Tag Archives: Success

Success, Positive Attitude & Erasing Negative Memories

A positive attitude can make the difference between success and failure, yet too many individuals struggle with the creation and maintenance of a positive outlook. Why is that and can anything really be done to permanently fix this problem? Yes!

A positive attitude, believe it or not is actually supposed to be our normal set point as human beings. Well if that is so, you might ask, then why are so many stuck in a negative mind set?

Well the answer is both simple and revolutionary. Let me use a metaphor to describe the situation. Suppose your computer is operating on software that is exceptionally slow because you have failed to update it regularly. Clearly this is going to leave you feeling frustrated, annoyed, and perhaps angry and falling behind.

Now suppose you realize the problem and you decide to download the updates. Almost immediately your computer’s performance will improve and you will feel your mood shifting into positive territory. So now let’s shift back to you and your attitude situation.

If I said that you, that is your conscious mind is operating on outdated software that lives in your unconscious mind and is stored there in the form of negative memories that constantly darken the perception of yourself and your world how would that feel to you? If that resonates with you then try the following exercise, place one hand over your Heart and as if you are speaking from there simply affirm the following statement to yourself:

“I resonate with the fact that I am being negatively affected on a daily basis by the software of my negative memories and I would like to erase/extract/uninstall this software and replace it with life enhancing software that is more optimally aligned with my true authentic and positive self.”

Now notice how you feel there in your Heart. You may have begun to feel a sense of relief, feelings of release, freedom, lightness, warmth, joy, optimism, peace, clarity and so on. If you like this experience then simply affirm that too to yourself via your Heart and it will grow stronger.

Now if you’d like to learn more about how to make this new state a permanent and solid experience kindly visit the web site below where you can also request a free introductory telephone consultation.

A Free 1 Hour Introductory MRP Telephone Consultation is available upon request. (You will be asked to cover your own long distance telephone charges)

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Make Success Real by Building New Positive Habits Now!

Most of us tend do things that are familiar to us. For example, we tend do things that we are ‘used’ to doing. These are called habits! Habits actually guide our daily life-styles and makes it easier for us to perform day to day tasks.

You habitually brush your teeth after you wake up in the morning and you habitually put your clothes on.

It is very unlikely that your going to wake up tomorrow without brushing your teeth and walk in the middle of the road naked.

Your mind’s ability to learn habits and automatically execute them is a very beneficial quality you already possess as a human being, because you don’t have to re-learn how to do ‘common’ tasks every-time you encounter them.

However, there are also bad habits that we have which don’t serve us.

For example; Do you habitually let people down? Do you habitually lie? Do you habitually feel bad about yourself on a daily basis? Do you habitually stay away from positive opportunities – that could potentially transform the quality of your life?

These type of limiting habits keep us from creating the success we deserve!

Habits represent, whatever has become ‘familiar’ to you – over a particular period of time!

Meaning, whatever you do over and over again, eventually becomes ‘familiar’ to you in your life and starts to become a habit.

People usually stay away from making positive changes because ‘changes’ are ‘unfamiliar’ to them.

Others tend to be caught in the trap of what’s ‘familiar’ to them, and don’t break through fears to create success, hence the expression ‘Your stuck in your ways!’

The’ unfamiliar’ is actually a good thing though, it’s taking the opportunities to experience more possibility, more happiness and more success that allows you to break free into new ‘unfamiliar’ levels of abundance.

Human beings are generally afraid of the ‘unfamiliar’ as it causes uncertainty, but the unfamiliar is actually the place you need to start diving into more often, especially if you want to improve the quality of your life and create new habits that serve you.

Take a first-time skydiver for example; They want to jump, but uncertainty strikes them with fear of what might happen, but soon they build up that much needed courage to take action and begin getting the results of more freedom, greater accomplishment and new thrilling experiences.

If you don’t have that dream job yet, it’s because you need to step into the unfamiliar, something new that will increase your success.

If you are un-happy it’s because you are ‘familiar’ with feeling sad and haven’t yet stepped into the ‘unfamiliar’ to create new levels of happiness!

The ‘unfamiliar’ basically means, what you have YET to experience for yourself! It is impossible to say that an ‘opportunity’ to venture into something new is bad (or doesn’t work) if you haven’t yet experienced it (or tried it) for yourself!

The goal here is to venture into these new opportunities and to step into the ‘unfamiliar’ long enough, so you can make the ‘unfamiliar’ – familiar in ways that serve you!

Just like learning new habits, you should start practising how to feel good, learn how to become more capable and practice how to manifest success to create the results you want!

Start building new habits and start stepping into ‘unfamiliar’ situations in your life. Whether if you want to lose weight to start feeling good about yourself, become more social-able, feel more motivated and create the business success you want!

By building new positive habits they’ll start to serve you automatically in your daily life!

Build new habits that expand towards greater peaks of success. And make WHAT you want to achieve in your life, more ‘familiar’ to you from this moment on, by doing things that are unfamiliar to you starting from today!

Make the positive ‘unfamiliar’ – more familiar to you to achieve your future success.

All the best,

Nicholas Finnegan

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Success Strategies – The Power of Positive Thinking

Is there a key for people who achieve success?

It is our choice of how we look at the world. Is the glass half empty or half full? Our view of the world determines how we think about and act in any situation, which of course leads to our results. Our results lead to the life style that we lead.

We can only have one thought in our minds at a time so why not make it a positive one? Our thoughts are something that we have complete control over. They are the one thing that directly leads to our success or failure.

If you don’t like your life style, you need to look at and change your attitudes or the way that you think because that where it all starts. Is it positive or negative? (Hint: If you think that your thinking is positive you may want to get some insight from some of the people that are closest to you. Just ask them. It may not be as positive as you think …)

Having a positive attitude takes constant reinforcement. Due to past conditioning and constant bombardment of negative stuff (i.e. Have you watched the news lately?) is it any wonder we tend to think “That just won’t work…” or “I can’t do that…” It’s easier for us as humans for our thinking to go there instead of how things can work out.

Here are a few strategies to help keep you on the path of positive attitude achievement:

– Smile before leaving your house each morning. While you are at it, smile all day long. A smile sets a positive tone for you internally. It also attracts people to you in a spirit of friendly cooperation, which will aid in your achievement. How can you ensure that you smile more often?

– Set clearly defined goals for yourself. Well set goals create enthusiasm and the motivation to change. You will be most successful and fulfilled when you are working towards the accomplishment of your goals. Goals are necessary to understand attitudes. They provide us with a measurement. If you are not reaching your goals, you need to change the way you think or your attitudes. Do you have clearly defined goals that drive your achievement?

– When you suffer a “defeat” immediately go about restoring your positive attitude. Frustration and disappointment are worthless emotions. They waste both time and energy. They take away from us having a positive attitude and will hinder achievement. So learn from mistakes to make the experience productive. Look back on other victories in your life to regain your positive focus. Do you keep track of what you have achieved in your life?

It’s really quite simple: If you think in negative terms, you will get negative results. If you think in positive terms you will get positive results. Our subconscious mind can help us achieve success beyond our wildest dreams. All you need to do is control your thoughts because we become what we think about.

Decide now what it is that you want. It’s going to be the most important decision you ever make.

I help executives, business owners, professionals, and salespeople become more successful. Do you want improved results? I help people think differently so that they can behave differently. Since it’s our actions that lead to our results, better thinking is the key to the success you want. There are 3 things that I work with: attitude development, skills and knowledge, and goal setting for achievement.

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Success Training and Self Improvement

As you progress on your life’s journey and create the success, relationships and health you desire remember, it’s yours to take control of. You have much responsibility to make the right choices and to put your focus on the things in life that really matter. In my early years, before the age of thirty, as with most people I looked for the silver bullet that would lead me to wealth, significance and success. I felt that I didn’t have the skills, abilities, talents or the lustrous education needed to go into the market place and contribute much.

I was slowly introduced to the amazing world of personal development and I started to apply what I could where I could. That’s when I started to produce the things in my life that I only could imagine would ever happen years earlier.

While sitting in my eighth grade history class my teacher asked the class, “Who among you think you could grow up and be President of the United States?” I raised my hand only to have my teacher pointing her finger at me. I was told by my teacher that I would never be much or do much with my life, because I was from a small farm town and from a poor family. That idea stayed with me for a long time. I began to believe that statement. It’s true that the things you think and believe will manifest in your life, good or bad.

I started to cut class then school altogether. I hung with the wrong crowd and got into trouble and almost went to jail for a while. I remember the disappointment on my dad’s face and how that made me feel. That was one of about five pivotal points in my life. I made a promise to myself that day that I would never ever do it again and I never did.

Before my dad passed away he told me how proud he was of me and proud of what I had done with my life. That was worth so much to hear him say that. So many people get bad programming from an early age and they don’t have a fair chance at building a great life for themselves. They get programmed by bad teachers, parents, media and other authority figures in their life. The great thing about bad programming is that you can change it. You can start now were you are. If you’re nineteen or ninety you can start to reprogram your mind by feeding it the messages you need.

I had a discussion not long ago about science with a student of science at a university here in North Carolina. I told him that every scientist I know and have spoken to are so arrogant and believe because of their intellect that they are the superior thinker and what they say is absolute and if someone has a different opinion from theirs, then that person must be an idiot.

Well of course he took offense, I have no idea why. He suggested that I may have misunderstood them. Then evolution was introduced into the discussion. He said, “If you know the facts and have another opinion, you are an idiot with bad judgment.” Oh, I’m sorry, my bad, I misunderstood the other scientist who said, “If you don’t share their opinion you’re an idiot.” You cleared that one up for me. I say that jokingly.

I don’t like the idea of others trying to impose their opinions on people by telling them they are idiots. I’ve never been a conformist and don’t think I ever will be. I form my own opinions by my own experience, judgments and research no matter what the subject is. What others think of you does not and should not define who you really are. Don’t take those things personally. Just move forward with confidence and grace.

I believe almost anything is possible. Not so many years ago if you were to say that America would have a Black man as their President you would have been laughed at. The 2008 Presidential elections put an end to that notion. So many people down through the years have been told that they were idiots and that their ideas were only far fetched dreams of impossibilities. Einstein was thought to be slow and some said stupid when he was a young boy. The Wright Brothers were thought to be fools by many. Many successful men and women through history have had their share of critics. But, it’s not the critics’ opinion that make the dream come true – it’s the ability to keep moving forward despite the odds.

You will always have people in your life that will never see it for you. That’s fine; just keep working on yourself and your dreams and do your part to contribute to this world.

Continue to be curious daily. Always be on the look out to learn new things, to go on new adventures. Be creative and resourceful in every moment. Invest about 5% of your income in yourself and watch your life change for the better.

The most important things you need for never ending improvement

1. Discipline yourself to work toward your improvement.

2. Focus. It’s easy to get side tracked. Know where you’re going.

3. Help others when you can.

4. Always take action. A life without action is a life without purpose.

5. Learn all you can about how your mind and body function.

6. Learn from past failures.

7. Get new information regularly and apply it.

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” – Henry Ford

Rodney Lynn Lane
(c) 2009 Lane Resources Inc.

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Having A Right Attitude To Get Success

There are two types of small business owners: those who have the right attitude for success, and others who don’t. There are many reasons to explain why people want to get into entrepreneurship, but some people get into it while they don’t realize that they are not really cut out for this hard work. Whilst many people are seemingly born for this, having an instinctual proficiency for running a business and making it become bigger.


However, even if you aren’t a natural businessperson, this doesn’t mean that you are necessarily doomed to fail. It’s all about what type of attitude you take toward your business, and practically everyone is capable of finding that right mindset.


Knowing you will succeed


The first and most important element of a successful attitude is to know that you are going to make it no matter what. Many people are so filled with self-doubt that they hobble themselves from the beginning, lacking the confidence to take the bold steps and committed action needed to get a business off the ground. In contrast, when you are absolutely certain that you are going to succeed, you proceed with a great degree of self-assurance, and in many cases that self-assurance in itself leads to business success.


Meanwhile, having faith in your own success also helps you get through those difficult moments where the profits aren’t rolling in as you wish they were. People who aren’t cut out for this work tend to fold at these moments, telling themselves, “Well, I gave it my best shot,” and then calling it quits. However, if you truly believe in yourself, you will persevere through these moments, making the necessary adjustments to become profitable and keep growing.


Determination and a hard work ethic


Of course, if confidence were the only thing necessary for business success, then business would be easy, but there is more to it than that. Successful entrepreneurs aren’t just confident; they also love their work, have passion for it, and approach it with an unquenchable determination. Not everyone can achieve this type of attitude. Successful people even revel in temporary failure, in a way, as these setbacks can prove instructive and, for a smart business owner, can lead to greater success.


But it’s more than just an overall, philosophical love for one’s work. It’s also about having the right attitude to stick it through the daily grind. Especially if you’re going to be running your business from home rather than from a traditional workplace, getting up every morning and setting to work with determination can become challenging at times. If you want to be successful, you’ll get through these moments. Even when every fiber of your being is telling you to sleep in or slack off, you’ll set to work anyway.


And to make a small business work, you have to be able to do this in the long run. Anyone can keep a positive attitude for a few weeks or even a few months, but to sustain it over the course of years is the real challenge. If you think you can do this, then starting a small business may be the perfect course for you.


Caterina Christakos is a published author and reviewer. Read her latest articles on Hallmark christmas ornaments selection and other christmas ornaments tips.

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Master Weight Loss Success – Fat Burning Secrets For a Slim Body

Mastering weight loss is often a very difficult and emotional subject for many people. The simple fact is that it takes effort, and after years of a lifestyle of poor food choices and not enough exercise, weight loss becomes even more difficult. To even think about exercising or cutting back on comfort food can create fear and apprehension.

For many overweight people, exercising, even gently can create pain and fatigue fairly quickly and therefore it is extremely difficult to get over that very first hurdle but the truth is it has to be done. Our bodies are designed to move; we should be able to walk, run and play with ease. Even if disease or disability has affected our bodies, movement in any way possible can only bring great benefits, not only to our physique but to our minds as well.

I think it would be difficult to find one person on this wonderful Earth who doesn’t have certain obstacles that they have to face. The majority of human beings don’t like change; we like certainty. We all have our comfort zones and a requirement to step outside of them causes stressful emotions within the body and mind. But the wonderful thing is that stepping outside of our comfort zone means stepping into fresh air! It is never as frightening as it seems and can be quite exhilarating, bringing a sense of freedom and achievement. Successful people are those who don’t just talk about doing something, they do it, and they continue to do it and when another challenge comes along, they do that as well.

Beginning a weight loss program should always start with setting specific goals. It is never enough to say “I want to lose weight”. Spend some time dreaming about the ideal body you would like to have and write it down, taking note of how you feel, how easily you walk, the clothes you wear, the admiration you receive and the powerful messages you can hand on to others. Take the time to write your ideal weight loss three months from now, then six and then twelve and then your ultimate goal – how long will that take?

Get the excitement ripping through your body. Get rid of the excuses; if you have time to watch tv, you have time to get moving. If you need to, get a treadmill and stick it in front of the tv and make sure you use it – just ditch the excuses once and for all. Once you are on your way to achieving your goals, you will find that you love moving more. Your energy levels increase and you get a buzz when you achieve each new goal. 

My life changed when I finally gave up my excuses. It took me more than 20 years to realise that the ‘quick fixes’ I had been falling prey too were not working for me – how dumb was I to believe that I could take magic pills and follow mad diets to watch the fat melt away?

The day my life changed was when I discovered a no-nonsense, no bs approach which has radically changed the way I approach all aspects of my health. I started with my mind before I started with my body. I discovered that my body type was largely (pun intended) endomorph and that I needed to put in more cardio than some types to get the fat moving.  A little bit of weight training helps to stop my weight loss being due to losing lean body mass.  My quick fixes still weren’t working after 20+ years, and the slower approach which encourages your body to increase lean body mass (which in turn increases metabolism) and lose only fat is what is working for me – what a revelation! With a little effort, a slim body is yours as well. 

And if there is still a bit of you that loves the quick and easy approach – visit my site to find out how to access the plan instantly http://lifeweightprogram.com

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What Keeps You Positive and Optimistic to Get Success in Your Life?

Everyone knows that to be successful in life, positive attitude plays an essential role. But many of them do not know how to be positive and optimistic throughout their life. What are the things or steps essential to keep you positive and optimistic? Always think positive; thinking positive will give positive results. If you think you can win, you have already won 50 percent.

Use your golden hour (first hour of the day) in constructive work. It’s the hour during which you planned your mind and set your emotional tone for the rest of the day. The difference between successful person and less successful person is positive thinking and planning. Successful person plan their activities in the first two hours. If you get up in the morning at least two hours before you have to be at work, or before your first appointment or meeting, and spend the first hour to make better plan by reading good books. If you do not do this and you invest your precious time in the newspaper or magazines, your whole day will flow accordingly. If you invest your golden time in constructive work, planning, reading good books, your whole day will flow more smoothly.

You’ll be more positive, cheerful, hopeful and optimistic. You’ll be calmer, confident and relaxed. You’ll have a greater sense of humor, better control and well-being by the very act of reading healthy material for the first hour of each day. After just few days of reading for 30 to 60 minutes in the morning, you’ll notice a profound change. As a result of your early morning reading, you’ll feel so excellent about yourself and your life. You will feel more confident and energetic throughout the day. This will help you in taking right decisions, proper management of work flow, etc.

Try to adopt this process for some days and see. It’s a magnificent experience, and it can have a deep impact on the rest of your life. In the period of time before work, another thing that extremely successful people do is plan and prepare for their entire day. If you also want to be successful start practicing this habit from today. I hope from this article you will get some guidelines or help to make your life even better.

Copyright Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the URLs (links) active.

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Key Success In MLM Is Mindset

I am looking at my garden which is full of weeds, it is due shortley to be landscaped. As humans our minds can sometimes get filled with lots of clutter. We read the newspapers, watch the news on the television and all our concious minds may hear is lots of bad news. The economy is dipping, or there is a conflict somewhere, or some scandal has destroyed a politicians life. We are basically taking in all this garbage and it filters into our sub-concious mind.


Our minds are just like soil. When we plant good thoughts in our mind then good things will grow. Thoughts become things, when we think of something our sub-concious mind takes note. The more we focus on that thought the more memories we create. These memories develop into strong emotions. At this point the sub-concious mind learns how important these thoughts are and takes note. Our sub-concious mind does not know what is right or wrong, or good or bad.


Our sub-concious mind is our power house. The more positve thoughts that come into it, the stronger the chance of us succeeding in life. Slowly but surley the more we manifest our plans, dreams and desires through positive thoughts, the better we can design our life.


So what we need to do is to have a dream board and on that dream board post that house, business idea and other future plans. Each day we need to manifest those ideas on the dream board. Our universe is full of abundance. We need to be thankful for what we have and ask for what we want. “Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you.” Which is a saying of Christ.


I would like to quote from Napoleon Hill, he said, “More gold has been mined from the thoughts of humans that has been taken from the earth”. Our minds are our power house. Our minds are our greatest asset. So we need to plant seeds of positive thoughts in our minds. Coupled with a solid business plan prosperity and abudance will follow.



Paul works with Sam Brook who are seasoned veterans and passionate online entrepreneurs in network marketing who love motivating & coaching others in their ‘Home Based Businesses. Sam & I mentor those who want to learn on how to improve their income by focusing on ‘Free to Inexpensive Marketing Methods’ that will in return get excellent results. We inspire entrepreneurs who are possibly struggling or ready for the next stage within their home based business careers

Website: http://www.sambrookandpaulwaters.com


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Millionaire Mindset Success Tip #1

My guess is that most people reading this message are not holding themselves accountable enough for their actions. It’s a cold-hard fact that most people who fail in our profession think they gave it their all, or think they did everything they could have done, or blame their upline for not ‘helping’ them enough. Some go as far as writing negative articles and blog posts about their company or upline and blame them for their failure, blame the industry, and tag it as a ‘scam.’ As Jim Carey says in the movie ‘Dumb and Dumber,’ ‘Loo-hoo, ser-her.’ Loser!

‘…try to mask it as best as possible with their excuses…’

That said, deep down, that person knows, for sure, THEY were the one true culprit for their failure. They try to mask it as best as possible with their excuses, but they will continue to lead a miserable life blaming others for their lack of money, their lack of success, their lack of health, lack of meaningful relationships, etc. It’s a sad fact. So, in order for us not to fit into that category, we must take responsibility for our own Personal Accountability.

‘…pay the price!’

There are uber-successful people in our profession who accomplished great success without an upline. It’s all about who wants it badly enough and who is willing to pay the price! Yes, we can have accountability partners, however, today’s lesson is about holding yourself accountable for moving forward. Taking a step towards success. Not waiting for someone to hold your hand.
No one held mine, nor is anyone holding it now. I just want it badly enough!

‘…the three areas of personal accountability…’

There are three areas of personal accountability:

1. Your actions and choices – YOUR choices are your own and are not dictated by your spouse, upline, parents, etc. They are
YOURS! Your choices decide your actions. YOUR actions.

2. Your responsibilities – Your responsibilities are the ACTIONS needed to build your business…i.e. phone calls, emails, being on time, spending less than you earn, writing your to-do list the night before, etc.

3. Your goals – Have you written down your professional goals, fitness and health goals, financial goals, family objectives, etc.?
No? Well, get on it, because those with hand-written goals have an 80% chance of achieving them over those who keep them in
their head.

This is one of the hardest things to overcome if you haven’t held yourself accountable in the past. Realizing that YOU hold the key to your success. You have EVERYTHING in you that you need to succeed. It’s stepping over those barriers that are so deep set in you that you don’t even recognize them!

Self development will be the key in helping those struggling with accountability. Reading self-improvement books will be the greatest catalyst in propelling you forward in increasing your accountability, thus increasing your levels of success.

Without self-development, entrepreneurs get ‘stuck in their own heads.’ The allow the mind to interfere with their dreams, with their aspirations, with their activity. We as humans are bread to self-sabotage. It’s with the influence of positive, motivational books and CD’s that we are able to see through the muddy waters that are our minds, and see a vision of success and accomplishment.

This vision is the very thing that gives us our millionaire mindsets. That allows us to set goals and be accountable for our actions. These actions then compound over time to equal our successes.

It’s an amazing journey. One with ups and downs, but one that has an amazing ending. Our growth comes within the journey. The ability to make it through each hurdle as it’s presented. As we look back at a hurdle we’ve overcome, we see those who weren’t willing to jump the hurdle but stopped right before it. We are now stronger. We have more confidence in ourselves. When we look ahead, we see those who are running towards the next hurdle, only to look side to side to see those slowing down and stopping before the next hurdle. What will we do? Do we slow down too, or speed up to make it over the next hurdle?

With every chapter we read in a self-development book, with every hurdle we jump over, we are slowly chipping away at our emotional barriers that have held us back for years. We continue to build our millionaire mindset and that’s when success starts to flood in. That’s when we become the millionaire and have people aspire to be like us!

This is YOUR life. Take control. Be responsible for it!

Vidette Vanderweide is a network marketing professional and the author of the Millionaire Mindset Success Tip #1. She coaches network marketers to utilize cutting edge online marketing strategies in order to attract quality prospects to their MLM business.

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Establish the Right Mindset For Your Success

If Mindset is not “everything” … it is close to it. To paraphrase Jeffery Combs, mindset can keep you in the game, and mindset can take you out of the game. Quite simply, as a business entrepreneur, you have to immerse yourself in the right mindset or you can close your doors now and quickly run back to working for someone else. Learned by experience, here are the top three key elements that I now take very seriously for my business success.

Deliver the Value – Listening to a marketer who has no value to offer is like … You know, it is like … Well, you know; nothing. If you don’t have real value to offer why are you marketing? Better yet, WHAT are you marketing? I would rather a marketer keep his mouth shut and have people wonder if he has any value to offer, than opening his mouth and removing all doubt.

Quickly-emerging social sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are great venues for offering value outside of your back-end product. These no-cost online sites allow you to reach out to people from over 100 English-speaking countries. And if your message is in other languages … well, just think of the potential market. Take full advantage of these resources and actively participate. Deliver value, and value will be delivered back to you.

Separate the Concerns – I know a few entrepreneurs who are victims of their own home marketing business. The key word here (no pun intended) is “home”. Failing to establish boundaries between home life and work life, they are robbed of focus in their entire life. Sound too strong? Fine. Do it the other way and see how well that works for you. And see how long your loved-ones tolerate being robbed of your focus when you are with them. “Be here, or be elsewhere!”

The most successful marketing experts that I know have very carefully established boundaries between business and personal life. And all the others should too. Ever been to an industry conference and seen a marketer who is constantly on the phone/laptop while the spouse/partner is lost/lonely? It is almost too painful to watch. And on the other hand you see a couple who stays tuned into one another though there are 300 phone messages and 3000 emails waiting. Go ahead and guess which marketer has the most sustainable lifestyle…

Maintain the Expertise – Closely related to delivering value is the need to continually increase your value. Trust me; value deteriorates with time. A 25-year stint in the high-tech corporate world taught this marketer that the shifting environment can make you obsolete in a heartbeat. I watched it happen to others and I felt it happen to me. Technology evolves at the speed of Moore’s Law (No, I am not related to Gordon … though at one time in my life I dreamed of finding a genealogical link to his net worth). Teams evolve at the speed of aging, with each team member changing as their personal lives change. And societies change even more quickly. Like Brownian motion.

Adapt or die. Take a lesson from the dinosaurs: those that didn’t adapt to the changing environment contributed to it by becoming either food or fertilizer. The choice is yours.

So there you go – the top three elements of my business that I pay serious attention to: delivering value, maintaining focus and building expertise. Now go do likewise.

Brian Moore is a business coach and mentor that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. Brian and his team have assisted hundreds of people in generating profits that exceed 0K or more in their first year. For more information and to contact Brian, visit: http://www.meetbrianmoore.com

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