Tag Archives: Thinking

Improve Self Esteem With Positive Thinking

 If you have been feeling bad about yourself, you need to start changing the way you think. Positive thinking is a wonderful way to build your self esteem without having to make drastic life changes.

You may find that you have a little voice that goes on in your head, commenting about everything that you do or about to do. That little voice can be highly self critical and negative. You may not realize that you should take control of what the voice says. By changing the way you think, you’ll change that little voice along with it. Positive thinking is the first step to changing your own opinion of you. When you have a better opinion about yourself, others will also have a better opinion about you.

Begin to improve your self esteem by starting small. It cannot be that you wake up one morning to plenty of self love and singing your own praises. Having negative thoughts can come as a result of past habits. Remember, too, that negative programming did not happen overnight either. To get rid of negative programming for positive thinking, time is required. You need to educate, dedicate and practice as often as you can.

To improve self esteem, make a list of all your positive attributes. It does not matter if they are physical attributes that you like about yourself or talents you have. Challenge yourself to add one positive comment about yourself every day. Look for opportunities to affirm yourself positively. Pat yourself on the back when you have accomplished something well, instead of looking at the things that you have failed to achieve. As your list grows, you improve your self esteem and positive thinking takes over your mind.

You also need to be aware of outside influences that can have an impact on your self-esteem and thoughts. If you are surrounded by some negative friends, then try to avoid them until you are confident enough about yourself. When you are trying your best to improve your self esteem, the furthest thing you want is to be around people with equally low opinions about themselves.

Think about helping others. When you help others, you feel better that you can make a difference. This helps to improve self esteem and in turn, helps you to develop more positive thinking.

Every once in a while, you may find yourself slipping into negativity. Do not beat yourself over it. It is perfectly natural. Simply go back to your list of feel goods. Note to yourself how much you have improved. Cancel out all negative thoughts right away. Replace the negative self-talk with positive ones. Everyone will falter on occasion; it is knowing what to do when this happens that is important.

Constantly remind yourself of how special and important you are, to improve your self esteem. Make a decision to replace negative with positive thinking. You will soon find that life is pretty enjoyable when you start to view things with a different set of lens.

Evelyn Lim is a life coach and an intuitive consultant, with a passion for helping others raise their vibrational state of being for attracting abundance. She shares self help tips on topics such as creating self awareness, positive thinking, meditation and spirituality. Her newsletter is currently read by thousands of subscribers. For free bonuses on manifesting secrets, mp3 downloads and fresh weekly tips, please sign up to her Abundance Tapestry newsletter.

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Positive Thinking Is a Powerful Tool

In today’s information age, positive thinking plays a very crucial role in life. Negativities can spread like wild fire these days and the worse thing is that most of us tend to accept and believe the negative side of things. Positive thinking is a very powerful tool because our minds can control all our thought processes (both good and bad). Therefore, you have the power to filter the information you receive.

If you feel that you tend to think negatively, it is time for you to learn to control your mind a bit and shower it with positivity. Because positive thinking can lead you to a more happy and fulfilled life.

In this article, we are going to share with you some great tips and techniques you can use to cultivate positive thinking.

Remember that you have the power to control your mind, not the other way round. Therefore, you can play a switching game with your mind. Here is how, everytime when you have a negative thought, tell your mind to switch it to the positive one immediately. This is very easy to accomplish, just give order to your mind and it will comply.

Surround yourself with positive people and stay away from negative people. Negative people can drag you down to hell so stay far far away from them. Flock yourself together with individuals who think positively and look at things from the bright side. Both positivity and negativity are very contagious, so please be very careful which one you choose.

There is a saying, “Birds of the same feathers flock together”. This saying is so true. In fact, people are like birds too. If you surround yourself with negative people, you will become negative. On the other hand, if you surround yourself with positive people, you will become a positive person. So which one are you going to choose? It is up to you!

There is another great saying goes like this, “It is the simple things in life that make me happy”. Therefore, what you need to do to be happy and positive is to find those simple pleasures, no matter how small or insignificant they may be. They are yours to enjoy.

Laughter is the best medicine, especially for a heavy heart. Be around people who make you laugh; it’s quite contagious. Laughter is also a good therapy for eliminating any negative thought that occupies our mind.

Keep the SMILE in your face. Greet people with your smile and be courteous kind and forgiving. Smile often because it is very contagious, it also has the power to make everyone to lighten up.

Help someone less fortunate than yourself. Volunteer your time at a nursing home or hospital. When you give, you receive ten-fold.

Remember, what you do affects others. If you are negative, people will shy away from you. However if you are positive, you will be surrounded by people who wish to be in your company all the time. Positive thinking will breed positive results.

Exercise regularly, it is a great way to keep stress at bay. It can also help you sleep better at night. It is very important that you have enough rest at night so that you can wake up fresh the next morning with positive energy. If you don’t have enough rest at night, you are going to wake up in a grumpy mood the next morning.

Changing your view or your glasses on what is going on around you can make a big difference. Try to see thing from the bright sides. Do not try to change something that you have no control of; focus your energy on the things that you can change and improve.

We have shared with you a lot of tips and techniques to help you build positive thinking, we hope you will put them into good use.

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Positive Thinking Tips for a Better Life

Following positive thinking tips can be a real life changer, not just for you but for others close to you as well. The decision to lead a happier and more positive life is easy to make, but it can be difficult to actually change the way you think and the messages you send out to the world through your words when you are in a bad mood or life is getting your down. However, paying attention to your own thoughts and realizing when they are turning negative is the first step to leading a more positive life.

You simply need to make an effort to focus on your thoughts, your actions, and your words on a regular basis. After awhile, you will find that this process becomes an involuntary habit. Positive thinking tips will tell you that being aware of your own thoughts, actions, and words is among the first steps to changing your life. You need to be aware of these things before you can change your behavior. When you find that you are thinking a negative thought or saying negative statements, you simply change your thoughts and actions in a positive manner.

Initially, you will find that your new positive outlook on life may be met with resistance by those around you. However, over time, your new outlook will have a great effect on those closest to  you. You can change their mood, their thoughts, and their actions in exciting and beneficial ways. Through this contagion of mood, you will find that one day when you are feeling especially down in the dumps, you have several people who are spreading positive thoughts to you and helping you to climb back up without even knowing it. Following positive thinking tips in your life can absolutely change not just your own life for the better but the lives of those around you as well!

Carla Kaplan is a writer and researcher on positive thinking tips. Find insight, inspiration, and tips on how to stay positively motivated at this blog: eof737.wordpress.com

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Positive Thinking Tips to Live By

The mood in a room, a company, a family, and so forth can be swayed by just one individual with a strong mood. That mood can be negative and bring everyone down. It can tell everyone that a task just can’t be done, that a project wasn’t done correctly, or something similar. That mood can also be positive and uplifting, and this can be a strong motivating factor to the group as well. You absolutely have the power to be that strong force in the group, and in fact you probably have more control over each of the groups you belong to in your life. Why not be a positive driving force by following these positive thinking tips?

Perhaps the most important of all positive thinking tips is to be aware of your thoughts and your mood. It is easy fall into the emotion of an event or sink into the rut of a bad day and let that bad mood overtake you. If you want to be a positive driving force for everyone you know, you need to pull yourself up and spread good energy around. When one small or even large event doesn’t go quite your way, you are likely not the only person upset by it, and moping around isn’t doing anyone any good. Instead, focus on the good aspects of the day or the event. You will be surprised how contagious your mood is to most people, and you absolutely can change the outcome in a big way simply by how you think and act.

The fact is that we as a society do not live in a bubble. We live in families, have friends, belong to organizations and groups, work in groups, and so forth. A simple smile can brighten someone else’s day, and it can make you feel better about your own day, too. A few words of encouragement and motivation when you send someone else is feeling down can really be internalized by that person and can not only change their day for the better but it can change yours, too. When considering positive thinking tips, keep in mind how your feelings, words, and actions have the power to sway others’ moods and you will find that your life changes in incredible ways.

Carla Kaplan is a writer and researcher on positive thinking tips. Find insight, inspiration, and tips on how to stay positively motivated at this blog: eof737.wordpress.com

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Positive Thinking Tips for Hard Times

Positive thinking tips are likely the last thing you are thinking about when hard times rear their ugly heads in your life. From personal tragedy or a major illness to loss of a job, financial woes, or something else altogether, when you are going through hard times, you feel like life has completely kicked you until you are down on the ground, and the life kicked you again once more for spite. It’s easy to look around at friends and neighbors whose lives all seem better and happier than yours and to feel jaded, disillusioned, and even jealous.

Yet it is important to remember that you are not the only person in the world going through bad times at that moment in time. Life may be a proverbial marathon, but the path is full of twists, turns, and large hills that take you down and also bring you back up again. Following positive thinking tips is incredibly important when you are down on  your luck because your own thoughts can actually help to change your outlook and your luck. You will find that when you think positively, you will have the internal motivation to apply for that one last job that was really a saving grace for you, that your will to put a smile on your face one day when smiling was the last thing you felt like doing actually was a turning point that helped you overcome some of the challenges you faced.

It is important to recognize that positive thinking tips can make you feel uplifted and more energized, and this can translate into other aspects of your life as well. It can make those around you feel better, and it can even change your own life path. It is not easy to smile and think positive thoughts when you are going through tough times, but finding the strength and will to think good thoughts can really change your life and help you out of your tough times.

Carla Kaplan is a writer and researcher on positive thinking tips. Find insight, inspiration, and tips on how to stay positively motivated at this blog: eof737.wordpress.com

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Positive Thinking Tips for Kids

Have your kids ever said or done something that caused you to pause for a minute and think, “Wow, that was just like me.” As they grow and develop, they are of course their own individual people, but they also absorb parts of your personality and traits as well. One of the biggest parts of personality that is often handed down from parent to child is the ability to roll with the punches of life, and the child’s overall outlook on life. If you think about it, you absolutely want your child to grow up to be a positive person because you know that will lead to a happier life with far more success in personal and professional areas than if your child has a negative personality. Take time to review some positive thinking tips and apply them to your parenting style immediately.

One of the most important positive thinking tips that you should apply to your life today is to really step back and pay attention to the words that are spoken not just to your child but also in front of your child. Is your child constantly hearing a string of negatives such as that something cannot be done, something is too difficult to do, you don’t have enough money for something, or that something is taking too much time? Or is your child hearing uplifting statements such that nothing is impossible, a task can be accomplished if enough effort is applied, that you just need to dust off your knees and try again, and more?

After you have listened to the messages you are passing on to your child and that your child is internalizing, you likely will find that you need to make a few changes to be more positive yourself. Take time each and every day to say a few uplifting, motivating statements not just to your child but to others in earshot of your child. There is nothing more uplifting for you yourself to hear than to catch your own child repeating some of your positive, uplifting statements to others. If you are interested in applying positive thinking tips to your parenting strategy, the first step is to start with yourself.

Carla Kaplan is a writer and researcher on positive thinking tips. Find insight, inspiration, and tips on how to stay positively motivated at this blog: eof737.wordpress.com

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Positive Thinking: 5 Superb Hacks For A More Positive Attitude

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Science has proven time and time again that using positive thinking when working increases performance across the board (compared to working with a neutral or negative mindset). Studies have shown that having a positive attitude boost productivity by as much as 31%, as well as creativity, willpower, energy, imagination and even mood.

Yet, keeping a positive attitude is one of the most misunderstood and unappreciated drivers of performance. Everyone looks for the latest app, or time management system, when a much happier (and easier) productivity-boosting solution is available: happiness.

What’s worse is that few people know how to intentionally get themselves in a good mood. Most wait for something positive to happen in order for them to be happy. People even tie their happiness to their success, when in reality, positive thinking leads to faster achieved goals, not the other way around.

If you ever wondered how to have a better attitude, this training is for you.

In this video you’ll learn 5 different, simple to implement, yet very effective ways to keeping a positive attitude. Master these and you’ll be a positive thinker with increased productivity in record time.

Being happy and having a good and positive attitude has never been easier.


FREE Training and Download on “How Super Successful People Schedule Their Time For Maximum Performance (And How YOU Can Do It Too):



Kosio Angelov is the #1 Amazon bestselling author of the “Lean Email Simple System” and a master trainer in the art of “doing the right things, the right way”. Subscribe to his “Successful By Design” daily productivity show and learn how to break the busyness bubble, achieve exponential productivity and live life by design, not by default.

Subscribe to this YouTube channel for more remarkable training!

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Can Positive Thinking Get Your Ex Back

There is no doubt that positive thinking can achieve great things, ask any sportsmen or women and they will tell you that attitude is 95% of the battle. So… will a positive attitude alone get your ex back?

It is pretty certain that surrounding yourself with positive energy and positive people will help you achieve more. We always approach things better when we are happy. Euphoria is a great healer as we have seen many times on the religious TV channels. If you believe you will achieve.

Positive thinking is only going to help if you want to get your ex back. By focusing on the positive you will be shutting out the negativity that probably caused the relationship to collapse. Positivism will help you look at your relationship in a different light. If you focus on how good it will be getting back together and how much better you will feel when you are together you will not stray from your quest of unity and love. At the very least it will make you a better person and fun to be around.

This new positive you may change in the process beyond recognition. You will find a new confidence and self-belief. You will be better able to deal with set backs in general and rise above petty issues that may have stopped you in your tracks before. You might find that you don’t even need your ex anymore and enjoy being the new outgoing confident you. You might end up not wanting to get your ex back.

Positive thinking alone will probably not be enough to get your ex back though. Although it will surely help and change you for the better you will need to take action to get your ex back. Confidence without action is like a gun without a bullet, pretty redundant. The last thing you want to be is redundant in love. Now you have positive thought and confidence you need to work on a plan of action to get your ex back.

Positive thinking will get you in the right place and in the best mental state to tackle your relationship battle plan. When we first meet our lover we are on top of the world and feel fantastic. Our world is full of positive energy and very little can get us down. This is the state of mind you have recreated and it is infectious.

Arrange a date after you have given you ex some space. Make sure it’s a public place and best of all a place you both used to go to when you first met. Make friends again and remove all negative vibes, when you feel the conversation going down hill think of something positive to say to raise it back up again. Don’t forget a positive attitude is infectious and your ex will feel better because you feel better. Act daft if you have to but make sure the conversation doesn’t get heavy or negative.

Learn from salesman; what do salesmen do when trying to part you from your money. They tell you how wonderful the product is, how wonderful you are, how wonderful the company is, how wonderful your life will be when you purchase this unnecessary item. They get you on a positive journey going in one direction only and before you know it you have bought something you couldn’t possibly live without. Even though you have until now!

You need to recreate that positive journey and show how much fun and happiness your ex will have with you. A positive attitude can play a major part in helping you get your ex back and creating an environment in which you can both be happy. Good luck!

Watch free videos on handling and repairing relationships by clicking here. All you need is love, respect and a great strategy and you can achieve anything. We all need a helping hand now and again so open your mind to a little free advice.

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Positive Thinking To Beat Hard Times!

Did you ever get some good advice? One bit of advice that I keep coming back to is the thought that I cannot always control situations or other people. The only thing I can control is my own personal reaction to bad situations.

Sometimes we do need help. But many times we really can influence our own moods by the way we think about the negative situations that caused a case of the blues!

Have you ever seen people who have just endured an awful situation? If you turn on the nightly news, stories about people who have lost their homes or been through an illness are common. Some focus on what they have lost, and this is easy to understand. But other people focus on what they did not lose, and they start thinking about a better future.

Imagine two families who lost their homes in a sudden wind storm.

One family is in tears because they lost all of their furniture, family pictures, or other items that will be hard to replace. Since they have lost their homes they have to go live at a community shelter or with family. Their normal life seems to have been destroyed within minutes.

A second family is crying with joy because all of the people in their family are unharmed and safe. This family is just happy that they have found shelter right now. This family is also already trying to figure out how they can recover.

I would not blame the first family, and I would understand that they are probably experiencing a very normal reaction to a trauma. But I would say that the second family is better off. They are thinking about making progress in the future. The second family is not focused on the tragedy they had yesterday.

Hopefully, most of you will not ever lose your homes in a sudden storm. But I am sure that all of us have experienced some setbacks that seemed just awful at the time. This could be a job loss, social snub, illness, or problems with family members. I cannot imagine that anybody ever gets through life without having some bad things happen.

If you can try to focus on the steps you will take to remedy the situation, instead of how awful the setback is, you will do yourself a favor. You will be working toward a better tomorrow. And you will not suffer as much pain today.

You can try to control your own response to help you get through a variety tough situations. Have you gained too much weight, lost your job, or had problems with your spouse or partner? You will make a lot more progress is you can work out a plan to fix some of the problems. You can find some positive steps to take, but sometimes, you will find they are not easy.

Do not be afraid to seek help when you need it. A friend, clergy member, or mental health professional may have answers that you seek.

I have heard the cliche that attitude is everything. I do not believe that a positive attitude can cure everything but without a good mental outlook, it can be hard to survive the most minor setbacks.

Do you need more motivation? Stop by the website if this popular Iowa Motivational Speaker for more positive thoughts. See what a good Midwestern Motivational speaker can do for your group.

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1 Week Plan To Positive Thinking

Seven Days Plan To Positive Thinking

I’m certain you have a bright idea hidden somewhere at the back of the mind that you just can’t wait to try out. Obviously you’re not the only one using the bright idea. So what motivates you to definitely churn those creative, as well as inspiring juices to its utmost flavor?

It’s always best to setup a personal goal where one can accomplish the most in record time, maybe like mowing the lawn within an hour before the big game on television. A correct and positive attitude in whatever you do can make things easier, as well as enjoyable.

Here are some tips to really make it through the week if you are just sitting in your preferred couch. An idea needs time to work to form in your mind and it is always at the office when you are busy sitting.

Having a bit of positive thinking can help you realize things that are never thought possible. Thinking big is indeed the American Way which what made our country prosperous.

1. Take passionate action towards living your life by design. Talk is cheap. Action = deposits within the bank of a passionately authentic future. Without them, passion is void.

This is a perfect example where dreams are made of where you start by tinkering together with your mind, then with your hands. And when the concept weakens, you can always go back to it later before you finish it.

2. Commit to yourself as well as those you like to produce powerfully a life you can love. Instead of reacting, invest in creating out of your heart and soul, from love instead of fear. The American Dream will always be there, but a dream it’s still a dream without motion. Be amazed since the transformation begins.

3. Recognize and embrace the thought that every moment is perfect regardless of its outcome. Every time you hit on something which may appear too extreme, why don’t you give it a go and find out whether it works. You will be surprised to determine of there are more methods for getting the duty done in time. If you are not happy with the end result, decide to use that moment to understand from making the appropriate shift.

4. Dwell completely inside a host to gratitude. Learn to utilize what you have in your hands and take advantage of it in the most constructive way. Slipping into neediness will become less of a habit whenever you repeatedly shift towards gratitude, away from poverty consciousness.

5. Use a Passion Formula of Recognize/Reevaluate/Restore instead of the Shoulda/Woulda/Coulda whirlwind. The former is based in increased knowledge and abundance while the latter targets scarcity and lack. As you face people or tasks that might seem harder than scaling the summit from the Himalayas, allow you to ultimately realize that the duty is equally as important as supplying orders for your subordinates. You’d prefer richly passionate!

6. Keep humor at the forefront of thought, laughing at with yourself when possible. You might find yourself quite entertaining when you unwind! I am yet to determine a comedian ever go hungry even though his jokes are as ‘old as great-grandma’. Life has a lot to provide to let you mope around in self pity. Humor is very attractive, very passionate: life-giving.

7. Believe that you are the architect of the destiny. No-one can take your passionate future from you aside from you! Create your lifetime authentically. As long as there’s still breath in your body, there is no end to what you can accomplish inside a lifetime. The concept of thinking big is all about enjoying your work, which may lead to celebrate a discovery that’s born within your hands. Watch everything flow into place with perfect, passionate precision.

It’s interesting how people get wallowed up by something trivial as learning to utilize a computer, when nowadays that top computer companies are manufacturing software that the kids can do it. I don’t mean to be condescending, but that is the thought of lacking any positive thinking in your life-you’ll just turn into a dim bulb inside a dark corner. So rather than subjecting yourself to what you’ll be doomed for, make your path if you take the first step having a positive attitude.

Learn more about self help motivation. Stop by Annette Lode’s site where you can find out all aboutself help guide and whatit can do for you.

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