Tag Archives: Secret

Journeys of the Mindset Apprentice – Taken Under the Wing of John Assaraf From the Secret Pt 1 of 3

I have to tell you…

It has been a wild journey on my route to being mentored by one of the top self-development teachers in the world, and an absolute dream come true.

When I headed back home to Orange County after the school year of 2006-2007, I fully intended on going back for my 5th and final year of college education…but over the summer I realized that school wasn’t serving my life’s purpose, and deep within me I had a calling to be on a different journey.

Having spent the last couple years studying personal growth and human potential, I had developed a true passion to become a speaker myself, to inspire and change lives, and to continue my pursuit of being the best I could be.

I also knew that most of the great thought leaders had a mentor themselves! John Assaraf had Bob Proctor, Bob Proctor had Earl Nightingale, and Earl Nightinggale had Napoleon Hill!

“How the heck does someone get under the mentorship of one of these super successful and undoubtedly extremely busy guys?!” I thought.

Though I didn’t know how it was possible, I knew what I wanted, and that was to be taken under the wing of an incredible teacher. I wasn’t aware of it then, but John always teaches that, “The ‘what’ comes before the how.” Meaning, just because you don’t know how to achieve something, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go after it! You truly have to have a big enough ‘what’ … something that you are so strongly passionate about that you will find the ‘how’ no matter what obstacles arise.

One evening early in the summer I began creating a Vision Board of WHAT I wanted. There were about 18 pictures on there, including the words, “The Apprentice of John Assaraf,” “My Friends and Fellow Empowerers” (surounded by faces of transformational leaders, including John), and “Taken Under the Wing of…”

After creating that board, a series of what I now consider to be synchronistic events happened (back then I might have considered them to be ‘coincidences.’ Now I understand that there are no coincidences)

Two nights after creating the vision board I was listening to an interview between Bill Harris and Michael Beckwith, both of whom appeared in the movie the Secret. As I was listening, fully engaged in the dialogue, Michael Beckwith mentioned the Agape International Spiritual Center which he founded 21 years ago in Culver City (which was only about 45 minutes away from my parents home where I was staying). I decided right away to attend one of the services the next day…

To tell you that it was an amazing experience would be a total and complete understatement. Michael Beckwith was speaking and asking, “Do you want to live a life of mediocrity or do you want to live a life of purpose and meaning?!” After the service I felt like I was on fire by all the inspiration and spiritual connectedness I felt!

That very same night I called Agape’s 24 hour prayer line and prayed…something I had hardly ever done in my life as I’ve never been the religious type (though I always knew there would be a time I would find spirituality…and Agape is where it began).

In my prayer I asked, “Should I go back to school, or should I Spread my Wings and Fly?” Deep within I knew what the answer was.

Fast forward two weeks, and the thought suddenly hit me that I wasn’t signed up for John Assaraf’s newsletters. I signed up immediately, and just one week later I received an e-mail regarding his latest 6 month program, The Having it All Challenge: Achieving Your Life’s Goals and Dreams. I knew instantly that it was the answer to my prayer and that I had to join. It was time to ‘Spread my Wings and Fly.’ And so I did….

…Little did I know I would soon be taken under the wing of my mentor, John Assaraf…

For more mindset transforming tips and ideas for creating an extraordinary life, I’m inviting you to visit http://www.TheMindsetApprenticeNow.com

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The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction Remover 6

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The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction Remover 19

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The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction RemoverR 12


The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction RemoverR 12

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The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction Remover 10


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The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction Remover 17


The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction Remover 17


http://change-yourlife.org Click the link to the left

Super Healing Secrets Using Mindset and Emotions in Internet Marketing

Hi, Lorraine Menza here, and in this video/blog I am going to talk about the super healing secrets using mindset and emotions in internet marketing. I had the privilege of listening to Dr. Elaine Ferguson on PBS the other day. She wrote a book called Super Healing Secrets.

Basically, she addressed that your emotional health has 7 X the ability to increase or decrease chronic diseases. Are you constantly angry, fearful, anxiety, upset, or just a negative person? We have the power to change our lives; not just in a healthy way, but also in a positive way!

Emotional toxins can be immediately interrupted by laughter and deep breathing! Motion can interrupt emotional toxins! For deep breathing, put one hand on your chest and one hand on your abdomen, and start deep breathing. You should only feel the abdomen moving with your hand. Practice deep breathing for two days until it becomes a habit!

Dr. Elaine Ferguson says that the way you eat, think, and feel can restore diseased cells! You can change genes and how they express themselves! Pretty powerful stuff! I am going to further this by talking about emotions!

How do you control your emotions? Do you have a daily habit of working on your emotions? Do you hang around with positive people? Do you read positive personal development books…….like Dr. Wayne Dyer and Joel Olsteen? Do you read positive business books like Think and Grow Rich, Rich Dad Poor Dad, or the Four Hour Work Week? Do you say positive affirmations and believe them as you say them? Do you act like your outcome already exists? Do you spend time in gratitude daily? Do you meditate?

Working on your mindset daily is so powerful that it changes those emotional toxins. According to Dr. Elaine Ferguson “Positive Emotion are nutrients and health giving chemicals that allow ourselves to function with ease.” That is why working on your daily mindset is very powerful!

Daily mindset leads to optimism. Optimists are healthier and if they get sick they recover faster! So all you internet marketers, are you ready to change your mindset and work on it daily? There are many benefits to do this and one of them is your health!

If you found value, click like, leave a comment, subscribe, and share. Click on the link below!

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The Secret to My Success – Positive Cycling Mindset ep 194

This video is about how my greatest failures have made me the man I am today. Positive Cycling Mindset ep 194

♫Music Provided By Free Songs To Use♫
●Defqwop – Into the Ether – https://youtu.be/hlNAg5TDfTc
●Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/defqwopmusic
●Twitter – https://twitter.com/defqwop
●Soundcloud – https://soundcloud.com/defqwop
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Tony Robbins The Secret of Happiness

Tony Robbins is an absolute powerhouse. From running multi-million dollar businesses to making cameos in movies (Shallow Hal ’01) he’s done it all and done it successfully. He gives some simple but powerful advice here in this video about the formula for happiness. And its really not what you think! The key is having your reality (your life) at least resemble somewhat how you pictured it going. If those two things match then you get satisfaction. If you aren’t satisfied with your financial situation and you can’t afford any sort of investment to start making money on the side I have a great way to do it. Please visit work.workwithcreason.com to learn more about the oppurtunity to provide multiple streams of free income.

More info about manifesting EVERYTHING at: ►►http://tinyurl.com/hvl8m6e◄◄

Tesla Code Secrets: How to Easily and Quickly Shape
Your World and Get Anything You Want From Life

” Find Out How A Strange, Reclusive, Scientific Genius Born over 150 Years Ago
Can Show You How To Get Anything
And Everything You Want Out of Life! ”

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy,
frequency, and vibration” – Nikola Tesla

Dear Friend,

In 1856, in modern day Croatia, the world’s most brilliant, gentle and beautiful mind was born.

His name was Nikola Tesla, and he was undoubtedly the smartest man who ever lived.

His understanding of the universe, while he was alive, was decades ahead of anyone in the world. He used that understanding of the universe to uncover secrets and develop inventions we are only beginning to understand today.

Imagine a man who died in 1946 created technology we are just starting to understand!

He was able to do that because he knew a secret about the universe, and now you can use that exact
same secret to get anything you want out of life. Stick with me for a few minutes, and you’ll see how
the Tesla Code can help you shape your life into anything you want it to be…

Anything you want, the
Tesla Code can deliver easily
and quickly.

Tesla used this secret to become such a brilliant man it is rumored
when a reporter asked Einstein how it felt to be the smartest man in
the world, he responded, “I don’t know, you’ll have to ask Nikola Tesla.”

In many ways, Tesla invented the modern world. We’ve all heard
how Thomas Edison invented the light bulb and is responsible for the
power grid in the US. What you might not know is, Edison harnessed
direct current, which required huge electrical lines and power stations
every two miles.

Tesla figured out how to harness Alternative Current, which we use
today to run power lines hundreds of miles and deliver extreme
amounts of power through very small wires.

But Tesla did much more than that…

he mastered wireless transmission of electricity,

created florescent light bulbs,

was a central figure in developing X-Ray technology,

he invented radio (Marconi made it famous but his patent
was overturned),

invented the electric motor,

invented remote control technology,

invented robotics, the laser,

invented Wireless communication…

and he was creating a free, clean electrical grid when the power elite who backed him pulled the plug because they wanted to meter and sell electricity rather than give it to everyone FREE.

Even today we are just only beginning to understand this man’s higher level works…and he died in 1943!

Tesla’s Most Amazing Discovery!

Tesla is quoted as saying: “My brain is only a receiver, in the
Universethere is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength
and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core,
but I know that it exists”.

The fascinating thing is…he was correct. We have the ability to
access a core of unlimited knowledge and broadcast our desires
to a core of inexhaustible creative potential.

So you can be inspired to make the most brilliant discoveries, the
wisest decisions, and by broadcasting your thoughts you can actually
change and shape your life so that you fulfill your wildest desires and
innermost dreams.

And when we use our minds to broadcast what we want, that core will
create it for us and send it to us.

This is NOT the Law of Attraction, or some other “metaphysical” BS.

I’m prepared to explain exactly how this works, and show you how you
can use this “power” to get anything you want in life.

Before I start explaining I want to tell you… it could get a little confusing.

We are going to be talking about some high level scientific concepts, including quantum physics, and brain anatomy.

I’m not a physicist or a doctor, but I have studied what a number of very competent physicist and doctors
have written about these subjects. I will try to keep it understandable.

I want you to know, however, even if you get a bit confused…stick with me. By the end of this presentation
it will make sense.

I understand nobody likes the feeling of being confused and
sometimes people will tune out if they feel it. I am going to
ask you to resist that urge.

Recognize, confusion is simply your mind working to understand something.

When you feel confused about a subject it means you’re about to
have a break through of understanding about that subject. Ignoring
the subject just guarantees you will never grow as a person.

Facing that confusion and making yourself work to understand will expand your mind and make you grow as a person.

So even if you feel confused, bear with me, and what you will learn over the next few minutes will indelibly change your life forever!

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Art Of Mind Control, Mind Management & Mind Power Secret In Hindi by Vivek Bindra

Art of Mind Control is Powerful Motivational Video in the Mind Management Series.

In this video, Mr. Vivek Bindra, International Motivational speaker, Leadership consultant and CEO Coach talks at length about the principles and utilities of mind control. He discusses in details about the techniques and technicalities and technical aspects of mind control and its processes.

1. If you want to invite Mr. Vivek Bindra for a Training, Seminar or Event, then please click on the link :http://www.vivekbindra.com/flagship-programs/ OR Call at +91-9810544443

2. If you want to attend a LIVE seminar of Mr. Vivek Bindra then please click on the link: http://www.vivekbindra.com/upcoming-programs/ OR Call at +91-9810544443

3. Read Powerful Articles for Your Growth and success at : http://www.vivekbindra.com/articles/productivity-and-time-management

Mr. Bindra talks about the placebo effect, psycho in numerology and mind engagement vs mind control. Mr. Vivek Bindra is an outstanding trainer, facilitator, consultant, coach, counsellor, teacher and resource for the art of auto suggestion and mind control techniques in Hindi and English. He is a certified master trainer at mind control and auto suggestion for students, youths, working men and women, professionals, children and middle to old age servicemen and others. Talk to Mr. Bindra for his expert suggestions for mind controlling techniques in Hindi and English and videos, lectures, keynote addresses, sessions, trainings, seminars, symposiums, discussions, panel discussions, interviews, televised channel broadcasts etc. Mr. Bindra is widely recalled and extremely renowned for his trainings, teachings, sessions, lectures, seminars, guest lectures, visiting faculty discussions on the art of mind control, mind management, the art of corporate mind control, mind control techniques in Hindi and English. Are you looking for effective auto suggestion and mind control lessons? Then look no further. Mr. Vivek Bindra is a world renowned and critically acclaimed facilitator, trainer and resource in hindi and english in mind controlling techniques of the brain, mind control thought, how to control mind thought in hindi and english, mind controlling music, mind controlling techniques, mind controlling tricks etc. He is widely popular for his mind control method and method trainings, for his mind control and religion gospels and teachings and trainings. He is very famous for his mind management techniques in hindi and english, mind management videos in hindi and english, mind management music and mind management audiobook. Mr. Vivek Bindra can be contacted to deliver trainings, seminars, and inspirational lectures on auto suggestions and mind control and the subconscious mind, auto suggestion and mind control in hindi and english, auto suggestion for success and health, auto suggestion and mind control mind mapping for confidence, money and health. He is also a world class trainer at auto suggestion and the subconscious mind, on suggestions and auto suggestions. Mr. Bindra is very famous for his teachings, and trainings on mind power, mind power technique in hindi and english, mind power videos and music, mind power techniques and exercises for the conscious, subconscious and the unconscious mind. Mr. Bindra is a champion at delivering sessions on the secrets of mind power, and mind power in Hindi, and english, mind power workshop in hindi and english. Mr. Bindra is a powerful auto suggestions and mind controlling trainer in Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, NCR, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Pune, Kanpur,Indore,Jaipur,Vadodara,Surat,Nagpur,Lucknow,Patna,Bhopal,Bhubaneswar, Bikaner, Bokaro Steel City, Chandigarh, Coimbatore, Cuttack, Dehradun, Dhanbad, Durgapur,Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, Guwahati, Gwalior,Hubli,Indore, Jabalpur, Jalandhar, Jamshedpur, Jhansi, Kanpur, Kochi, Kota, Kozhikode, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Madurai, Mangalore, Mysore, Nagpur, Noida, Pondicherry, Raipur, Rajkot, Ranchi, Rourkela, Surat, Thiruvananthapuram, Vadodara, Varanasi, Visakhapatnam. He is also the best mind games trainer in India, NCR, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal. He is widely known for his mind power trainings, sessions, and skills in Asia, South East Asia, Malaysia, Kualalumpur, Singapore, Thailand, Bangkok, Vietnam, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Maldives, Bhutan, Nepal, Thimpoo, Kathmandu, Burma, Rangoon and middle east.Mr. Bindra is a proven Industry expert in mind mapping techniques for students, youths, teachers and trainers. Mr. Bindra can be contacted for mind mapping and mind control tutorials, techniques in hindi and English, mind control and mind maps in studies and academics.
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The Secret Success in Positive Thinking

Imagine yourself saying a statement such as:

My income is constantly increasing.

And then listen to what you think in response to that.  If you’re spending more than your income, or if your income is static, it’s likely to be something like ‘no it isn’t’, or ‘what a lot of rubbish!’  Over the last twenty years of using affirmations in my own life, and teaching this method to others, I have always taught people to acknowledge these responses, because it is in the airing of them that their power is lessened. It’s a bit like seeing you have some weeds in the flowerbed, and pulling them out. In order to pull them out, you have to realise they are there, and sort out which ones you want to keep and which ones get to stay.

This is exactly the same with positive thinking. From your responses to the positive thought, you get to see which ones are causing damage and need to go, and which are innocuous and don’t matter.  When you release the blocks getting in the way of truly believing ‘my income is constantly increasing’ regardless of whether it physically is or not, then you can make that statement as if it were true right in the moment. This is when your energy then begins to line up with the statement, there is congruence, everything begins to flow, and you start to feel abundant and prosperous. 

But it takes patience to get this far; patience, persistence and practice. Without that you become just one of the many people who know the theory, and even agree with it, but because you’re not practicing it with full understanding and a determination to see the process through, are one of the disgruntled and disillusioned ones.  How do I know this? Because I’ve been there.  Many times. And therefore have discovered that it is only in the practice that we become what we truly say we want to be. Rich thinking teaches these principles and allows you to become a master of your thoughts and feelings, leading to much more health, wealth and happiness.

Jane Duncan Rogers works with self-employed individuals and others to use the power of their thoughts and feelings to achieve more of what they want in life. Sign up for her free report 7 Steps to Thinking Rich by visiting http://www.richthinkers.co.uk

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