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Improve Conversation Skills With Positive Attitude Techniques

When you try to make conversation or small talk with other people, do you find that you put yourself down a lot? Does your mind quickly fill with negative thoughts about yourself?

Here are several ways you can use to start filling your mind with positive thoughts about yourself instead of negative thoughts when you are having a conversation.

When you catch yourself saying negative thoughts, watch out for statements where you say that you always do something wrong. This is a very extreme and negative statement to make about yourself. Instead of saying that you always do things the wrong way or the stupid way, phrase your remarks to yourself in a more neutral or more positive manner.

For example, tell yourself, “Sometimes I say things that are not exactly perfect, but so what? Nobody is perfect all the time. I am doing my best, and what I am saying is good enough for now.”

You can also make an inventory of all your positive qualities and write them down. Look often at your list. Give yourself credit for all your good qualities and give yourself the respect you deserve for trying to make progress in your life.

Another way to boost your conversation confidence is to actively use the techniques of positive visualization and affirmations.

What are affirmations? Affirmations use words to affirm something about yourself that you would like to be true, even though at the present time you don’t feel fully confident that it is true.

For example, you could tell yourself, “I grow more confident about my conversation skills every day.” Positive affirmations become more powerful when you repeat them frequently. Remember, in many cases you have already repeated a negative statement to yourself hundreds of times. It may take thousands of times of repeating a positive affirmation before you start to believe it.

You can try using written affirmations as well as spoken affirmations. There are many important points to remember about using affirmations effectively. An affirmation technique that works well for one person may not work well for another. Feel free to try many ways of using positive affirmations to overcome the negative affirmations you have used in the past.

You may also try using various visualization techniques to increase your comfort level in making conversation. Visualize yourself speaking happily and in a relaxed manner to other people. Feel the happy emotion you would feel during a friendly conversation with another person.

If you happen to be very critical of yourself, you can learn to become kind to yourself instead. It is only when you show true kindness and understanding towards yourself that you will make true progress. You need to be kind to yourself to create true conversation confidence.

A positive attitude towards yourself is the first step to conversation success.

This article was written by conversation expert Royane Real. To learn more about how to improve your social skills and conversation skills, download her new book “Your Guide to Finding Friends, Making Friends, and Keeping Friends” at http://www.lulu.com/real

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How to remember what you Studied? (5 Memory Techniques in Hindi)

If you want to achieve excellent result by remembering better, then this video is for you. These 5 memory techniques will help you to remember what you study and get better marks in your exams. Using these 5 memory tips, you will be able to improve your brain power and memory power. These study tips will help you to remember easily and fast. As many students wrote to me questions like – how to improve memory power or how to remember anything. So this video is my answer to all the students so that they can get better marks in their exams. These tips will not only help school students, engineering students or medical students, but can also be used by professionals, housewives, businessmen etc. So, following are 5 memory techniques for students which will maximize your brain power: 1. Repeat Information: As it is said that repetition is the mother of learning, so you can also use repetition to prevent your forgetting curve to slide down and remember what you studied fast. the method used in this memory power video is spaced interval repetitions which will help you to remember what you read. Second tips in this video on how to increase memory power and concentration is to study louder. When you study important information, you are able to remember your study better. Third memory technique in hindi is method of Loci. This method is also called, memory palace and you can remember a list or information using interesting memory visualization technique to remember a list of items etc. The method of loci can help you in many school subjects like history, geography, general knowledge etc. Fourth tip on how to boost memory power is chunking. This memory technique can be used when you have to remember a very long list which our brain power fails to remember. For example, medical students or hotel management students have to remember long lists, chunking method will make them remember easily and fast. Last tip in memory tricks in Hindi is mnemonics, which is further divided into acronyms, acrostics and rhymes. These three memory tricks will help you remember what you read in an interesting way. So, these are the 5 memory techniques in hindi which will not only boost your memory but also you confidence and results. To help you in achieving better marks and excel in your studies, career and Life, I will keep posting such study tips. I will share some iit jee tips and tricks in my next video. I dedicate this video to iit toppers who work hard to achieve grades and excel in their studies. You can visit my channel for more motivational and inspirational videos for students.

All the Best,
Him-eesh Madaan
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Positive Thinking Techniques

If you do, in fact, believe that your thoughts will shape your life, then positive thinking techniques are obviously going to be seen by you as being rather important. So much of success with the Law of Attraction depends upon having a positive outlook and believing that you can manifest what you want in life.

For if you believe that accomplishing something is impossible, then at the moment and instance it does for all practical purposes become impossible.

Embracing positive thinking techniques can do nothing less than change your life forever. If you find that you are plagued by negative thoughts, you may be wondering how you can use positive thinking techniques to reshape your way of thinking.

It may be particularly difficult to imagine reshaping your thought patterns if you are a very difficult person. However, by using the positive thinking techniques we are discussing here, it is quite possible to alter your way of thinking and to do so forever.

Monitor Your Thoughts Throughout The Day

Your starting point for embracing and using positive thinking techniques in your own life is to make a commitment. You must commit to monitoring your thoughts throughout the day.

At first, you may slip up and fall back into old patterns of negativity, but this is fine. The goal is to have your thoughts become increasingly less negative over time. Think of it this way; you are chipping away at your negative thoughts bit by bit until they are gone.

Establish A Check-In Time

Think of your negative thoughts as something that must be periodically checked on. You can envision that you are a security guard who periodically makes his rounds.

Only instead of guarding a warehouse full of valuable gems and precious metals, your security guard is guarding your mind, which is much more valuable. So once an hour check in and think about how you have been thinking recently.

Have your thoughts been negative?

Don’t be afraid to shine a light on those negative thoughts!

Improvement Over Time

Just as you can improve your cardiovascular stamina as you ride a bike or jog, you can also improve your positive thinking techniques stamina.

Over time you will find that the number of negative thoughts you are experiencing every day slowly begin to dwindle and dwindle.

While the rate of success will vary from person to person, it is safe to state that in time you will see real and substantial progress and will find that you thinking more positively.

Tricks For Breaking Up Your Rut

From time to time, you may find that you are just having too many negative thoughts for your own good. At those moments, it might very well be necessary for you to take steps to “snap” yourself out of your negative spiral.

This might be as simple as taking a walk or focusing in on something that you find beautiful such as a flower or a work of art. Whatever the trick is for you- do it! Make sure that you shift your mind out of thinking negatively and towards being positive.

Be Patient And You Will Be Positive

It may take some time to switch your thinking over, but people all over the world have done it successfully. If you feel that your resolve is faltering, just keep reminding yourself that your thoughts shape what you will manifest in your life.

Get more Positive Thinking Techniques Here!

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