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The essential keys to self improvement and motivation

What are the three keys to self improvement and motivation?


Inspiration is critical to staying motivated and improving oneself. If you are not interested in your business, your motivation level will never be high and you will not be able to sustain interest for very long.

Take an honest look at your inspiration level. Are you excited about going to work or is it an obligation? You would be surprised at the number of people who choose a business that looks good on paper, but in reality does not interest them in the least.

These individuals will grow weary and uninterested pretty quickly because they have no inspiration or passion to sustain them during the difficult times they will encounter as a small business owner.

If you do not like your work, then think how you can re-focus your small business to better match your needs. Or consider making a change entirely. Without inspiration, there will not be motivated to even try self improvement.


Short and long-term goal setting is vital for any business owner. If you do not set goals, you would have no definite purpose on which path of self improvement to take.

How could you possibly be motivated if you were unsure about the direction of your company?

Take the time to put your goals in writing. A business plan may sound daunting, but it is really nothing more than goals, strategies, implementation and a budget. Write your own business plan and update it at least annually.

Include “mini-goals” that can be accomplished in a matter of hours, days or weeks as well as the more ambitious “grand-goals” that may take years to complete. Refer to this plan throughout the year.

But can a business plan really help motivate you? Of course. Written goals will make you feel more professional and certainly more connected to your business. It will also free you from having to reinvent your business goals every single day.


Another key factor in getting and staying motivated is networking with other small business owners. No one person knows all the knowledge.

However, when a number of people begin working together, the challenges will just be there waiting to be conquered.

In fact, the isolation of working alone is of one the most difficult parts of being an entrepreneur. You can never be on your way to self improvement without the help of others. Mutual support is motivating.
Make it easier on yourself by connecting with others either in your community or online. Even when businesses are not related, you will often find common ground and ways to work together.

Many successful entrepreneurs report that finding the right networking group was a turning point in the growth of the business. Working together, a networking group can help its members generate more qualified sales leads and solve problems faster and more efficiently.

Sharing ideas, expertise and experience is also an invaluable aspect of motivation and self improvement.
Your own personal team of business owners will help re-energize you when the burdens of running your own business seem too much.

With your networking team to rely on, you can accomplish more in less time and probably have more fun in the process. You will feel motivated to accomplish self improvement when you know you are not alone.

Be sure to check out How to find Self Motivation or feel free to read more content from Pillow Pets

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Self-Empowerment – Painting Your Positive Mental Self

Let’s get organized first. Begin by writing down what you perceive as your fitness problems and body challenges. Think of it as a personal contract that your life may very well depend on as you work towards that healthy and fit mind and body. Please do not skip this important initial step in our strategy. Just thinking about “it” is not nearly enough because our thoughts tend to run in circles. But by putting it in writing or sharing it with someone creates a sense of personal responsibility towards your goals. Thoughts are powerful but action creates results! We will focus on motivation a little later.

You truly want to succeed at this and so you begin by envisioning yourself, an image that makes you feel good both in the inside and outside. This method of visualization often gets a negative reputation like it is some kind of weird science. It isn’t! What I’m talking about is mental imagery, positive thinking in your fitness recovery undertaking. You don’t need elaborate equipment or technique for this mental exercise you just need to concentrate. It really takes work to make it effective. Let me help in the process by giving you a psychological, emotional and conscious target. It is up to you to make it work towards your own personal fitness achievement.

First of all, know that there will be challenges. We may zigzag to get there with our actions but if you are prepared, visualization will work Exercise Your Mind: Notice when and where you use the word “want.” Pay attention to the actual things and events that are connected with this word. Let go of using the word “want.” Several times a day just focus on your heart’s desire. See yourself and “it” in the picture, experience having and interacting with the image, and feel gratitude. Once a day, spend a longer period of time, three to five minutes resonating with the whole experience, and send this energy out into the universe to pull and help push you. It’s internal motivation, the motivation that is long lasting when practiced regularly.

Most importantly, you get immediate and continuous results, and spins off to other areas of your life. Most who have used positive personal imagery become happier, more assertive in their life’s purpose and are more confident people as well as leaner people. And they stay that way.

I’m Adriel Yapana. As a personal trainer and boot camp instructor, I know how hard it can be to drop stubborn body fat. To get FREE powerful, life-changing strategies, videos and finally stop the weight-loss battle, visit my website at http://fastfatlossworkouts.com

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Increase The Quality Of Your Life With Self Improvement

It is a well known fact that nobody is perfect in this world. Each one of us has some kind of flaws. There are many people who look at others and envy them and feel insecure. They think the other person is completely ideal but it is not the truth. Actually such people are suffering from low self-confidence and low self-esteem and are outrageously engrossed with the silent desperation. It is better not to cry over your failures, embarrassments, heartbreaks, and fears. Instead turn these things into the tools that will help you towards self improvement and success.

When success and self improvement becomes synonymous, what to do? Almost every person have experienced some sort of disappointment in their lives like diseases, broken marriages, business loss, unemployment, failure in examinations and so on. The first step towards self improvement is to take these disappointments as positive impacts. Instead of thinking it to be the end of your life, you must try to find a solution for it. It signifies that you must have positive attitude towards life. This will begin with healthy eating, exercising and being busy at your work. You should not allow stress to overpower you, your mind, your soul and heart.

Studies have shown that positive life attitude leads to better health and wealth. You know that improving ourselves means to continue improvement without any interruption. It is the key to personality growth, interior stability and finally success. Try to admire yourself and feel confident. It is all about understating your inner self and taking appropriate decisions in life. Self improvement means that you learn actually who you are and what you want to achieve. You just need to make positive and healthy alterations in your life style. These are some important and substantial reasons which say that self improvement is highly essential. Learn to love yourself and you will start loving others around you.

The following website, Awakened Minds, talks about how to grow yourself and achieve your goals on a post about Neuro Programmer 3.

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The Many Aspects of Self Improvement Aside From Whalebone Corsets

Whalebone corsets are not the sole means of self improvement. What used to be extortionate and unthinkable about 25 to 30 years ago, contemporary medicine has made available. In these modern days, you can purchase the hair, teeth, eyes, smile and even breast size that you desire to have.

Although it is impossible to mention all, below are some of the procedures geared to enhance personal appearance permanently plus some words of caution regarding the importance of putting everything in moderation. A particular dentist’s dental practice have witness the dramatic increase in the number of patients who now whiten their teeth. People desire to have extremely white teeth. They want their pearly whites to borderline overly white. The dentist admits to also bleaching his teeth, in keeping with his patients probably. Patients return twice or thrice for checkup and they use a kit at home that is good for one week. The kit costs $ 285 and they are fond of the taste. Back in 1994, only 15 patients bleach their teeth, a combination of uppers and lowers to complete 22 arches. Of the patients whose teeth he cleans, 10 percent are now coming to his cleaning for bleaching procedures.

Insurance seldom covers teeth whitening. Dentistry grows quite fast in the aspect of smile reconstruction. A dramatic change in shape and character can now be witnessed to happen in a person’s smile. The $ 2,000 to $ 8,000 cost of porcelain veneers is not covered by insurance.

Two possible reasons for the increase in consumer interest to the procedure are culture and widely available and affordable technology. If there is a chance to be more beautiful, people will rarely think twice about it, he says. Most patients no longer choose the traditional silver dental fillings and now go to dental offices requesting for the modern white bonded filling materials.

A coiffeuse of a hair salon says sometimes she will be out with her husband and a guy will suddenly wave at her only for her to realize that it was one of her clients. It should not surprise us that she has a male client because the truth is, ninety percent of her clients for non surgical prosthetic hair replacement are men. Her main focus, in fact, is male pattern baldness, and most of her customers are ages 25 to 40 years old.

Modern hair replacement poses one of the most dramatic changes. Gone are the days when people had to bear an awful looking toupee on a bald guy’s head. This phenomenal technique utilizes a prosthesis that appear like human skin with hair and affixes that to the client’s scalp or his own hair. Right at the start of a procedure, the stylist finds out from her clients important matters like the person’s activity level to identify the most appropriate way to proceed.. This procedure ranges from $ 1,000 to $ 1400 and needs to be done every year.


This site teaches you about cosmetic dentistry sydney.You will gain a deeper understanding about cosmetic dentist by checking out that resource.

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Self Improvement – 6 Ways To Overcome Shyness And Boost Confidence

If you are here to pick up some great tips to help you overcome shyness and boost self confidence, you have arrived on the right page. In this article, we are going to share with you some practical and easy to follow tips and techniques you can use immediately to eliminate shyness and increase confidence.

Are you shy? Do you have difficulty coping with people or situations? Then I have good news for you. You do not have to suffer from shyness and you should not feel insecure and fear that you are being judged with every step you take. Trust me on that, if you are willing to read through this article and apply the tips, you will succeed in overcoming your shyness. When you do that, you will also feel much more confidence and comfortable in meeting and talking with people.

There are many benefits you can get if you can learn to get rid of shyness and improve your self esteem. You are going to feel a lot better about yourself and you will tell yourself that nothing is going to stop you to attain your goals and live a quality life.

There are hundreds of books written on the subject on how to beat shyness and gain confidence, but there are a few techniques that anyone can practice right away.

Here are 6 tips and techniques we want to share with you:

1. Starting tomorrow… when you wake up in the morning, stand in front of a mirror and shout out: “I Feel Good, I Am Not Shy And I Am Confident”. Repeat this for ten times. This positive affirmation can help a great deal in developing a positive subconscious mind. Subsconcious mind is very powerful as it doesn’t argue with you, it just accepts whatever you are saying to it and take it as the truth.

2. Feel good about yourself. Look your best. Dress up more often. This gives you an extra feeling of confidence and self esteem. On its own just knowing that you look good will boost your confidence and reinforce with others that there are things about you that are worth getting to know.

3. Take the opportunity to talk to a stranger as often as possible. I am not asking you to talk to everybody you see on the street. You can do this in a more subtle way. For example, when you are waiting in a long queue, you can just start a small conversation with the person behind you. This is a great way in helping you to overcome your shyness.

4. When you are engaged in a one to one conversation, or with a larger group of people, let them know that you are shy. This prevents them from misreading you and they are far more likely to invite you into the conversation rather than leave you just listening and wishing you could contribute.

Many people, me included, find following a conversation in a noisy room difficult. If you are having difficulty say so and move so that you can hear. People respect honesty, and vulnerability and you will attract more honest people into your life as a result.

5. Don’t take rejection personally, just treat it as something that is like/dislike. You see, we all have preferences, the things that we like may not be the same as others and vice versa. For instance, if you like a particular type of girl, and you want to ask her out but she rejects you. Well, actually it is not you that she is rejecting, it is just that you are not her type. This is the same as you like a certain type of person but not other. So, it is very important that you don’t take rejection to heart as this is the fact of life. If you take it personally, it will hurt your self esteem.

6. Find a hobby and master some of its basic skills. For example, take up a Karate lesson or pick up some magic tricks that you can use to impress people. Master the skills, this can help boost your confidence and eliminate shyness. I picked up Tae Kwon Do, I find learning martial art can really help increase my self esteem and self confidence very quickly. There are many things you can explore as a hobby such as learning a new language, gardening, sports, singing, etc.

I have shared with you some great tips and techniques on how to overcome shyness and boost self confidence in this article, I home you find them useful.

Another great way to boost self confidence is to learn how to earn extra income online, you can get more info at Mass Cash Coverup and Authority Pro.

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Self Improvement ? 6 Ways To Overcome Shyness And Boost Confidence

If you are here to pick up some great tips to help you overcome shyness and boost self confidence, you have arrived on the right page. In this article, we are going to share with you some practical and easy to follow tips and techniques you can use immediately to eliminate shyness and increase confidence.

Are you shy? Do you have difficulty coping with people or situations? Then I have good news for you. You do not have to suffer from shyness and you should not feel insecure and fear that you are being judged with every step you take. Trust me on that, if you are willing to read through this article and apply the tips, you will succeed in overcoming your shyness. When you do that, you will also feel much more confidence and comfortable in meeting and talking with people.

There are many benefits you can get if you can learn to get rid of shyness and improve your self esteem. You are going to feel a lot better about yourself and you will tell yourself that nothing is going to stop you to attain your goals and live a quality life.

There are hundreds of books written on the subject on how to beat shyness and gain confidence, but there are a few techniques that anyone can practice right away.

Here are 6 tips and techniques we want to share with you:

1. Starting tomorrow… when you wake up in the morning, stand in front of a mirror and shout out: “I Feel Good, I Am Not Shy And I Am Confident”. Repeat this for ten times. This positive affirmation can help a great deal in developing a positive subconscious mind. Subsconcious mind is very powerful as it doesn’t argue with you, it just accepts whatever you are saying to it and take it as the truth.

2. Feel good about yourself. Look your best. Dress up more often. This gives you an extra feeling of confidence and self esteem. On its own just knowing that you look good will boost your confidence and reinforce with others that there are things about you that are worth getting to know.

3. Take the opportunity to talk to a stranger as often as possible. I am not asking you to talk to everybody you see on the street. You can do this in a more subtle way. For example, when you are waiting in a long queue, you can just start a small conversation with the person behind you. This is a great way in helping you to overcome your shyness.

4. When you are engaged in a one to one conversation, or with a larger group of people, let them know that you are shy. This prevents them from misreading you and they are far more likely to invite you into the conversation rather than leave you just listening and wishing you could contribute.

Many people, me included, find following a conversation in a noisy room difficult. If you are having difficulty say so and move so that you can hear. People respect honesty, and vulnerability and you will attract more honest people into your life as a result.

5. Don’t take rejection personally, just treat it as something that is like/dislike. You see, we all have preferences, the things that we like may not be the same as others and vice versa. For instance, if you like a particular type of girl, and you want to ask her out but she rejects you. Well, actually it is not you that she is rejecting, it is just that you are not her type. This is the same as you like a certain type of person but not other. So, it is very important that you don’t take rejection to heart as this is the fact of life. If you take it personally, it will hurt your self esteem.

6. Find a hobby and master some of its basic skills. For example, take up a Karate lesson or pick up some magic tricks that you can use to impress people. Master the skills, this can help boost your confidence and eliminate shyness. I picked up Tae Kwon Do, I find learning martial art can really help increase my self esteem and self confidence very quickly. There are many things you can explore as a hobby such as learning a new language, gardening, sports, singing, etc.

I have shared with you some great tips and techniques on how to overcome shyness and boost self confidence in this article, I home you find them useful.

Another great way to boost self confidence is to learn how to earn extra income online, you can get more info at Mass Cash Coverup and Authority Pro Bonus.

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Self Esteem – How to Use Powerful Positive Passionate Thoughts

Is thinking that you can create the life you want simply by your thoughts just metaphysical mumbo jumbo? If one can truly create real happiness just by thought then why aren’t more people happy?

Let’s consider the two sides of this particular coin.

Here are some self limiting, negative, sorrow inducing thoughts, statements, ideas that are often taught to our children:

– You’ll be sorry later.

– Life is full of disappointments.

– You can’t always win.

– You can’t always be happy.

– You’ll just have to learn to live with it.

– One person can’t make a difference.

– Money doesn’t grow on trees.

– There is not enough for everyone.

Here are some powerful, positive, passionate thoughts, statements, ideas that can be taught to our children:

– No need to be fearful, you are a magnificent person.

– Life is wonderous and full of excitement.

– You can be, have or do anything you want.

– If you choose to be happy then you will be happy.

– Live with purpose, live your best life.

– Having money allows you to serve others, attract lots of money.

– God (the universe) provides lavishly for you and all humanity.

With the first set of thoughts what kind of family, community, country do you think this child will create as he reaches adulthood? Looking at the second set of thoughts what kind of family, community, country do you think this particular child will create?

The first child might find himself living in a world filled with kids taking guns to school, teachers afraid to teach, countries at war, rampid disease, poor living conditions. The second child would not, his world would reflect peace, a sense of purpose, that making a difference in all aspects of his life matters. His sense of well being would bring him prosperity.

Examine your beliefs closely. Do you fall into group 1 or group 2 or maybe a combination of the two. What does your life reflect right now? Is it a match to the reoccurring thoughts you have daily? The secret, often unshared thoughts that live in your soul, the ones that make up who you think you are.

If you want to have a powerful, positive, passionate life, then why not focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Your thoughts are the most powerful thing you own, pass them on. It can make a great inheritance for your children

As the saying goes ” A man is only as happy as he makes up his mind to be.”

Copyright (c) 2007 Priscilla Parham

Become part of something that is sweeping the world with inspiration. You’ll find jokes, free audio affirmations and other secret tools to download at www.LiveTheSecret.us

. Priscilla Parham coaches on awareness and goal setting for your health, your business and your relationships motivating change from the inside-out.

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Self Improvement – 3 Tips to Finding Wealth And Prosperity

There are hundreds of unhappy people that are battling within side themselves everyday. They hate their job. They hate the relationships they are in. They hate the house they live in. They hate struggling pay check to pay check. If this is some of the the things that you are saying to yourself on a constant basis, then know there is an answer.

Here are 3 tips to finding wealth and prosperity in your life starting today.

1. You must first recognize what it is that you are unhappy with in your life so sit down in a quiet and ask yourself. What am I not happy with in my life. Then ask yourself how would I like my life to be different from what it is today. You need to have a pencil and some paper and write the answers out so that you can see them. You need to have the answers be specific for example if you are not happy with your job why or what specific type of job would you really want and why.  If you currently like your job but just are not happy with the pay then how much money would you be happy making.

2. You need to take the answers from the first step and actually make a goal of what you would like to see differently for yourself in the next 3 months – 6 months  – 1 year from now. 

3. The next step is to formulate a plan of action to help you transform from where you are right now in your life to what you would like your life to be. When you are doing this there are specific things to keep in mind. You want to break this down into steps so that you do not get overwhelmed and then prioritize the steps in the order they would need to be done to get the results that you want to get.

Then write this out so that you can see the goal and the steps for the plan of action. Then start with step no 1 and work and focus only on that step till it is finished then strike it off the chart this helps you see results. Then move onto the next step and keep this up and before you know it you will start to see the results that you want for yourself.

Now get busy applying this in your life.

Want to make your life better Get your Free Report – Transform your life in 90 Days!

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Combat Self Defense – Mindset and the Art of the Attack

Catapult Your Ability To Protect Yourself To A New Level With These Inside Secrets

There are a number of misconceptions regarding self defense and the mindset required to be effective at it. On occasion the mere mention of the fact that you are a practicing martial artist was enough to strike fear in the minds of would be attackers.

This may have been correct at one point in history but barely holds water today. The mindset of true martial arts has changed. It has become more of an entertainment or sport but the objective of every martial art at its root is to deal with your opponent (or opponents) as quickly and efficiently as possible and survive the altercation intact without over exerting yourself.

The method of attack was geared towards using any and all means to overcome your opponent. This meant no holds barred and most certainly no set of rules or conduct. Now, of course this is not to be confused with the code of conduct to be followed while training in these arts. One can only conclude that through time, legends and storytelling that these mindsets have been blended and watered down corrupting these arts and its true representation.

Contrary to popular practice it becomes much more advantageous to show your opponent rather than tell you opponent what you’re capable of holding it back in surprise only for them to discover the grave mistake they have made. This enables us to capitalize on our opponent’s assumption that we are unable or unwilling to defend ourselves effectively.

Your method of attack should be designed as such to be as efficient and as violent as necessary as to allow your opponent to reconsider their action. Attacking your opponent in this manner affects their mindset in a very advantageous way for you. In many cases you attacker is not psychologically prepared for the method, intensity or sheer violence of your actions. This can provide you with the necessary influence to end the altercation without further violence.

It can be further recommended that as a practitioner a certain lack of compassion will serve you most well under these specific circumstances. The art of the counter attack is dependent on the opponent’s initial attack. That being said if the opponent chooses not to attack there are no consequences.

Your opponent’s fate most assuredly rests in their own hands. They will choose the method of their own destruction. In other words, everything becomes your opponent’s responsibility in regards to their well being. If they do not attack, they do not get hurt. This enables you, the practitioner to feel no guilt about your actions as they are only in response to the choices of your assailant.

Every situation is different and circumstances vary but it is up to the practitioner to use only the precise power necessary to end the altercation.

Find out more at www.realcombattactics.com

Wisdom, insight, balance and dignity are just but a few of the qualities that one can harness from having the knowledge of true self-defense. Self-defense is not about violence, quite the contrary, it’s about putting an end to it, quickly and efficiently. Find out more and get a FREE bonus gift at http://www.realcombattactics.com

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Confessions of a Self Improvement Junkie

Are you a self improvement junkie?

Do you do have more than 3 of the following self help addictions:

Are you on more than 3 self help newsletters?

Do you devour the self help section of your local bookstore?

Do you know “The Secret”?

Are you a devoted follower of Dr. Phil? Dr. Laura? Any self-help guru with a Dr. in front of their name?

How many self improvement books do you own?

How many audio self help programs do you have?

Do you buy the latest program or book but don’t use it consistently for at least 30 days?

I feel your pain. I’ve been there too. Okay, I’m STILL there.

Fortunately, I’ve been able to take my confirmed habit and produce a business out of it by reviewing self improvement products. Now I get fresh products and books sent to me on a frequent basis to evaluate and include on my website or newsletter.

You may not be so lucky. But don’t despair. I am here to tell you that desiring to better yourself is not a bad thing. In fact, man has been searching for enlightenment since the early eastern philosophers like Siddhartha and Confucius.

The person that is not looking to better themselves probably has very limiting beliefs and is not ready to change. They are the type of people that would benefit most from self improvement. So don’t regard your pursuit for self improvement as a bad thing.

The secret is to take action or apply the new information you are aquiring so you will really see some self improvement. That is the key difference between a self help junkie and a self help performer.

If you are looking to get started in any self improvement field, start small. Sometimes trying to devote a whole hour a day to meditation, or brainwave entrainment can be too much to fit into your day.

For information about a brand new program that only takes 7 minutes a day to work self improvement thoughts into your subconscious, click on the link below. You’ll be taken to a review site for a free 30 trial of this simple yet highly effective program.

Remember, self improvement is an ongoing process but something that requires action – everyday. Use this chance to create some change in your life.

GiGi manages a review site for self improvement products. To read a review about the revolutionary 7 minutes a day program and a free 30 day trial, go to: Self Help in 7 Minutes a Day

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