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Bo Sanchez – Develop a Positive Mindset 1/4

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How to Keep a Positive Mindset in Order to have a Better Life

I want to share with you a few ways on how to keep a positive mindset.

How to Keep a Positive Mindset — Focus on Positive Personal Development Daily

Feeding your mind with positive things each day will help you maintain a positive mindset and attitude. Get books that focus on helping you to be a more positive and better person, listen to uplifting and encouraging audio, and watch motivational videos.

The great thing about audio is that you can listen to it in the car, or in the background while you’re busy cleaning your house, cooking, washing your car, etc.

Focus on feeding these positive things into your mind each and every day for at least 30 minutes.

I also recommend that you pick up a positive personal development book, such as The Secret Code of Success by Noah St. John and read at least 30 minutes each day in addition to the audio and video personal development.

After you finish that book, start on a new book immediately or re-read the book you just finished.

At this moment you may be thinking that you don’t have enough time to do this each day, but you do. If your life is important to you, you will make time to invest in yourself. Also know this, as you improve your own life, you will improve the lives of others.

Use Positive Afformations – The power of positive afformations, when used consistently, can change your life. So, instead of focusing on negative things, or why something is so difficult or hard; focus on positive afformations instead.

If you are struggling with something, then you want to overcome that struggle. Instead of wondering why or asking why that challenge or struggle is so tough; ask better questions. Let me give you some examples.

Instead of saying something negative like “Why is life so tough?”, say and think “Why is life so good?” “Why do I enjoy my life so much?”

This will shift your mind away from that negative thinking, and you’ll begin to think of good, positive things.

Using afformations like this can also help you achieve goals. For example, if you want to be a better speaker, or if you want more friends use afformations such as:

“Why is it so easy for me to communicate so well, and so clearly in front of others?”

“Why do I have so many friends that like, trust, and respect me?”

As you continue to use and apply positive afformations like this your mind will search and find the answers, and if you don’t know the answers your mind will continue to search as long as you keep speaking these afformations, and your mind will guide you to the actions you need to take in order to get your answers.

So, if you want more friends, perhaps you need to focus on yourself being a better friend by being less negative, less critical, more respectful, etc. etc.

Avoid Negativity – Stop putting trash into your mind. Avoid negative things and negative people. If you want to have a positive mindset, and your current “friends” are mostly negative and drag you down, then its time to get new friends. The things we watch, the things we read, the people we follow, and the people we hang around influence who we are.

This will affect how we think and believe, and our beliefs affect how we act, and it is our actions that affect our lives.

This is why it is important that you surround yourself as much as possible with things and people that are positive, and avoid negativity.

Take Action Daily to Improve Yourself – I don’t want you to misunderstand me here. If you want a better, more positive life it will take more than just having a positive mindset or attitude. You must take action!

I do believe that it begins with having a positive, prosperous, abundant, success driven mindset; and it is this same mindset that will carry you through the challenges and help you break through your struggles; but action is required.

As you focus and work on creating a better and more positive mindset you will learn of things you need to do or changes you must make in order to improve your life, and the lives of those around you; but if you ignore or refuse to do these necessary actions or make these necessary changes then the better life you want for yourself and those you love will not come.

So, as you learn what you need to do to improve your life and your mindset, commit yourself to the task and take daily action.


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