Tag Archives: Power

Mind Power – Converting Thoughts to Reality

Did you know that Mind Power can take control over your life? Yes, it absolutely can through hypnotic mind control. It’s just a matter of conditioning your brain to focus on a particular subject or idea and instructing your brain what to perceive, in that way you set whatever you wish your mind to think. That’s how the power of the mind works; it can either construct or ruin your life. The choice only depends on how you will maneuver or trick your brain.

Say for instance, you have been smoking for quite a long time and decided to stop. For your every attempt of defying the habit of smoking, still you cannot control the urge because there is already the addiction. Another case could be something about weight management, most of us would want to have a fit and healthy body yet we cannot manage to control our eating habits, consequently we become depressed and frustrated and we tend to eat some more . But through hypnotic mind control anything that you wish to happen can actually come to pass. That’s how amazing mind power could be.

Controlling the mind with hypnosis entails practice. To start with, you need to find a tranquil place where you can do the method, in there you can opt to sit, lie down or stand straight with eyes closed. Also, it is necessary that you’re calm and ready to focus for an hour or so. Since in controlling the mind with hypnosis you are actually interacting with your subconscious mind, you must make yourself believe that whatever you lead yourself to think or do will happen. And that will really happen. Focus until the end of the process. Parenthetically Hypnotic mind control is not just applicable in oneself or what is connoted as self-suggestion but it’s also proven in controlling the mind of other people. And it follows the same process.

Going back to the scenarios, if you tell your subconscious mind that you need to cut off your cigarette addiction and you follow the basic instructions then the next time smoking calls, you’ll be able to resist it. Same goes with weight management, if in the process you lead your mind into thinking that you need to cut off on carbohydrate rich foods or maybe discontinue eating unhealthy snacks, without doubt the next time you feel craving for those food, you can easily refuse to give in.

Converting thoughts to Reality is not really that hard if you notice. You only need to pay attention and focus on what you think will benefit you the most. If you want to fail or succeed in life, you just need to have the right mindset. And to have the right way of thinking you must direct your mind to believe that everything you think is feasible. In fact it’s like believing in magic. That’s the mystery of mind power, it makes the impossible possible by merely leading the mind to think it can be.

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your Mind Power to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at http://www.secretofmindpower.com

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Success Strategies – The Power of Positive Thinking

Is there a key for people who achieve success?

It is our choice of how we look at the world. Is the glass half empty or half full? Our view of the world determines how we think about and act in any situation, which of course leads to our results. Our results lead to the life style that we lead.

We can only have one thought in our minds at a time so why not make it a positive one? Our thoughts are something that we have complete control over. They are the one thing that directly leads to our success or failure.

If you don’t like your life style, you need to look at and change your attitudes or the way that you think because that where it all starts. Is it positive or negative? (Hint: If you think that your thinking is positive you may want to get some insight from some of the people that are closest to you. Just ask them. It may not be as positive as you think …)

Having a positive attitude takes constant reinforcement. Due to past conditioning and constant bombardment of negative stuff (i.e. Have you watched the news lately?) is it any wonder we tend to think “That just won’t work…” or “I can’t do that…” It’s easier for us as humans for our thinking to go there instead of how things can work out.

Here are a few strategies to help keep you on the path of positive attitude achievement:

– Smile before leaving your house each morning. While you are at it, smile all day long. A smile sets a positive tone for you internally. It also attracts people to you in a spirit of friendly cooperation, which will aid in your achievement. How can you ensure that you smile more often?

– Set clearly defined goals for yourself. Well set goals create enthusiasm and the motivation to change. You will be most successful and fulfilled when you are working towards the accomplishment of your goals. Goals are necessary to understand attitudes. They provide us with a measurement. If you are not reaching your goals, you need to change the way you think or your attitudes. Do you have clearly defined goals that drive your achievement?

– When you suffer a “defeat” immediately go about restoring your positive attitude. Frustration and disappointment are worthless emotions. They waste both time and energy. They take away from us having a positive attitude and will hinder achievement. So learn from mistakes to make the experience productive. Look back on other victories in your life to regain your positive focus. Do you keep track of what you have achieved in your life?

It’s really quite simple: If you think in negative terms, you will get negative results. If you think in positive terms you will get positive results. Our subconscious mind can help us achieve success beyond our wildest dreams. All you need to do is control your thoughts because we become what we think about.

Decide now what it is that you want. It’s going to be the most important decision you ever make.

I help executives, business owners, professionals, and salespeople become more successful. Do you want improved results? I help people think differently so that they can behave differently. Since it’s our actions that lead to our results, better thinking is the key to the success you want. There are 3 things that I work with: attitude development, skills and knowledge, and goal setting for achievement.

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Your Mind Power Site

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Power of the Mind

Have you ever heard about telepathy? This art can help you communicate using only the power of the mind; the ability to understand the thoughts of another person. Telepathy and witchcraft has always been under discussion. Tarot cards, crystal balls, dreams are sent through the mind, where the telepathic nature of the witch is allowed to process the images or thoughts that come from their spirit or animal guides in order to determine answers to the questions being asked.

Telepathy is most common with identical twins, especially those who have been apart for many years, as scientific studies have shown that their lives are similar, and they often feel as though a part of them is missing. Identical twins have also been noted to be able to converse with each other (mostly as young infants) without the use of their primary senses, sometimes excluding those around them from their little world that has been created. Young children are considered to have greater psychic powers as their adult counterparts, due to the adult seeming to rely on their physical senses to determine their place in the world.

Scientific tests have been conducted many times in an attempt to provide conclusive evidence as to how this phenomenon appears in the brain. The most simple of tests involve holding up a set of Zenner cards. These cards typically have 5 different shapes on them; a star, triple waves, a circle, a square and a cross. The purpose of these tests is that the subject must focus on the thoughts of the person holding up the card in order to correctly state the card that is being held. Although these findings are inconclusive as it is possible to guess the tests, the main conclusions showed that people who had a higher volume of stored psychic power were able to have a higher number of correct answers. Other tests involve the placing of two people in separate rooms, and asking them to think of a subject which is then guessed by the other. There have also been other tests where one person sent images to another whilst sleeping. Once the sleeper has woken, they were asked to describe their dreams, which often contained the images that were projected to them. This test has proved to be the most conclusive in the study of psychic energy and telepathy amongst people.

Telepathy has been the subject of many scientific arguments and studies. One subject that hasn’t come into question is the use of telepathy amongst animals. They are often aware of their owner’s thoughts and feelings, and can mostly be found providing comfort when their owner is ill or depressed. Many times, the behaviour of the animal changes slightly if the owner is due to return home, as the animal seems to sense their thoughts as they near the house. This behaviour is common in young children; parents have reported that smaller children behave better right before the other parent enters the house.

The most common animal that uses telepathy to communicate is the dolphin. These animals, although they regularly use sound to convey their meanings to each other, it has been reported to empathise with humans, and have a telepathic link that is used to save a human from drowning, or provides effective care for the children when they swim with them. Primates and other animals that live in a closed environment have been studied in terms of their ability to communicate without the use of physical senses. The studies have shown that as they move about their surroundings, they can empathise with the other animals and alter their ways without making a sound or a gesture to signify their meaning. When in their particular social setting, the mother can teach the young, the alpha controls their pack behaviour, and know how a family member is feeling without the need to use other senses. Telepathic links are the easiest forms of communication in the animal world, as it is mostly situations of urgency that require verbal or physical gestures to make themselves heard.

Because of this, many human cultures use the animals as guides, as they too can find a way to communicate effectively and understand each other. To do this the human must first listen to the animal, and join their minds as one. This way, the animal can pass on messages in the form of pictures and emotions, and this can be translated in terms of helping the animal feel that they are loved. The telepathic link between animals and humans also works when the animal must relay messages from the spirits, or to pass warnings of natural events that may occur. The help given is invaluable to the witch when conducting rituals that need outside assistance. Just by listening to their familiars, the animals can send the messages as they are needed through their ability for telepathy, and the warnings can be heeded. Naturally, a witch would often pick a familiar through a telepathic link between human and animal that proves the most comfortable for these purposes.

J. Roslyn AntleHigh Priestess – http://www.7witches.net – Real Witches Offering Real Help With Your Real Problems

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Your Mind Power

Whatever the mind can perceive, it can achieve, and to me that statement more or less sums it up. With your mind power your wildest dreams are within your grasp, you only have to believe that you can make it happen and you will.

Many people mistakenly dismiss this theory as a load of rubbish but that is their problem, not yours. They think of your mind power as some kind of magicians trick that is only there to fool people but if they only opened their minds to look at the wonderful possibilities that are there for them to take advantage of, they would find themselves in a completely different place to where they are now.

It is all very simple in that you first must decide what it is you would like to achieve. It could be anything, from making more money to meeting the partner of your dreams. You then have to decide what you are going to do in order to achieve your dreams. If you want to make more money you must first decide exactly how much money you want to make. Then work back from there, how much do you need to earn per month, per week and per day to reach that goal. Then work out what you are going to do to earn this money,

It is then a matter of focussing on your goal with your mind power and not giving up when you meet any obstacles, which you will. If you are focussed on your goals you will ride out any problems along the way.

When you have made your decision to go for your goal you must absolutely be 100% sure that you are going to achieve it. This is a big difference between successful and unsuccessful people. Many people have vague dreams about what they want to achieve but sadly for many people these dreams stay as dreams and they are not turned into reality. Successful people just know that when they make a goal they won’t give up until that goal is achieved, your mind power is so very strong that literally nothing can get in its way.

As you can see, your mind power is not exactly rocket science but once it is mastered there is absolutely nothing that cannot be achieved. The world really is your oyster.

I would highly recommend that if your mind power is new to you, you should try and start off by setting yourself some small goals which are a little out of your comfort zone but achievable. If you stick to it and use your mind power to achieve these goals you will find that it will give you more confidence in order to go for the big stuff, so to speak.

When you are ready, use your mind power to go for something that really excites you, something that makes you shiver by just thinking about it. Believe me, when you go on to reach these types of goals you will truly believe that there is nothing that you can’t achieve in your life.

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Mind Power 2012

This is not a new subject, and has a wide scope – a phenomenon that had spread like a wild fire after the movie “What The Bleep Do We Know” and “The Secret”. Soon after various other organizations mushroomed to join in the band wagon. Michael J. Losier later broke down all the confusion in his book “The Law of Attraction”. But I have also learned very recently that Jessica La Rock from The Universe of Power Team has broken it down even more logically. Well illustrated in her book ‘Road Map to Success’.

I agree with all of their theories & philosophies, however I can not seem to agree that in many part of their teaching it is made to look like magic. What I do appreciate from all of them is that, there is still a deeper science in a our belief system that we as modern being have yet to comprehend. That asking, visualizing and feeling ones desires and intentions alone is not enough. I like what T. Harv Eker said in his seminar “The Millionaire’s Mind” that by visualizing money, a million bucks is not going to fall on our lap. It takes an action and a paradigm shift on our believes about money (or wealth/health/success). Harv elaborates that one have to reset his ‘blueprint’ about money, before taking an inspired action.

From my observation of most success stories, I noticed that most of the successful people, each of them seems to have had a sad or painful episode. There is a certain suffering and regret they went through, where at which point of time they were pushed to a corner. At this nick of time, being in the lowest of emotion, shut-off from everything, they make a key decision. They make a promise, a declaration, a plan with such a great intensity and feelings, that the mind starts to reprogram his entire believe system. The mind kicks into a defense system to deliver what he/she just promised. An affirmation made with such feeling, emotion, need and desperation. All information, clues, images and voices to support his/her affirmation within the next several days come rushing in. Every action taken over any of these input can be executed with such ease and precision, that a new form starts to snowball.

Yes, there is some sort of energy that a human radiates. Whet er or not there is an interaction with the universe, a physical action is still required. Expect no magic, it is all within the mind, intentions and action. We have to take the torch, the initiative.

So then how does a person, whom have not suffered can now apply this LOA. What if I’m happy with my life, but I just want more? How can I fake a suffering (or the intense need) to activate my mind. This is where I am stuck deep. Logically, our subconscious mind wont approve. It responds to our ‘intense visualization’ as, are you kidding? Therefore I turn to active meditation for the answer. Quiet the mind, be in the now and shut-up the second me, so that I can manifest my affirmations. There is a risk though, as one find peace through mediation, life will eventually seem good enough as it is. Able to manage stress and happiness pretty well without abundance of cash. One will realize that with all the crazy things that are happening around them; it may not be worth at all to chase for wealth.

These and more of such are the key information I’m trying to understand. My next plan is to study all the books by Eckhart Tolle, meditate like a Zen Master and find the connecting point between science and believe. See… all the the spiritual masters are rich and all the rich are not spiritual, with some exceptions. Why is that?

Article Source: http://ezineseeker.com/?expert=Mubarakh_Ali_Abdul_Karim

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Power of the Mind

The power of the mind is very complex and mighty that holds limitless possibility for ideas, achievements and actions. It is though our minds that man has been able to achieve modern development and survived countless danger. Even before when man was still primitive, defenseless having no strength in par with the roaming beasts or speed to outrun their predators, it was their brilliant heads that brought them out of extinction. Driving their enemies away and what kept them alive. Before daydreaming of being able to conquer the sky was just a dream, but because mans desire for grater ambition dominated each of them. The dream soon became a reality, through deep, analytical thinking and creative ideas the mind was able to derive an equation that would set man into the sky. Ideas and dreams that seems impossible to achieve, with mans infinite power to think and create made almost alls things possible.

Knowledge is one basis in unlocking the power if our mind. To know a lot means giving our mind a greater footing on achieving many things. Our minds contains thought that are habitual that reflects the things we most usually do, from the manner on how we most usually behave to our mannerism that we usually do. This proves that we can directly affect our own brain and mind.

The ones that dominate our minds our thought and emotions, Mind power or the power of the mind is way beyond what we commonly known as positive thinking – sometimes referred to as brain power. It is through thinking, faith, and believing our own ideals that mind power is able to connect and establish link between our desire and what we hope to achieve. Since this is a power that is coming from out thoughts and beliefs, the end results or outcome will be determined depending in how your beliefs and strong will lies.

There are many ways describe mind power. In psychosomatic point of view, it is viewed as the ability to experience emotions, imaginations, memory and strong will or faith, it can be found as one of the individual’s personality in which it functions under normal waking conditions.

It is important to bear in mind that having a positive thought is important when producing positive results. Negative thoughts and negative emotions can produce a series of bad chain reaction that may result to the lowering of the immune system. Our thoughts play an important role in our mind. Depending on how we deal with problems our perspective will ultimately decide as to whether or not we can accomplish task assigned to us or will fail while trying to.

Mind power affects our daily thinking and fashion mostly our daily reality. However you think will greatly influence the overall thinking and your belief will produce mostly the outcome you either expect. Failure will also depend on how you creatively push for something better – either you will play things safely or risking it all by following what your mind wishes to do.

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling the Power of the Mind to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at http://www.secretofmindpower.com.

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Power of Your Mind

Matter of Perception

Some people don’t believe something unless they see it with their own eyes. Would it be a tragedy to say that what the eyes see is more reliable than the power of words? After work, waiting is an empty house… what does a person sees in the empty house? If this question gets to be answered, surely, each person will come up with the different opinions, views and interpretations.

If a person sees something important, he will not bother to ask for an explanation, he will simply believe. The probable explanation for that is that when a person sees something, within seconds, it is already processed in the mind than listening to a person describing something which the listener should bother to absorb, concentrate and imagine first before entertaining it as solid information in his mind. But it is not the instant belief of a person when he sees something that is vital, it is the perception. Perception is the power of your mind. Everything in this world is a matter of your own perception.

Perception is something kindled to people since childhood until they are old enough to act and think of their own. The power of your mind is its ability to interpret something based on own previous experiences and influences. Though there are other extrinsic factors in which perception is developed in a person such as family, friends and community, it is still himself who decides what to believe. Thus, perception always helps with the decision making of a person. When a person sees something, he molds it into his own perception, believing and willing it to be good or bad for him until a decision is made up. He would categorize it in his mind.

The perception also builds a person’s personality. Since perception helps with the decision making of a person, it also affects the way a person acts upon this perception especially after categorizing it in his mind. So if a person perceives that this something, say cigarette, will be bad for him, he will avoid it at all costs. This perception affecting the behavior would be an advantage to humankind. But what if this perception is different from what the norms usually think? It does not follow certain rules that were made and invented. Is it disadvantageous to that person with a very different perspective? Again, the answer to that question depends on one’s perception.

In the long run, it would be very hard to convince somebody to change his mind when his mind is already made up. The only flaw in making up your mind is to look at something in the wrong perspective. No one can define what wrong perspective is. It’s just a matter of how a person deals with situations that people can tell if he is right and wrong depending on one’s norm. But it’s all just a matter of perception. The thing is, if you think you’re right and you want to prove everybody wrong, you can use the power of your mind to prove them wrong. Perceptions could be easily altered with best persuasions and proofs especially if the person believes in what he sees.

Ready to unlock the secrets about The Power of the mind to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at http://www.secretofmindpower.com

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Positive Affirmations – The Power of Your Words

You use positive affirmations to help you to achieve your goals. And fundamentally, positive affirmations are just words but it is the way in which you combine those words and the actual words that you use in creating your affirmations that mean the difference between succeeding in achieving your goals or failing.

The words you use, both spoken and unspoken, literally control the results you achieve in your life. As Bill Bartmann said:

“The words that we use to describe the thing we want predicates more often than not our own success or own failure.”

Yet, far too many people do not pay attention to the words they use to describe themselves far less the words they use to describe what they desire. In many cases the words that people use to describe themselves are often negative and erode their self-esteem making it even more challenging to achieve the results that they desire. As Gloria Steinem said:

“Self-esteem isn’t everything; it’s just that there’s nothing without it.”

They then compound matters by describing what they want as a goal. Now some individuals are very clear about what a goal is and what the term goal means to them. They are also very confident about achieving the goals that they set. However, there are others to whom the word goal actually has negative connotations.

To this group of individuals a goal is something which is generally beyond their reach. It’s something they aspire to but deep down inside they do not expect to achieve it. So they set a goal and they fulfil their prophecy that they will not achieve it. In other words they self-sabotage their attempts to accomplish their goal. It then becomes one more on a long list of goals set but not achieved.

So the next time they set a goal their sub-conscious mind checks their personal history of goal setting and goal achievement, sees that the norm is that majority of goals set are not achieved and so again sabotages the individual’s effort to achieve this new goal as well. A pattern is established and failing to achieve your goals becomes a habit because the sub-conscious mind resists change. It doesn’t like to upset the status quo.

Maybe this has happened to you and if not to you personally, you can probably think of someone to whom this happens time and time again. They set goals and are very enthusiastic for a while but before long the goal is abandoned. They don’t even go the distance in their attempt to achieve their goal. Or they repeatedly lament about the number of projects they start but don’t finish.

If you do fall into this category and you’re using positive affirmations with respect to “goals” you’re aiming to achieve, then it’s likely that you will be disappointed.

There are several different ways to overcome this problem. Bill Bartmann suggests that instead of setting goals you make a promise. Now, admittedly, some people are just as bad at keeping their promises but, generally, when someone makes a promise it is a serious commitment. To some individuals a promise is almost sacred. They would rather die than break a promise.

If you fall into this latter category then you know that when you make a promise that:

1. You don’t do so lightly, and

2. You do everything in your power to fulfil your promise.

As a result, you know and those close to you know that even if you don’t fulfil your promise that you would have done all that you could to carry out your promise and that nothing more could realistically be asked of you. However, because you pull the stops out when you do make a promise your track record for fulfilling your promises is high.

Thus, when your sub-conscious mind learns that you’ve made a new promise. It sends out the red alert. And it starts to work flat out, working with you rather than against you, to help you achieve your goal and manifest your promise or positive affirmation.

For a complete system to help you create empowering affirmations and then transform those positive affirmations into a powerful medium that will super-charge the effectiveness of your affirmations visit: http://www.CreateYourMindMovies.com

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Positive Thinking – The Power of the Human Mind

The power of the human mind has been regarded as one of the most powerful in our universe. Just like what most people say, it’s always mind over matter. Just think and it will happen – think positive and everything will be alright. It’s the same as waking up at the wrong side of the bed, and the whole day follows along with it – you being irritated, angry, tired and every negative feeling or situation. But by waking up at the right side of the bed, you end up being productive in work, feeling good about yourself…and everything else. Being optimistic may prove to be very beneficial in our day-to-day lives. It’s thinking that it will be like this and it will be – the Law of Attraction. But this power can also be destructive for us. But exactly how can this be possible? It’s the moment when you become pessimistic.

The Law of Attraction has had many followers and critics over the past years. But what is it? It’s simply saying that you should know what you want, think about it, ask for it, and eventually you will get it. Its roots say that it was from Quantum Physics, and has been popularized by a film in 2006 “The Secret” which was then made into a book. When you think about it for a second, it’s actually making the power of the human mind work its wonders. The Law of Attraction is the power that we all have in our minds – something that we have been using for our whole lives. Have you ever stopped and thought that, “Yeah, it’s a lucky day for me,” and all the things that had happened to you that day were indeed a stroke of luck? Maybe it is, but it’s actually you who put yourself into it. You thought of it – you activated the whole universe to support you into making it a reality. It’s the same when you were wearing that new pair of white pants and some guy splashed coffee on you – and the list goes on that seemingly unlucky day. Why did it happen? Because you started to think that, “oh damn, I guess it isn’t my day today.”

A number of people have adapted this Law of Attraction by putting it into different schools of thoughts & books and areas of studies, such as Napeleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” and even in Theosophy, but all of them come to one point: positive thinking. Though it also received a number of critiques across the world saying that if you just need to know what you want, visualize it et al, then why are there still poverty and suffering in the world? Maybe because, for example, those people who are stuck in poverty had always thought that they will be poor forever – they do not exert any effort. They do not even think that it will be good in the future – they use the power of the human mind in a different way – in an awful way into thinking that there is nothing for them in the future. But you have your choice as you read this – and it would be a great way to now stop, think and visualize of the positive things, for your good and the goodness of the whole society.

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your Human Mind to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at http://www.secretofmindpower.com

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