Tag Archives: Right

Having A Right Attitude To Get Success

There are two types of small business owners: those who have the right attitude for success, and others who don’t. There are many reasons to explain why people want to get into entrepreneurship, but some people get into it while they don’t realize that they are not really cut out for this hard work. Whilst many people are seemingly born for this, having an instinctual proficiency for running a business and making it become bigger.


However, even if you aren’t a natural businessperson, this doesn’t mean that you are necessarily doomed to fail. It’s all about what type of attitude you take toward your business, and practically everyone is capable of finding that right mindset.


Knowing you will succeed


The first and most important element of a successful attitude is to know that you are going to make it no matter what. Many people are so filled with self-doubt that they hobble themselves from the beginning, lacking the confidence to take the bold steps and committed action needed to get a business off the ground. In contrast, when you are absolutely certain that you are going to succeed, you proceed with a great degree of self-assurance, and in many cases that self-assurance in itself leads to business success.


Meanwhile, having faith in your own success also helps you get through those difficult moments where the profits aren’t rolling in as you wish they were. People who aren’t cut out for this work tend to fold at these moments, telling themselves, “Well, I gave it my best shot,” and then calling it quits. However, if you truly believe in yourself, you will persevere through these moments, making the necessary adjustments to become profitable and keep growing.


Determination and a hard work ethic


Of course, if confidence were the only thing necessary for business success, then business would be easy, but there is more to it than that. Successful entrepreneurs aren’t just confident; they also love their work, have passion for it, and approach it with an unquenchable determination. Not everyone can achieve this type of attitude. Successful people even revel in temporary failure, in a way, as these setbacks can prove instructive and, for a smart business owner, can lead to greater success.


But it’s more than just an overall, philosophical love for one’s work. It’s also about having the right attitude to stick it through the daily grind. Especially if you’re going to be running your business from home rather than from a traditional workplace, getting up every morning and setting to work with determination can become challenging at times. If you want to be successful, you’ll get through these moments. Even when every fiber of your being is telling you to sleep in or slack off, you’ll set to work anyway.


And to make a small business work, you have to be able to do this in the long run. Anyone can keep a positive attitude for a few weeks or even a few months, but to sustain it over the course of years is the real challenge. If you think you can do this, then starting a small business may be the perfect course for you.


Caterina Christakos is a published author and reviewer. Read her latest articles on Hallmark christmas ornaments selection and other christmas ornaments tips.

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Getting Into The Right Mindset

Although it may sound insane, one of the biggest blunders that people make when dieting is to overly focus on their weight loss and the importance of what the scale is showing. Yes, we are all in this game to lose weight, but your focus cannot be on just that or true success will always be out of your grasp. For example, each of us has either lost weight and gained it back, or knows someone that has also done this. Clearly, while going through the process of losing weight is never easy, if someone has the right mindset and discipline, they can be successful. However, just losing the weight is clearly not enough and this is where most people go wrong. Instead of viewing your time on a diet as just a time to lose weight, consider it a time that you do some true reflection and determine the reasons behind your weight issues, and more importantly, the new behaviors and goals that you want to accomplish for yourself.

For some, its simply a matter of losing the weight and adding exercise back into their life. And, for others, their diet provides a unique experience to take a step away from food, re-approach the relationship from a new and healthier perspective. However, regardless of your own issues, the important thing to think about while you are going through your journey is to make them a point of reflection when you have reached your goal weight.

The bottom line is this; you have the power to drop your weight, and to also keep it off for the rest of your life. But, its going to require breaking the mold. Its going to require reflection and honesty towards your own issues and truly getting to the root of what has caused you to be overweight. And, while its never fun to look inward and examine our own vulnerabilities and issues, being able to do this is what is going to allow you to truly achieve triumph.

To learn more about subjects like this and to start changing your body, please visit us at New Lifestyle Diet.

Hamilton Erridge is a weight loss professional. New Lifestyle Diet helps people lose weight and stay healthy by providing information and resources that help people make a lifestyle change so that the extra pounds shed are never put back on.

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How to Sing – Lessons on the Right Mindset For Singing

Have you ever wondered how all these professional singers are able to sustain their careers throughout multiple decades, even getting stronger as they go on? The secret to their success is simple: It’s the right singing mindset which allows them to focus on improving their skills and look forward, even if they can’t seem to make any progress at all. In this article, I’m going to show you how to attain this mindset – so that you can boost your singing career to the sky.

The right singing mindset that I as a vocal coach personally advocate is based upon a few common sense principles that I will lay out to you in this article. These principles will become more natural to you as you stick to them and remind yourself of the advantages they have. So, here goes:

– The first principle is persistence. Without persistence, you will not get anywhere as a singer. To sing can be very exhausting and demanding at times, but you need to keep working hard! Too many people take their early setbacks as signs that they do not have any potential as a singer. This is the biggest mistake you can make. You must persist and consider the fact that all of the pros were once at the same stage you are. And they still made it!

– The second principle is determination. Now, how is determination different from persistence you ask? Persistence regards your career and singing skills as a whole while determination is related to your will to achieve individual goals lying in front of you. For example, if you are about to attend a singer’s audition, you must be determined and practice especially for this occasion. You must have the first principle already in place in order to be really successful because you will tell yourself that you can indeed succeed. But determination means that you will practice as hard as you possibly can in order to succeed at this specific audition.

– And the final principle is relaxation. Don’t make a chore out of your singing career. You can and even should take a few days off every once in a while, completely forgetting about singing. Read a book, watch a few movies, just relax! It will help your mind to stay focused once you return to singing – and it will prevent you from ever experiencing burnout.

Next, what you will want to do is find the right singing lessons that carry on these principles. If you want to learn how to sing, lessons that teach you more on the right singing mindset can be found at singing lessons online! Just give it a go and remember – persistence, determination, relaxation!

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The Right Mindset for your Business

If you are new to being your own boss, this article may not make a lot of sense at first but if you have been an entrepreneur for a while now, this will make total sense, I promise you. Either way, stick around as I will help you understand how powerful having the right mindset for your business can be. What does the right mindset look like?

In this article, I will talk to you like you are new to being your own boss. As an experience entrepreneur you will be able to relate very easily. If you are just starting your own business or thinking about it, a few things will occur no matter who you are; So it is important that you know this in advance and learn immediately how to handle these difficult situations; Having the right mindset will help you drastically move from one experience to the next (notice I did not say failure) without dwelling on what did not work.

At the beginning of your venture your mindset won’t matter too much. You are thinking you will be successful and you will do whatever it takes, right?. Wrong. Most new entrepreneurs goes in with the mindset that it will be easy and generally, because they were made to believe it was not going to be hard. Many things can go wrong when you start your own business. Actually more will go wrong at first than right. If you don’t understand that it will be very difficult at first and if you don’t have the right mindset, you will quit your quest to become an entrepreneur very quickly.

To help you survive the challenges ahead of you, use the S.T.A.T.E. of mind concept. Here’s how it goes. Support: Have a great supporting cast around you. A lot of people will say or may be just think you are crazy for starting your business. Stay away from them.

Trust: Whatever you learn, you must be able to trust what you do. Trust the people that have been there and done it before. Don’t try to re-invent the wheel.

Accountability: One of the toughest things to do is to hold ourselves accountable. Become self-discipline because no one can hold you accountable in your business but you.

Energy: Learn to provide a vibe of energy in everything that you do. Being able to motivate and inspire others will greatly help you and the people around you looking for leadership.

Look for the following qualities in a leader. He/she is consistent, persistent, hard working, desires to help others, motivates and most of all inspires others to do things they thought they could never do. Do you think a leader with the wrong mindset could achieve this? Obviously not. Learn to understand that this is a marathon, a journey that when you look back on it, you will say what a wonderful ride it was.

What is needed to understand is, no matter what you try and don’t succeed with, you should look at it as what it is, something that did not work, not a failure. You will try several ways of doing what you are trying to do before it is successful. How many more times do I try before I quit and the answer is: Just one more time, until you make it, until you are victorious.

My happiness depends on your success! Ghyslain

Ghyslain Lefebvre is internet marketing consultant and mentor. He has helped entrepreneurs on all 5 continents. If you would like to learn more about mindset, visit famous people failures and see what can happen if you don?t give up.

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The Right Mindset Equals Entrepreneur

When you are looking to become an entrepreneur and facing new challenges whether it be internet marketing or starting a home based internet business, there is a learning curve. Before commencing any new venture you must first go through the process of gathering all the information required. This is particularly so for the internet marketing arena. The internet is changing everyday and so new skills are required to keep up with the fast pace and the ever changing technology. As a newbie to this arena it can be daunting and you can get very overwhelmed quickly.

Have you heard the saying “you can do anything you put your mind to”? This statement has been overused too much and people have stopped believing it or say “yeah yeah I know that” and dismiss it. But the fact of the matter is it is true. The way you think and feel are a necessary component in your success. Believing in your ability, having a can do attitude and taking action on new skills learned is a must.

For most of us “stepping outside the box or comfort zone” can seem daunting. Many people are scared of changing their current situations for fear of failure, not being good enough, losing everything, and so on. If you are one of these people you need to stop, take a deep breath reassess your goals in life and create new habits. Only then can you change the path you are on. For example so many people want to lose weight, only to complain about it to everyone else. You need to change your focus and create new habits such as going for a walk or joining a gym. Losing weight takes time and people are so eager to see immediate results that they get discouraged and throw in the towel.

Why is it that some of us are already defeated before we get started? You have to believe in yourself and your ability. This is the first key in changing your mindset. Many of us are influenced by the people in our lives, who make excuses as to why they haven’t taken any chances in their life. You need to surround yourself with highly motivated successful people and learn from them. Remain focused on the bigger picture. Read books, learn how to change your mindset and become highly focused. Challenge yourself, take baby steps at first. You will grow and reap the rewards in all areas of your life both personally and professionally.

In Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich” he says “Mind control is the result of self discipline and habit. You either control your mind or it controls you. There is no half way compromise. The most practical of all methods of controlling the mind is the habit of keeping it busy with a definitive purpose, backed by a definitive plan…without this control, success is not possible”.

Having an entrepreneurial mindset is to know where you are going, never giving up, having a greater purpose and living life on your terms. Isn’t that what we all want in the end?

Melissa is an entrepreneur, mentor and business coach based in Perth, WA. Melissa assists serious entrepreneurs in building a successful online business with multiple income streams. For more information and to contact Melissa, visit http://www.MelissaMeiselbach.com

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Establish the Right Mindset For Your Success

If Mindset is not “everything” … it is close to it. To paraphrase Jeffery Combs, mindset can keep you in the game, and mindset can take you out of the game. Quite simply, as a business entrepreneur, you have to immerse yourself in the right mindset or you can close your doors now and quickly run back to working for someone else. Learned by experience, here are the top three key elements that I now take very seriously for my business success.

Deliver the Value – Listening to a marketer who has no value to offer is like … You know, it is like … Well, you know; nothing. If you don’t have real value to offer why are you marketing? Better yet, WHAT are you marketing? I would rather a marketer keep his mouth shut and have people wonder if he has any value to offer, than opening his mouth and removing all doubt.

Quickly-emerging social sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are great venues for offering value outside of your back-end product. These no-cost online sites allow you to reach out to people from over 100 English-speaking countries. And if your message is in other languages … well, just think of the potential market. Take full advantage of these resources and actively participate. Deliver value, and value will be delivered back to you.

Separate the Concerns – I know a few entrepreneurs who are victims of their own home marketing business. The key word here (no pun intended) is “home”. Failing to establish boundaries between home life and work life, they are robbed of focus in their entire life. Sound too strong? Fine. Do it the other way and see how well that works for you. And see how long your loved-ones tolerate being robbed of your focus when you are with them. “Be here, or be elsewhere!”

The most successful marketing experts that I know have very carefully established boundaries between business and personal life. And all the others should too. Ever been to an industry conference and seen a marketer who is constantly on the phone/laptop while the spouse/partner is lost/lonely? It is almost too painful to watch. And on the other hand you see a couple who stays tuned into one another though there are 300 phone messages and 3000 emails waiting. Go ahead and guess which marketer has the most sustainable lifestyle…

Maintain the Expertise – Closely related to delivering value is the need to continually increase your value. Trust me; value deteriorates with time. A 25-year stint in the high-tech corporate world taught this marketer that the shifting environment can make you obsolete in a heartbeat. I watched it happen to others and I felt it happen to me. Technology evolves at the speed of Moore’s Law (No, I am not related to Gordon … though at one time in my life I dreamed of finding a genealogical link to his net worth). Teams evolve at the speed of aging, with each team member changing as their personal lives change. And societies change even more quickly. Like Brownian motion.

Adapt or die. Take a lesson from the dinosaurs: those that didn’t adapt to the changing environment contributed to it by becoming either food or fertilizer. The choice is yours.

So there you go – the top three elements of my business that I pay serious attention to: delivering value, maintaining focus and building expertise. Now go do likewise.

Brian Moore is a business coach and mentor that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. Brian and his team have assisted hundreds of people in generating profits that exceed 0K or more in their first year. For more information and to contact Brian, visit: http://www.meetbrianmoore.com

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Food For Thought – The Right Mindset

Most of us do not have a weight problem! You probably think: “What…? I am fat, I can see it, everyone else can see it, and how can I not have a weight problem?” Well, let me explain, we have a self-care problem which manifests through our weight. In other words, our mind is more the problem than the actual body or weight gain.  

We have to change our mindset, get the right mindset.  You and I are not alone; every person that is overweight has suffered from emotional eating at some point.  Recurring weight issues are seldom about an insatiable appetite, but more about an emotional need.  Most of us suffer from psychological issues of some sort, which still affects us and causes us to fill the void with food. 

Treating food as a crutch is what most of us do, so the first step in maintaining a healthy weight is to treat food as sustenance rather than a crutch.  By forming a trusting partnership with your feelings, emotions and true desires, you are freeing yourself of emotional eating.  Also to understand the difference between cautious eating and obsessing about food is equally important.  The difference between cautious eating and obsessive eating is this; cautious eating is the awareness when health is your ultimate goal, whereas obsessive eating is when weight loss is your only goal.  

It is good to be discerning, but allowing yourself the occasional treat will keep you more motivated than if you obsess about every calorie.  When you learn to be healthy 80% of the time you are more likely to succeed with your weight goal.  Teach yourself to make simple substitutions that will still keep you satisfied and keep you succeeding months on end.  

Another crucial aspect to consider is accepting yourself as less than perfect, especially when it comes to your weight. One of the most dangerous, yet very sadly common things is linking self-esteem to what the scale says.  We must never forget that our weight is not totally under our control, for example genetics, hormones and age can all play a role in our weight.  

Rather try and channel your efforts into things you can control, such as exercising and eating as healthy as you can. When you go through cycles of weight loss and gain, a common trap to avoid would be absolute rigidity, and also inconsistency.  Reverting back to your old eating pattern after a period of deprivation will cause your to regain the weight, and ever more of it, and this is the crux of yo-yo dieting.  

Also something that is not ideal at all, is focusing on weight loss for a special occasion, like a wedding or function. Focus on healthy and consistent eating only, then individual occasions are less likely to be an issue.

But why do we find ourselves habitually slipping into this pattern?  A core consideration is the beliefs we hold about ourselves, food, weight and our ability to follow through on decisions.  These beliefs we have stem from past experiences and how we are brought up, hence we run the risk of repeating the same mistakes over and over again.  

Working through emotional baggage should be our most important long-term goal, but knowledge of the food groups, calories and food labels also play a major key role. Very poor self-discipline also play a major role, and no accountability for what we chose to eat or how we chose to feel because we don’t understand why we are gaining little by little each and every month, no matter how hard we seem to try.  

Our ideal healthy weight starts with the right attitude and mindset.  


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How Having the Right Mindset Can Change the Results of Your Efforts

The right mind-set, especially of the way you think of yourself, can have many consequences in the results of your efforts. Those that acquire positive thoughts and can apply that sense to their lives and efforts made also acquire the greatest outcomes. It’s a known fact that your thoughts control what you attract, whether negative or positive. It’s a simple concept known as the “Law of Attraction”. If you can master this law of attraction, the possibilities are endless. Doors that have been closed by resistance will open without effort.

You must believe that you have what it takes to achieve your goal. Napoleon Hill, author of “Think and Grow Rich”, developed a self mastery in this subject and has been quoted in his book to say “What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” The success of all business entrepreneurs that have gone above and beyond in order to achieve and acquire their goals has been a total result of believing in themselves and NEVER giving up. Picture yourself as already reaching your goals and life has a mysterious way, better known as the Law of Attraction, of making them a reality.

Now, I have a question for you, are you a fence hopper or a fence sitter? The difference is whether you can make a quick decision or not when you are faced with an opportunity. The ability to keep moving forward and not be held back by indecisiveness can make the difference between success and failure. Most new entrepreneurs get stuck in “analysis paralysis” and become frustrated at the fact that they just don’t seem to be getting any closer to reaching their goals. When an opportunity confronts you, do your analysis and make a decision. Once the decision is made, don’t waste your energy on worrying if it was a good decision or not, it’s called taking chances. And chances are what we take each and every day unconsciously. From driving, to shopping for the right product or service, to deciding on what foods to eat, etc. These are all decisions we make daily and we are taking chances at all of them. We have no way to know exactly what the outcome is going to be in every decision we make, so when offered an opportunity to make a big change in our lives, why do some still hesitate? The answer: Confidence!

Having confidence in you is one of the necessary success keys to an entrepreneur. Being able to walk tall without fear or doubt about what others think or say about you determines your level of success in anything you set your mind to. One of the biggest dream stealers in life is lacking the belief and confidence needed to do what it takes to be the person you want to be or do the things you’ve always wanted to do. No one, no matter who they are, were they’re from, what background they have, should feel inferior to anyone else’s success level. We are all the same and all have the same amount of time in a day as those with a high level of success. So lack of self-confidence should not exist in a life of abundance, were there is enough to go around for everyone.

Another aspect of mastering having the right mind-set is to set realistic expectations and hold yourself liable to those short term goals. Unrealistic goals can make a person question whether the actual goal is attainable. Don’t lose the confidence and focus in your efforts to attain your goal by making this mistake. If, for example, your goal is to make $ 50,000, don’t use a date that obviously is unrealistic unless you have set a definite plan of action in which you believe can be achieved. Instead, make the amount co-inside with the set time frame. That way it is more attainable and motivation will not be lost if the specific goal is not reached. You can always set a later date for the same goal and continue with your efforts in obtaining that goal. The key here is continuing to move toward your expectation with persistence and never quitting.

Most importantly, have Fun! If you’re not enjoying yourself while working at reaching those expectations, you will lose motivation and your efforts will just seem to you work. That’s the great thing about the day and age we live in. We can leverage technology to help acquire new friends and business partners if the time to physically perform this action is impossible. I’ve personally made more friends and business acquaintances through the use of online social networks than I’ve ever done personally. It just becomes impossible to physically be everywhere at once. Having created these awesome friends give me the necessary positive environment to keep focus on my goals and keep moving ahead in life. Whether it is in person or through the use of technology, enjoy the experience of meeting new people and making new friends. Doing so keeps your mind-set laser targeted, focused, motivated, and confident that what you want out of life you will get.

With that said, I’m looking forward to hearing from all of you so feel free to leave comments or share this article with others.

Wishing You a Life of Abundance,

Pablo Gonzalez

http://www.PlatinumMillionaires.com After a 16 year career in the automotive industry, economic situations forced me to make a decision, whether to continue on the rat race or to finally take that extra step in getting out. Since that day, life hasn’t been the same.

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The Right MindSet

Negative thoughts have the potential to destroy your life. A mind that is filled with negative thoughts can cause one to feel unhappy, miserable, and can lead to disaster after disaster, no matter how hard one tries to succeed.

If you have developed a pattern of thinking negatively, you are more likely to be the one that will end up with poor relationships, destructive ones, and also be in debt. So, if you really want to succeed in life, live a life of prosperity and abundance, and enjoy true happiness, you are going to have to eliminate the negative beliefs that you hold.

You’re going to have to replace those negative beliefs with positive ones that can allow you to live the type of life that you really want to live. Even though it may be a bit challenging, it’s simpler than you think. Here are a few ways to eliminate negative thinking and create the life of your dreams. First of all, let’s go back to the thought process.

How do negative thoughts start in the first place? Well, we have to realize that we all have negative thoughts and, as hard as we try, we are not able to eliminate all of them. However, if we eliminate the chronic ones, the ones that repeat themselves over and over again, we can change the course of our lives.

So, the question is: What are these repetitive thoughts and where do they come from? These thoughts come from our friends, our parents, our siblings, our fellow co-workers, teachers, even from strangers, and most of all they come from us, from right inside of us.

You know, it’s hard to accept, but it’s true. We create the most of those thoughts. As you know, we think over 60,000 thoughts a day, and from those 60,000 thoughts, we only remember a few of them , and it’s only because we have not yet trained our minds to take control and we have not yet created the positive beliefs that allow us to succeed.

So when we have a negative thought that says we cannot do something, we have to switch it around and think of why we can do something. When we have a negative thought that something might not go right, we can change those thoughts and think about what could go right. When we say that we cannot accomplish something we have to think of why we can accomplish something. We have to recite affirmations, to help us arrive at a new positive way of thinking.

The mind is like a garden that needs nurturing. Weeds(negative thoughts) can destroy it. We need to remove the weeds (negative thoughts) and also plant new seeds (positive affirmations) for the garden to grow. We also have to work with as many techniques. The results will show up when we least expect it. We have to continue watering the garden of our mind with positive thoughts and only then will things start to change. So when is this change going to happen? When are we going to be ready and when are we going to eliminate the negatives that come into our minds? Keep doing the exercises and the changes will happen sooner than you expect. Believe me when I say this.

So let me do a quick recap:

We have to look after the garden of our mind. We first have to discover and then begin removing the weeds of our negative and limiting beliefs (the weeds). We then have to replace these weeds with new seeds. These seeds have to be positive and they have to be positive thoughts that lead to positive feelings that lead on to positive actions and finally lead to positive results.

Share this with others and it becomes infectious. Continue watering the garden of your mind by working with affirmations and other positive techniques. Keep the negative weeds of thinking out of your mind. It will catapult you in the right direction.

Dr Ken Onu is the CEO and founder of Attract Freedom. An organization with the sole purpose of empowering others to personal and financial freedom. An Ophthalmologist by profession, he is a keen speaker, communicator, entrepreneur and an aspiring author.

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Being Bliss 35 – Right Mindset for Positive Thinking – BK Shivani (Hindi)


Main Points from the episode 35
* Positive thinking is not about EXPECTING the best to happen every time, but ACCEPTING that whatever happens is the best for this moment.
* Positive thinking means right thinking at every moment. Visualising the best to happen, but then accepting the result and creating the right thoughts irrespective of what the outcome may be.
* Positive thinking does not mean what will happen, will be the best; it means whatever will happen, will be accurate for me; according to my sanskars and past karmic accounts.
* Accepting the outcome of the situation, keeps us stable at that moment. We retain the strength, confidence and motivation to put in our best in the next moment.

Main Points from the episode 1 :
* Happiness is not based on achievement. It is not the destination, it is on the journey.
* Happiness is a state of being, created while working towards the goal, not a feeling to be experienced after achieving the goal.
* Obstacles on the journey are obstructions in our achievements, not obstructions in our happiness.
* If we believe happiness is at the destination, then we will experience fear and anxiety if there is any obstacle or delay on the journey.

Our every thought, word and action is OUR creation. Situations come to us from outside, but our responses are completely OUR choice.

‘HEALER WITHIN ‘is a next series by sister bk shivani in english after happiness unlimited , soul connections and going beyond. (awakening with brahma kumaris)

We have doctors , psychiatrists, spiritual masters, family and friends . in short we have all sets of healers outside yet we are not healed inside. The series explores how the creator of pain is inside and the healer is also within. And healer inside each of us is the perfect healer for ourselves .

Awakening with Brahma Kumaris with BK Shivani

Raja Yoga Meditation is a method of relaxing, refreshing and recharging the mind. lt helps you look inside to rediscover and reconnect with your original, spiritual essence and restore a healthy balance between your inner and outer worlds.
The topics covered in this series lead to a deeper understanding of your True identity,
Knowing God, Relationship with God, Law of Karma, Cycle of Time and Spiritual Lifestyle, ln time, this understanding becomes a natural part of your day to day awareness, constructively influencing how you see yourselfand how you relate to your world.

Meditation is the method to – Become intuitively aware of who you really are beyond the superficial labels of modern society; Experience the core energy of your being which is peaceful, positive and powerful; Direct that power into our abilities to create, communicate and co-operate with others; Discern the real meaning of life and your unique purpose in this lifetime.

The Brahma Kumaris
The Brahma Kumaris teaches Rajyoga as a way of experiencing peace of mind and a positive approach to life. The organisation provides opportunities to people from all religious and cultural backgrounds to explore their own spirituality and learnskills of reflection and meditation derived from Rajyoga, which will help develop inner calm, clear thinking and personal well-being.

Self Management
Self Management, which is really life management, is learning how to accept total RESPONSIBILITY for our self, have healthy RELATIONSHIPS, play the right ROLE and use the

RESOURCES we already have within us in the most effective ways, and thereby fulfill our Iife’s mission to be happy and at peace with our self and with the
Responsibility – No person, event or situation is responsible for our happiness; we are the creator of ALL our thoughts, feelings and actions.
Relationships – lt’s not what others say or do that hurts us, lt’s what we do – with what they say or do that hurts us, let’s stop emotionally abusing ourselves.
Roles – We are the creators of every scene in our life and hence have the power to play the right role, in the right scene, in the right way, at the right time.
Resources – We all have the same resources but one of the factors that make us all unique is how we use those resources – physical, mental and spiritual.
The Brahma Kumaris
The Brahma Kumaris teaches Rajyoga as a way of experiencing peace of mind and a positive approach to life. The organisation provides opportunities to people from all religious and cultural backgrounds to explore their own spirituality and learn skills of reflection and meditation derived from Rajyoga, which will help develop
inner calm, clear thinking and personal well-being.
www.bkwsu.org (International)
www.brahmakumaris.com (India)

Positive Mindset (Chinkee Tan)

Be positive and stay away from negative people.

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