Tag Archives: Positive

Having a Positive Attitude Changes Your Life


Recently, I asked someone how he was and he replied, “Life is good, but sometimes it gets hard.” I was so moved by his remark that I asked if I could tell others about it. To me, it’s quite a profound statement. I truly believe that in these short eight words, this individual has a positive attitude as well as a really good sense of the reality of life.

It struck me on so many levels that I felt I wanted to share it with you. I’ve often discussed that we can’t change a situation and we can’t change someone else’s behavior; the only real control any of us has in how we react to what is happening around us. I think that if you look at the way this person looks at life, you will appreciate more where your true power is.

I’ve also discussed how significant one’s expectations are. Well, if you expect that at times life will get hard, then when something happens, you won’t get blown over by it. Additionally, if your expectation is that life is good, then you approach each day in a more positive way.

Frankly, I wish I had thought of this phrase. Though I didn’t, I can offer you some tips to help you embrace the concept:

1. Know that you can change your thoughts; after all, they’re yours.
2. Start to be aware of your thoughts and if they’re negative, do thought stopping.
3. Practice seeing the small positive things around you and appreciate them.
4. Embrace the idea that you are in control of your reaction and learn techniques to do so.
5. Expect that life will have ups and downs. Though the downs won’t feel great, they’ll be followed by ups.

Think about these eight simple words. Try to develop a more positive attitude; I truly believe they will help Empower you!
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http://www.gotlcdiet.com/4101051 The Power Of Having A Positive Attitude {Rhamya’s Day 16 of 90 Day Video Challenge} You are what you think! If you have a funky attitude, your day will be bad. If you have a nice attitude you will have a nice day!

Work from home: http://www.gotlcdiet.com/4101051

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Norman Vincent Peale

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How To Stay Happy and Positive! | My Tips, Experience and More!

How To Stay Happy and Positive! | My Tips, Experience and More!

Hey beauties :) In today’s video i show you some ways to stay happy and positive! A lot of you loves have been asking me how i keep my bubbly and positive personality, so i wanted to help you out if you are going through a rough time. Or if you want to change your life around:) I worked super hard on this video so i would really appreciate it, if we can get this video to 2K thumbs up! Can we do it?! Hope you beauties enjoy this video, i love you all so much xo, Annalia

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How do you stay on a path of positive karma? Watch as Oprah and director Tom Shadyac help an Oprah’s Lifeclass viewer learn how to manage the negative people in her life and figure out who she wants to be in the world.

Sign up for the online class on Oprah.com for an even more enriching experience. ‪http://www.oprah.com/oprahslifeclass
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How to Give and Receive Positive Karma | Oprah’s Lifeclass | Oprah Winfrey Network

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It’s All In Your Head: Easy Ways To Stay Positive And Boost Your Business

I did a lot of things over the past few years to grow and expand my business, including working for the lifestyle I want, defining my ideal clients and taking care of my physical and mental health.

Part of my mental healthcare included maintaining a positive mindset and it really made a huge difference. It cleared my head and allowed me to really focus on my business. Here are the four things I did to create a constant source of positive energy.

1.No News!
My first rule was no news, no radio and no reading the newspaper. That meant not flipping on the radio in the car. It meant not turning on the TV – even for two seconds – because it seemed like I’d always hear bad news. It’s amazing how I always manage to hear about the top news items anyway.

2.Positive Programs and Music
I made sure that I had a lot of positive audio programs and music. This can be any kind of spiritual teacher, guru, coach, leader or author who resonates with you. Buy their audio books or seminars and put them in your iPod or on your computer; rent them from the library and listen to the CDs in your car. Positive, uplifting music is good too. I, myself, like music that includes chanting, affirmations and stuff that’s just fun and fancy-free. We all have music that puts us in a good mood – so use whatever works for you.

3.Positive People
I decided I only wanted positive people around me. That meant I needed to not hang out with some of my family and friends. I worked hard to avoid energy vampires – those people who are so negative they just suck the life right out of you. To be honest, for a while I went into kind of a little cocoon. I needed to reconnect with my family and myself and be very purposeful about who I was spending my time with. Also, I attended retreats and conferences that were in a positive, spiritual realm. If that doesn’t work for you, find something related to a hobby. For example, if you’re into genealogy or you’re a stamp collector – whatever gives you energy – put yourself in those environments.

4.Community Connection
I made sure I was connected to community. This is a really big one because we tend to isolate ourselves. As entrepreneurs with our own businesses – most of us in our own homes – it’s very easy to isolate. So, find some likeminded groups, like a book club, spiritual group or volunteer activity, and attend regularly.

Taking care of oneself physically and mentally – and keeping a positive mindset – is a great way to keep yourself in the game. You’ll be amazed at the renewed motivation you have for doing the things that are not your core passion, but will make your business grow. Working from a cup overflowing helps you float through cold calls, accounting, filing, networking or any other activity that is critical to success but not always top on your list. Once the negativity is gone and you’ve got positive energy on your side, anything is possible.

Lisa Cherney is a Marketing Intuitive and President & Founder of Conscious Marketing. Lisa has helped thousands of business owners tap into their intuition and market their businesses from the Inside Out. For 15 years she worked at Fortune 500 companies and top advertising agencies.

Lisa tells her story in her co-authored book Inspiration to Realization, available at www.ConsciousMarketing.com. Conscious Marketing also offers workshops and coaching. Visit her website for more details or call 887-771-0156.

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Positive Parenting

You may not realize it but one of the best things that you can contribute to your childrens personality is by creating your own positive parenting method. This would be very useful and helpful for you especially if you have kids ageing from 4-12 year of age. Though no matter what age your children are such a plan can still be useful and effective for you.

Positive parenting would definitely be a great help for you and your family in organizing and in living harmoniously, you may not realize it but children crave for organizing or structure. You may very well observe that in unstructured kind of environment they totally would be chaotic, however once you put some standards and rules for them to follow; they eventually learn how to adapt with it instantly.

Organizing and structuring makes your entire entire family member establish stronger and better relationship towards one another, quarrelling and petty squabbling can be prevented or reduced as well.

Here are some positive parenting structures that might be applicable for your family:

Individualized parenting plan can help you with your parenting skills area; children usually pass through all sorts of challenges and problems in life. Such problems could cause you also to worry about their behavior in reaction to the kind of challenge or problem that they encounter. So, before you butt in and inject your kind of parenting tools might as well correct some unwanted attitudes while teaching your child learn the lesson in a bit light and comfortable way.

Having a positive parenting strategy on hand, itll make your child feel more secure. On the other hand youll have also a better idea on how to deal with your kids when faced by behavioral problems.

Misunderstanding would be reduced; it may not be totally eradicated within your family as we all have our own individual differences. However, with positive parenting put into play the effect would be lesser unfinished chores, lesser conflicts and quarrelling, lesser frustration for the entire family as well. Positive parenting will put your entire family into proper perspective, giving place for understanding and have better and clear expectations and standards towards each other, building a happy and healthy relationship in your family.

With these suggested strategies, you may find it useful for you. However, the way you are going to train and raise your kids would entirely lie in your hand. After all it is you who knows what kind of individual each one of them, some parenting strategies may apply to some of your kids, while some may not. It is therefore essential that youll learn to adjust and modify your parenting plan from time to time but maintaining that certain bond among your children and your family as a whole.

To read more interesting articles on pregnancy, baby care and parenting, visit http://myparentingguide.com. Do not forget to check out the articles on parenting skills & parenting styles.

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▶ Inspirational talk on how to stay positive.

the importance of staying positive! What we believe determines what we make true.
I have some amazing video,s on this subject with Dr Wayne Dyer,Louise Hay and many more please feel free to visit http://www.youtube.com/user/foodforthought0
and http://mindfulnessj.blogspot.co.uk/ thank-you for watching.

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Being Positive

Being positive means having faith in the future. It means focusing on solutions and not on problems. It means being open to new ideas, new concepts and being able to think outside the box.

The positive person can see reality such as it is and does not need to say that things are rosy when they are not. Unless a challenge is well appraised and understood, it cannot be solved. However the positive person will tend to see the challenge as a stepping-stone and not as a stumbling block.

Being positive is a constant challenge. It is said that it takes seventeen positive experiences to negate one negative one. Life has its share of challenges so, in order to remain positive, the emotional battery has to be recharged constantly.

There are a great many ways of recharging the emotional battery and none will be effective for everyone. Each of us has to find what works best for him or her. A person who tends to be introverted will be better served by reading a positive book or viewing an inspirational video while an extrovert will find the same inspiration by associating with positive people.

Be it as may, recharging the battery has to be done on a daily basis if it is to be effective. Zig Ziglar used to say, “Skip a meal but don’t skip your daily inspirational moment.”

The brain follows the GIGO principle. That is, Good Stuff In, Good Stuff Out… and Garbage In, Garbage Out. It does not fail. If we feed good and positive material to our brain, it will create a positive state of mind. However, if we allow the bad news peddlers to influence us, the state of mind will be affected accordingly.

The difference in the quality of life that we enjoy depends on what we chose to focus on. If we chose beauty and quality, that’s what we’ll experience but if we dwell on the negative, it will take its toll.

The state of mind, positive or negative, is also highly influenced by our posture. Walking tall and erect will send positive vibes to the brain whereas the slouching and lazy posture will affect us negatively. It is impossible to stay in a depressing mood for a long time when we stand or walk like a champion and it is also impossible to be enthusiastic for any length of time when slouching like a loser.

Being positive means faith and hope. It does not mean shying away from reality. It means that we are convinced that sooner or later we’ll come out on top and that we will prevail. It’s that simple.

Dr. Raymond Comeau aka Shamou is the Owner Administrator of the Personal Development for Personal Success Forums.

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Positive Communication

Who likes to argue? Who wants to be talked about unkindly? Who wants to be brought down all the time? What about talking about someone behind their back?

No matters the level or content – all of these are verbal abuse. As a woman, none of this is expected to come to you. Unfortunately, contrary to popular belief, women are often very good at some or all of these things.

Negative communication is high with women, its often called Gossip! Sadly, I wouldnt be surprised if gossiping and spreading rumors was invented by women. It gives women a bad name and as a woman you should be willing to do anything in your power to change this and you can.

Leading by example is very important here just dont do it! Your example will help a lot of women change the way they communicate with others and help reclaim the name of women around the world. You dont want to known as a gossiper (under your control), just as you dont want to be the one gossiped about (not under your control).

Learn the skill of positive communication. Have great conversations with people where everyone leaves happy they have participated. It may seem hard at first, if you are used to the he said she said scenario but this can change, if you are willing to be the one to try.

To have great communication with someone, you have to always be clear and positive with each other. There should be straight-forward conversations filled with nothing but honesty and respect. Be clear about what you are trying to say to a person. Keep the conversation friendly and never speak down to the other person.

Conversations should never be negative. If for some reason out of your control, they start off negative you should always end on a positive note. If you are to discuss a problem you may have with someone, all you have to do is discuss the problem with no emotion and ensure you sandwich it in between positive statements.

Again conversations should never end on a bad note. Hanging up on each other or any form of abuse without reconciliation has been known to ruin friendships. Always remember what you say is a reflection of you.

Also, be open minded, it can make awkward conversations run smoothly. You should never judge another person based on something theyve said because everyone has their own thoughts and opinions about different situations. Being a woman is not always an easy job and it is up to us women to set an example, not only other women but for men and children also.

Positive communication makes it easier for couples to talk and helps keep secrets from being created. You want your partner to feel as though they can talk to you about anything. If you argue and complain about everything, your partner wont want to communicate with you as much and communication is key to any relationship. This also going for children be open minded, listen to what they say and dont judge.

Take this lesson in positive communication and start to apply it to your life. You will notice that arguments seem to become a thing of the past, lies dont exist and people will enjoy talking to you more and more.

Positivity can only bring more positivity.

Glenise Anderson is a successful business woman who wants to share her knowledge and skills with other women to help them achieve their goals. Her organization Self Confident Women, provides tailored education solutions that meet the personal and professional development needs of women. Development and Training Courses for Women

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Positive Networking

Networking is skill which is extremely important in order to make contact with different people. Not only is networking required within the workplace, it is also required outside in various other situations. For a woman to have positive networking skills is very important. Not only is a woman usually in charge of the socializing of her family, she is also sometimes responsible for gathering more clientele for the business she works in. If she has her own business, networking becomes a mandatory skill. For all these circumstances, positive networking skills are extremely important.
Some people just meet others in order to add as many names in their database and hence disregard quality and give more importance to quantity instead. When networking is used incorrectly and for quantity purposes only, it is known as networking abuse or when it comes to emails may be regarded as spam. As a woman entrepreneur, you must avoid this where possible as your name is your business.
In order for networking to be positive, women must develop a well thought out network game plan. Focus initially on getting to know the people who you meet, make a decision about whether they are a match with your business and if they arent move on. Always be polite, however, dont go to networking events expecting to hand out many cards work on quality and not quantity and your business will reflect this decision.
In order to develop positive networking skills, there are some tactics which you can follow. Seven of these tips are mentioned below:
1. Always smile: A smile shows a person is warm and friendly. When meeting new people, smiling is welcoming and appropriate.
2. Look at people in their eye: When talking to someone, look them in the eye while you speak. This is seen as a compliment and is the best way to interact with someone new and whom you have just met.
3. Listen to the other person speaks: When having a conversation, it is polite to listen to what the other person has to say. This shows interest and if the person with whom you are conversing is likely to be someone whom you can deal with in the future, active listening skills will help immensely.
4. Have appropriate body language: Whatever impression new contacts will have of you the first time you meet is bound to be the lasting impression. In order for them to remember you in a positive way, have good body language and be relaxed and friendly.
5. Do not be pushy: No one likes a person who behaves strongly or acts in a needy manner. Hold your head up high and do not be afraid to show people who you are and what you believe in. but remember not to go arrogant.
6. Give a compliment: Everyone likes to receive a compliment. Ensure it is heartfelt and truthful. Most people can judge if a compliment is genuine or not, so be careful about what you say.
7. Have a business card ready: You never know when these may come in handy!

Glenise Anderson is a successful business woman who wants to share her knowledge and skills with other women. Her organization Self Confident Women, provides tailored education solutions that meet the personal and professional development needs of women. Development and Training Courses for Women

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Positive Long

Integer index from 4000 points mark the consolidation area, the white sugar rose sharply, while trading volume increased dramatically, from 600,000 the total open interest increased to the level of hand more than 800,000 hand level; from a fundamental perspective, Qinghai meeting clearly state Reserve not throw this year, but only place reserves in Guangxi Sugar’s move will undoubtedly put on the market to eat a reassurance to the market, long-term support of positive focus on the outbreak of sugar bull market, investors are expected to continue to higher sugar prices.

Throw dust settles Reserve Sugar Association

enlarged third four members held in Xining, Qinghai, Guangxi, where a clear decision of the Conference reserves put sugar in batches, the state in order to ensure smooth operation of the market, do not let the recent storage.

From the end of July statistics, the large group average Sell Price of 3399 yuan / ton, in accordance with the cost of 3450 yuan / ton basis, the sugar industry is still in the red. China’s implementation of a national reserve of sugar system has two main objectives, one at a reasonable price to protect the effective supply of sugar, and second, to protect our sugar business and the interests of sugarcane farmers, to ensure the sustainable development of the sugar industry. Sugar control policy objectives from our point of view, throwing the future savings goal should be to ensure the effective supply of sugar. Sugar from the national reserve system

policy objectives and the current sugar situation overall is still at a loss, the State put in reserves should be to ensure that sugar is running high price case, to meet actual market demand as the basis for running. Analysis of the national sugar production and marketing

As of July 2009, the national total of 10,074,800 tons of sugar sales, production and marketing rate reached 81.04 percent sugar, industrial surplus stock 2,356,400 tons; July monthly sales of the country 947,500 tons of sugar.

Sugar production is declining dramatically in the years in China, in July the national sugar production and sales data; and vice versa in the 2007/2008 crop season in July after the national launch of national and local purchasing and storage of Guangxi, the national sugar industry stocks are still up to 3.3634 million tons, the national sugar industry of this crop season inventory remaining 2,356,400 tons, the late spot of sugar supply and demand gap appears certain.

2009/2010 crop season acreage decreased

Sugar from Qinghai was informed that, according to the Ministry of Agriculture on the agricultural condition of the preliminary data shows that sugar cultivation area of 2695 mu, down 289 million mu.

Yunnan: the Ministry of Agriculture statistics for 2009/2010 crop season was 457.7 mu of cultivated area of sugarcane, sugar cane growing area statistics over the previous year 466.7 million mu. It is noteworthy that the data has been added this year’s sugar cane country around the end face, if not included, only 443 million mu in Yunnan province less than last year.

Guangxi: present from the sugar industry reflect the situation, the planting area may be reduced in general, the departments concerned in the online publication of data is 1515 mu.

Guangdong: 09/10 Raw material Sugarcane planting area of 200 mu, 4.3% reduction, which Zhanjiang 157.73, a decrease of 8 mu, Zhanjiang, more rain now estimated yield will be increased, production is estimated to be flat in Guangdong.

Hainan: the province of 103 million mu of cultivated area, and consistent with agricultural statistics. Last year compared with the sown area of water, less 22 acres, of which 20 acres of new planting, 22 mu of paddy fields.

Rising international price of sugar makes the opportunity to reduce imports

Gap currently projected 7.8 million tons of international sugar, the next crop season market supply and demand in the international market gap still exists, the price is expected, the international price of sugar is still high level trend in the international market in October 20.81 cents, processed into refined sugar and costs more to 5200, and import fewer opportunities.

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Thinking Positive

While discussing Happiness we have to take into account the fact that everything can’t give us Happiness. Happiness is to some extent the creation of our soul.The vital thing that is needed to coin Happiness from Life is the Urge to live amid the so many obstacles of life. If we have the guts to overcome all the hurdles it is sure we may be tinged with the glow of Happiness.But how is it possible? Great philosophers opine that to extract Happiness all that we want most is the Passion for life. At any cost we have to cast a glance at the bright sides of things and in this way we may be Happy.

The essential thing for us to be Happy is to be Positive. Without Positivity nothing is achieved. It is a Positive Mind that can lead us to the perfect path of Happiness.Naturally our minds are shrouded with the cloud of negativity.This cloud bars the sun of Happiness to glare.Thus we are deceived with the tricks of negativity and are plunged into the pool of unhappiness.It is better to say that we are bound to be so, there is no way out.The ultimate role of us is then to disperse the cloud with the tornado of energy and let the Sun blaze at his best.

If Positivity may be our goal we can’t fear the stark reality and be emboldened to face it at any cost.Positive attitude catches hold of our hand and takes us smoothly along the way of Happiness.Again it is Positivity that widens our heart, opens our eyes so that we can cast a glance a the far beyond. Positivity makes us generous. We can love everyone who resides by us.There reigns no ill- feeling.Everything glows in its own aura.Whatever we notice we can’t but find Joy, Joy and Joy. Joy is permeated with everything hence it is no trouble for us to find Joy and be Joyous and Happy.


If you are looking for happiness in life do not forget to click the link. Know more tricks to find happiness in life.

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