Tag Archives: talk

Self Talk and Attitude

Here’s a quick quiz question for you. What controls your attitude?

Here are a few clues for you. It has nothing to do with your clothing selection, haircut, choice of automobiles, bank account balance, or whether your house is cleaned up and orderly. Those kind of externalities may have an occasional, temporary impact on your outlook toward life, but they certainly don’t control it.

The correct answer is that you control the way you feel.

That’s tough for some people to swallow. That’s probably because accepting the premise that you are the boss of your own disposition creates a personal responsibility for happiness. Sometimes, it’s just easier to lay everything at the feet of the rest of the world! Nonetheless, we really are in charge of how we see the world. We get to make that decision–whether we opt for joy or sorrow. It’s our call to make.

And that leads us right into a follow up quiz question (you didn’t know this article was going to be a test, did you?). How can we transform the way we feel?

Well, we already know better than to try to find that answer in retail stores or bank vaults. If we can to alter our feelings, we’ll need to start looking inward instead of outward. And when you do that, you begin to realize that part of the solution may be to start talking to yourself a little more often.

No, you don’t need to run around town editorializing on everything you see to yourself. You don’t need to invent a new imaginary friend, either. You do, however, need to make a conscious effort to control and alter your self talk in order to build a better attitude.

All of us spend our waking hours involved in an ongoing internal conversation with ourselves. When that conversation involves a great deal of self-criticism (or in more extreme cases, self-loathing) it’s hard to develop a rich, positive outlook.

However, if we can transform our self talk by intentionally cheating ourselves to deal in positivity instead of negativity, it’s possible to produce an attitude change. That’s one reason why so many people are finding a new perspective on life by properly utilizing positive affirmations. They’re taking control of their self talk with some great results.

So, you want to know more about self talk and attitude. I strongly recommend this fascinating site that absolutely revolutionizes the process of using affirmations to create a more positive outlook on life. It makes the development of a positive outlook as easy as flipping a switch! If you don’t know about affirmation jingles and their potential, it’s time for you to take a look!

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Increasing Self Talk with Positive Self Talk

We usually indulge in a lot of self talk. It has been assessed that around 1400 words every minute travel in our brains which convey as well as express many thoughts which mold or form our views of the world around us and determine our intellectual state of mind.

Much of the self talk is in fact the effect of a person’s thinking just coming out of our subconscious mind and is our past conditioning and many other aspects which has effect on our subconscious process of thinking.

When you indulge in the self talk, the conversation which you enter into with yourself almost always is the most powerful factor of our intellectual state. If many of them are extremely negative, like “I’m not at all good”, or “I’m a failure”, will make you most unhappy with low motivation and confidence.

However, if a persons self talk is highly positive and lifts up his confidence, then the reverse is always true. You can easily use the mental self help to change other persons self talk to negative state from the positive state.

Like for instance, you engage in self talk with yourself on the way your life should be, there are chances that your life could turn out the way you want it to be. So, just talk with yourself to improve your outlook and personality. However, these techniques are cumbersome for a person to apply and generally take a long time.

One of the most suitable methods of enhancing the self talk is by making use of the positive affirmations. Nevertheless, in order to make them work, they need to be performed properly. This is very easy way to change or modify one’s self talk, you just start speaking to yourself in a favorable and optimistic way and with perseverance, your deep subconscious mind start changing its habits and now your self talk develops the positive tones!

If you indulge in the negative talk or declarations of things you don’t like or want, would in fact increase a person’s negative energy flow and would just condition your subconscious mind to achieve what you never want in the first place.

Michael has been writing articles online close to a decade. Check out his most recent site about Inglesina Stroller that goes into further details concerning Triple Baby Jogger.

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Empowering Yourself With Positive Talk

Many people thought of communication, they immediately thinking of communicating with someone else. And if the person they like or respect, they will communicate in a manner that projects a positive image to the receiving party, if not, they behave otherwise. Before we start communicating with others, there is one very important person that you need to constantly communicate positive with at all time and to convince that you idea works. That very person is YOU!

Do you know “What to say when you talk to yourself?” You may asked, ‘Why should I know what to say when I talk to myself. Only crazy people do that!’ Well, it matter most on what you have been talking to yourself all this while..

Our success is life is very much depend on what we say to our self, more often than not, we always talk our self out not to do something that is out of our comfort zone. Most people seldom talk themselves into venturing in something new that can make our life better. That’s why few millionaires than commoners. We all constantly talking to our self mentally, negotiating whether to do this or do that, to take the job offer or not, to start or not to start building your own business, even a simple thing like drinking hot, warm or cold water. But do you realize what did you say when you talk to yourself? My guess is you don’t; either you are too busy making ends meet or “it’s just a thought and I can’t never achieve it.” You see, the Pain Little Giant has won.

Every one of us has two little giants in our mind, every time when you have an idea, the two little giants will fight against each other, the first one if you like call it, Pleasure Little Giant will come out with all the wonderful things that you will have when you successfully implement the idea; The Pleasure part or the Positive part. The other little giant; The Pain Little Giant will come out with all the argument why you should not do it, what if you fail, what would happens when you fail? The Pain part or Negative part of it. You will be constantly struggling with the feeling of which of these two little giants won their fight among each other to get control of you. If you Pain Little Giant win most of the time, you will find that your progress in life is dragging and awful. If your Pleasure Little Giant wins most of the time, your life is mostly pleasant and full of energy.

So what do you say when you talk to your self? You need to learn how to help your Pleasure Little Giant win all the time by using the correct language, feeling and action. Never underestimate Your Mind Power. Learn how to do the right and powerful Self talk that will propel you to a higher level. Why settle for mediocre when you can easily be a champion?

SK Wong, A Chartered Marketer of The Chartered Institute of Marketing UK; graduated with an MBA in Finance. He is a Certified NLP Sales Trainer and also Certified Member Trainer and a Senate Member of Junior Chamber International. Currently working as Manager of a Risk Management & Insurance company in charge of Business Development, Operation and Management of his unit. He has conducted numerous training seminars on Motivation, Goal setting, Leadership Development, Marketing & Sales and Management Effectiveness for his groups of financial consultants and agents. His website/blogs Inspire Success Action provides insights, ideas, strategies and tools for personal motivation and success!

More Positive Mindset Articles

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Self-Improvement Tips : How to Small Talk

To increase small talk skills, avoid politics and religion, and focus on asking the other person questions. Learn to create small talk with tips from professional psychologist in this free video about self-improvement tips.

Expert: Dr. Paul Vehorn
Contact: www.AskDoctorPaul.com
Bio: Dr. Paul Vehorn has been a nationwide talk show host on Sun Radio Network and IRN.com. He is also the author of ‘Dynamic Dating’ and ‘Boomer Girls, a Women’s Guide to Men and Dating.’
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

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▶ Inspirational talk on how to stay positive.

the importance of staying positive! What we believe determines what we make true.
I have some amazing video,s on this subject with Dr Wayne Dyer,Louise Hay and many more please feel free to visit http://www.youtube.com/user/foodforthought0
and http://mindfulnessj.blogspot.co.uk/ thank-you for watching.

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