Tag Archives: Positive

Positive Power

The mind is your body’s most powerful tool. With your body you can make yourself feel better, but you can also make yourself feel worse. Your mind is so powerful, it has been medically proven that you can convince your own healthy body that you are sick. So sick in fact that you will begin to have physical symptoms that have no other reason for happening. Think about it, if you get really nervous when you speak in public and the butterflies start to rumble inside you. You may mentally make yourself so nervous that you actually vomit. This is simply an example of your mind sending signals to parts of your body and your body then having an adverse reaction such as vomiting.

Now that you know how powerful your mind can be, lets look at a way that we can harness and use this power to improve your life. One of the easiest and most powerful methods of using your mind for self improvement is Positive Thinking. We have all heard the statement, “The Power of Positive Thinking…” This is true, simply by having positive thoughts no matter what the situation is can have a powerful impact on not only your life, but of those around you.

With positive thinking, you begin to look at every situation you encounter differently. Instead of dwelling on the negative past things that occurred, you begin to look at the future to see what positive things are going to come out of this situation. With this type of outlook, people will be more willing to associate with you and will want to include you more in their jobs and activities and lives. With these new found connections and relationships, your new positive world will be opened up to more possibilities than before. People will start to view you differently and may even recommend your name when new opportunities arise or open up. This can lead to promotions at your current job or a job offer from a new employer that pays more with better benefits.

While monetary gains may happen when you start to implement positive thinking, you will also start to see your wants and needs realign. That new car you thought you had to have to be happy may not seem as important now as it did before. This is because your life will have become fuller with better more meaningful relationships, not wants for more fancy expensive physical things.

Start each day thinking about the positive things to come, and end each day reflecting on the positive things that happened or the positive things that will come out of whatever situation you encountered that day. Do this and you will see your life improve for the positive.

Kerry has been writing articles and reviews online for many years. Come visit the latest website at http://www.boardshortssale.com/ which provides information on all types of board shorts.

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Positive Attitudes

It’s common sense that manners and a positive attitude will go a long way in a professional setting. Consumers as a whole want to be treated with respect and greeted with friendly faces. In a practice, the atmosphere and the personnel in that atmosphere have much control over whether or not patients are satisfied with their visit.

Having an attitude with a patient, or overall unfriendly disposition, will not help make the patient feel comfortable. If a patient is not comfortable or happy with a practice and the people who are working in that practice, than they most likely won’t be willing to make another appointment. A negative attitude can actually cost a practice patients and therefore cost them money.

Chiropractors have an obligation to take care of their patients, and so do the people working in their practice. While Chiropractors are making adjustments,the front office should also be making patients feel comfortable. Along with making adjustments, Chiropractors have a number of responsibilities and the front office does as well. Both have to work together to make a practice run smoothly and properly. If the front office isn’t working to their best abilities and providing a positive atmosphere, then the practice’s reputation is tarnished.

It is easy to be stressed in today’s world, but what people have to remember, especially when working with the public, is that a smile goes a long way. Chiropractors entrust their front offices. While Chiropractors are taking care of their patients, the front office is responsible for taking care of the patients who haven’t been seen by a doctor yet.

The front office is the first contact made by the patients coming into the practice. It is extremely important for the people working in the front office to make sure that patients are starting their days with positivity. A good attitude can affect the way patients go about their day, how they feel throughout the day. It can also shape their day and affect how they treat others throughout the day.

Greeting patients with a positive attitude and friendly smile can even impact the way the people working the front office feel. A positive attitude affects the person who is giving it as well as the person receiving it. Keeping a positive attitude creates positive thinking, a more creative mind, success and overall happiness. A positive attitude motivates a person to do the best work that they can and fuels their ability to do their job.

The energy you give out into the world will be given back to you. It is extremely important for a working environment to have a positive energy and for people with positive attitudes to be working in that environment. A practice is only as good as the people who work in it and with positive attitudes and friendly dispositions, a practice can flourish.

Gina Bortolussi is a graduate of Manhattan College and has her B.A. in Communications. She is currently focusing on research of modern Internet-based chiropractic office management solutions, such as Billing Precision (http://www.chiropracticbillingprecision.com). Billing Precision is an all-in-one Internet-based system that includes accountable and transparent billing service, state-of-art touch-screen SOAP notes, advanced patient scheduling, and real-time monitoring for compliance and audit exposure.

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Daniel – The Lions Den – and having a positive attitude?

Catch the WHOLE story here – http://alansills.com/LionsDen

We DO control our destiny (to a great degree) – a play off of a recent message from Pastor Osteen, thoughts about Daniel and the Lions Den, and the power of positive thinking!
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How To Have A Positive Attitude | Mastering Having A Positive Attitude Always

For more videos on this topic, please be sure to subscribe to my channel!

Keywords related to How To Have A Positive Attitude:

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Link to this video: http://youtu.be/5ikQOIpaH5o
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10 Steps to a Positive Outlook and Focused Thinking

At first glance, it would seem that positive thinking and lack of focus have nothing to do with one another. But many of us with difficulty staying focused develop negative thinking patterns because we become frustrated by our challenges and frequent feelings of being overwhelmed. This negative outlook then makes it even harder for us to manage those challenges and move forward.

Practicing positive thinking allows us to focus on our strengths and accomplishments, which increases happiness and motivation.  This, in turn, allows us to spend more time making progress, and less time feeling down and stuck. The following tips provide practical suggestions that you can use to help you shift into more positive and focused thinking patterns:

Take Good Care Of Yourself:   It’s much easier to be positive and stay focused when you are eating well, exercising, and getting enough rest.  We all know these are the keys to being healthy and energetic; however, few are able to make it a habit.  Write a note to yourself and keep it where you will see it several times a day to remind you that you need to eat well and exercise (when you do these things, getting enough rest will come naturally).  When you are constantly reminded, you will make better choices.  Also, develop a habit of continuous learning by seeking to learn something new every day.  Continuous learning keeps your mind sharp and prevents falling into a SSDD (same stuff different day) mindset.
Have An Attitude Of Gratitude:  If you want more in life, you need to first be thankful for all that you have.  Remind yourself daily of the people and things that you are grateful for.  Keep a gratitude journal and write at least 5 things in it every day that you are grateful for.  Taking just a couple of minutes a day to stop and appreciate your life will make a huge difference.  
Verify And Clarify Before Assuming: Fear of not being liked or accepted can lead us to assume we know what others are thinking, but these fears are usually not reality. If you have a fear that a friend or family member is upset with you, or that your co-workers are secretly gossiping about you behind your back, seek to verify and clarify by asking them directly. Don’t waste time worrying that you may have done something wrong unless you have proof that there is something to worry about.  
Stop Using Absolutes: Do you sometimes say “You’re ALWAYS late!” or “You NEVER call me!”? Thinking and speaking in absolutes like ‘always’ and ‘never’ makes the situation seem worse than it is, and programs your brain into believing that certain people are incapable of delivering.  It also puts people into a defensive mode, which becomes a communication barrier.  Think about what you are saying.  Absolutes are rarely true; focus on a specific situation that you are concerned about without generalizing by saying “always” or “never”.  
Review Your Negative Thoughts: Your thoughts can’t hold any power over you if you don’t judge or emotionalize them. If you notice yourself having a negative thought, detach from it, see it for what it is, and don’t accept it.  When you are able to separate emotion from your negative thoughts, you can banish them from your mind without letting them take hold of your subconscious.  When you catch yourself having negative thoughts, immediately yell out “STOP!” (or at least yell it to yourself).  
Exterminate The “ANTs”: In his book “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life,” Dr. Daniel Amen talks about “ANTs” – Automatic Negative Thoughts. These are usually reactionary negative thoughts, like “Those people are laughing, they must be talking about me,” or “The boss wants to see me? It must be bad!” When you notice these thoughts, realize that they are nothing more than ANTs and exterminate them!  See step 3 above about verifying and clarifying before assuming the worst.   
Understand The Power Of Touch: You don’t have to be an expert to know the benefits of a good hug. Positive physical contact with friends, loved ones, and even pets, is an instant pick-me-up. One research study on this subject had a waitress touch some of her customers on the arm as she handed them their checks. She received higher tips from these customers than from the ones she didn’t touch!  When used appropriately, the power of touch can give you and others a positive physiological boost!  
Become More Social: It may seem obvious that increasing social activity decreases loneliness, but we can fall into ruts and forget this simple formula for boosting our attitude. Surround yourself with healthy, happy people, and their positive energy will affect you in a positive way!  Be selective about who you spend you time with to ensure you are lifting each other up rather than dragging each other down.  Don’t engage in gossip or complaining; instead focus on what’s good.  
Be A Go Giver: Helping others also helps you; everyone feels good after helping. You can volunteer your time, your money, or your resources. The more positive energy you put out into the world, the more you will receive in return.  Or simply put, the more you give the more you receive.  
Use Pattern Interrupts To Stop Dwelling On The Negative: If you find yourself dwelling on something negative, a great way to stop it is to interrupt the pattern and force yourself to do something completely different. Hyper-focus on something negative is never productive, because it’s not rational or solution-oriented, it’s just excessive worry. Try changing your physical environment – go for a walk or sit outside. You could also call a friend, read motivating quotes, turn on some music, or sing a song.  Anything to switch your current thought pattern.

When you are able to banish negative thoughts and fill your mind with powerful, energizing, and positive thoughts, you will begin to boost your focus.  Your mind will no longer be distracted by worry.  Your productivity and achievement will increase, which will increase your self-esteem.  Increased self-esteem will increase your positive outlook and the cycle will continue upward.  Resolve to make a few simple changes in your thinking to achieve big results in the quality of your life. 

The easiest way to ensure you maintain a positive attitude is to engage in daily mental stimulation. Turn your car into a “university on wheels” by listening to audio books or seminars instead of the radio. Become a member of an online learning community, like iLearningGlobal.tv (http://www.ilgachievers.com), where you can have instant 24/7 access to videos and audio from some of the best teachers and thought leaders in the world. Invest in yourself to acknowledge and validate your personal value.

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Job Search Blues — How to Stay Positive

It is a difficult to be between jobs. Even though another job will eventually come to you, it can be challenging to stay positive and motivated.  Searching and rejection can be emotionally and physically exhausting.  It is easy to become anxious, depressed and suffer feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy.


Remember is that currently there are a lot of other people out of work. It’s a small comfort, but you are not alone. You have not been singled out. It is an unfortunate change in our economy that many people have been caught up in. Which means that when a job is posted the company will get bombarded with hundreds of resumes. In that pile is you, along with all of the other very qualified people. It’s possible this might be a long process, so why not learn how to make the most of it?


There are many things you can do to shorten your unemployment, or at least make it a productive period of growth that benefits you and others.  The first thing to do is to make sure to get out of the house.  You really need to keep your mind active and have a reason to get up in the morning.  Take a part-time job or volunteer. Become active in a trade association.  By working outside of the home you are out meeting people. You are communicating and networking with a whole new group of people that may not know you otherwise. All of those people also might know someone with a job opening. But aside from that you are contributing to society and your profession. This will give you positive energy and value while you look.


You can also keep busy by walking or any type of exercise. Physical activity can clear your head and get you in touch with people. You’ll look great for your new job too.


Why not do some reading each day?  Fiction can take you anywhere, but this could be the perfect time to learn something new. You can read about how to be a better leader. You can read about social media or teach yourself some new software. You can read things that can make you a better candidate and that will make you more current in the marketplace.


Lastly, be sure to surround yourself with positive people.  Join support groups or work with a career coach who can help you keep your eyes on the prize and remind you of all the great things you have to offer.


Do something every day that propels your job search forward.  Stay positive, that job is out there.


This article may be reprinted when the copyright and author bio are included.
©2010 Catherine Lang-Cline, Portfolio Creative, LLC.

Catherine Lang-Cline is co-founder and owner of Portfolio Creative, a workforce innovation firm that was named the 326th fastest growing company in the U.S. by Inc. magazine in 2009.  Portfolio Creative helps companies streamline and innovate their creative work to save time, energy and money.  www.portfolioiscreative.com.

Catherine spent more than 20 years in the creative industry as a designer. She worked for ad agencies, in-house marketing departments and as a freelancer in both Chicago and Columbus. 

With Kristen, Catherine felt that Columbus had a real need to help artists find work and clients find talent. (As a freelancer, she would have really appreciated the help, too!) So, they combined forces and opened Portfolio Creative.

 She has a real love for helping people and understands the needs of our clients. So with that, Catherine’s main responsibility became client relationships. She’s had a great time providing this service to the creative community.

Catherine is a Certified Staffing Professional with the American Staffing Association. She is also an active member of Columbus Society of Communicating Arts, Advertising Federation of Columbus, Columbus Chamber of Commerce, Women Presidents’ Organization, and is a committee member for the National Association of Women Business Owners®. She graduated in the “Home of the Huskies” at NIU.

She resides in Columbus, Ohio with her family and when not working, she enjoys spending time with her family. Catherine likes traveling, cooking, doing home renovation, and riding motorcycles (of course, she rides her own motorcycle).

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To Get Your Ex Back – The Power of Positive Thinking

Yes it is difficult to cope with such times. You have been dumped for reasons you do not know or ‘think’ you know. Nevertheless, nothing can stop you from feeling miserable and disillusioned about this thing they call ‘love’. The only thought that recurs in your mind is how to get your ex back. But did it ever occur to you that changing your mindset and attitude might help to get your ex back? Here is how it works:

– The first step to change your mindset is to stop thinking that chasing your ex would help, as this is the only way to show them that you care. Unfortunately it does not work this way. The more you call, the more you text and the more you send mails, the more desperate and pathetic you appear. Instead of triggering to get back to you, you’re ex moves away from an otherwise weak and pitiable human being. No way can this mindset help to get your ex back.

– In stead spend your waking hours in being busy with work, hobby, people, etc. Structure your thought process and try to think more calmly and rationally. Remember there is nothing as attractive as being a completely positive and optimistic person. Once you are close to get your ex back, this change in mindset and attitude is going to keep him/her forever with you.

– All that is pent up in your mind – get them out. Sit in front of the computer and open a file called ‘Notes to myself’. Jot down whatever you remember of the affair with your ex. Include all the positive things as well as the negative events like your first fight, etc. The most important thing to jot down is the things which you never told your ex – your deep innermost feelings, fears and concerns. You have no idea the immense therapeutic value this type of verbal regurgitation has on the mind. Revisit the file and update it time and again with new inputs that appear on your mind. To get your ex back, this is a kind of mental cleansing, which can go a long way in making you a far more positive person.

– Delete all the negative aspects which you associate with your ex. If a particular pub reminds you of your ex, a wonderful way of forgetting your ex is to visit the place with someone else! Remain cool and try to enjoy other people’s company. The problem when we love someone deeply is that we forget to love everyone else. To get your ex back, be available all the time not only to your ex, but also to other people. You do not have to be mentally involved with someone to go out for a dance or to watch a movie.

– Perfect what you are good at and improve on your shortcomings. Take cue from what your ex used to mention. If your ex thought that you had a wonderful voice for singing, why not cultivate this talent and join a music class? If your ex thought that you were a bad cook, why not try to improve this skill, which can stand in good stead in life later? Remember, to get your ex back, you do not have to give up everything and spend the rest of our life in grief and remorse. While you are waiting with open arms to get your ex back, you could use the time in taking good care of yourself.

– The best thing that happens when you become such an improved and positive person is that people notice you and gradually get attracted to you. The more people get attracted to you and are seen in your company, the better are your chances to get your ex back. You are in a very positive way showing your ex that he or she missed the boat. And soon enough they come running back to your arms.

Why is getting your ex back so important to you? Because a good relationship is one of the most treasured of human interactions. We all want to be loved. There are the great times together, the shared dreams and visions, the mutual likes and dislikes and more. Great relationships are essential for enjoying a good quality of life. They color everything else around us.

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Staying Positive

Why is it important to remain positive? The Law of Attraction states that what you focus on expands. Whether you fill your mind with positive or negative thoughts, you will attract more of the same.

A couple of important points to consider:

Only one thought can occupy your mind at a time
You choose your thoughts

While most people accept the first point as a fact, some might take exception to the second. They claim that thoughts just pop into their minds. It may seem like this at times, but your current emotional state has an impact on what thoughts come in. If you are very happy and positive it is unlikely that negative thoughts will creep in. Of course, “bad things happen,” but that doesn’t mean bad thoughts have to happen. Your thoughts are created from your reaction. Of course you will sometimes be sad, or angry. The important point is to not dwell on those thoughts any longer than necessary. Try to find the silver lining in every cloud as soon as you can.

There are some things we do voluntarily that introduce negativity, and you may not have realized it before.

Watch violent or sad TV shows or movies (or the news!)
Read the news (paper or online)
Listen to sad songs
Argue with people
Spend time around negative people

Now of course you can’t totally avoid these; you can’t live in a cave! You may be in a waiting room or a restaurant where there is a TV on and you can’t change the channel. In the same places there could be a radio playing a sad song. You might overhear people arguing or talking about negative things, or someone might bring a news item to your attention. You could be tweeting your website link and see other tweets that are negative. The idea is to control as much as you can.

Try not to watch TV shows and movies that are disturbing. I have often asked my husband to watch a show in his office and listen through headphones so I won’t have to hear gunfire, shouting, screaming, etc. If you hear people arguing, tune it out. Don’t engage in arguments. Change the radio station in your car or better yet, turn it off! I purposely do not watch, read, or listen to any news anymore except the weather. What if something “important” happens? I find it comes up in conversations with people, I do not have to go looking for it because I don’t live in a bubble!

I do need “down time” sometimes, and when I can’t be somewhere to just watch people, I will sometimes watch TV. If watching fiction I just remember that it IS fiction and don’t let the story bother me. Or I watch something funny or educational (Animal Plant, anyone?)

I might even learn to appreciate sitcoms! Or…not!

Dale Reynolds

Success is a decision. Decide today!

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How a Positive Attitude Can Bring You Success

Confidence Rules!

Getting a greater degree of confidence is the initial change in getting long-term success in any area of your lifestyle, which could be your health, your fitness and maybe even fat loss.

Real “innervation” is necessary in order to develop a positive attitude, but you first need to come conscious of your behavior.

I, with out a doubt, believe that living with a confident (but not over confidence) coupled with really affirmative action has allowed me accomplish a lot of my goals, one of which is life respect and motivated thinking to manifest change.

At a intimate level it could transform your lifestyle, your fitness and renew your intent.

Your Mind Is Your Ticket

It goes the same for everyone that the real success in your life is hidden away waiting to get out. Don’t deny yourself that kind of possibility.

If Everyone Else Is Doing It…?

A great mind is the most important thing a person can have. Millions of dollars are spent each year to influence people to function with a confident self belief system.

Extraordinary Possibilities

A great mindset is a excellent element in accomplishing a extraordinary, great existence. Unless you permit yourself to the nature of good and learn the habits of other prosperous individuals, you could have habitual bad thoughts if you’re that way inclined – The inclinations of a negative mind, I hope not!

Having a confident attitude is a long road of a life and success that sets you as being completely unique from those unfortunate individuals who are very negative and dispirited, of course you understand why people are like that.

Reality Doesn’t Bite

Appreciate that a confident attitude isn’t the same as a problem free existence, because a person with a great attitude lives with a system and not a crazy labored nature. Happiness isn’t laborious.

Become the very human being you want to be when you approach every day with a motivated intuition instead of getting anything you can to lament about.

Positive goals are a popular device to develop a beautiful mindset. As you focus on accomplishing a more productive mindset it is a must to enter your accomplishments and actions often.

Being Happy is the absolute goal of life, in fact there’s nothing else that really matters, because everything benevolent should make you happy.

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Attitude Change: Positive Affirmations Can Help

Are you the type of person that has that view on life that nothing ever works out for you? Keeping this type of mindset can actually keep you into a non-ending cycle where things actually work against you. Positive thinking can be beneficial to actually turning your life into how you want it to be. You have probably heard this before, and it is true, attitude really is everything. And until you have an attitude change your life, and how you see things, will remain as they are now.

Our very being is affected by our attitude. The majority of people fail to realize this. Underestimating how your attitude affects every aspect can create problems in your life, and in the lives of people you love. 
If someone constantly believes that nothing will work out is caught in a cycle of negative thinking. What you think on the most, and what you speak out loud, will usually come to pass. That is why positive affirmations can work wonders for someone wanting an attitude change. Speaking positive sayings out loud, every day, can bring positive results in your life. 
There are many people that will tell you these affirmations do not work. They will as long as you do them correctly. One reason why positive affirmations do not work for some people is many people tend to cancel them out by negative thoughts or words. If you say a positive affirmation such as that all famous one, “Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better”, yet constantly walk around saying negative things that counteract that saying, “I can’t do anything right”, well you cancel the positive one out.
The trick to changing your attitude through positive affirmations is to put them out there and constantly believe that it is true and then they will finally come to pass. Many people want that miracle overnight, it doesn’t happen this way. It takes a constant perseverance of belief that whatever you claim to happen, will. In time, it will finally come to pass.
An attitude change can make a difference regarding everything about your life. Keep believing good things will happen and they finally will. If you have a negative attitude about things, that’s how they will be. Many times when things are going wrong in our life a little attitude adjustment might be just all we need to turn things around. 

If you are looking for information on attitude change, click on the link. Or you can visit http://www.parisalaw.com/

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The Importance Of Having A Positive Attitude

A calculated aimlessness. A conceptual and structuralist experiment. Event-oriented investigations of language, chocolate cereal, narrative, and the nature of still life, landscape and figure-ground relationships in motion pictures.

Having A Positive Attitude In The Latter Years Of Life / Video. Eight Faces of Age (1979) / Stewart Cheifet. This one-hour television documentary looks at eight senior citizens who are taking a positive attitude toward dealing with the later years of life. They show that the older years, while challenging, can still be rewarding and exciting. Producer: Stewart Cheifet; Production Company: KCSM TV; Contact Information: Stewart Cheifet stewart@archive.org; Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0.

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