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Success Secrets – The Mindset of Highly Successful Individuals

All personal development experts are in agreement that peak performers have certain characteristics in common which enables them to achieve phenomenal success. Hence, it follows that if you were to study and adopt these characteristics that you too could dramatically improve your level of success.

Thought leader James A Ray has identified five (5) key characteristics of highly successful people.

1. Powerful Personal Will
Expressed another way, peak performers know exactly what they intend to create in life. They have an iron will. Take the real estate entrepreneur, Frank McKinney. He recently completed his fourth Badwater ultramarathon. This is 135 mile marathon described by National Geographic as the toughest marathon in the world. And the setting for this event is Death Valley. Competitors have only a 60% chance of finishing. This is an event that will finish the ill-prepared. Frank McKinney pushes himself to his limits for a very worthy cause – his Caring House Project – but it takes a strong will and enormous discipline to subject yourself to such an ordeal.

2. Laser Focus
They are incredibly focused and single-minded. Once they establish their intention and set a goal they direct their full resources to the attainment of that goal. And this level of focus doesn’t just relate to personal and business goals. It’s pertinent to everything that they do. I recently read about someone who had an interview with Tiger Woods. The interview was at a hotel and, as you can imagine, Tiger Woods was receiving an incredible amount of attention. Yet, he gave the person interviewing him his full attention. That level of focus has been many years in developing and it is just one of the things that makes Tiger Woods the phenomenal sports person that he is.

3. Highly Energetic
Ralph Waldo Emerson said “Do the thing and you’ll find the energy to do thing.” Successful people certainly know the meaning of this. You only have to look at someone like Richard Branson. He has a wide range of interests from his involvement with Formula 1 with Team Brawn to space exploration with Virgin Galactic. He plays a very hands-on role in promoting his various companies. People who are energetic tend to be passionate about what they do. Their enthusiasm and excitement is contagious. Passion for what you do is what will keep you going when times get tough and, if you’re going after anything that is worthy of you, things will certainly get tough at times. But, as Mark Victor Hansen said:

“Whoever has the most energy wins. Energy gives one confidence, power, self-esteem and new possibilities.”

4. Unshakeable Self-Belief
One of the reasons why people fail to achieve their goals is that they simply don’t believe in themselves. So they don’t believe that they can achieve their goals and they don’t take action. This is learnt behaviour. Take the example of a normal healthy baby. When that baby learns how to walk it doesn’t give up after the first attempt thinking “Dumb idea trying to stand on two legs. I think I’ll crawl for rest of my life.” No, the baby falls down and then simply gets up again and the baby keeps refining its movements and keeps trying until they can walk. It’s only later in life that we develop this attitude where if you’re not immediately successful then you give up before you start. And this attitude stems from a negative self-belief so take the advice of best-selling author of “The Success Principles”, Jack Canfield and:

“Choose the belief you would have if you knew you could be successful.”

5. Growth Driven
Declan Dunn said that when you achieve success is not the time to sit on your laurels and bask in the glory of your achievement. Instead, it’s a time when you should re-invent yourself. Madonna is a master of the art of re-invention and her results reflect this. She is the highest paid female singer in the world and has held this status for at least 3 years. However, growth is not just about re-inventing yourself. It’s about continually improving and expanding yourself and whatever business you’re involved in. And the fact is that if you’re not continually striving to improve then you will slide into a state of decline because nothing remains static. As James A Ray says:

“Spirit only has one objective – fuller expression and expansion.”

And, it is seeking to do so through you.

For more success tips and resources on how you can become highly successful sent a blank email to Success Achievers

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Creating the Mindset for Success to Grow Your Business

Deserving is an interesting concept. For some it is seen as a right and something positive. Others view it as a negative and feel guilt. When you think about deserving what are some of the thoughts you have? Do you deserve to carve out the time to grow your business? Do you deserve success?

Deserving and feeling worthy go hand in hand. They are partners. Many times people are unable to achieve long lasting success because they do not feel they earned the right. Yes! That is right. Deserving something like success can be viewed as a right.

Typically when something is a “right” then there are rules and restrictions in reference to it. As much as people claim they love their freedom, we also tend to be creatures of habit. We create beliefs and rules. Beliefs and rules can be comforting. They help to make sense of the world. You know what to expect.

There are two types of rules. One set of rules is for when you are going to do something. It is based upon allowing or giving permission. For example, at the end of the day you deserve to sit down and relax. Another set of rules is when you will not do something. This is a restriction. You will not hire an assistant to help because you feel you ought to be doing it all yourself.

When deserving, worthiness and rights are based upon negative rules, you are living life from a restrictive place. Your perception, beliefs and thoughts all focus on restriction and what you cannot do. This can be extremely stressful because the focus is to avoid breaking a rule.

On the other hand, you have the ability to reframe anything you want. Just because you have always done things a certain way does not mean you cannot change. It is so much easier to move toward a goal or challenge than it is to avoid a problem. This is similar to having an offensive or defensive way of approaching your business.

Change is necessary if you want your business to be successful. Consider replacing the word “deserving” with “choice.” When you have a choice you become empowered. The restrictions are lifted. Having a choice creates infinite possibilities. Having a choice is expansive.

When you choose to do something, you become empowered. The limitations, restrictive rules and fears are eliminated.  You do not need to have approval from others when you choose your focus and priorities. You are taking responsibility for yourself and your actions.

Choice allows you to freely build you business based upon being of service to others. With choice you also create the opportunity to set boundaries and take care of yourself. Look at how you are operating your practice. Consider which changes might need to happen in order to build your business based upon a healthy, functional dynamic. Choose how you want to set the tone for your practice.

Create boundaries, self care and stepping up to opportunities for growth. Choose to do what you know works. Listen to what resonates within you. Choose to find a way to bring what you’re dreams are into your business.

Having a healthy approach to business will free up your energy as you take the steps to grow your practice. Imagine how this would change the way you do business. Envision how a potential client might become more attracted to you because you are operating your business from a place of service based upon a model of self care, clear boundaries and healthy modeling. That sounds very client attractive.

Take your practice in the direction of your dreams. Decide what you choose to change. Practice the technique of Appreciative Inquiry. This approach is based on positive change, focusing on recognition and appreciation. You focus on what you and your business are doing well, strengths, successes, values and goals. Consider these two main questions: 1) What is going well and 2) What do you want more of? When you explore the options from this perspective, you are focusing on positive change and choosing a strengths-based approach to grow your business with confidence.

Activity: Begin to explore the rules or restrictions you have in reference to deserving. Brainstorm. List everything which comes to mind. As you do so you will begin to peel away the layers and expose the underlying beliefs. These core underlying beliefs contribute to your perception about what you deserve, what you feel worthy of and what your “rights” include.

And now I would like to invite you to claim your FREE E-course “Step Into Your Greatness” available at: => http://bit.ly/mindsetformarketingsuccess

Click here to get everything you need and begin clearing the obstacles to the next level of your success.

From Loren Fogelman, the success expert, founder of Mindset for Marketing Success.

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The Magic In Your Mind – Secrets of Success! | Law Of Attraction

The Magic In Your Mind – Secrets of Success! | Law Of Attraction
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►People who display a genius mindset, often display the same recurring personality traits.
If you do any type of research on this topic you will find that there are many winning traits.

Of course everyone has their own personality and life would be boring if we were all the same. What you need to learn is how to take your own personality and then nurture it with the traits outlined in this channel.

When you develop that genius mindset you will be identified as someone who has the power to attract people to your side. Successful sales people often have this type of personality. They do not have to oversell, instead they attract people to them so that they see the value in what they have to offer.

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►SEE MORE VIDEO HERE:The Magic In Your Mind – Secrets of Success! | Law Of Attraction : https://youtu.be/CCN4GWxdBDs
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Law of attraction 10 powerful ways to have a prosperity mindset and receive wealth. Law of Attraction does not bring positive results without positive beliefs and positive patterns. These principles are the secret formula to follow if you wish to tune into wealth the way countless others have. You are a limitless creator. Learn how to break free from self-imposed limitations and live the life you desire!

Please subscribe to our channel for more law of attraction and mastering your mind videos. https://www.youtube.com/c/youryouniversechannel

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► Self-Maid – A maid-turned-doctor explains how to deliberately create your life using Universal Laws and the law of attraction →

For personal coaching: http://www.youniversecoaching.com

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Law of Attraction – How to Develop the Energy Pattern that Attracts Money (new) 2016

Law of Attraction Tune Into Money & Wealth with Ease Formula (new) 2016

Powerful! Mind Secrets you MUST know! (New) 2016 – The Key To Permanent Change (Law of Attraction)

10 Law of Attraction Principles You Must Implement to Have Everything You Want (new) 2016

The Master Key System (Master Your Mind):
Part 1 – https://youtu.be/9aHSf1rrN0g
Part 2 – https://youtu.be/ofCyi-b38C8
Part 3 – https://youtu.be/Kz213NDrOzQ
Part 4 – https://youtu.be/p6XRovBCJiA
Part 5 – https://youtu.be/EQdfpcqYZvs
Part 6 – https://youtu.be/FkkWEhNDXWU
Part 7 – https://youtu.be/pfkycF4V2hU
Part 8 – https://youtu.be/Z5uvfWHOBsM
Part 9 – https://youtu.be/kYOj1eGCs8g
Part 10 – https://youtu.be/Fq0eof-ar8Q
Part 11 – https://youtu.be/bJFakCD1nVs
Part 12 – https://youtu.be/zSnajSxfSxM
Part 13 – https://youtu.be/wIjFCBsKjHU
Part 14 – https://youtu.be/aL4xwqCfxKk
Part 15 – https://youtu.be/svsSwHQ2SGA
Part 16 – https://youtu.be/pKQi894lRXI
Part 17 – https://youtu.be/nbUomoAhhD0
Part 18 – https://youtu.be/ZdNhySFAdzo
Part 19 – https://youtu.be/1lf9J5vrYAE
Part 20 – https://youtu.be/n0xXERxaaWo
Part 21 – https://youtu.be/psZEwmfxWvQ
Part 22 – https://youtu.be/FM3nKdj5aEw
Part 23 – https://youtu.be/e28l5X4uG3c
Part 24 – https://youtu.be/tkC93v2Pc2A

Law of Attraction | mind | secret | powerful | key | success | life | training | coach | personal | business | speaker | development | inspiration | motivation | public speaking | leadership | marketing | management | coaching (industry) | sales | motivational | positive | entrepreneur | seminar | inspirational | New | 2016
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True Life Success Secrets: Banish The Failure Mindset

I’ve been in the failure mindset most of my life. I struggled to think that I deserved anything more than I already had in life. I struggled to think I deserved more than my parents had.

When I was overweight I was depressed and felt ashamed of the way I looked. I decided that I was going to lose weight. I tried to diet and tried to exercise, and the weight just seemed to be resistant to anything I tried. It seemed like I was failing at losing weight and why try. So, I would go back to the same lifestyle.

When I had financial struggles I was depressed because it seemed we never had enough. I decided that I was going to find a way to bring our finances up to the level that would make us comfortable. And because I didn’t believe I could do it I failed for years.

What changed? I change my mindset. Once I believed that losing weight was going to happen it happened. I started riding bikes and taking walks with my family and I stopped eating the sweets. I had sweets once a day in moderation. I didn’t cut it out totally.

But the point is this is what I had done before. It hadn’t worked the times before when I tried, but this time my mindset was of achieving my goals. I released the failure mindset and decided I was worth it and it was going to happen and it did.

Our financial situation has changed as well. While I used to work harder and longer hours, it didn’t ever seem to get better. But once I decided that financial freedom was what I deserved and what I was going to get everything seemed to fall into place for it to manifest in my life.

A big misunderstanding about the Law of Attraction today is most people imply that if you think about something and believe it is coming that it will just appear in your life. And while that is partly true, it’s not the total truth. The secret to manifesting what you want in your life is the part that was left out.

While you must first believe that you can achieve what you set out to do, you must take action along with that mindset. Nothing falls into your lap.

Without the correct mindset and the correct action nothing is going to happen. You must employ both together to get the results that you desire.

Decide that today is the day to banish the failure mindset. Discover the difference you’ll make in your own life and the things that you are capable of accomplishing that taking action and changing your mindset can make.

Tammy Matthews, the author of A Change of Pace invites you to discover the lasting changes you can make in your life by understanding what a difference a change of mindset can make in attaining what you want in life. Click the link below to claim your Free Report on Living The Life Of Your Dreams.. => http://www.truelifesuccesssecrets.com/list.html

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How a Positive Attitude Can Bring You Success

Confidence Rules!

Getting a greater degree of confidence is the initial change in getting long-term success in any area of your lifestyle, which could be your health, your fitness and maybe even fat loss.

Real “innervation” is necessary in order to develop a positive attitude, but you first need to come conscious of your behavior.

I, with out a doubt, believe that living with a confident (but not over confidence) coupled with really affirmative action has allowed me accomplish a lot of my goals, one of which is life respect and motivated thinking to manifest change.

At a intimate level it could transform your lifestyle, your fitness and renew your intent.

Your Mind Is Your Ticket

It goes the same for everyone that the real success in your life is hidden away waiting to get out. Don’t deny yourself that kind of possibility.

If Everyone Else Is Doing It…?

A great mind is the most important thing a person can have. Millions of dollars are spent each year to influence people to function with a confident self belief system.

Extraordinary Possibilities

A great mindset is a excellent element in accomplishing a extraordinary, great existence. Unless you permit yourself to the nature of good and learn the habits of other prosperous individuals, you could have habitual bad thoughts if you’re that way inclined – The inclinations of a negative mind, I hope not!

Having a confident attitude is a long road of a life and success that sets you as being completely unique from those unfortunate individuals who are very negative and dispirited, of course you understand why people are like that.

Reality Doesn’t Bite

Appreciate that a confident attitude isn’t the same as a problem free existence, because a person with a great attitude lives with a system and not a crazy labored nature. Happiness isn’t laborious.

Become the very human being you want to be when you approach every day with a motivated intuition instead of getting anything you can to lament about.

Positive goals are a popular device to develop a beautiful mindset. As you focus on accomplishing a more productive mindset it is a must to enter your accomplishments and actions often.

Being Happy is the absolute goal of life, in fact there’s nothing else that really matters, because everything benevolent should make you happy.

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A Positive Attitude Attracts Success! – Law Of Attraction

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Positive Mindset – Getting Various Benefits For Your Success

One of the best suggestions by looking for tips on being successful is having a positive mindset. Most of the time, they would say that this is all you need on top of hard work in order to be successful in everything you do.

Thinking positively about things somehow has the ability to energize your body so you will be inspired in doing your task better. This will also seem to attract all the positive things in your life and thus add contribute to your success. But aside from this, you will also get a lot of benefits in having this type of mindset on a daily basis like the following.

Personal maturity

The good thing about having a positive mindset is it will make you more mature in life. You will start to look at things in a different color to continue with your life. This will also help you identify the things that you can and cannot do and take them in a positive manner. For example, you may think positive about a certain work like writing. You may be positive that you can do the job with your capabilities. However, you are not always assured that your written material will pass every client who will read it so rejection and revision will occur. With positive thinking, you can immediately think that every revision is a good way of improving your skills as an artist and every rejection will make you tougher in facing every challenge in your field. This is a sign of maturity since you’ll be able to move on instead of being too depressed about it.

Renewed strength

Staying positive daily will give you all the push that you need to work daily. It’s important to attract good vibes daily to start the day right. Imagine if you start your day wrong, you’ll notice that you’ll feel down and everything seems to be going against your way or not falling into their right places. And even if nothing seems to be right today, you’ll still find yourself looking forward on the following day because it will be a new day and there’s a chance to correct everything.

Health benefits

Being negative will make you feel depressed and anxious. The problem with this is you’ll experience sleeplessness and fatigue that may result to other physical problems. Having a healthy mindset will also keep your body healthy since there will be no instances of depression or low moods.

In conclusion, having a positive mindset can give you not only psychological but also physical benefits since your mind will work together with your body. This will help you get all these benefits together and make it work for you towards your success regardless of what you do like in work or school.

To find out more, check out: Positive Mindset

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Success Starts From A Positive Mindset

Many of us see success as a result rather than a process. We all want success but very few of us are willing to understand and go through the process of achieving success.

You see, success is a process. It rarely happens instantly. All successful people go through some kind of process, they don’t achieve success overnight. Therefore, there are prices to pay! Success has a price tag. The problem is that most people focus on the PRIZE before they pay the PRICE!

So, successes do not happen overnight. You need to know the right formula and go through a process.

Here are some tips to help you achieve success in your life:

1. Cultivate a success mindset. In order to succeed, you must be able to think success, you need to believe that you can achieve success. So, you need to think positive and get rid of the negative vibes. When you think positive, you will feel positive, and when you feel positive, you will act positive. See how everything connect together? It all starts from your mind. Therefore, it is very important that you always strive to cultivate a success mindset.

2. Set goals for yourself. Sometimes it is also good to set things straight. Determine your goals and write them down. It is helpful to keep a list with you all the time, so you can monitor your progress. Goal setting is good because it serves as a guide for you. Like a train on the tracks, never let yourself be derailed.

3. Always moving forward. The way to success is to move forward. You will make mistakes along the way, successful people learn from their mistakes, they don’t make the same mistakes. They don’t dwell on their mistakes, they learn from their mistakes and move forward with courage, that is how success is achieved.

4. Never stop learning. Many of us stop learning after school. They think that they already know it all. But life is continuous learning. The day you stop learning is the day you die. Do not limit yourself from the many things that the world has to offer. Learning broadens your horizon, and opens doors to better opportunities. Do not be afraid to learn new things.

5. Never give up. As mentioned earlier, success doesn’t come overnight. So, just go through the process and enjoy it. If you do the right things, your hard work will pay off in the end. You are going to face some challenges but you should not let that stop you. Fight on and never give up.

6. Be an innovator, not an imitator. Extra points are given to those who are brave enough to start something new. So do not be afraid to try out new things. Instead of being a copycat, and just jumping on the bandwagon, be an innovator and reap successes beyond your imagination.

7. Network with successful people. If you want to be successful, you need to be networking with people who are successful. If you network with losers, you will become a loser. On the other hand, if you network with winners, you will also become a winner.

8. Live honestly. Despite your great dream to be on top of the world, do not take shortcuts in the expense of the people around you. Do not cheat and do not compromise yourself. You have worked so hard to only falter at the last minute, so be strong.

9. Fine tuning. Fine tuning is very important to help you reach your goals faster and more efficiently. Learn to analyze the actions you make, especially the mistakes that you make. Take time to retrace your steps and fine tune them so that you can achieve maximum result and avoid the same mistakes in the future.

Do not give yourself room for excuses. Give yourself a chance for success. The sad fact is that many people don’t even give themselves a chance to succeed. They condition their mind to fail.

So, if you want to achieve success, you need to give yourself a chance to succeed. You need to condition your mind in a positive way. The reason for this is to create a success mindset, as a positive mind is more receptive to do great things.

Check out the secret program to financial success: Profitzon Plus Review and Deadbeat Super Affiliate.

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Weight Loss Success – Creating a Positive Mindset

According to scientists, your mind processes about 60,000 thoughts a day and 95% of these thoughts are what you thought about yesterday. Since your mind controls everything you do, it makes sense that your thoughts have a massive impact on your actions.

It is also true that your mind acts like a magnet (often referred to as the Universal Law of Attraction), attracting to you more of what you are thinking about. This means you really can ‘think’ yourself into success or failure! Creating a positive mindset is therefore the first step in creating long-term success in any area of your life, including your health, fitness and weight loss.


In order to create a positive mindset, you first need to become aware of your thoughts. With 60,000 thoughts a day roaming through your mind, the trick is to make sure that your thoughts remain positive. By staying ‘tuned’ into your thoughts throughout the day, you can catch yourself out if you start to think negative or limiting thoughts. At that point, simply acknowledge what you are thinking and change it to a more positive or empowering thought.

For example, perhaps you are looking in the mirror and your ‘internal dialogue’ starts to go something like this:

‘I have put on so much weight. I look and feel terrible. I will never lose this weight. I am such a failure’ – negative thought.

‘Ok, I know I have put on weight but I am doing something about it and I will succeed’ – acknowledge the negative thought and let it go.

‘I am really happy that I have chosen to change to a healthier lifestyle’ – positive thought.

Positive self-talk

Changing your thoughts from negative to positive can have a dramatic impact on your life, your confidence and your self esteem. Many people who first start thinking positive thoughts about themselves find it difficult and uncomfortable as they have become so accustomed to thinking of themselves and/or the world through negative thoughts.

Another great exercise to help you change your thought patterns is to give yourself positive self talk or self praise. Again, this may feel strange or uncomfortable when you first start, but I urge you to stick with it as it will have a profound impact on your life.

To do this exercise make sure you are by yourself and somewhere private. Then, look in a full-length mirror and give yourself five compliments, repeating each compliment five times. If you find it difficult to look in the mirror while you are doing this exercise, then start without a mirror until you get more comfortable. Similarly, if you find it difficult to think of five things to compliment yourself on, then start with the most you can think of and work your way up.

Some examples of positive self talk include:

I love that I am a very loving and generous wife/husband/friend
I love that I have a wonderful smile
I love that I am always happy
I love who I am
I love that I am open and honest.
Positive affirmations

Positive affirmations are short positive statements that are designed to help you change a negative belief or feeling into a positive belief or feeling by ‘reprogramming’ your thought patterns. They can also assist you in attracting more of what you need (via the Universal Law of Attraction mentioned earlier) and bring positive and permanent changes to your life.

Positive affirmations will help you stay focused on your goals whilst becoming more conscious about your choice of words when talking with other people, and also to yourself via your internal dialogue. The more you practice using positive words and sentences, the more natural it will become. You can use positive affirmations in any area of your life, but for the purpose of this exercise I am giving you some examples on how to create positive affirmations for your health, fitness and weight loss:

I am the perfect weight for my body
I enjoy exercising and it re-energises me
I make healthy food choices that nourish my body
I am happy with my body and I love the changes I have made
Every day I feel stronger, sexier and more alive.

For positive affirmations to work they need to be in the present tense: ‘I am’ rather than ‘I will be’, or ‘I make’ rather than ‘I will make’. When you first start creating your positive affirmations, find the things about your health, fitness, weight or other areas of your life that you feel negative or unhappy about right now, and write down how you would like it to be or feel in the present tense.

If you currently have no energy and eat bad food, you would say, ‘I feel energetic and make healthy food choices that nourish my body’. Although this is not how you feel right now, by saying your positive affirmation positively and with conviction, your brain will recognise that there is a gap between what you are saying and what you are feeling or doing and will look for ways to close that gap. This may sound a little strange, but positive affirmations really do work.

I recommend you to find five positive affirmations and repeat each one five times every morning and every evening for each area of your life that you want to work on. If you want to increase the power of the affirmations, here are a few tips:

Mirror exercise – positive affirmations can be done in the same way as the positive self talk exercise: in the mirror. Look yourself firmly in the eyes and say your affirmations aloud.
Written exercise – write down each of your affirmations 10 times every day before you say them aloud; this helps really keep them at the forefront of your mind.
Singing exercise – the way you say your affirmations can also make your affirmations more powerful; you can sing your affirmations aloud or start off by just saying them out loud with passion and conviction.
Changing your old negative habits into new positive habits

Science has proven that it only takes between 21 and 30 days to create a new habit, so be patient with the above exercises and commit to making these a part of your daily routine for at least 30 days. I promise you that they are well worth your time investment and the rewards will be great. After all, your success is only limited by your thoughts and your imagination.

While practicing any of the above exercises, if your inner dialogue starts to drift into a negative thought process and you find it difficult to switch to a positive thought, try changing the voice of your inner dialogue to Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck or someone you find really funny; it will be much harder to take your negative thoughts seriously!

Another trick to help you if you are feeling a little negative is to change your physiology by standing up straight , smiling or laughing (even if you don’t feel like it), and tilting your head so you are looking slightly upwards. It is much more difficult to feel negative in this position than if you were to look down, frown and slouch over. Try both positions right now and see for yourself how your physiology can impact on the way you think and feel.

Sonja Falvo is the Body Transformation Specialist at Real Body Enterprises and has helped thousands of people to get the body they have always dreamed of. Author of two books; The Real Body Plan and The Real Body Real Food Plan (available from http://www.realbodyclub.com/shop) and highly regarded public speaker, Sonja can show you how easy it is to lose weight without dieting, giving up your favourite foods or spending endless hours in the gym. Sonja has developed a realistic, easy to follow healthy lifestyle and weight-loss program for real people; find out more by subscribing to http://www.realbodyclub.com/members/newslettersignup.asp

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Hypnosis: Total Success, Abundance, Wealth, Positive Mindset.


Hypnosis: Total Success, Abundance, Wealth, Positive Mindset.

Let nothing stand in your way to complete success.

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Discover just how phenomenal you truly are with 500 Power Affirmations. These positive affirmations are specifically designed to awaken the vast storehouse of profound inner potential, positive thinking and enable you to manifest your highest intentions in every area of your life.

You have the right to live an amazing life! NOW is the time to awaken to your greatest possible future. With the Power Affirmations session, you will program your mind to take massive action NOW and have more drive than you ever could have imagined.

You’re about to discover how to instantly boost your self-esteem, become more self-confident, and begin living life with the self respect you are worthy of receiving!

These 500 affirmations are related to the areas of:

• Success
• Weight Loss
• Self -Love
• Confidence
• Wealth & Prosperity
• Self-Esteem
• Love
• Health & Healing
• Money

Sit back, put your headphones on and enjoy the path that leads to positive thinking. I am here to guide you, so there is nothing to fear in this visualization session. In the audio, we will begin with deep breathing exercises to relax you and help you feel comfortable. Next, I encourage you to visualize a confident memory as we begin to go through a list of powerful confirmations. As you listen to the success affirmations, you will find yourself feeling more positive than before the session began.

If you fully open yourself up to this visualization session, you fill find that it empowers you unlike any other tool you previously tried. It will open up the way you see your day today, tomorrow and far into the future. You will find yourself excited again for goals that you once thought were too difficult to reach as you feel confidence as you haven’t felt in a long time.

Your personal drive will reignite, with a renewed sense of hope about the world around you. When you embrace the power of positive thinking, you not only put out positive energies but get so much back in return. That is the law of attraction in play. When you think of good things, then good things come your way. It is a simple philosophy that truly does work.

Watch as your personal and professional relationships start to strengthen. You will find yourself embracing the new opportunities that come your way rather than avoiding or denying them out of fear. This type of lifestyle is rich in quality and also enriches the lives of everyone around you. It is then that you are living up to your maximum potential.

You will feel unstoppable and full of energy! Positive energy will surround you. Under the law of attraction, success and wealth will be drawn to you. Isn’t this how you have always pictured your life?

The secret to getting to this wonderful place in life is changing your mindset. Listening to the 500 powerful affirmations is the key to getting you there, to the success mindset. Plus, you can listen to the audio again and again. It can become part of your daily routine designed to increase your self-esteem. The daily affirmations offer hope, images of success and serve as motivation.

The power of positive thinking can be yours, as can the success, wealth and self-confidence that comes with it. Do not give up hope when it is within your grasp. Start the journey to living the life of your dreams. Start the journey today by streaming the 500 Positive Affirmations – The Secret to Positive Thinking audio session now.

If you’re ready to step up and enjoy living your full potential, then this session is a must!

If you’re ready to step up and enjoy living your full potential then this session is a must!

Background Music: “Tropical Ocean Surf” http://www.shockwave-sound.com/collections.html

Stock Footage by Addict http://www.pond5.com/after-effect/12678471/glossy-logo.html

Stock Image © Leonid Tit – http://us.fotolia.com/id/34389064

Recorded By: David McGraw
Video Rating: / 5

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