Tag Archives: Proven

Proven Method Tricks To Get Him Back – Sneaky Tricks Dont Work

If you’re looking for proven method tricks to get him back, I may be able to help… or I may not. It really just depends on what you have in mind.  If you truly think that it was a mistake for you and your guy to breakup and that you could have a good relationship with a few changes and a little work, than the information in this article can help. If,on the other hand, you’re looking for sneaky ways to trick him into coming back to you with no time or effort on your part, sorry, I can’t help.

You see, using tricks to get someone back (the most common one is making them jealous) is a horrible strategy to use.  Even if they do come back to you, you will be building your relationship on lies instead of love and trust.  No relationship can last or be healthy if it is formed on trickery and games.  It’s much better to take the high road, put in the time and love required and re build your relationship honestly. That is the only way you and your ex will have a real chance of staying together for the long term.

Another thing to keep in mind is that if there were any type of abuse in your relationship whether it was physical, sexual, emotional or verbal, you shouldn’t even consider getting back with him until he has spent some serious time in counseling. If you are considering taking him back even though he hasn’t changed, you are an abused woman and you should get counseling too.

It’s not enough for him to ‘promise’ he’ll get help, he has to actually sign up and go to meetings for several months before you should even consider a reconciliation.

The actual steps you will take to get your ex back are fairly simple but they will take time and effort.  It’s best for the overall success of your reconciliation to not have any contact with your ex while you are going through these steps.  You need to allow him to miss you and he can’t do that if you’re still in contact with him.  

1. Take stock of the woman you are.  This is not about changing so he will want you back, this is about you taking this time to evaluate the type of person you are and deciding what character issues you have that could use some work. This is all about you. We all have personality traits that aren’t the best, this is what you need to focus on and fix.  Whether you and your ex get back together or not, you will have other relationships and it’s always best to take the best version of you into any new relationship.

2.Once you’ve spent time working on your flaws, you need to look at what the problems in the relationship were, and try to find solutions.  It’s important to remember, that you can’t fix all the problems in your relationship all on your own, you can only fix your own problems. For relationship problems you and your ex will have to be willing to work together.

You and your ex can get back together, but if you want it to last you’ll base your relationship on honesty and love and to do that you can use these proven method tricks to get him back, just put emphasis on the method and stay away from the tricks.

You and your ex can get back together, but if you want it to last you’ll base your relationship on honesty and love and to do that you can use these proven method tricks to get him back, just put emphasis on the method and stay away from the tricks.

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A Proven Method to Get From Stuck to Positive Change to Transformation

Although many people want a greater level of success either for themselves or for their organization, change can be difficult. I can speak from experience on this. Some people don’t know how to change. Others are caught in the trap of needing to be right. There is a powerful human need to be right. If we need to change, that means we are wrong about something. And that can be hard to get by.

Key Point! Hard and difficult doesn’t mean impossible.

Here are some easy to implement ideas which will not only help you change but can lead to transforming yourself and/or your organization.

1) Change your actions. Start solving problems by doing things better. This can happen by learning new skills and capabilities. What do you or your people need to learn which would help you overcome your current challenges?

Do you want to move from change to transformation? It’s when you take the next step towards transformation that you can create long lasting, significant, life and business altering change. Read on…

2) Examine your habits and thoughts. Examine your thinking and beliefs because these lead to habits of the way you think. And your thoughts lead to your behavior. Step outside of your current perspective, as hard as that might be, and ask yourself “What assumptions, thoughts, or behavior patterns have resulted in the same problems coming up time and again?”

When you become aware of attitudes that were previously below your level of awareness, and possibly self defeating, you can then take the step to “re-frame” your views or to look at them with greater understanding. Doing this can lead to: 1) developing more productive habits that will drive your behaviors and results and 2) being more self aware of how you interact with the world around you.

It is by continuously questioning your thoughts and habits and the behaviors they lead to, that can create a shift in your point of view about yourself. That’s transformation. And in that specific area of life, you will never be the same again.

Start your journey towards transformation today! Be more self aware, and be open to new possibilities. You will start to be more of the person that you have the potential to be once you discover what is holding you back.

If you find that it is challenging to take an objective look at yourself, from experience I can say that finding a mentor or coach can be invaluable in helping with this process.

I help executives, business owners, professionals, and salespeople become more successful. Do you want improved results? I help people think differently so that they can behave differently. Since it’s our actions that lead to our results, better thinking is the key to the success you want. There are 3 things that I work with: attitude development, skills and knowledge, and goal setting for achievement.

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