Tag Archives: Power

The Power of Positive Reinforcement

There has been much written about positive reinforcement as a psychology for changing performance. It is a technique both used in animal training and child development, which now has proven as effective for use as part of human resource management in business tool. As a business manager, how can one apply and monitor positive reinforcement?

First understand that everyone enjoys being recognized when they do good work. Only pointing out when someone does something wrong and never acknowledging what is done correctly can lead to negative results. Employees who are given praise for doing things right or for progress in performance improvement will work harder to do an even better job. Employees who are not told when they do good work and are corrected or ridiculed when they do bad work, will only do the work that is required to stay out of trouble in the future. These employees can enjoy their work, improve their attitude, or see a reason to work harder because only bad performance is acknowledged. 

With this understanding of human behavior, managers must begin to modify the approach to employee recognition. Managers must notice when an employee does something right and give them simple and sincere praise for what they did. Tell the employee the specific thing they did right and how that helps the department or company. Let the employee know that management has confidence in their ability to continue to perform well and be innovative in their approach to their own tasks. This positive reinforcement of the employee’s effort should occur as soon as possible after the job well done is noticed. Frequent, sincere, and positive praise can go a long way to getting employees to perform at their best.

Giving positive reinforcement does not mean that what is done incorrectly by an employee is to be ignored. Instead, it means to recognize what portion of the work was done correctly first, then follow-up with what can be done better the next time and why the performance or work result was not quite what was expected. If this means the manager must take some of the blame for not giving detailed instructions for the desired behavior or result, they should do so in an apologetic manner and then proceed to explain how the manager personally will try to do better. This is an excellent time for the manager to let the employee know they still have faith in them but need their help and cooperation by their asking questions if the manager’s instructions are not clear. This allows both the employee and manager to get better at communication, which results in improved task completion. Remember mangers need to give positive results first, then follow-up with what improvements are needed, apologize if necessary, and then reinforce what was done right again. When working the improvement or follow-up statement do not use the word “but” as this word often negates anything said before it and the employee may stop listening as they know a negative is coming next. 

Understanding that everyone enjoys being acknowledged when they do good work is a typical human response should help improve performance. Business managers need to learn how and when to apply positive reinforcement when monitoring improvements to work behavior or task completion. Managers should always consider the positives rather than only mentioning when employees may be performing beneath the desired level. Positive reinforcement could be the key to better results in human resource management, which should lead to better business results as well.

Shirley Fine Lee, author of “R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard’s Approach”, has worked as a training and development specialist since 1986, and an independent consultant since 2000. She has extensive experience, helping organizations with their team building, training development, meeting facilitation, presentation delivery, and other communication needs. This work involves developing productivity tools, presenting workshops, and writing. For instance, she has authored numerous training manuals and guides, on a wide variety of topics. Her programs include time management, getting organized, problem solving, and team building. Sign up for Shirley’s free productivity newsletter on her website or visit her leadership blog. Find out more about her and options she provides on her website at http://www.shirleyfinelee.com.

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The Power of Positive Feelings

The quality of your life in this moment is determined by how you feel about it.

Whether we do it consciously or unconsciously, we create our experience of life.

If you’re under the impression that the power of positive thinking is a useful skill then you’ll enjoy this insight into a more profound and essential approach to achieving sustainable positive results in your life.

If you are one of those who disregard positive thinking due to its one sidedness, superficiality or inability to affect the underlying issues that are responsible for our problems in life, then this article is most definitely for you too.

Our emotional feelings, whether we’re aware of them or not, are the foundation of our thoughts and behaviours, and therefore our results. Emotions are our signal to take action in a certain way or to abstain from inappropriate action.

Emotions are the energy associated with our beliefs. Our past experiences, especially those from the first 10 years of our life, determine our core beliefs. These beliefs become self fulfilling prophecies that when combined with powerful feelings are responsible for attracting the people and circumstances that we experience in our life.

No amount of positive thinking will do much to change a negative core belief. Therefore many people who use positive affirmations and visualizations to manifest their goals don’t experience their desired results. The reason for this is that they have beliefs that are not in alignment with their superimposed thoughts. It’s like trying to steer a train by asking someone in the last car to change the direction of the entire train. It simply won’t work.

The current state of your life – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually along with your personal and professional relationships, finances and belongings are an indication of what you believe.

To overcome the unconscious programming that prevents you from being successful, you may want to update any limiting beliefs to new appropriate ones that are aligned with the results that you want to experience.

Experiencing the external results that we want in life begins by changing our inner model of the world to match this. This means that when we take control of our beliefs and feelings, we will then be in control of our results.

You can predict your outer life tomorrow by looking at your inner self today. You can change what’s in front of you by changing what’s inside you.

Question the perspectives, attitudes and behaviours that don’t serve you in achieving your desires: How have these adopted beliefs benefited you in some way? Where do they come from? What is the constructive lesson, or what can you become aware of now that changes everything?

No matter what you’ve ever been told about yourself, and no matter what you think you are – You Are More Than That. Believe it and you will experience it!

Thinking that only through some kind of achievement or acquisition we can feel a certain way is the cause of hardship and disappointment for many. The reason for this is because nothing outside of us can ever provide us with what’s most important to us. Only you are responsible for your feelings.

Become the conscious creator of your results by answering this question: What do I need to believe about myself and my capabilities in order to enjoy this moment and create a bright future?

Appropriate beliefs and lifestyle choices will assist you to achieve the feelings which cultivate thoughts and actions that lead to positive results. Begin today – it’s never too late to become who you are meant to be.

Those who fail to think, speak and behave resourcefully are the ones who wait to first feel that way. It is true that we can induce a feeling by thinking, speaking and behaving in a way that matches the emotional state that we desire, however there is another way to more rapidly elicit a positive state.

Since our mind and body is ultimately the same thing, what we do physically influences our mental and emotional state. Therefore a healthy and fit physiology assists in experiencing a positive state of mind. Similarly a physiology that resembles the state that you wish to be in is the expediency to achieving it.

There are no un-resourceful people, there are only un-resourceful states.

The quickest way to change your state is to change your physiology. An effective way of achieving this is to either take a few deep breaths or get up and move about. For this reason Breathwork and/or exercise are prescribed as natural ways to overcome depression and negative emotions.

Have you noticed how a distressed or depressed person holds their body? To switch from depression to happiness; lift your chin, look slightly upwards, relax your shoulders, take a deep breath into your belly and let it out slowly while imagining yourself smiling and thinking a positive thought.

This skill is a useful way to break distressing or depressing patterns of thought and behaviour.

Become attractive from the inside by asking yourself: “Who do I need to become in order to attract the people and circumstances that I want in my life”?

How will you feel when you’ve become this person? Imagine fully becoming this person for a moment. Now adjust your physiology and expression to that of the person you have become. And now, in this resourceful state ask yourself: “What’s the most important and productive thing I can do right now”?

Go with your first impulse and follow your bliss!

Always make sure that any action or goal setting is done in a resourceful state. The energy of your present state is the feeling that stimulates resourceful thinking and behaviour.

Finally, take some time each day to count your blessings. Feel sincere gratitude for what you’ve got, as this is a powerful way of accessing the feeling that attracts more of the good stuff.

Remember, you create your experience of life, so make it a fantastic one!

Written by Jevon Dängeli – NLP / HNLP Trainer & Wellness Coach – http://www.neuro-linguistics.net

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The Pure Power Of Positive Conflict

Sad but true – life inside the cube is often characterized by strife. Negative conflict, whether based on interpersonal differences or political maneuvering, abounds. Ironically, for organizations to step up and reach their potential they need more conflict, not less. Here’s the hook – we need more positive conflict and less negative conflict. Negative conflict is overly emotional, usually unnecessarily personal, and based on opinions and bad assumptions. Negative conflict, not surprisingly, is almost never associated with positive outcomes at work. Positive conflict is more honestly rational than emotional, usually based on real issues not interpersonal differences, and rooted in objective facts. Want real innovation and improvement? You need three things: more positive conflict (and less negative conflict), better conflict management skills in the organization, and a solid “no jerk” rule.

More positive and less negative conflict

These are separate but closely related ideas. Let’s start with the negative. If you’re a leader and you genuinely care about improving your group and organization, from now on you personally shoulder the burden to call out – in real time, on the fly – all clear instances of unproductive negative conflict. See it, step in and discuss it, and clearly state to those involved why this is an example of unproductive negative conflict that cannot be a part of our work culture moving forward. Be kind, be positive, be helpful – yes, but do it. If you see the instances of ugly negative conflict pop up and you do nothing to deal with it, you will not have a work environment capable of capitalizing on positive conflict. Assuming negative examples are in check, positive conflict is principled debating, questioning of assumptions, fact based sparring. As a leader, you encourage and facilitate this positive and aggressive form of dialogue. Don’t forget – you need to be questioned too, your comments are not off limits when it’s time to get into debate mode.

Hone those conflict management skills

If the goal is to maximize the contribution of positive conflict, you have to arm your team to correctly deal with positive conflict. There are many internal and external approaches, but the point is simple: most people are not naturally wired to effectively navigate conflict filled situations. The good news is that these are skills that can be quickly acquired. Training of this sort will improve your team’s ability to keep conversations positive and fact-based, to call out unacceptable emotional levels, to correctly identify and prioritize whether a given issue is worth the effort needed for positive conflict, to get the correct people involved in the conversation, specify tactics for safely asserting one’s point and for honestly validating others’ points, etc. For well chosen employees, a few days spent working through these tactics via reading, discussions and experiential activities can pay huge dividends for your team.

No jerks allowed

It is, however, not just about your team – it’s about you. Any time you allow one or more people to significantly and/or persistently deviate from a major behavioral norm (such as shunning negative conflict in order to build positive conflict), you have wasted your entire effort. When principled members of your team watch you allow one or two individuals continue to engage in negative conflict with no consequences, you’re toast. If you want to be serious, you can’t play favorites or turn your back on conflict. The rule must be clear and respected by all – no jerks allowed. Negative emotions spread like a virus at work. One lone jerk, allowed to be a jerk at will, will spoil the morale in a group quickly.

In short, if you will strongly encourage your direct reports to begin enforcing the ban on negative conflict, find some resources to help the entire group build some tried and true conflict management skills, and if you personally will model the correct behaviors by not allowing any jerks to flourish, you will have made great strides towards realizing the pure power of positive conflict for your organization.

Dr. Dewett is a nationally recognized leadership expert, professor, author, professional speaker and consultant specializing in all aspects of organizational life. As quoted in the New York Times, BusinessWeek, CNN, the Chicago Tribune, MSNBC and elsewhere. He is the author of Leadership Redefined. Podcasts, blog, free newsletter and more at http://www.drdewett.com Copyright 2009 TVA Inc.

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Marvin’s Magic Mysterious Mind Power

Available at http://www.magictricks.co.uk/shop/mind-blowing-magic-incredible-card-tricks

Three Mind-blowing sets to collect containing exciting and unique magic – each with a different theme. Card tricks, Mind Reading and Tricks and Stunts. Each set containing 25 tricks that have been especially designed to create maximum impact and astonishment.
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Positive Power

The mind is your body’s most powerful tool. With your body you can make yourself feel better, but you can also make yourself feel worse. Your mind is so powerful, it has been medically proven that you can convince your own healthy body that you are sick. So sick in fact that you will begin to have physical symptoms that have no other reason for happening. Think about it, if you get really nervous when you speak in public and the butterflies start to rumble inside you. You may mentally make yourself so nervous that you actually vomit. This is simply an example of your mind sending signals to parts of your body and your body then having an adverse reaction such as vomiting.

Now that you know how powerful your mind can be, lets look at a way that we can harness and use this power to improve your life. One of the easiest and most powerful methods of using your mind for self improvement is Positive Thinking. We have all heard the statement, “The Power of Positive Thinking…” This is true, simply by having positive thoughts no matter what the situation is can have a powerful impact on not only your life, but of those around you.

With positive thinking, you begin to look at every situation you encounter differently. Instead of dwelling on the negative past things that occurred, you begin to look at the future to see what positive things are going to come out of this situation. With this type of outlook, people will be more willing to associate with you and will want to include you more in their jobs and activities and lives. With these new found connections and relationships, your new positive world will be opened up to more possibilities than before. People will start to view you differently and may even recommend your name when new opportunities arise or open up. This can lead to promotions at your current job or a job offer from a new employer that pays more with better benefits.

While monetary gains may happen when you start to implement positive thinking, you will also start to see your wants and needs realign. That new car you thought you had to have to be happy may not seem as important now as it did before. This is because your life will have become fuller with better more meaningful relationships, not wants for more fancy expensive physical things.

Start each day thinking about the positive things to come, and end each day reflecting on the positive things that happened or the positive things that will come out of whatever situation you encountered that day. Do this and you will see your life improve for the positive.

Kerry has been writing articles and reviews online for many years. Come visit the latest website at http://www.boardshortssale.com/ which provides information on all types of board shorts.

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To Get Your Ex Back – The Power of Positive Thinking

Yes it is difficult to cope with such times. You have been dumped for reasons you do not know or ‘think’ you know. Nevertheless, nothing can stop you from feeling miserable and disillusioned about this thing they call ‘love’. The only thought that recurs in your mind is how to get your ex back. But did it ever occur to you that changing your mindset and attitude might help to get your ex back? Here is how it works:

– The first step to change your mindset is to stop thinking that chasing your ex would help, as this is the only way to show them that you care. Unfortunately it does not work this way. The more you call, the more you text and the more you send mails, the more desperate and pathetic you appear. Instead of triggering to get back to you, you’re ex moves away from an otherwise weak and pitiable human being. No way can this mindset help to get your ex back.

– In stead spend your waking hours in being busy with work, hobby, people, etc. Structure your thought process and try to think more calmly and rationally. Remember there is nothing as attractive as being a completely positive and optimistic person. Once you are close to get your ex back, this change in mindset and attitude is going to keep him/her forever with you.

– All that is pent up in your mind – get them out. Sit in front of the computer and open a file called ‘Notes to myself’. Jot down whatever you remember of the affair with your ex. Include all the positive things as well as the negative events like your first fight, etc. The most important thing to jot down is the things which you never told your ex – your deep innermost feelings, fears and concerns. You have no idea the immense therapeutic value this type of verbal regurgitation has on the mind. Revisit the file and update it time and again with new inputs that appear on your mind. To get your ex back, this is a kind of mental cleansing, which can go a long way in making you a far more positive person.

– Delete all the negative aspects which you associate with your ex. If a particular pub reminds you of your ex, a wonderful way of forgetting your ex is to visit the place with someone else! Remain cool and try to enjoy other people’s company. The problem when we love someone deeply is that we forget to love everyone else. To get your ex back, be available all the time not only to your ex, but also to other people. You do not have to be mentally involved with someone to go out for a dance or to watch a movie.

– Perfect what you are good at and improve on your shortcomings. Take cue from what your ex used to mention. If your ex thought that you had a wonderful voice for singing, why not cultivate this talent and join a music class? If your ex thought that you were a bad cook, why not try to improve this skill, which can stand in good stead in life later? Remember, to get your ex back, you do not have to give up everything and spend the rest of our life in grief and remorse. While you are waiting with open arms to get your ex back, you could use the time in taking good care of yourself.

– The best thing that happens when you become such an improved and positive person is that people notice you and gradually get attracted to you. The more people get attracted to you and are seen in your company, the better are your chances to get your ex back. You are in a very positive way showing your ex that he or she missed the boat. And soon enough they come running back to your arms.

Why is getting your ex back so important to you? Because a good relationship is one of the most treasured of human interactions. We all want to be loved. There are the great times together, the shared dreams and visions, the mutual likes and dislikes and more. Great relationships are essential for enjoying a good quality of life. They color everything else around us.

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Personality Development Training TIPS & TRICKS Video Lesson 34 – Mind Power

This best Personality Development Training Video is for your Personality Building and change. This Personality Development Program in Hindi and Englisg is equally beneficial for men, women, students, children, teenagers, teens, and youth.

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What if telekinesis was real? How would you react? Our hidden camera experiment captures the reactions of unsuspecting customers at a New York City coffee shop as they witness a telekinetic event.
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It’s possible to bend a spoon with mind power?? – MAGIC TRICKS


It's possible to bend a spoon with mind power?? - MAGIC TRICKS

E’ possibile piegare un cucchiaio di acciaio con la sola forza del pensiero??
It’s possible to bend a spoon with mind power??
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Earl Nightingale The Strangest Secret Power of Positive Thinking

Earl Nightingale Reveals the Secret of the ages

How to became successful and how to get more happiness in your life by changing your mindset.

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We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the “Law Of Attraction”, or the law of “Reaping and Sowing”. This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to you. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others has testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret…
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Your words and thoughts have physical power – Will Smith

GO HERE NOW (( http://YesRockstar.com )) To See More Videos that will show you why you should be getting as much PHYSICAL GOLD as humanly possible right now!!!

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Your words and thoughts have physical power.

In life many people wonder why things dont always go the way
they want them to but do not realize that in every thought they
think and words they speak starts the physical formation
of what begins to appears in our lives. It is normal to have negative
thoughts from time to time because we do not live in a perfect world,
Or Do We? The key is when a thought like that shows
up you just need to make the decision wether or not you want to
entertain that though for a long time or if you want to change the path
to a better one immediately. This is where skill comes in to play.
With all things you must practice to make perfect, all though some
are borne with more talent than other, anyone can hone the skills of
being discipline and beat there fears into submission.
it was once said “your biggest fear should be fear itself” I would have
to say this is pretty right on. Why? Because fear is a negative emotion
and because of fear you tend to pay more attention
to it which starts the physical birth of some kind of reaction.
This is why most people that fear that they are going to get hurt get
hurt more than the rest. Or think they are going to be sick and
then it happens. If you fear that you dont have enough money to
pay the bills and speak and think these thoughts and words everyday
then guess what, You are creating the physical reaction to
show up in your life. This is why it is good to marinate yourself in
unconditional love and positive good words and belief that good things are
heading your way at all times. You deserve it, It is your birth right.
Own it. except it. enjoy it. Live it. know it is in your escrow. more and more, every
moment. and when the other thoughts of fear come, Do Not Entertain
it. leave it behind and get right back on track with the truth!
Live every monent of this life like there is no tomorrow, because it is
not a rehearsal. So Start getting from it what is yours. GREATNESS!!!

Mark Sansom

Ps. I really like Wills attitude in which he attacks life with passion
Will Smith is a Cool Dude and has a good grasp on the truth.

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