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5 Questions For Self Improvement

Strive to be your endeavor best; Be all you can be; Reach for the stars; These are sayings I’m sure you have heard countless times. 

I have a lot of things to be thankful for, my family, my job, my house and a few good friends. However, there are still some things I do hope to achieve.

There is so much more for me to accomplish before I can see my life as complete. No-one is immune from problems in life. But that should not be an excuse for not accomplishing our goals and dreams. When we were children we all had an idea of what we wanted to be, but of course as life progressed, those aspirations were somewhat put behind the burner for one reason or other.

What about you? Have you accomplished all you hoped for? Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you determine what you want from life:
1. What is it that I really want?
This is the main question that seems to allude a lot of people. There are so many things we want to do with our life, but time and circumstances have prevented us. You should look for that one thing that really means a lot to you, especially if it is something that would make your life worthwhile and go for it. If it really means that much to you persevere, and don’t give up.
2. Should I Change?
If you take a look at today’s generation of young people, they are a totally different breed to what we were in our day. Being around them has shown me that what they face now is certainly a lot worse than what we had to deal with – drugs, peer pressure, promiscuity, competitiveness – I mean we had to deal with all these things, but the intensity of it now is so much higher. 

The point I’m trying to make is some things are probably better off staying the same. Change has to occur yes, but some changes have made life a lot more challenging. We should not change our morals or way of thinking to suit this generation. As a matter of fact we should teach them a thing or two in order for them to stay on the right path and to improve their lives.
3. What Good will Come out of this?
Whenever we are faced with problems, all we see are the negative effects and more problems arising out of them. But something good can always come from the challenges we face in life, if we look for it. Whatever the outcome the point is to learn from it and use it to help others who may face the same or similar situation. It is also an experience we can add to the page of our life so we know not to make the same mistake again. 
4. Am I comfortable with Who I am?
Some decisions are easier to make than others, like, what shall I eat today? Or, what to suit to wear to the office? There is no wrong answer to these questions really. We must look at ourselves as unique individuals. If we were all the same and think the same, it would be a boring world wouldn’t it. Variety is the spice of life and it is our little differences that make the world the interesting place it its.
5. What more can I do for me?
When was the last time you did something for yourself? Sometimes we make sacrifices for others, like our children or job. We put aside our needs and wants in order to make them happy. But we must not neglect ourselves. If we constantly think about what we want and neglect others then we are considered selfish. However, if we, from time to time, do small things for ourselves, then we will not feel discontented or unhappy.

Lisa Granger’s website http://www.howtoimproveyourlife.info is a personal development site with self-improvement audio/e-books and articles on a variety of topics that you can use to help you improve your life.

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10 Tricky Questions To Test Your Brain

10 tricky questions to test your brain and IQ level. Subscribe: https://goo.gl/Hnoaw3
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✔ Smart IQ Test – 13 Mind Trick Questions

IQ test – Are you smart? How strong is your mind?
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A1: Nephew
E1: No explanation needed.
A2: 1
E2: No explanation needed.
A3: 12
E3: All months have 28 days and more.
A4: NO
E4: Because she is dead.
A5: 70
E5: 30 divided by 1/2 = 60. 60 + 10 = 70.
A6: 2
E6: You took them.
A7: 60
E7: Start with the first pill, 30 min later take the second, then 30 min for the third.
A8: 9
E8: No explanation needed.
A9: 0
E9: Moses didn’t have an ark, Noah did.
A10: 12
E10: There are 12 two cents stamps in a dozen.
A11: 2and
E11: If you overtake the second person, and you take his place, you are the second.
A12: 4100
E12: 4 x 1000 + 100 (40 + 30 + 20 + 10)
E13: No explanation needed.
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