Tag Archives: State

Choose Your State of Mind – Negative Or Positive

So how important is your mind set? If your answer is it’s not that important well, I have some bad news for you. You are so wrong, your mind set has everything to do will all aspects of your life from business to family to life in general.

The way you look at everything will have directly affect how you handle everyday situations or as I like to call them the bumps, lumps and hills of life, the curve ball that gets thrown at you when you are not looking; course I could use analogy all day but you understand where I’m coming from.

We attract things in our life. If we are negative then negative will follow. If we are positive then positive things will follow us. That doesn’t go to say that positive people don’t have negative things happen to them and negative people have positive things happen to them. It is the way we handle and look at the situation that counts.

People that are plagued with negative thoughts tend to have negative things happen to them. They draw negativity into there lives. Some people thrive here and they refuse or just don’t want to be happy. Makes you wonder why they spend so much time complaining about all the bad things they find in life or about life, people etc. and that they never stop to see all the beauty and wonderful things that life has to offer. I feel sad for these people, they are wasting a way there life on all negativity but everyone has the right to make the choice of being happy or not. So I no longer feel sad for them, I accept their choice even though I don’t agree. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink, right?

Positive people who have positive thoughts attract positive things, people etc in their lives…these are the people who say yeah, it’s raining at least it not a drought. They find a silver lining…a peak of sun in the dark clouds. They stop and enjoy the small simple pleasures that life has to offer.

When you have a positive business mindset you are ready to accept the success of the day. When we have failures, we accept them learn from them and keep going…we don’t let them stop us from going after our dreams – goals that we have set for ourselves. They are ready to accept the abundance of wealth that is coming their way.

Negative business mindset people say well I tried that but this and that happen so I gave up, I can’t dot that, I will try, I’m not smart enough, I’m computer illiterate, I would if I had time, etc. They have an excuse for everything that happens which is there excuse of why they have given up. They are usually defeated before they start. They don’t know how to handle their money so no matter how much they make they still are in the same place as they were.

So I ask you who would you rather be, the negative person or the positive one? I choose to be the positive person and just because you choose you have to believe because you have to believe in your choice or you will never go anywhere. I’m not saying that positive people can’t have negative thoughts. We all have them but I only allow myself 20 mins., 2- 3 times a day to have negative thoughts. I get it all out where i have to cry, yell or be depressed…then I tell myself what did that do for me…If I continue..I will only draw my negativity into my life. Do I want that? No, I don’t so I think of happy thoughts. This has helped me a lot and has brought success to my life and a happiness that I thought I would never have.

Remember your state of mind is up to you. Your success depends on your state of mind.


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A 15 Minute Mind-Hack to Massively Enhance Your Brain Power and Emotional State: Vishen Lakhiani

A 15 Minute Mind-Hack to Massively Enhance Your Brain Power and Emotional State. Talk by Vishen Lakhiani at Wisdom 2.0 Europe 2014.

Bob Proctor speaks about the power of our subconscious minds to create the reality we experience. He explains how we can impress images upon the subconscious mind with emotion and repitition and can therefore have control over what the subconscious accepts as truth. We therefore have total control over what we experience in reality by consciously choosing what to impress upon the subconscious. Bob Proctor is a featured teacher in the hit movie; The Secret.

The Secret Subconscious Mind Exercise Used By One Of The Most Successful People.
Before you get into that, have you ever wondered where brilliant ideas come from?
How do the world’s most influential, brilliant and powerful people get the inspiration for their ideas, creations and achievements? Do you believe it was their up bringing? Or, were they just extremely lucky? What about they were blessed with a gift most of us can only dream of? Or, do you think something else is at work?
Back in the day, 1937 to be exact, personal development phenomena Napoleon Hill published “Think And Grow Rich” a book that would soon go on to become one of the most powerful personal development books in history. In fact, it’s been read by the most successful people in the world than any other book. That should say something….

“Think And Grow Rich” was packed with techniques and instructions on how to develop a wealth mindset and achieve success beyond your wildest dreams.

The amazing part of these techniques is that they STILL apply to this day. Even though the book is over 70 years old, the techniques, lessons, instructions are timeless and will always apply.

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