Tag Archives: Stay

Ways To Stay Positive And Confident When Dating

The period of dating can quite be nerve racking especially for people who are a little shy and introvert. However it is vital to maintain a very confident and positive outlook during the entire dating phase. This will keep the relationship on a smooth track and also you guys closer to each other.

It’s a true fact, that no one likes companions who complain or crib all the time. Positive nature attracts people like a magnet. Insecurity is another major reason that turns off people at a very early stage of dating. So try and learn how to be positive and confident when your date is around even if you are not feeling up to it all the time.

Here are some tips and ways that will help you breakthrough the stereotypes and have a healthy relationship with your mate-

• Shake off the negative vibes. It’s quite obvious to feel conscious and it’s not a cup of tea for everyone to show how cool they are. But try to control your feelings. You have to realize that you are responsible for your actions. Your significant other will not try to cheer you up all the time. You have to learn to be positive and stop showing that funky behavior.

• Give compliments just as you expect them. Giving compliments to your companion can actually make you feel good about yourself. Try it out! It works!!

• Listen to good music. Rocking music really helps to make you come out of depressing and negative thoughts. It also gives you that extra bit of confidence. Your favorite music will definitely help you calm down and be pleasant.

• Smile can work wonders. A perfect smile will help you be more balanced and positive. It will also give a good vibe to your date. Sometimes smile can work wonders for a date! So make the most out of this simple weapon!

• Exercise and yoga. This can help you a great deal to de-stress yourself as well as feel composed. Not only will exercise and yoga help you in your dating period but also in the other phases of life. This will bring a good amount of improvement in your nature as well as your relationship.

• Keep yourself clean and well-groomed. This tip really works especially with those who want to feel good and confident. A well-groomed and clean look will make you look much smarter thus making you positive about yourself. For guys, it’s imperative to wear well ironed clothes, a clean shaven look and a nice hair cut. Where girls are concerned, a good hair-do, simple and subtle makeup and sexy but not revealing clothes will definitely work well.

• Be satisfied. Keep this in mind that no one has a perfect and fulfilling life. It is how you take life and with what attitude you handle it. So just stop cribbing or being frustrated and live a happy and satisfying life. This will also please your date and make you feel more secured about your relationship and certain about what you want in life.

Match Maker is a global network of various dating websites. Some of the sites include Aussie Match Maker, a site for singles interested in free web cam chat, and The Love Club, a place to meet hot sexy women.

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Top Ten Tips to Stay Positive and Focused

The cliché, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going,” is a truism for those who practice its wisdom. Here are ten tips to stay positive and focused throughout your life.

• Re-Evaluate and Set Priorities-Daily and Weekly: While planning a positive future you are creating new things to look forward to, living ‘in the moment.’ Living in the moment is truly the best way to move past the drama and chaos that is kicked up by the media or others. You can move past any drama and chaos by facing and changing your life. No moment is as important as this one right now. Consider this effective prioritizing system that is easy to use. Prioritize each task on your daily “To Do’ list as: Urgent & Important, Urgent & Not Important, Important & Not Urgent, Not Urgent & Not Important. Urgent and Not Important is a nice to have item. If I want this item included, it is urgent to do it today, albeit, is not important – it is a nice to have item.

• Bring Only Positive People Into Your Life: Seek new ways to interact and connect with people, who are positive. Positive people forge ahead and find ways to approach each day with optimism and excitement. These new connections will lift you up and inspire you and likewise you will lift them up and inspire them.

• Expand your Perspective: Focus on finding role models who are living the life you are striving to create. There are thousands of examples of people worldwide who have suffered and yet have created a wondrous and fulfilled life. They establish patterns that will work for you. If you do not find positive role models in your area, find their stories vis-à-vis the media, movies and books.

• Include Fun And Enjoyable Activities Everyday: Everyone has something they love doing to help them through the tight spots. For example: Music. Music fills your soul. It can remind you about what you care about and gives you a sense of being connected. Pursue your life with focus, purpose, enthusiasm and humility. Choose something each day to create fun, something that does not require a lot of effort or motivation and simply gives you joy. When you have fun and enjoy activities in your life, it lifts your mood, energizes you and motivates you to meet life head-on each day.

• Give Your Time and Talent to Others: Regardless of how much travail might be in your life, give your time, attention and resources to others. Giving to children, older people, or others in need provides relief from your own issues. You will feel useful and part of the larger community. Isolating yourself from others is paralyzing and self-defeating. Connect and give if only for brief periods. Being of service diminishes a sense of ineffectiveness, helplessness and provides hope that you can help someone in a sincere and meaningful way.

• Organize Tasks for Maximum Efficiency: Avoid allowing drama and chaos to control your schedule, enthusiasm and focus. When things are difficult it is more challenging to avoid losing track of what is important. Time, schedules, appointments and people might all seem to fall into the category of simply adding to your frustration. Keep a clear focus and manage your life, professionally and personally, in a well-organize system. (See prioritizing system above). Nothing is more draining than spending inordinate time to keep things on track or reestablish connections that have been damaged due to living your life in a whirlwind.

• Maintain Good Health: Exercise and a healthy food plan are essential at all times, and critically important during stressful periods. Exercise does not mean you need to spend hours every week. A daily brisk thirty minute walk or thirty minutes of moderate exercise works wonders to keep your mood elevated and your focus clear.

• Forgive Yourself for Perceived Mistakes or Transgressions: Nothing is a mistake, because what you did that missed the mark is a learning opportunity. Use it for your emotional and spiritual growth. Your finances and circumstances might change significantly. However, you can create new opportunities albeit seems you are in the dark. Focus on creating new circumstances in your life. The majority of challenges bring wonderful growth potential that you might not be able to see in the heat of the moment. If you allow yourself to let go of what you experienced and give yourself permission to look for a new perspective, you will find that everything is transpiring as it needs to transpire. You can then embrace the journey and a new path.

• Find or Organize a Support/Mastermind Group: Surround yourself with others who are creating positive results. Creating a group of experts, whom you meet with on a regular basis to gain insight, receive advice, or spiritual and emotional support is crucial. Move beyond a social circle and build a supportive community of like-minded people who are on a positive track.

• Be Open to Learn New Perspectives: Create a new vision of how your life might look five years from now-your career, your lifestyle and/or other fundamental parts of your life. It will be exciting and invigorating to embrace a new perspective that you might not have considered before. You might not be able to control the journey, but you can control how you experience the journey. Focus on how you feel and on the people you value in your life. Avoid focusing on the negative aspects of your journey. As a result you will feel empowered, inspired and enthusiastic each day as you are the architect of your life. Build the life you can be proud about and enjoy.

This moment is the first moment of the rest of your life, I invit


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Tips to stay Happy and Positive in life

Positivity in life is a trait that needs to be mastered than acquired by birth. You need constant investment in yourself and your thoughts to stay Positive and Optimistic. Happiness does relate to positivity and goes a long way to help you become a happy person. Happiness is in thoughts, its in our mind that comes out and shows up in many forms. A happy person is always happy no matter what the situation is and it has significant amount of impact on his conduct, actions, health and outlook towards life. It is like releasing the venom inside your mind and giving way to thoughts that makes us nothing but happy.

Read more on How to Stop Worrying and How to manage Phobias and How to make Love

Tips to stay happy

1.  Take time to acknowledge personal accomplishments and celebrate success in a manner that can strengthen relationships. Keeping good social and personal relations are very effective means avoiding stress.

2.  Take good care of yourself. When you feel good, you also feel good and vice versa. Love yourself each day. Tell yourself ‘I love you’ and give yourself a hug everyday.

3.  Wear a smile everyday, compliment at least one person in the day, greet people, and take each day as the first day of the rest of your life. Do something new every day or as often as you can.

4.  Practice self-help methods, like writing journals, being passionate about work, taking on some hobbies, improving social life by meeting up with friends and relatives.
5.  Figure out your fun quotient of the day.

6.  Avoid procrastinations and perfectionism.

7.  Eat healthy and exercise regularly. For this, all one needs to do is wear one’s exercise shoes and step on one’s treadmill for a few minutes or even better, jog on beautiful beach side.

8.  Avoid addictions or any such risk-driven activity.

Here is some food for thought:

1.  Be assertive instead of being aggressive.

2.  Control anxiety by identifying one’s irrational thoughts and beliefs and rectifying them.

3.  Instead of cribbing, accept loss gracefully and move on with life.

4.  Replace low self-esteem with good-self image by always choosing to think positive, strengthening your talents and learning from your mistakes.

5.  Overcome ‘boredom’ with introduction of changes and passion in life.

6.  When feeling sad or low, you can have an attitude towards good thingsof life, and observing how you are better compared to some others who are not.

Do not base your happiness solely on material possessions. Learn how to be happy from within. Focus on the good things in your life, like your health. Develop a sense of well-being from within. Don’t live with the attitude of greed or excess. There is enough for everyone. Give away things that you don’t need that are still valuable and can be used by other people. Become earth friendly and recycle. Become more connected to your environment and community. Take care of yourself and others.

Create affirmations and get in touch with your God centeredness. Utilize what you have to create wealth. Avoid negative people who constantly talk about the recession and enjoy being miserable. Bless these people with love and be on your way. Connect with like minded people. This is how you will stay happy and positive during the recession.

Read more on How to Stop Worrying and How to manage Phobias and How to make Love

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Believe in Yourself! Stay Positive & Build on It

Most of us live in a cocoon of fear. If it’s not one thing we’re afraid of it’s another. What with financial stresses, employment uncertainties, relationships at work, problems with children, their schools etc it’s one merry-go-round of anxiety after another. We could be forgiven for thinking this is the only way.

Fortunately it isn’t the only way. There’s an infinitely better way and it’s all about faith; a faith even more simplistic than a faith in God perhaps (as so many baulk at God–though in my experience, the God-concept is pretty simple).

This is as simple as making the choice to see the virtue within you and setting out to replicate it and build on it. Virtue contributes to faith and faith brings a zest for living. Part of this is deliberately choosing to see others positive views of you. See their views of you as positive. It will help your self-esteem.

And the result, over time, is an increasing and welling up of positive confidence that will set you up for future success and so on and so on. It’s a self-fulfilling prophesy. But, it will only work if you’re growing genuinely in virtue i.e. being more thankful, positive, kind etc.

It’s often said that if we don’t believe in ourselves, who will (apart from our parents and a handful of close others)?

It’s strange how believing in yourself and not condemning yourself can be so powerful. Suddenly, without the chains and shackles of despair and rejection holding us down, we’re able to soar like eagles–and be the way we were always meant to be.

Give yourself another second chance. Believe in yourself: your abilities, your ideas, your resilience to get through your tough situation right now, and finally, your character.

Life was never meant to beat us down. No matter what is against you, you can prove the greatest inspiration, even to yourself.

Stay positive and build on it.

Copyright © 2009, S. J. Wickham. All Rights Reserved.

Steve Wickham is a registered safety practitioner (BSc, MSIA, RSP) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). He also has training and leadership Diplomas. His passion in vocation is facilitation and coaching; encouraging people to soar to a higher value of their potential. Steve’s key passion is work / life balance and re-creating value for living, and an exploration of the person within us.

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A Few Wonderful Ways To Stay Positive At Work And In Life

I’d like to offer several practical ideas about staying positive. Nothing magical here, just a few simple ideas to help shape the way you think and feel every day. They apply equally well at work and home, though here I’ll focus more on the job. I could focus largely on your work tasks, but I would like to humanize work a bit by instead talking about you and the interpersonal aspects of your office life. To stay positive:

Bring all of you to the office

This involves the full spectrum of things that define you and make you smile: your attire, the music quietly playing in the background, the office décor – you name it. To constrict who you are at work to fit some “office acceptable” version of yourself requires energy. Energy is finite. Managing impressions is unavoidable, but over managing impressions to the point of losing the unique you at work is far worse. If you like loud ties, wear them. Ladies, if you have a penchant for ridiculous scarves, bring it on. Who cares if nobody other than you in the office likes Elvis Costello? Play it. In fact, spend a little non-work time and put together a few playlists – one for addressing any type of mood that might surface. And for heaven’s sake don’t be like the brain dead planners who designed your office. Why do they feel that gray or brown are motivational colors? Admit it, for most of you, the office is dominated by gray or brown. Weird. Your cube or office need not be. I indulge in Harley-related items (signs, mouse pad, etc.). For you it might be fishing or sports or origami, beats me, but make sure that aspect of you is represented. And add color – that should be a law. Preferably red. Make it a new lamp, phone, chair, something you stick on the shelf – who knows, just add red immediately.

Bring them to the office too

Them is all of the key people in life you love and spend time with. We spend far too much time at work, thus find a way to get them represented right there in your workspace. Bring pictures of the family, the girlfriend or boyfriend, the dog. My favorite recent additions are the framed pictures of my oldest son’s art doodles. He is very into Ben 10 (just Google it). He claims the doodles depict Ben doing all sorts of miraculous things. To me, they are merely funny lighthearted doodles. They make me smile and when he sees them in my office, his smile is even bigger. How about video or audio? I have clips of my wife and both boys on my cell phone and, yes, I do pull it out when in need of a quick smile or bit of perspective.

Have something to look forward to

When we have things to look forward to, what do we do? We survive by any means necessary until they arrive! Make sure you are never without something to look forward to. This does not have to be a lavish vacation or something terribly expensive. It can be as simple as the night later in the week when you have pledged to go home early to cook dinner for the family. For me, that is a real treat. For you that might be a nightmare, so what. Maybe it is the movie night coming up with your children, the cook out with your family friends or the date night with your significant other. Get it on the calendar and in your mind and reference it just when things get a little nutty at work.

Do something nice for someone

Yes, you need to keep focused on the wonderful “thing to look forward to” for yourself. However, it may surprise you just how good it feels to do something for someone else right now. If you have time, try volunteer work. Join the Rotary (I did). Great, but if you’re really strapped for time and money, you can still help others. There are abundant opportunities to do so at work every day. You have no excuse! Compliment someone personally. Maybe it is how they look that day. Maybe it is the fact that they are always positive. Maybe it is the fact that they are thoughtful enough every Friday to wish you a great weekend and every Monday to ask about your weekend. Compliment them professionally. Did they help you massage some data? Did they cover for you when you could not make the meeting? Were they there last week to offer you some needed input on a big decision? Tell them thank you – and be specific about why you are saying thank you. Crazy idea – help them back! It is amazing the wonderful feeling to be had from simply helping another person make it through the day a bit more smoothly.

Dr. Dewett is a nationally recognized leadership expert, professor, author, professional speaker and consultant specializing in all aspects of organizational life. As quoted in the New York Times, BusinessWeek, CNN, the Chicago Tribune, MSNBC and elsewhere. He is the author of Leadership Redefined. Podcasts, blog, free newsletter and more at http://www.drdewett.com Copyright 2009 TVA Inc.

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Stay Motivated to Lose Weight For Life – 5 Powerful Secrets

Want to lose weight for life? You will have to find creative ways to stay motivated. Permanent weight loss means successfully navigating daily temptations.

Let’s face it – life gets in the way. You get sick or injured, or a looming deadline at work means no time for exercise. Healthy eating is derailed by business dinners or family gatherings. It’s challenging to hang on to the healthy habits you’ve worked so hard to adopt.

Here are 5 powerful secrets to stay motivated to lose weight for life:

1. Scare Tactics

Want to avoid debilitating chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, stroke, and heart attacks? A healthy lifestyle is your best defense.

The next time you’re tempted to skip your walk or eat that piece of chocolate cake, think about a close friend or relative that has suffered from one of these awful diseases. Don’t you want to do everything in your power to avoid their fate? Then it’s critical that you maintain a healthy weight and get regular exercise.

2. Reprogram Those Rationalizations

How many times have you heard that voice in your head telling you that one dessert won’t matter or one missed workout is OK?

When those voices start chirping remember how far you’ve come. Think about how much better you’ll feel after your workout. Remember how bloated and sluggish you felt the last time you ate a fatty, sugary dessert.

Every time you reprogram your thoughts your confidence soars and the next time will be easier. Pretty soon it’s automatic.

3. Don’t Delay After a Setback

We all have setbacks or “learning moments”. Don’t let one binge or missed workout turn into a string of them. Don’t put off getting back to the gym or your morning walks until “after the holidays” or “when school starts”. Do it the next day!

Every unhealthy meal means you’ll have to work harder. Just because you ate that steak doesn’t mean you’ve already blown it so you may as well have chocolate mud pie for dessert. Instead order some fresh berries to naturally purify your body.

4. Just Do It

The most difficult part of exercise is the first 10 minutes. Once you start, you’re likely to feel so much better that you’ll finish your routine. So if you’re feeling tired or rushed, tell yourself you’ll only do 10 minutes. Usually once you get past that initial hurdle, you’ll keep going. And even if you don’t, 10 minutes is better than nothing.

5. Use Your Competitive Drive

Are you competitive? Then harness that drive to succeed at permanent weight loss. Picture someone you admire for their svelte physique and vibrant health. Tell yourself you’re as good as (or better than) they are!

Suddenly you have energy for a more intense workout. That cheeseburger just doesn’t look as enticing. Set mini-goals for yourself every day and keep the big picture in mind of who you want to “beat”.

Want more secrets to staying motivated to lose weight for life? Get a 4 step plan to manage diet disasters at http://www.lose-weight-for-life.com/diet-disasters.html Learn more about how to live a healthy lifestyle at http://www.lose-weight-for-life.com/lose-it-for-life.html

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Inner Peace – How to Stay Positive When Dealing With Negative People

You may have limited control over your circumstance but you can have total control over your emotional response to your circumstance. In this article you are going to learn two things that you can do to have total control over your emotions and have a positive response in a negative situation every time. The two steps are 1) Identify your triggers and 2) Replace your negative thoughts with positive actions.

Step #1: Identify Your Triggers

1. Keep a journal of all of the things that ticks you off for a week

2. Each time that you are ticked off, ask yourself “Why do I react negatively to this situation?” “What is it about this particular situation that gets to me in this way?”Write down your thoughts in numerical sequence in your journal.

3. At the end of the week, review your journal and identify what you were thinking each time that you felt ticked off.

Step #2: Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Action

1. Now that you are able to identify the reasons why certain people and situations ticks you off, your next step is to write out several positive ways that you can respond to each of the items that you listed in your journal that ticks you off.

2. Practice role-playing with a partner. Pretend that you are in a particular situations or you are in the presence of the type of person that ticks you off.

3. You should practice until you are comfortable responding positively to the negative situation so that when you encounter a negative situation you are not triggered to respond with negative actions.

The way that you are going to maintain a state of inner peace is by not being stressed out. You have to learn how to be positive and stay calm in situations that are negative. At the end of this exercise, you will be able to take positive actions the next time that you encounter negative people and negative situation because you will not be taken off guard. You will not respond based on your emotional state at the time of the negative event because you will be prepared to recognize your triggers and you will be well rehearsed on how to take positive actions when you are faced in your trigger situations.

Antionette Tate enjoys helping people to discover their inner peace and joy.

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Stay Positive in Time of Recession – Not Easy, But Possible

How to stay positive in time of recession can be tricky if you do not take same careful steps. The global economy is really struggling, and there is no doubt that many people will be going through some very tough times. Pretty much everyone has felt the effects of the recent recession, and financial issues have impacted the entire world. It seems like a lot of things are falling apart, but it is not all bad. If you are trying to keep things positive, there are a few good ideas that can help you stay on the right track.

As a professional, it is important to know how to stay positive in time of recession. Without some resilience and careful action, you could end up in a bad situation. There are some smart moves that will help you keep your job or find a new one should things go south. Try to start by researching your industry field. See what the trends are. Does it look like there is room for growth, or are massive layoffs affecting most businesses in that sector? This will tip you off as to how long you will last at your current job. Stay positive by evaluating your expertise and skill set. Think about all the qualifications you have that make you special for potential employers. Putting together an updated resume is good so you are ready to show off your talents and capabilities at any given point in time.

When you think about how to stay positive in time of recession, remember that others out there are going through the same problems. There are also others out there who may have just the solution you need for professional advancement. Stay flexible and try to network as much as possible. By networking you can learn of interesting job opportunities as well as ways to save money. Talking to people about what they do to get by can give you ideas too. Speak with a mentor or a friend to get some connections.

Finally, always keep your head up and stay focused on the brighter future that will eventually come. You are not the only one struggling with all the negativity in today’s economy. You may not know exactly how to stay positive in time of recession, but if you follow these simple guidelines you will have a better chance of staying afloat amidst this sea of negativity. As always, careful planning and solid effort will prevail.


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How to Stay Positive While Looking For a Job

Back in March of this year I joined the millions of people out there looking for a job. If you are also part of the millions of people looking for work then you know that it is brutal out there and keeping your head up is not easy.

For me personally, I had never been laid off from a job before, never applied for unemployment, nor have I ever been unemployed for longer than 3 weeks. Being without a job has made me crazy! I hate not having the money I am used to, I hate having to count on my husband to help me out, and I am a far cry from a housewife. I can tell you first hand that it is really hard sometimes for me to keep it together. With that said, I know I am not alone, so I thought I would share some of the things I tell myself in order to stay positive. Hopefully, they will help some of you in the same boat.


This is the main theme of today’s blog post. I know sometimes it can feel like you are but just turn on the news and you will know it is not just you. When you feel like it is just take a minute to be grateful for what you do have – whatever that may be. Talk to your family and friends, they are your support system. Be thankful that you have them and that there is someone on your side.


Again, just a reminder that you are not alone. There are millions of people looking for work. Some are more qualified than you, some are less, some have college degrees, some don’t. Companies are doing their best to stay afloat just as you are. So when you don’t get that job, don’t take it personal, just keep truckin’ – your time will come.


After sending out hundres of resumes and getting no call back or turned down, it is safe to say that your ego is going to take a hit. Don’t let it get to you. Know who you are and know what you are worth and be confident in that. Remember again that you are not alone and plenty of people feel just like you. Also remember, if you start to doubt yourself it will start to show and that is the last thing you want to show any recruiter. Be confident, you are fabulous and it is only a matter of time before the right position comes along.


This is a lesson I learned from my mother in law. I wish she was here today because she would be proud that I really did listen to her. When I was down in the dumps about anything she would always tell me that nothing is forever. As impatient as I am, I know she is right. Be patient, this is just a temporary set back and with time this too shall pass.


This is a great way to get your feelings out. I am sure there are going to be times that you are not going to want to share everything you are feeling for whatever reason. For me, I have a pride problem. I try not to let people know I am feeling vulnerable. I don’t like people to see me as “weak”. My mother always told me to put up a strong front and cry in private. This does not work for everyone but if you are a more private person then this is definitely the way to go. And once you get a job you can throw it out as a way to symbolically throw away your worries.


I just learned that this can happen! I really like to consider myself some sort of superhero. Don’s ask me why because it really does add a lot of undue pressure. But going on so many interviews and getting turned down so many times can get you thinking that there is something wrong with you. And I am starting to notice that sometimes I am starting to notice that I am becoming just as insecure in other aspects of my life. This is very out of character for me. I am lucky enough to have the greatest husband in the world and the best family and friends I could ever ask for – it is not their fault that this happened to me and if anyone is on my side it is definitely them. Make sure you don’t forget that about your own family and friends and partners or spouses. They are on your team!


Volunteer work is great for 3 reasons; it gets you out of the house, it is very fulfilling and it keeps your skills sharp. Check with your local church or your town hall, check places like YMCA or Boys and Girls Club, go to your local hospital or soup kitchen. I don’t think there is anything more fulfilling then being able to help someone in the simplest of ways. You will be amazed at how good you feel afterward.

I hope this is helpful for everyone. Just writing it has made me feel better. If you have some advice that I may have missed please feel free to drop me a line or comment on this blog – I would love to hear from you!


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How to Be Positive – Stay Away From Negative People

Today is a good reflection of how far I have come from negative thinking to positive thinking and positive actions. I was coaching a client who is processing her breakdowns in a stuck state, the feeling of confusion whether the forward actions is going to create the result she wanted. It reminded me of how I got a Life Coach to work with me and experience being positive most of the time.

Stay away from negative people

Don’t make the mistake of talking to the wrong people. People who are negative. Either they have had bad experiences because of lack of knowledge or strategies or they have no clarity of their own direction. They do not have positive experiences to share with you. Stay away from them.

The solution is to talk to people who are already successful in doing what you wanted to do. Model after them. Get them to mentor you, or collaborate with them. They will have many success stories to share with you. That would give you more confidence, support and encouragements to move forward.

Get a Life Coach

There is a great difference with talking to a Life Coach or your friend. The positive thinking and the positive energy from a Coach is uplifting. Most of my clients said, I wish the people out there could be as positive as you. The way they talked are “noise” that often held them back from the decision that they want to make. As a result, they become indecisive. It’s through some powerful questions that clients become clear with their thoughts. When clients are sure of what making that decision would give them, e.g. More confidence, more time to have a balance life, better relationships with family and more income, they are open to taking positive actions.

“Noise” are unfounded fears from people who may mean well, thinking that they are protecting you; But they do not know what you really want. It’s based on their own pattern of thinking and their own fear which is projected onto you and is quite often negative. Unknowingly, they operate from fear.

How a Life Coach can help

A Life Coach can certainly help you with the breakthrough from thinking negatively to thinking positively and taking actions that move you towards achieving the outcome you want. This is the support and encouragements that most people need, to have a breakthrough. The positive energy is automatically transferred to you. The confidence is projected onto you. These comes from having experienced that journey.

Get free tips from http://www.mindset-coaching.com and free downloads of her E-Book.

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