining, saying ole poor me! Of course it is not easy, but who said life would always be easy? Life is what you make it, it is your choice to make it good or bad, and YES you do have a choice!

Start thinking about how you want your life to look.  What do you see yourself doing, what type of people are in your life, where do you live?  Then think about what it would take you to get there.  Do not think of it as being an impossible challenge,  think of it as a journey. Use your mind like when you were a small child, everything was possible and you had no fear.

Once you decide exactly what you want, write it down and put it like you already have it. You have to put it in your subconscious like you now have it, not that you want it. If you always think you want something, that thing will never come about, as your subconscious thinks you just want it, not that you have it.

Do not have your affirmations put in a negative way. Instead of saying, I do not want stress in my life, Say, I want peace in my life, otherwise all your subconscious will hear is stress, and you will get more of it.

Be Real

Always make sure your affirmations are real to you.  Do not say, I am going to be rich tomorrow, as that will never happen, unless you win the lottery.  Make them attainable and believable for you, like I will have a car to drive in the next thirty days.

Write your affirmations on notes around the house where you can see them every day.  Read them every morning and every night before going to bed. Reading them out loud will even work better, as when you hear something you retain it more than just reading it.

Staying positive is the only way most people are going to survive the economy that has hit us all so hard.  And always remember to be grateful for what you already have.  If you think your life sucks, then visit a hospital. Seeing someone that has to carry an oxygen bottle around, should make you think twice about how great it is to breath fresh air.  Or a little child dying of cancer, how sad to know they may not even experience life.

Zig Ziglar quoted: “It is not what you have got, it is what you use that makes the difference.”

Think of what you still have, use it to your fullest, be grateful, say your affirmations, stay positive and watch your life change before your eyes even in todays economy!

Julianne Rowat, the author, is an internet marketing entrepreneur.

She has wrote other articles, press releases and has videos on motivation, self improvement, and FAQ about having an internet marketing business. Her husband is a retired fire fighter/ paramedic. They have 4 children and 8 grandchildren.

They travel all around the United States in their motor home while working their online home business. Their mission is to help others all over the world succeed in their own online home business.

You can read more about them in their blog at: http://www.juliannerowatsblog.com

Check out their business at http://www.ultimatewealthfromhome.com

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