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Story about the Process of Mindset Apprentice- John Assaraf, Part 2 & 3

This article tells you a story of how an ordinary, everyday voracious learner took huge inspired action to become the Apprentice of one of the teachers from the hit movie: “The Secret”. It will inspire you about risk & faith.



When I joined the Having it All Challenge at the end of August 2007, I was temporarily living with my parents before heading back for my final year of college education in Washington. In their minds I would be leaving around the middle of September (I hadn’t told them about the Challenge or that my intention was to not go back to school!)


Even after joining the challenge, I didn’t tell them for another two weeks about my decision because I feared their reaction. Once I did tell them, my unease proved to be right: I was invited to leave home and given one week to find a new place to live.


It was an extremely difficult time for me to be so passionate about this journey I had chosen to take, but to find my parents so unsupportive. At the time I felt angry, hurt, and sad. I reminded myself of times when I had heard my parents say how sad it is when a child chooses a specific route in life, and the parents don’t support the decision…Or a child converts to a different religion than their family, and the parents excommunicate the child.


‘Well, dang…that’s pretty much what they just did to me,’ I felt.

“You’re not going back to school? You’ve got one week to leave.”


While it hurt, my commitment to my new journey was unwavering. Nothing would stop me from moving forward in the direction of my dreams.


I learned later from John that…


‘There are those who are interested, and those who are committed. Those who are interested in something will do what’s convenient, while those who are committed will do whatever it takes!’


Apparently I was applying this principle before I even knew it consciously.


So what was my goal and outcome in joining the Having it All Challenge?


As I mentioned in Part 1, I had the intention of being mentored by one of the great personal growth teachers.


In the personal profile questions for the Having it All Challenge I was asked, “Where do you see yourself 6-12 months from now?” Still not knowing how in the world I would achieve it, I reaffirmed what I put on my vision board, and wrote, “The Apprentice of John Assaraf…”


Little did I know that my goal would not take 6-12 months, but merely 1 1/2…


P.S. As a side note about my parents: We now have an incredible relationship. The feelings I expressed were how I felt in 2007. Now I fully understand they were only doing what they felt was the right thing to do. I absolutely love my parents, and so should you!


For more mindset transforming tips and ideas for creating an extraordinary life, I’m inviting you to visit http://www.TheMindsetApprenticeNow.com

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Self Improvement As A Conscious Energy Process

Self improvement is a lifelong natural energy process, which we all seem to pursue at times from an elevated conscious level, especially when we are actively pursuing some type of change. It’s at these times, when we are purposely anchored into self improvement action that we are the most conscious of the expansion in our human demeanor. However, what most people do not realize is they are usually pursuing some form of self improvement from an unconscious level, too. To be moving forward in life is a natural state of being human and is in alignment with the natural life plan energy process.

The conscious reasons for self improvement are many; take for example, someone has experienced some form of hardship. Let’s say a person lost their job when a large corporation decides to move the employee’s job elsewhere, at a cheaper labor rate, because the company wants to maximize profits. It really doesn’t matter to the corporation board of directors what the ripple affect is when the job is moved; they are only focused at a conscious level on a spreadsheet or profits. Whereas, for the employee the impact is dramatic, and in some cases completely incomprehensible that they are being treated in this manner simply due to profit margins.

Now that the person is unemployed, the natural progression is to reevaluate, at a more conscious level, which skill sets may require improvements to make them more marketable in their search for a new job. At this point, self improvement is an active pursuit in the energy process to enhance ones perceived worth, again at the conscious level, in the eyes of a future employer. It’s not that the person is any less than they were before losing the job, rather it’s they may feel self improvement will enhance their chances for employment in the energy process of life.

On the surface, loosing a job can be emotionally traumatic, but in the long run it may be a perfect reason, at a conscious level, for pursuing the self improvement phase of ones energy process in life. Therefore, a person has to make a choice to look at this new development in their life energy process in one of two ways. They can perceive it as being having been victimized by the corporation, or they can accept the fact that the self improvement they are now pursuing at a conscious level is actually a blessing in the long run.

It’s not necessarily a bad thing when we are moved forward due to a life changing situation that is out of our control. It may simply be part of the life plan that has lacked conscious clarity, but is now in the forefront of our attention. This is why it’s important to look at life as an energy process; one in a constant state of change. By accepting what comes our way and moving with the flow in the energy process of life itself we make self improvements along the way.

Therefore, in the example the person either increases or decreases their energy vibration simply by the way they perceive their situation in the energy process of life. If they view this experience with conscious clarity they will move forward instead of wallowing in defeat.

Learn The Conscious Clarity Energy Process™ featuring The Train of Life analogy system for happiness and success. You will learn to produce a Quantum Leap in both Business and Personal success. Visit http://www.SpiritPublishingLLC.com/Main5.html to learn solutions to everyday challenges that have been holding you back until now.

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