Tag Archives: Staying

The Waiting is the Hardest Part – Staying Positive in Between Interviews

It may appear to you, if you have been searching for a job for quite some time, that the wait between first interviews and a possible call back takes forever. In an economy where jobs aren’t as plentiful as in the past, one may experience frustration when several resumes are sent out with little to no response. On the other hand, you could also have interviews scheduled throughout the week, only to see each end with, “We’ll call you.”

It could take weeks for that call to come, if at all. What do you do in the meantime?

Where there exists a market with few available positions, ultimately you’ll find more candidates than openings. As a job hunter, you have the unenviable task of presenting yourself as the top choice, and you work hard to impress human resources managers and hiring staff. You dress well, come prepared to the interview with resume in hand and answer all the questions. You show a genuine interest and passion for the position, but now you must wait to see if they are interested in you. It’s enough to discourage one from searching for work altogether.

Above all else, maintain a positive attitude as you wait. If you project a lengthy dry spell between interviews it may do good to relax and take the time to draw away from the anxiety. Think of a hobby or activity you enjoy – yoga, reading, cycling, etc. – and use some of your free time to absorb yourself in that. Who knows, you may decide to take a yoga class and meet a contact who leads you to another job interview. Referrals for work come from all sorts of places.

Considering volunteer work in the interim as well, even if only for a short time. Libraries, churches, and local social networks are usually in need of short-term help to assist with events and small tasks. Giving even a few hours a week can raise your spirits and boost your resume – larger companies with community involvement will be impressed to see you’ve done volunteer work.

Use this time, too, to sharpen your skills. If you are looking for Internet-related work, research new trends in your desired field. Experiment with new programs or sign up for one-day or weekend seminars to keep your mind sharp. If you are called back for a second interview, it will help to bring new information to the table so the employer knows you are ready to improve as an employee.

By staying busy and positive during lulls between interviews, you can strengthen your confidence, and connections and skills. Never let dead ends on job leads discourage you from finding the position you want.

Kathryn Lively is a freelance writer specializing in articles on Virginia Beach Jobs and Virginia web design.

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Staying Positive & Successful – Watering Your Dreams With Trust and Belief

Forging new paths always involves trust. How many times have you given up wonderful experiences and opportunities because of doubt and fear? Even when you were first inspired to grab those experiences and opportunities, sometimes you let the fear and doubt take over. You let those negative emotions change your mind.

You decided not to take the opportunities and experiences life put in your path. Like talking to a certain someone, taking a lower paying job that you would have loved more (which probably would have led to something better because when you do what you love, the abundance follows), failing to tell someone you love them, not doing something you’ve always dreamed of that’s “out of your comfort zone”?

We’ve all done it, but if you want to create the life you desire, you’ve got to cultivate trust in yourself. By being aware of your inner self talk, you do have the ability to turn the momentum around. You can let the Universe bring the perfect people, wonderful opportunities into your experience. You just have to TRUST the Universe and open your eyes to what it’s bringing you. And then not allow the fear to get in the way.

Decide to TRUST a little bit more, and doubt a little bit less.

Think of what you DO want to create in your life as a seed that you’re planting. You have to water it with your trust, your belief, and your faith. Feed the trust with positive attention and actions and see what wonderful experiences and opportunities you create!

Deciding to live big and follow your dreams is scary, not just for you but for people around you who are allowing fear and doubt to control them. Remember to water the seeds of your dreams with positive nutrients so they can flower into something beautiful.

And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to my “Easy Product Creation Secrets” Video to learn how to turn your experiences into products when you visit http://www.ProductCreationBonus.com

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Tips on Staying Positive in a Stressful Life

In today modern world, technology plays a very important role. It has many side effects. However, the reverse is also true. Technologies allow us to work smarter, faster and more efficiently. However, the downside is that we can get carried away by advanced technologies. We sometimes try to cram too many things in our life. Hence, creating stress and anxiety that may get the better of us.

Stay Positive And Take Care of Yourself

In today fast paced world, everyone needs to work extra hard to keep up with the demands. However, do not get carried away by your work. Your career is important but our health is the most precious thing in life. You need to be healthy in order to be productive in your work. Without health, everything will crumble!

You may feel like you should always be doing something productive. However, taking care of yourself is ultimately the most productive thing you can do. When you have given yourself proper rest and permission to do whatever you want once in awhile, you will be better able to focus great efforts on the other things in your life that matter.

Exercise Regularly To Beat Stress

Exercise can help to beat stress. You don’t need to go to gym to have a good and effective exercise. You can just walk in the park and enjoy the surrounding fresh air for 30 minutes. You can do this after a dinner. If you eat out after work, take a walk home if possible.

I know that we all have a very busy work schedule these days. But we can’t ignore exercise because our body needs it. You will feel a lot more healthy and more productive at work if you exercise regularly.

People who make time for regular exercise will have lower stress levels. Also, remember to give yourself a proper amount of time for rest. Get 6-8 hours of sleep at night and avoid the temptation to stay up doing something else with that time.

Self Reflection

Self reflection is very important in life. It allows us to have a better perspective in life. “Mind Over Matter”; perhaps you have heard about this phrase before. It is a very powerful statement! The mind is a very powerful thing; “What the mind can conceive; it can achieve”. If you think positive, you will feel and act positive! Surrround yourself with positive people and stay away from negative people!

When you reflect on your life, you can concentrate on the meaning of it all. You will be more likely to truly enjoy your journey. It is so easy to let life pass you by if you don’t take some time to reflect.

Learn To Deal with Stress Naturally

Whether you like it or not, stress is part of our lives! You will experience stress from time to time during your daily routine, it is very normal. However, what is important here is your ability to monitor the amount of stress that you are experiencing and prevent it to overwhelm your life. If you allows too much stress to creep into you, it can cripple and destroy you!

Therefore, it is very important that you learn how to deal with stress effectively. Do what you can to relieve your stress in a healthy way. Avoid using prescription medication or drugs. Focus on the natural stuff like taking up a yoga or meditation course. Work on relaxation and breathing techniques. As long as you are doing something to relieve your stress naturally, you will be able to jump back into your fast paced life with a positive attitude.

If you use and apply the tips that we have just shared with you, you will be able find calmness in life and keep stress at bay.

How to overcome financial stress? Learn how to make passive income to improve your finance. Visit this site CB Traffic Warrior for more information. You should also check out this site: Dominating Video Review.

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My tips for staying positive and motivated


My tips for staying positive and motivated

How to be more positive and motivated
In this video, I share some things I do every day that help me to be more positive and motivated, and I hope that some of them will help you too.

For more details on how to stay more positive and motivated, you can read the post related to this video: http://www.ahintofrose.com/2016/04/how-to-stay-positive-motivated.html

Subscribe to this channel if you want to see more lifestyle videos and many others.
And don’t forget to visit my blog for more details: http://www.ahintofrose.com/

My last video | How to be more productive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1NdlBapatI


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Introduction to minimalism: https://youtu.be/dKhblUPMhzw
The need to slow down: https://youtu.be/n0xU6-pP5rY
Digital minimalism: https://youtu.be/m5uyHgKJHOg
Simplify our life | 5 healthy habits for a better morning : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHz2bLzZ5aQ
How to change your relationship with money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nr-gjnpkwfI
How to be more productive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1NdlBapatI



|| MUSIC ||
Riot – So Far Away – YouTube Audio Library

|| GEAR ||
Editing software: Adobe Premiere Pro
Camera: Canon t5i
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f1/8 STM
Recorder: Portable Recorder Zoom H1


This video is not sponsored.
For more details, please take a look at my “Public Relations” page (http://www.ahintofrose.com/p/public-relations.html).
If you have any question, send me an email at the following address: ahintofrose@gmail.com

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Relationship Repair – Staying Positive After a Breakup

Every relationship has it’s ups and downs. Some days you are on top of the world and the next day you are on the bottom. But when a relationship breaks up you can really sink into a negative mood. Of course you are angry and upset and granted you will have a period of mourning over a lost love and questioning your self worth. Despite these feelings it’s critical to regain your positive attitude and at least appear confident and mentally strong if you want to get your ex back.

So why is it important to be confident and have a positive attitude? How does this help getting your lover back? The real secret in staying upbeat is it makes you more attractive. Not just to your lost lover but to friends and people in general. Think about this who would you rather be around? A happy, confident person or some one with a negative attitude? I think your answer would be to hang out with the confident person. This person is fun to be with, happy and self assured and people are attractive to him/her.

The great thing about this positive thinking and acting idea is your former girlfriend/boyfriend is going to see you in a new light. If she still has strong feeling for you she will begin feeling a sense of longing to renew the relationship. Seeing you as outgoing, positive and fun loving will draw her to you. So decide today to turn the frown into a smile. Go out buy yourself some new clothes. Put a bounce into your step. Yes it may be hard at first to stay upbeat, but remember what your goal is: getting your lover back.

Breaking ishard to do! But trying too hard to get your lover back will only drive them further from your arms. Keep the communication lines open. They may have ended the relationship, but you just need to make her feel like communication lines are open and that you want to be civil. You do not have to be the one initiating the conversation, but you should be willing to say hello and have a conversation occasionally with her, keeping in touch casually. Above all else, analyze what went awry with the relationship. “The Magic of Making Up” can be your guide to restoring your relationship. Visit http://www.howtogetmyloverback.blogspot.com for more free heartfelt advice.

Your broken heart stops here! Put the love back in your life. Learn the “Magic of Making Up”; the secret recipe for getting your ex boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse or lover back. There are alternatives to suffering, heart ache and loneliness. You deserve your lover back in your arms.

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How To Stay Positive // Tips for Staying Optimistic, Happy & Motivated

Hi guys!

A common question I get asked is “You always seem so optimistic? Where does that come from?” So I thought it may be helpful if I share some of my SUPER easy tips for grounding yourself and getting your ZEN back.

Confession: I’m really hard on myself and stress myself out regularly. If that sounds familiar to you, make sure you take steps to reduce negativity by practicing self love and appreciation.

Most importantly: take a mental break. Focus on the good. 😎

❤️ Natalie

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craves – By My Side
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Staying Positive About a Church Fundraising Effort

Back in the good old days, a church fundraising effort was something that was done as an extra activity, since fundraisers were just there to give the church some extra help with income. But these days, with things being the way they are with the economy, many churches are relying more heavily on a church fundraising effort to help build new facilities, refurbish existing facilities, or support the youth group or choir. Fundraisers can be beneficial no matter how much money your church needs or what it is needed for.

If you are organizing your fundraiser this time around, it may seem like a lot of responsibility and pressure. If you feel like you are expected to get everything right, you may find it difficult to face this challenge in a positive way. After all, the bottom line is that a church fundraising campaign is there to bring in the cash, and that has to be the number one priority, to get the money rolling in. It’s enough to leave you feeling stressed, and maybe even having a negative outlook about just how much impact you can possibly make.

However, church fundraising can actually make a huge difference in the future of the church, and it’s time to start thinking about it in more positive ways, because with your effort, everyone’s load will be lightened and you will have affected your church and your community in a very beneficial way.

Remember, from the very moment that you take on the responsibility for this job, you are moving in a positive direction toward helping the church reach its monetary goals. That’s something to feel good about, and with a good church fundraising idea on your side and a team of enthusiastic people, you can turn this situation into a success the church will remember for many years.

Howard Gottlieb

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Staying Positive

Why is it important to remain positive? The Law of Attraction states that what you focus on expands. Whether you fill your mind with positive or negative thoughts, you will attract more of the same.

A couple of important points to consider:

Only one thought can occupy your mind at a time
You choose your thoughts

While most people accept the first point as a fact, some might take exception to the second. They claim that thoughts just pop into their minds. It may seem like this at times, but your current emotional state has an impact on what thoughts come in. If you are very happy and positive it is unlikely that negative thoughts will creep in. Of course, “bad things happen,” but that doesn’t mean bad thoughts have to happen. Your thoughts are created from your reaction. Of course you will sometimes be sad, or angry. The important point is to not dwell on those thoughts any longer than necessary. Try to find the silver lining in every cloud as soon as you can.

There are some things we do voluntarily that introduce negativity, and you may not have realized it before.

Watch violent or sad TV shows or movies (or the news!)
Read the news (paper or online)
Listen to sad songs
Argue with people
Spend time around negative people

Now of course you can’t totally avoid these; you can’t live in a cave! You may be in a waiting room or a restaurant where there is a TV on and you can’t change the channel. In the same places there could be a radio playing a sad song. You might overhear people arguing or talking about negative things, or someone might bring a news item to your attention. You could be tweeting your website link and see other tweets that are negative. The idea is to control as much as you can.

Try not to watch TV shows and movies that are disturbing. I have often asked my husband to watch a show in his office and listen through headphones so I won’t have to hear gunfire, shouting, screaming, etc. If you hear people arguing, tune it out. Don’t engage in arguments. Change the radio station in your car or better yet, turn it off! I purposely do not watch, read, or listen to any news anymore except the weather. What if something “important” happens? I find it comes up in conversations with people, I do not have to go looking for it because I don’t live in a bubble!

I do need “down time” sometimes, and when I can’t be somewhere to just watch people, I will sometimes watch TV. If watching fiction I just remember that it IS fiction and don’t let the story bother me. Or I watch something funny or educational (Animal Plant, anyone?)

I might even learn to appreciate sitcoms! Or…not!

Dale Reynolds

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