Tag Archives: Thinking

Positive Thinking – The Power of the Human Mind

The power of the human mind has been regarded as one of the most powerful in our universe. Just like what most people say, it’s always mind over matter. Just think and it will happen – think positive and everything will be alright. It’s the same as waking up at the wrong side of the bed, and the whole day follows along with it – you being irritated, angry, tired and every negative feeling or situation. But by waking up at the right side of the bed, you end up being productive in work, feeling good about yourself…and everything else. Being optimistic may prove to be very beneficial in our day-to-day lives. It’s thinking that it will be like this and it will be – the Law of Attraction. But this power can also be destructive for us. But exactly how can this be possible? It’s the moment when you become pessimistic.

The Law of Attraction has had many followers and critics over the past years. But what is it? It’s simply saying that you should know what you want, think about it, ask for it, and eventually you will get it. Its roots say that it was from Quantum Physics, and has been popularized by a film in 2006 “The Secret” which was then made into a book. When you think about it for a second, it’s actually making the power of the human mind work its wonders. The Law of Attraction is the power that we all have in our minds – something that we have been using for our whole lives. Have you ever stopped and thought that, “Yeah, it’s a lucky day for me,” and all the things that had happened to you that day were indeed a stroke of luck? Maybe it is, but it’s actually you who put yourself into it. You thought of it – you activated the whole universe to support you into making it a reality. It’s the same when you were wearing that new pair of white pants and some guy splashed coffee on you – and the list goes on that seemingly unlucky day. Why did it happen? Because you started to think that, “oh damn, I guess it isn’t my day today.”

A number of people have adapted this Law of Attraction by putting it into different schools of thoughts & books and areas of studies, such as Napeleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” and even in Theosophy, but all of them come to one point: positive thinking. Though it also received a number of critiques across the world saying that if you just need to know what you want, visualize it et al, then why are there still poverty and suffering in the world? Maybe because, for example, those people who are stuck in poverty had always thought that they will be poor forever – they do not exert any effort. They do not even think that it will be good in the future – they use the power of the human mind in a different way – in an awful way into thinking that there is nothing for them in the future. But you have your choice as you read this – and it would be a great way to now stop, think and visualize of the positive things, for your good and the goodness of the whole society.

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your Human Mind to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at http://www.secretofmindpower.com

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What Everybody Should Know About the Power of Positive Thinking

Does it sound simple? The power of positive thinking?

Is it something you wish just came naturally? Having positive thoughts?

It’s important to let the Universe know what you want. Not everything in life that is good just happens.

Sometimes we need a little push. Sometimes we need a little help to get going again and to get into a positive attitude.

During a time when the world seems a bit uncertain the power of positive thinking is more important than ever. One reason is when one person puts out a vibe or certain type of energy it can and will be picked up by everyone! Your positive thoughts are being felt by others all the time, whether you realize it or not.

It’s important that we all send positive love and energy to each other every day.

I am putting out into the universe that everyone who wants to feel great can. That everyone who wants to fulfill their dreams should.

Don’t worry if you’re struggling that is all a part of life. The struggle can and will turn into gold if you allow it! The greatest gift we have is the ability to change the way we see things. If you feel stuck in your life and need a place to start here are ten guidelines that I use.

Take one of these principles everyday and put it into practice. Spend an entire day on only one principle. When you let the experience of each guideline become a part of your day the power of positive thinking starts to work its magic!

My Ten Power of Positive Thinking Guidelines:

1. Reserve Judgment. Spend a whole day not judging anyone or anything.

2. Create a happy zone in your mind. There are many ways to do this. Visualization is a great way to start.

3. Believe in yourself as someone without limits. Spend the day doing things you felt you were to afraid to try.

4. Use positive words. Watch and listen to what you say to yourself all day long. Make sure you are using positive words to speak to yourself.

Example of positive words would be taking to yourself as kindly as you would to your best friend. Use positive words like honey and sweetie in referring to yourself.

5. Smile today every fifteen minutes. Smiling changes your perception about life. Know that what you think about all day is your reality.

6. Practice acceptance of knowing there is a purpose for everything that happens in life. Find the lesson in each situation and know it is meant to be.

7. Take time to get in touch with your spiritual self, start meditating every day. Spend some time in silence. You can use guided meditations as well. I offer free mp3 downloads that are very popular.

8. Be of service to everyone you come in contact with. Start out your day asking how can help?

9. Tune in to your intuition on daily basis and ask what you should be doing today? Be on purpose when you plan your day then listen.

10. Count your blessings everyday then thank the Universe for them. Gratitude is huge in maintaining positive thoughts.

My journey in this life has not always been fun but I have always had control over it. The problem was I didn’t know that. I found the most effective way to change my reality is by getting into action.

Each one of these guide lines gets you into action. Take the challenge and don’t just read this page take the action and watch how your life gets soooo much better.

Let everyone know how the power of positive thinking works for you. If you have any of your own ideas share them on my webs site qualified life-coach.com I would love to hear them.

Dawn Abraham /CTACC
Qualified Life Coach
As a Life Coach / Business Coach, I specialize in working with professionals and entrepreneurs to create balanced lives while earning more money.
Law of Attraction, Motivation, Inspiration, Marketing on a budget. Individual Coaching, Group Coaching and tele-classes are offered. Go to my web site to get your free mediation Mp3’s and Free “Shoot for the Stars tele-class. http://www.qualified-lifecoach.com

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Positive Thinking And Weight Loss: Is Positive Thinking Really Necessary To Losing Weight?

If you honestly want to reach any objective in your own health and weight loss cause, you need and to have to be Positive. This is true not just of Weight Loss goals but of every particular of goal you can have. Be it a business or a personal goal, you may not accomplish it unless you do the job in overpowering negativity. Once you set a goal, there will also be tangible roadblocks on your plan in the form of scattered convictions and sentimentsthat will render you disheartened and de-motivated. Your requirement is to weed out those unfavorable ideas from yourheart and replace them with more positive ones. I understand that undertaking so is not so easy as itappears, but then again, if you desire to reach a destination very badly, it isn’t crazy either! In this article I’ll tell you how changing your thoughts can help you lose body weight.

When you launch your Fat Reduction approach your conscience will become buried in thought with ideas such as ‘I’ll never be skinny’, ‘I’m not strong enough to lose weight’, ‘I hate to do exercises’, etc. Instead of being cowed down by such ideas, you need to have to fight them! If these frustrating ideas keep you from reaching your Weight Loss purpose, you are not alone! Most folks be unsuccessful to lose weight because they start with a scattered thoughts; instead of Thinking what will happen When they lose weight, they have an idea about what will probably happen if they don’t! But then again, some of these people actually end up losing weight, when they make the decision to struggle with these stressful ideas, when they be aware of that they have to to lead a healthy life as much as others, when they accept that they can slim down only by harboring more positive ideas in their subconscious.

It is a fact that many of us know how to lose weight but very few of us bother to try to put that knowledge into action because we don’t have the mental strength needed to obtain our goals. When we start making an effort towards the achievement of a objective, we tend to get overpowered by demons such as anger, sadness and depression. As soon as you get control of your life and weed out those stressful ideas, you will see that losing weight is much more easier than you think.

In order to harbor more positive thoughts in your subconscious, you need to have tohave an idea about the future: about the kind of life you will lead The moment you slim down. For instance, when you become skinnier, you will get free of a host of diseases and illnesses, appear sexier and accomplish an increase in virility, or maybe that you will feel more comfortable with yourself, etc. Take a paper and pencil and take a note on the reasons behind your desire to slim down, and then stick it on the wall so that you can see it many times! This way it will be easier for you to grab your negative ideas by the horns and throw them out!

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How to Be Positive in Life – Simple Ways to Develop Positive Thinking

Our mind is powerful and so are our thoughts. The more we think about one thing, the more we are drawn to put it into action – that is why we need to be careful with our thoughts and we should get rid of negative thoughts to learn how to be positive in life.

Being positive brings wonderful results in your life. It will bring you peace within yourself, it will allow you to be a desirable person towards others and build wonderful relationships, and maintaining a positive energy around you will help a lot in living a good and life of abundance.

Learning how to be positive in life can be a little difficult for some especially if troubles and frustrations are looming but you can gradually start with it so that little by little, you will be able to conquer and take command of your life and stay positive. Here are some things you can start with.

– Learn positive affirmations. Learn positive thinking exercises that will focus yourself into the positives in life.

– Believe in yourself. Eliminate self-doubt and build confidence that you can achieve what you are aiming for.

– Think positive. Speak positive. Feel positive. Be optimistic and think about the positive side of things. If you are feeling low, think about something that is happy or create a happy picture in your mind. Be conscious also of the words that come out of your mouth. Avoid negative words as much as possible. Get away from negative feelings as well. Try to remain focused on being positive.

– Visualize. This will give you the motivation to get what you want or overcome whatever it is that is troubling you. Think about the things you want and the life you want to live. Think that you are there and feel the emotions that you would feel if you have reached your goals. Being able to picture out what you want to accomplish will give you the positive drive to work towards your goals.

– Take action on your goals. Of course, if you want something done, you have to put an effort to achieve it. Your dreams and aspirations will never be realized by just thinking about it. Make a plan on how you will achieve it. Start from small and manageable tasks and seize opportunities that may come your way.

– Help others. Volunteer your time or your abilities. The more you share and help those who need it, the more you will feel positive in yourself. Try helping out or volunteering in a charity if you have difficulties in life and you will feel a surge of positive feeling afterwards.

– Be with positive people. Stay away from those who draw you to negative thoughts and discouragements. One simple way to learn how to be positive in life is to surround yourself with positive people.

– Be thankful. Even if there are troubles in your way, you can always find things that you will be grateful for. Many things in life are valued only if we lost them or we badly needed them, so take time to appreciate and be thankful for them. Don’t look at your life through the troubles you have met. Instead, look at it through the things that worked well, through your successes in life and the positive things that happened to you. Always outweigh the negative thoughts with the good ones.

Learning how to be positive in life is indeed one way to make better relationships, good health, success and a happier life. So take time to cultivate positive thinking.

Carolyn Anderson loves to use subliminal videos to help her stay positive. For subliminal videos that you can watch everyday, check out Intelligent Warrior Subliminal Video Series. Also check out Subliminal Video Message System, a subliminal video series that will help your realize your goals and increase your income.

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Focus on Positive Thinking – Turning Negative Statements Into Positive Statements

The Universe delivers what you ask for. And you ask for these things via your thoughts. So, suffice it to say, if you are thinking negatively, the Universe is going to deliver negative things. Don’t you think it’s about time to start changing your thinking patterns right now?

You might say that’s easier said than done. Well, I am here to help you gain a better perspective. It’s easier to do thank you think.

We are trained from a young age to think things are hard and that to get anything and anywhere in life, you have to work hard at it. While in a sense that can be true, but it’s not entirely true. Things only have to be hard if you make them hard. If you think that it takes hard work, then it WILL take hard work. Have you ever noticed people who things just come easily to? Guess what? They don’t have the thought that things need to be hard in order to achieve results. They think thoughts that things are easy to do.

It’s interesting how some people can pick up skills very easily, and others can’t seem to put two and two together in the same skill. Take me for example. I am a natural computer user. I have no fear of the computer. Computers come very easily to me. I am pretty much self-taught on computers. From formatting Word and Excel documents, to playing online computer games, to hand-coding HTML, it all comes very easy and natural to me. And I’m not even entirely sure why. It just does. And I embrace that. To me, my thoughts are computers are easy, they are natural, and they are nothing to be afraid of. Others who can’t seem to pick up computer skills to save their lives have thoughts of computers are hard, difficult, and unfriendly. So, naturally, the Universe is going to deliver to them, a hard time grasping those computer skills.

Now let’s talk next about turning negative thinking or statements into positive thinking or statements. Many people think that they are thinking positively, but they aren’t. And let me share with you why they are not really thinking positively. They make one big mistake. They follow up their thought or statement with a caveat, or a negative twist. Something like, “I feel great… I am in no pain”. Well, guess what, there’s that negative – there’s that “pain” that they thought they were getting rid of.

So, let’s do a little footwork to try to learn how to turn negative statements into positive statements. We need to totally get rid of the negative and keep it completely positive. Let’s start with some examples.

Say someone has a blood clot, or they have heart problems (blocked or clogged arteries). Instead of saying “I want to be free from any blockages or clogging”, let’s try something like “My blood flows through my arteries and veins freely, easily, and effortlessly”. See how that was completely positive, and actually said what the person wanted, and not what they don’t want? That’s what you have to do. Get away from thinking about what you don’t want because the more you focus on what you don’t want, the more you will get what you don’t want. Whether you want it or not, it’s what you are focused on that you will get. Let’s try another example. Say someone wants more money. Instead of saying “I want more money so that I can get out of debt” (see the negative on the end of that statement – debt?). Try something like “I have more than enough cash to provide me the services and goods that I want”. There, that’s completely positive and focuses entirely on what the person wants, instead of what they don’t want. Let’s try one more, just so that you have the idea down pat. Instead of “I feel great today… I’m not having any pain in my back” try “I feel great today… I can move my back freely and easily and have complete flexibility”. Bingo! Completely positive and focused on what the person wants.

I hope you’ve gotten the idea here. Take one thought, right now, that you have been thinking and take all negativity away from it and turn it totally positive. Focus on that positive statement. Give yourself a chance to succeed.

Do not fear success, fear failure. You can only fail if you let yourself. You are the creator of your life, so live well, my friends.

Kelli Jacobson
Entrepreneur, Internet Marketer
Live Abundantly Successful

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How to Create Positive Thinking – 7 Steps to a Positive Mind

Do you realize the power of self talk? You probably don’t if you have trouble controlling the thoughts in your mind? Do you find yourself thinking things that are detrimental to your future? You can learn to use words for success. Positive thoughts and words create a positive life. Positive self talk and success in life go hand in hand. Follow these 7 steps to discipline your mind and discover the power of self talk.

7 Steps to Train Your Mind to Positive Thinking:

1. Daily Gratitude List. Keep a gratitude journal. List a minimum of 5 things each day that you are thankful for.

2. Smile. As you tell yourself with this one action that you are happy your mind follows. Someone once said, “If I can make it till 10 a.m. smiling, the rest of my day takes care of itself.”

3. Find the good in others. Be known as the person who will always see the good qualities of others. Two things will happen as a result.

a. As you mention these good things to others and especially to the people themselves you will brighten their day.

b. You will also fill your life with positive feelings. You will experience feelings of good will within yourself because of your actions. You will also change the way others speak about you, using positive words of affirmation towards you as a result of your kind words.

4. Know your goals, dreams and desires. Focus on achieving the things you desire in life. Your dreams are motivators and as you aspire to achieving these good things in life you are pursuing a positive future, which in turn creates a positive ‘now’ in your actions.

5. Speak positively to yourself. Too often, if we stop and take note of what we are saying within our minds we hear negative words. Be your own friend instead of your enemy and encourage and think positively of yourself.

6. Listen to good speakers who challenge your thinking. Strive to grow in skill, knowledge and understanding by continually learning. Find speakers that motivate you and inspire you to be the best you can be.

7. Begin and end each day with positive words of affirmation to the people in your life and to yourself. How you start your day usually determines how your day goes. How you end your day often determines how the next day will begin. Make an effort to daily begin and end each day filled with optimistic words and thoughts and live a life that is positive.

Now I would like to invite you to get your Free Instant Access to the the 4 FREE Motivational Principles for Becoming a Self-Motivated Entrepreneur when you visit: http://www.patandersontoday.com/4-powerful-success-strategies/ .

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Eleven Tips For Positive Thinking

1. Learn, Read, and Listen Daily – Everyday get up and read some quotes about positive thinking, listen to motivational tapes, reflect on challenges you have overcome, and the adventures undertaken. There are many outstanding resources available to download that offer advice and education to develop positive thinking.

2. Optimism – Psychologist Martin Seligman mentions that people who think more positively have also developed the ability to stop negative thinking. Rather than saying Im doomed, theres no way out.” Positive thinking people see a way out; they confine the problem and work to solve it. They dont fall into catastrophic thinking patterns. The glass is always half full, There will be better days. Belief and hope is half the battle.

3. Gratitude Gratitude unlocks beauty, calms and expands the mind. Gratitude gives joy, has benefits beyond what you can see. If you have lost all possessions, be glad you have something to wear. There is always something to be grateful for and there is always someone we can thank for their impact on our life.

4. Taking responsibility instead of blame Recognize and accept what you did or failed to do that has dug the hole you find yourself in. You are responsible for getting out of it, you don’t have wait for the dirt to stop piling up before you move. Assess the situation, develop a plan of action, Set some goals to achieve it, and see it through. The storm may rage all around you, but you will be able to take control of your life again.

5. Not allowing negative emotions to overwhelm you – You may have been beaten sore, but there is still breathe in you. Acknowledge the setback, analyze what went wrong, create a plan for change and anchor to it so you can continue the fight. The world may have been unfair, but you are only going to cry in your closet for only a little while. Every experience will lead to more wisdom; every adversity has the seed of a greater benefit. Things that seem to be adversities turn out to be opportunities in disguise

6. Persistence – Most people do not achieve their success and happiness because they give up after a few setbacks or signs of trouble. It is the 10th job interview where they never even call you back. Its the 100th time you fell on your butt while learning to snowboard. Its any rough patch you have to get through before achieving your big goal. Success is only a step away, or maybe a few more steps. Never give up.

7. Believe – Even if everything and everyone tells you it wont work. You have talents, skills, and abilities, at your fingertips to continue pushing forward. Every trial and error, every misstep, every fall, has taught you something if nothing else than I know this approach doesnt work. It is said that Thomas Edison tried and failed over 1000 times to invent the incandescent light bulb before he succeeded, and when asked about his failures he replied, at least I know 1000 ways not to invent it Your belief in yourself and what you are trying to accomplish is vital, you have to believe.

8. Seek divine guidance If you are a spiritual person. When you are overwhelmed, when bad things happen, when you are stuck and find no way out, seek comfort in your higher power. Search the scriptures for uplifting words and motivation, identify with those who have tried and failed and what they endured to succeed.

9. Keep the big picture in mind Distractions and pettiness, they can irritate you and cause your focus to fade. Never lose sight of what you are here for and keep your eyes on your vision and goal. Former President of the United States Harry Truman once said a pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities, and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties. You can revise them as the situation changes but always keep your eye on the prize.

10. Accepting your lot – Adapting while being content in the midst of situations. Remember the serenity prayer- Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. You have to play the hand you are dealt in life, but who says you cant shuffle the cards a bit? I look at it like this, as the old saying goes When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

11. Bring joy and hope to the lives of others – The most meaningful moments are those when lives are touched by our kindness and sharing of good fortunes. We exist for each other, what is a mans worth but for those who call him friend. Meaningful moments often involve people, and touching lives. Our inherent desire to pursue happiness is intertwined with our relationships and connection to people, True happiness is only achieved when we have someone to share in our success or when we have the opportunity to share in someone elses.

For more information and resources to develop Positive Thinking visit my website @


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Positive Thinking Can Win Your Boyfriend Back Again

A number of women would be more than agreeable to give nearly anything for a chance to snuff out the joylessness of parting and to win their ex boyfriend back.

Merely sitting around the house all heartbroken and dreaming about your fellow isn’t going to achieve it .

But taking some positive steps while you are thinking about how to win your boyfriend back again would probably get it done.

reflect upon your goal

To use positive thinking to make the conversions that you are imminently hunting for successfully, it takes two steps. Right from the get go you have got to visualize your goal. Then you have got to take whatever action warranted to hit that goal.

What kind of action?

You might be asking “what kind of action should I be taking”? Well unfortunately, this is where a lot of women tend to mess up, they take action all right, but it’s nearly always the wrong kind of action at the wrong time.

I comprehend this sounds totally wrong, but it’s not. You don’t want to text, give a buzz to or email your ex every five minutes.

The only thing that is going to perpetuate is to make things a whole lot worse and perchance get you a restraining order in the meantime. What you really want to do is leave him alone for a while and give him time to miss you.

Work on yourself

You have got to spend a bunch of time working on you. No one desires to be around a whining, desperate person.

You don’t want to change who you are, merely substitute a few things to give you a hand to win your boyfriend back.

Inspect any aspect of your life that could do with a little bit of modification or tweaking. Honestly, this step is more for you not for him.

The splendid thing about this part of the plan is that you change yourself and become a better person. And at the same time you are dealing him time to miss the girl that he fell in love with right off the bat.

This way it doesn’t matter as much if you win your ex boyfriend back or not. But that you will have transpired as a strong, self-confident lady. And you will have much more to offer anyone that you might find yourself in a meaningful relationship with in the future.

Using positive thinking to win your boyfriend back again could very well work for you.

But it is simply the very first step of a two step plan. You have got to apply both steps to have the best shot at reaching your eventual goals.

Positive thinking can win your boyfriend back again.
If you want some great information on relationships….

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How to Create Positive Thinking at Work

We all want employees with a can-do attitude. Positive thinking is the first step to effective action and ultimate success. An encouraging environment where workers feel motivated, valued, and rewarded can make the difference between average, lacklustre performance and energetic workers who go the extra mile.

Managers and team leaders can help to foster positive thinking in the workplace. Here are a few ways to encourage your team to do their best:

Address concerns promptly. When someone has a question, let them know they can count on you to respond in a timely manner. There’s nothing worse than having a problem and not knowing what to do about it. If your people know they can turn to you for answers, they’ll be encouraged to perform in a productive and positive way. 
Maintain your equipment and other resources. It sounds elementary, but frequent equipment failures can slow down work and frustrate employees. Have a game plan to quickly get systems and machines up and running in the event of breakdown. Let employees know how long the fix will take so they can plan their work accordingly. A positive attitude comes from knowing that a company has emergencies covered. 
Use incentives. Rewards can be small or large, but the chance to get something extra for a stand-out performance is very motivating. Some companies offer vacations and bonuses for top producers. Having something besides a regular paycheck to shoot for makes work more fun. The more fun your team is having, the more positive they’ll feel about their work. 
Provide resources. Many employees want to be better at their jobs but lack effective training materials. Seminars, conferences, leadership training and motivational speakers are a great way to excite your team. Investing in employee education tells workers you believe in their ability and fosters a positive spirit. 

Workers who have faith in themselves and the value of their work tend to be more confident, resourceful, and productive. If you believe in your team and express it, your team will be more likely follow in your line of positive thinking.

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Positive Thinking Can Make You Successful

Positive thinking is a principal virtue that can help you to reach your ultimate goal. Positive thinking will bring success, peace, better health, improved relationship, satisfaction and happiness. Positive thinking helps day-to-day matters of life are changing more easily and makes life promising.

Positive thinking is hugely infectious. People around the choice of your cordial tempers and are affecting consequently. Think about health, happiness, success and satisfaction, and that people like you and wish to help, because the vibrations given by the positive spirit.

Positive thinking always produces positive effects, and it is considerably more than repeating positive sentences or telling you that everything will be alright. It is not sufficient to imagine confidently for a while and let the terrors and absence of faith in mind. A little energy and inner task are necessary in improving your positive thinking.

It is a matter of regret that all of us do not know how to think positively. Here, some descriptions are giving for your consideration for positive thinking. Try to be positive in all your works like thinking or walking. Let increase your consciousness only attitude of success, happiness, and strength. You have always disregarded all of your sinful thoughts. If you are going to hit a new plan, clear your mind and think how you can make it perfect and successful. If you can build up your faith, you must get the positive result. Try to read the books or journals which inspire you to do positive work. Always talk to the person who also thinks positively. Try to have some exercises because it can help your positive attitude.

Think positive and hope that positive effects and positions, even if your position is not in the process you need it to be. Over time, you can make your mental opinion on your life and the circumstances and will change accordingly.

For Information about Positive Thinking, please visit on awake2000.com

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