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Quantum Economics Part Four – “Formulas of Positive Fluctuations”

Quantum Economics Part Four “Formulas of Positive Fluctuations”

As explained in previous chapters:

There are in the Iphysical Quantities or so called Grid of Quantum Economics:

1. “Positive Fluctuations” = A

2. “Turning Point” = x

3. and then “Negative Fluctuations” = B

Where the positive fluctuations are empowering the real economy, by promoting growth and after getting to the turning point into the negative fluctuations the same tools of economics start having a negative effect as negative fluctuations.
There are:

1. “Regulatory Parameters” = y

2. “Functional Parameters” = z

Where the regulatory parameters are more long term stationary and the functional parameters are more short term adjustable.

There are:

1. Iquantas = Iq

2. Iglued Plasma = Ig

Where part of iquantas is the market supply and part of iglued plasma is the market demand.

There are tools of economics setting regulatory parameters:

1. Business laws = Bl

2. Contract laws = Cl

3. Exchanges laws = El

4. Bank laws = BAl

5. Environmental laws = El

Where personal liability is enhanced to a maximum to lift the iphisical quantities or so called grid to a higher level of competition. Even changing these tools of economics are irreversible.

There are tools of economics setting functional parameters:

1. Monetary = Mp

2. Fiscal = Pp

3. Social = Sp

4. Madicare = Mdp

5. Educational = Ep

6. Infrastructural = Edp

Where these tools of economics are not anymore considered “expenses” but “equity” more like on the demand side of the Market, therefor there are more like a balance to the supply like iquantas.

There are iquantas supply like tools af economics:

1. Industrial production = Ips

2. Agricultural production = Acs

3. Service sector production = Sss

4. Return on investments = Ris

5. Equity on investment = Eqs

6. Intellectual properties = Ips

7. Others = Ots

Where these iquantas are to be balanced by the demand oriented regulatory and functional parameters.

The main purpose of the iquantas and iglued plasma balance is to lift the iphysical quantities so called grid without creating big waves.

From the prospective of Quantum Economics the following formulas will establish technical parameters for such balancing.


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Quantum Mind Power

Mind Matter, Mind Power

If there is one thing more complex than the concept of love, it is the human mind. It is therefore, more complicated than any other parts of a human being. People in all kinds of profession tend to get interested in studying and understanding the brain. People somehow believe that scientifically, they can explain fully the workings of one’s mind. Though people memorize parts of the brain and its function, there is always something to think about like how exactly does a psychotic mind works and there is always something new in the brain. Does the mind of a killer normal? Does it think that way because of its past experiences and perceptions?

People could not fully and truly understand everything there is to know in a brain. But there is a program made called quantum mind power. It is made for people to understand and control over mind setting. Since people studied mind matter thoroughly, people are now searching for its right keys, right control for its extensive power.

Quantum mind power has something to do with unlocking the mind power of a person. It seems that the mind is not that powerful and large enough. It also seems that mind matter is not complicated enough, people find ways to empower it still. The exploration of the brain could mean a new discovery giving way to achieving mind power. The process is surprisingly as old as a time exercise, meditation. Also, the quantum mind power has something to do with the wavelengths of our brain; it somehow changes its programming, hence, its ways and navigations. These changes that could be processed in the brain are focused in people’s internal being. The internal being is all about the personality, aura, confidence, attitude and lifestyle.

If this could be proven to be effective to all kinds of brains, since brain is very complex, then, people can capture exactly what kind of mood they want in this moment. This has something to do with uplifting one being to avoid breaking down to a stress or depression. Mind matter could be a lot of things so sometimes it should be diverted to something light. The light would be normality and stability. This means balancing the gravity of one’s physical and emotional needs.

Since people are aware that the condition of the mind affects the drive, motivations and goals of a being, it is only fitting to find ways in improving one’s brain activity whether it be praying, imagining or meditating. It is also right to find ways to make it keener as people grow old. So if people are satisfied in having a healthy brain, then goes harmony with body and positive outlook in life. Surely, with clear mind, people will have their goal straight.

Also, there are people who find it hard to have peace of mind. And all people are afraid of losing sanity. If the quantum mind power will make life a better place for one’s life and if it really does improve one’s lifestyle, then it must be the cleaner of people’s brains.

Ready to unlock the secrets about The Power of the mind to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at http://www.secretofmindpower.com

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