Tag Archives: Richard

Best Self Improvement Tips — The Importance of Humour By Richard Bandler

http://www.nlplifetraining.com If you are looking for one of the best simple self improvement tips, then humour is actually a technique which can be used to help you get over bad experiences in your life and help you work towards your goals. Successful people tend to be happy people, and they look on the bright side of life. They don’t dwell on the past, but are always thinking of the future, and fall back on a sense of humour when problems arise. A sense of humour will help you get over your problems quicker and move on. Richard Bandler is known for his sense of humour. He sees it as one of the key NLP techniques which he teaches to people all over the world. Neuro Lingusitic Programming is one if not the best self improvement methods in the world and one of the best tips in terms of becoming happier and achieving more in your life is to have a sense of humour.
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The Top 3 Self Improvement Tips that made the greatest change in my life in April, 2015.

I decided to start this video series because I wanted to share what I’ve found is most successful in my life in creating actual change. This video covers 3 of the most important points I added to my every day life to make large differences in my overall success.

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