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The Side Effects of Green Tea Are Mainly Positive

The green tea side effects are mostly positive, unless the brand that you are drinking or the supplement you are taking is loaded with caffeine. Any negative side effects of green tea would have to do with the caffeine content.

Normally, a 100 mg extract would contain only 2-4mg of caffeine, but some supplement manufacturers add as much as 500 mg of caffeine per capsule. That is particularly true in the case of the fat burners. A person that takes that kind of capsule is likely to experience nervousness, anxiety and insomnia. Those aren’t green tea side effects. They are caused by caffeine.

They may be side effects of green tea drinking, if a person consumes too many cups per day. The caffeine-content per eight ounce cup varies between 10 and 80mg. Drinking more than five cups per day can start to cause problems. It can also raise your blood pressure and cause heart palpitations or irregular heartbeat. In other words, you have to be careful and limit consumption.

There are green tea side effects that some people should be aware of. One of the side effects of green tea is a reduction of clotting. In most cases, this is beneficial. But, people with bleeding issues or those that are about to undergo surgery should not take the supplement or drink the beverage.

There are no negative side effects of green tea extracts, if they are properly standardized. They should provide 80mg of catechins per 100mg of the extract. Check the label. If the catechin content is not listed or it is lower than 80%, choose a better supplement.

Catechins are responsible for the positive green tea side effects. Those may include healthier cholesterol levels, increased energy, improved ability to concentrate and easier weight loss. The extract is known to be beneficial for stomach disorders, including diarrhea and vomiting. It helps the body shed excess fluids, reduces swelling and has natural anti-inflammatory activity. Future benefits to your health include a reduced risk of cancer, heart disease, kidney stones and type II diabetes.

People that are concerned about the side effects of green tea have probably heard of some of these benefits. There are many skeptics out there. There are even doctors that say dietary supplements are of no benefit. Many of them are not. There are some excellent products on the market. They’re just a little harder to find.

In order to provide an effective supplement, manufacturers must use the right form of a nutrient and the correct mode of delivery. Gel caps are fine for some purposes. But, many nutrients are quickly degraded by stomach acid and must be protected with an enteric coating. Otherwise, supplementation is useless. On the other hand, good supplements will provide many health benefits. Once you find one and begin taking it, you’ll see that the skeptics are wrong.

Now that you know more about the green tea side effects, why not take the time to learn how to choose an effective supplement? Visit my website today to learn about a multi-nutritional supplement I’ve discovered that I’d like to share with you.

Gordon Hall is fervent about enabling you and everyone to live a healthy lifestyle, and is an ardent reviewer of herbal, vitamin and mineral extracts. To discover which supplements Gordon recommends after far ranging and extensive research. Visit his website now at : http://www.your-supplement-resource-site.info

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Quick Look at Positive Resveratrol Side Effects

While it is good to note the bad side effects of resveratrol, the good side effects, or the benefits are also worth noting. Well, resveratrol in its natural form protects plants from diseases, viral infections, and any potential harm. Like many other plant compounds, resveratrol is a potent antioxidant that prevents the plants from oxidative stress damages. In human beings, the same and more properties contribute to the good side effects of resveratrol.

– Antioxidant – being a very potent antioxidant, resveratrol fights off free radicals from the body thus reducing the risks of life threatening diseases like cancer.

– Anti-mutagen -acts as an anti-mutagen, inhibiting the mutation of cells that grow into cancerous tumors and growths

– A strong natural anti-inflammatory – inflammation is believed to be the primary cause of very many diseases including cancer and coronary complications. While you might take synthetic anti-inflammatory, with time the ugly head of side effects will start showing up. With natural anti-inflammatory like resveratrol, it can be used for as long one is alive without any adverse side effects. It will help prevent chronic inflammation-related diseases, among many others.

– Anti-aging – resveratrol has been displayed as a very strong anti-aging compound that gradually slows down the aging process. While a lot of people may argue that it makes aged people stay longer on earth, in truth, it makes it a healthy aging process, with less age-related complications.

– Coupled with a good exercise regime and a normal well balanced diet, resveratrol has proven to accelerate the weight loss process.

– Mild anti-estrogen – some resveratrol users report that it increases their sexual libido and general sexual awareness

– Increased endurance – it has also proven to increase the ability to endure and keep ongoing for longer without getting worn out

– Resveratrol decreases bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases good one. (HDL).

– Great mental focus and increased energy has also been recorded.

Important! Before purchase I advise you to order at least one resveratrol free trial that gives you a month free of charge resveratrol supplements. We tested samples of 12 different resveratrol suppliers and selected the 3 best of them, you can read our review and recommendations by Clicking Here!

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