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How to Give Your Employees the Positive Feedback They Want and Need

Have you told an employee what a great job he/she is doing recently? Have you received positive feedback for going above and beyond in the past month? Have you overheard others in your organization praise someone for doing more than was expected?
Positive feedback has long been recognized as a critical element in high performing workplaces. During these tough economic times, when job security has vanished and employee trust in their employers has sunk to an all-time low, it has become more important than ever.
Interestingly enough, one of the greatest problems with positive feedback is that many managers don’t feel comfortable giving it. It takes too long, feels insincere or “too soft”, or it just gets in the way of day-to-day activities. Some managers don’t like discussing another person’s behavior, or giving feedback just “isn’t their style.” Yet, few actions will do more to build trust and boost morale than ongoing, sincere feedback of a positive nature.
Humans have an innate need to seek feedback on how we are doing. Without it, people tend to make up information — almost always negative — to fill the void. Giving positive feedback helps to prevent destructive “information gaps,” and strengthens relationships between employees and their supervisors. It also leads to improved work quality, increased accountability and a higher-performing work environment.
Positive feedback starts with knowing when and how to praise employees. Specifically, it involves recognizing and praising employees for particular behaviors and accomplishments that go beyond the everyday expectations of their jobs.
For example, praise employees when they:

Turn a difficult customer into a promoter
Reach new levels of accuracy
Produce more than the amount produced by any predecessor
Develop or contribute significantly to another colleague
Create a new process, product or approach
Present an idea for doing something differently (even if the idea is not implemented)
Do an exceptional job of influencing internally or externally
Excel at a presentation
Participate significantly in a community event on behalf of the company

The idea is to let employees know that you are paying attention and that you appreciate their efforts. Taking a few moments to express your appreciation can have a powerful impact on employees’ self-esteem and their attitudes toward their work and the organization as a whole.
To maximize the impact of your positive feedback, make it:

Immediate. Give the recognition as soon as possible after the event.  
Specific. State specifically what the person did that met or exceeded your expectations.  
Impactful. Explain how the event or behavior affected you, the team or the organization.  
Encouraging. Focus on the positive only. Be appreciative without mentioning other things that might need to change or be adjusted. These should be saved for times when you are giving constructive feedback.  
Focused.  State how the performance or action was positive and contributed to success. This will help prevent other messages, often made up, from taking the employee off track

For example, “Susan, I really appreciated the way you stepped up to the plate and filled in on the XYZ contract when Richard was out with the flu. Your efforts helped us land a new customer that should increase sales by 10% over the next year.” Or, “Paul, nice job on the presentation today. You got the message across in a way that enabled everyone to have a much better understanding of our objective and why it is important.”
Most of all, positive feedback must be sincere. Never give positive feedback unless you mean it. And don’t praise employees for showing up on time or doing the basics of their job. Employees have very accurate “b.s. detectors,” and will quickly see through any false praise. Insincere positive feedback will just make recipients wonder what your real agenda is or what you are trying to hide. And the next time you give legitimate praise it will have far less impact.
Also, the time has come to jettison the “sandwich” technique, whereby you say something positive, sneak in something you want the employee to do differently, and then finish with a positive. For years, this approach was used to soften the impact of critical feedback, and it worked reasonably well with Baby Boomer and Traditionalist workers.
Gen-Xers, however, quickly saw through this strategy and openly questioned the hidden agenda behind the positive feedback. And the youngest generation, the Millennials, are so accustomed to direct (and often brutal) feedback that they see no point in wasting time by trying to sneak positive feedback into a constructive feedback conversation.
So keep your positive feedback positive, focus on specific events and behaviors that exceed your expectations, and let employees know how much you appreciate their efforts. You’ll improve morale and enhance trust while encouraging higher levels of performance. And today’s stressed-out employees will appreciate your efforts to meet their workplace needs.

Consultant, Author, Speaker Holly Green is the CEO of THE HUMAN FACTOR, Inc. (http://www.thehumanfactor.biz) She has over 20 years of executive level and operations experience in FORTUNE 100, entrepreneurial, and management consulting organizations. Experiences include working for multinational corporations such as: The Coca-Cola Company, AT&T, Dell Computer, Bass Hotels & Resorts, Expedia, RealNetworks, Microsoft and Google. She was previously president of The Ken Blanchard Companies & LumMed, Inc.

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The Real Secrets to Success in Internet Marketing As They Pertain to Mindset and Decision Taking

I want to examine mindset and the ability to recognize an opportunity as an entrepreneur.

Right away we know the over riding law here is mindset. Any person who has a mindset for success and truly believes they can be successful, without any doubt, will be successful!

It does not matter if they are young or old, fat or thin, high school diploma or Doctorate, they will seek the knowledge and somehow acquire whatever they need, apply the necessary laws and they will rise to the top.

True talent can not be stifled. It will always come to the fore. It will burst out, leak out or ooze out but it will always make itself apparent.

My father in law’s name was Ken and he was a super salesman. However, when he completed his senior year in high school, he placed second to last in his final exams. This was mostly because he was a jock. He excelled at sports and really had very little interest whatsoever in academics. He was a fighter, very popular with his peers and he had great social skills.

His academic achievement translated into a job as a lowly billing clerk in a well established trading house, commission agents for some of the worlds leading brands in commodities.

You need to be cognizant of the fact that we are talking about a time when there were no computers, fax machines, photocopiers or even calculators. All bills therefore had to be calculated and written by hand.

Ken had a mindset for success. Although there was no overtime pay, he voluntarily worked way past working hours and spent his lunch hour writing mountains of bills. He soon came to recognize that the salesmen were the true heroes of the organization. However there was a huge gulf between him and these salesmen as they were older men, with great skills and expertise in the art of selling and he was a mere boy.

At lunch time he was the only one in the office and so when the phone rang, he answered it. These calls were usually big wholesalers who were enquiring about goods. Ken knew the products and the prices and most of all he knew who the biggest customers were as he wrote so many bills. Instead of taking messages, Ken launched into selling the goods on the telephone, pushing products and getting some very good orders.

He then immediately calculated and wrote the bills and handed them to the warehouse for delivery. As a result his orders went in ahead of all the others and the customers, who were delighted at the prompt service started calling the office and asking for Ken by name.

Needless to say the salesmen were not the least bit amused and reported him to the general manager, complaining that he was a meddling billing clerk interfering in the serious business of the company.

The manager, Mr. Johnson stroked the ruffled feathers of his salesmen and called Ken into his office. He told Ken that he had really stirred up a hornets nest with the salesmen and then took a quick accurate decision to teach Ken to drive, personally and gave him the oldest company car and sent him out on the road to sell goods. Ken excelled at this and very soon afterward was promoted to sales manager of all the salesmen who were about twice his age.

This went on for about 4 years until Ken saw an opportunity to sell Life Insurance for straight commission, no salary. His friends and family urged him not to throw away the security of his high paying job for the risk of straight commission. Ken made a fast accurate decision and started selling life insurance and very quickly he became a millionaire.

Ken’s mindset made him very wealthy. His mindset promoted him from success to success. Ken was an entrepreneur. He was able to recognize an opportunity when he saw it, seize it and exploit it. Through his investments he supersized his wealth.

Internet marketing is about being an entrepreneur. A successful entrepreneur is one who can quickly recognize an opportunity and make a fast accurate decision to exploit that opportunity. You can put your life on a fast track to extreme wealth by grabbing the right opportunity and exploiting it. Timing is everything.

Melanie Phillibert
Internet Consultant and Trainer and Entrepreneur
Marketing Consultant

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