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How To Boost Positive Thinking & Optimism

Our viewpoint towards life can determine our attitude in life. If we have a positive outlook, we will tend to do positive things and this can help us to be more happy. On the other hand, if we have a negative outlook, we will tend to do things negatively; which can cause misery in life.

Your outlook in life is so important, and yet many people never give it much thought. If you’re optimistic, you’ll open doors for yourself and lead a happy life. However, with a negative mindset, you could end up in places that you never intended to be. This isn’t some fairytale ideal; it’s absolutely true!

It’s not difficult to cultivate optimism and positive outlook in life. I will share with you some concrete tips you can use to achieve that; it’s all up to you whether you want to live happily in life or feeling stress and unhappy all the time. I hope you choose to live stress-free and happy in life.

Here are some easy tips or techniques you can use to boost and cultivate your optimism:

1. Avoid getting hung up on one thing. Sometimes you may feel like there’s one situation that’s holding you back. Maybe there’s just one thing that has seemingly ruined your day. Resolve to let it go so it doesn’t bother you anymore. After all, there’s a whole world out there just waiting for you to experience!

2. Always strive to look at the bright side in life. If you have a bad day, don’t allow that bad feeling to spread, try to look for a silver lining. There is always light even in darkest places. Remember that success always come after some setbacks. The important thing to remember here is to learn from your mistakes, learn how to remove the stumbling block that is blocking your way; improve it and move forward. That’s how success is achieved.

3. Get over the past. Remember that the past is the past; it doesn’t need to keep repeating itself. In fact, if you keep recalling the past, you are the one taking it with you into your future. Learn how to let it go no matter how painful it might have been. The future can be filled with great things, but a great future can only start when you’ve come to terms with your past.

4. Be thankful. Make a list of all the things you’re thankful for in your life. Include even the smallest things, like the lucky penny you found on the street or the loving hug your partner gave you today. You’ll most likely end up with a long list that you can look to whenever you feel like you’re slipping into negativity.

5. Use positive affirmations. Nothing brings out optimism like the use of affirmations. These positive statements bring optimistic energy into your present. They are a way of communicating with your subconscious mind so you can maintain control over how you feel. Use them every day and every time you need a boost of positivity.

6. Stay away from negative people as they will drag you down. Surround yourself with positive people and share with them your positive viewpoint in life. If you share positive things with people; people will also share positive things with you. Positive people can help to motivate and enlighten you when you are having problems in your life.

7. Watch your language. Do you speak positively to yourself and others, or are you judgmental and negative? Try to shift over to only positive speech. Practice using upbeat words while you focus on the positive in every situation.

8. Learn to accept things as they are. Remember that even a positive life has ups and downs. Life won’t always be perfect, but there are many ways you can still make the best of it. Accept the fact that bad things will happen from time to time, but avoid dwelling on these things. You’ll bounce back if you remain open to optimism.

Optimism is easy to cultivate if you start from your mind or the way you think. Always remember to think positively even if you are facing with difficult challenges. All problems have a solution even the most difficult one. When your mind is thinking positively, it will reflect in your action and attitude. And positive attitude and positive actions will always produce positive results.

That is how you cultivate and boost your optimism. Hope you find the tips in this article useful.

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How Positive Thinking Can Change Your Life

So you can see from this that the power of positive thinking really can change your life. If you are like most people the chances are you would have slipped into the latter frame of mind without even thinking. Needless to say if you didn’t believe in the power of positive thinking you wouldn’t get the same results.

Now imagine applying the power of positive thinking to every single day of your life. You would achieve more and open up more opportunities and chances for yourself because you would be thinking positively and looking at the world through a positive frame of mind. Can you see how the power of positive thinking really can influence how your life turns out?

The benefits of positive thinking should be clear. When you display a positive and upbeat attitude toward a person or circumstance in your life, you automatically attract a positive response. Granted, this is not 100 percent foolproof, and there are times that despite your positive outlook, situations don’t turn out the way you would want. Experts have shown that positive thinking goes beyond just making someone “feel good” on a superficial level. Studies have produced conclusive evidence that positive thinking can help prevent sickness and promote healing.

Positive thoughts come naturally for some people, but for others it may be more difficult. Regardless of your past, you can become a positive thinker. Accept the benefits of positive thinking. You must understand and believe that negative thoughts are detrimental to you and positive thoughts are helpful and healthy for you and for those around you. Consciously think good thoughts. Don’t be upset when a negative thought creeps up on you. Look closer at the situation and find the positive. Capture the power of positive thinking. Vacate your mind of any negative thought or feeling. Visualize the positive.

Ben Tien has been many article writing about great thinking phrases for many years. He is the educator of personal development with a strong focus on effective communication. Learn more about: Positive thinking phrases

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Psoriasis and The Power of Positive Thinking

Never underestimate the power of positive thinking. Negative thoughts and emotions are what often keep people in the condition they are in. Illness and disease happens, but it is the negative thoughts and emotions that keep us from healing quickly, or at all. Daily affirmations may sound like a lot of hocus pocus, but it is amazing what can happen when we get rid of the negative energy and replace it with positive.

Negative thoughts lead to negative emotions and actions. If you are feeling down, all you want to do is stay under the covers and not deal with anyone. Telling yourself negative thoughts can lead to you, and others believing those thoughts. If you constantly tell people you aren’t smart enough for that promotion, in time you and your co-workers will believe that to be the truth. However, if you tell yourself you are just as qualified as everyone else for that promotion, you and your co-workers will believe that to be the truth. A negative thought process and negative attitude will not give you the courage and strength to even try for the promotion. A positive attitude will give you the confidence to go for it, even if you don’t get it and least you tried.

The road to recovery is more than just medication and doctor’s visits. It is about convincing yourself that you are going to be alright. It is saying everyday that this illness or disease is not going to bring you down or stop you from reaching for the stars. You may have a disease, but it is not all you are.

Positive affirmations are a way to force a decision and commit to gaining control of your life back. Close your eyes and say “I will overcome this”. Bring up pictures in your mind of you free of your illness. Picture yourself living a healthy life and immersing yourself in healthy things. Remember that picture for when times get tough and things get hard.

You don’t have to spend tons of money on self-help tapes. It is easy and free to make your own daily affirmations. The trick is to make yourself recite these affirmations daily, even when you are in the foulest of moods. Write out things such as “I am getting stronger and healthier” “I feel better and more positive with each passing day”. Put these sayings in your purse or wallet or hang them in the mirror where you get ready each day.

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Affirmations and the Power of Positive Thinking

To think positively, one has to change their mental and emotional thinking about every aspect of themselves. There are steps that you can take to create positive attitudes toward other people and different situations.

You have to learn what the most important factors are that affect your attitudes. In this way, you learn to eliminate all negative things that can affect the way you make decisions.

You have to take charge of things that affect your life, instead of allowing other people and circumstances to decide how your life will play out. You must also associate with others preferably with greater skills and knowledge that will help you develop in a positive direction and pull you up to their level. It is said that if a positive and a negative person are around each other for any length of time that the negative person will almost always bring the positive one down instead of visa Versa. Avoid negative people like the plague and take small steps each day to achieve your goals. Remember, ” How do you eat an elephant ?” Answer, “One bite at a time”. You should always associate yourself with like minded people who can motivate to achieve your goals.

Look in the mirror and say positive things about yourself to yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself how do you expect anyone else to believe you are successful. This is called positive affirmations. The way you communicate to yourself influences the way you think and the way you approach other people and situations.  Read about those who have overcome great difficulties, fought their fears, overcome obstacles to succeed in life. You will then be able to learn understand new ideas. You will also begin have a positive outlook on life in general. Your mind cant hold a positive and a negative thought at the same time. So anytime you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, change it immediately to a positive one. Remember, you have control over your mind and what you think!

Always make lists to stay motivated in achieving your goals no matter how hard they may seem. Always take time to work on your goals. Accomplishing one task will motivate you to conquer another, and another and another, ect. This momentum snowballs and makes you more self-confident and when you are more self confident it is much easier to achieve more goals.

Replace your old sad depressing mental images with happy positive images that you want to experience. Become aware of your attitudes and behavior. You can then make an action plan to create those attitudes you like and and discard the ones you dislike.

Always think about, “what you want, not what you don’t want”, if you believe in the,”Law of Attraction”, you will bring into your life, what you think about. So only think about what you want!

You cannot control all things all of the time in your live, but you can change the things that you think about in a positive way. You have the option to choose what you think about to increase your self-esteem.

Positive affirmations are a powerful tool that can influence your attitude and behavior. When you say positive things about yourself, you will be able to respond and react internally on what you would like to happen in your life. Your thoughts determine your personal feelings and your reactions to certain situations. When you practice positive affirmations, you start taking control of things that can affect or change the way you see the world and your life.

The way you speak to yourself allows you to see your emotional side. What you say to yourself should relate to things that are currently happening in your life. Remember, you are in control of what you think and what you think determines how you feel and therefore your actions.

Get a Mentor! A Mentor is someone who has achieved the results you desire in life that agrees to take you under their wing and teach you how to do it. Your gains under the direction and guidance of a mentor will supercharge your progress many times faster. Example, The U.S. Small Business Administration offers a program of retired business executives that act as mentors to those wanting to start their own businesses using their experience to help people avoid many of the pit falls they have already experienced.

READ, READ, READ. Your mind is like a sponge. Let it soak up all of the knowledge possible. Never stop learning. This is one of the main reasons people shortly after retiring. They quit life and learning ! Never retire from learning and doing new things.

Help someone else, it’ll make you feel great!
“Now go out and make someones day”

Corky Carsons”

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Positive Thinking: Using Biblical Principles – Law Of Attraction

Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here:
►222 Prosperity Affirmations: http://geni.us/2HhW7
►I Wish I New This 20 Years Ago: http://geni.us/wZx6
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We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the “Law Of Attraction”, or the law of “Reaping and Sowing”. This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret…
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The Law of Attraction and Positive Thinking

The process behind the realization of what it is you want to experience in life is commonly referred to as the Law of Attraction. This process is arguably one of the most fundamentally important law to the building of a fulfilling and beautiful life and yet despite the prolific amount of information available that is dedicated to the Law of Attraction it is widely misunderstood.

The most common mistake is the misinterpretation that the Law of Attraction is merely a fancy term for positive thinking, a mistake that also acts as one of the key aspects seized upon by those who seek to ridicule the idea of the Law of Attraction as a mechanism for creation.

The more people who misinterpret the idea that the Law of Attraction is reliant on positive thinking, the harder it will be for the human race to awaken to its true nature. For this reason alone I would like to wrap some clarity around the subject.

The process described by the term Law of Attraction begins through the fixated and isolated placement of attention. The process itself has nothing to do with positivity – it has everything to do with attention. I’d like to repeat this, for it is most important to understand:

The Law of Attraction is a natural process of creation that works with or without positive thinking.

Yes, in respect to certain desires, through the power of isolated attention the Law of Attraction can be invoked and will fully manifest the object of attention purely by thought. However, it should always be remembered that the world we live in is a co-creation – not only of mind, but also of matter.

There are many mental and physical beings who, through that which they place their fixated attention upon, create their life and, at the same time, co-create the changes that reality itself undergoes – changes to the world that we all share. Because we are mental and physical beings, the Law of Attraction is primarily a process of creation that works through both the mental and the physical. That is, it requires the application of both mind and matter.

Rather than being a magical fancy of ‘think positive and it will appear’, the Law of Attraction is instead a systematic method of active creation through the principle of combining ‘isolated and fixated attention’ (mind) with the necessary ‘action’ (matter) towards the object or experience of desire.

What we create, either individually or as a shared collective, manifests as a synthesis of the active image in mind (thought) and the active image in form (matter). Manifestation can occur through pure thought attention, but, at least in human reality, it occurs primarily as the result of the combination of an active mind and body. Regardless of the way in which manifestation may occur it is not a process that requires positive thinking as its prerequisite.

The bridge between the effectiveness of the active thought and the physical action that is necessary to contribute to the manifestation of the thought is what is referred to as ‘receptivity’. Receptivity is the ability to see the signs that inspire thought and action towards realization of the intended object or experience. In other words, receptivity is the art of taking notice and even looking for the signs that relate to the bringing of the image in your mind into the form of reality – moments that highlight or indicate things you should or must do to make the object of your intention a reality.

Again, receptivity requires fixated attention – not positivity. That is, receptivity means watching for, or at the very least being actively open to noticing signs upon which you can take the necessary action required to advance the manifestation process. All the amount of positive thinking in the world will never substitute for a mind attentive to that which it wishes to experience, receptive to the signs to make it happen, and active in its approach to helping make it happen.

The simplest definition of the Law of Attraction is to say it is the process of bringing together the various things necessary to realize the object or experience of your desire. This is why I actually prefer to refer to the Law of Attraction as the Art of Realization. You may also refer to it as the Process of Creation or any other fancy term, as all would be just as accurate. However, to refer to it as purely a method of positive thinking is inaccurate.

It is here that I qualify my commentary to avoid the inevitable interpretation that I am somehow against positive thinking. Quite the contrary, I highly recommend maintaining a positive outlook for a positive mind will most definitely support you as you progress through this thing we call life.

The nature of your outlook will also influence the nature of that which you attract, and so positivity is beyond a shadow of a doubt an important element of a healthy attractive mind. But positivity is not the key to harnessing the process of creative attraction and neither is the Law of Attraction another term for positive thinking.

The Law of Attraction as a term has many misnomers associated to it thanks to a variety of representations from those who do not truly understand it. Sadly there are many so-called ‘experts’ who actively present it in ways that confuse many people such that through error the concept itself has attracted much stigma. Fortunately the process that the Law of Attraction refers to does not become a kind of nonsensical magic simply because certain misinterpretations paint it so.

The wonderful truth is the Law of Attraction is really quite simple to put into practice, even if you don’t fully understand the universal mechanics of manifestation. It is surprisingly empowering to realize that even on the days where you struggle to find positivity, you are still able to wield the Law of Attraction with power simply by keeping your attention fixated upon your goal, remaining attentive to the detail, being receptive to the signs and taking action when you notice them.

Become Aware Of Yourself: http://www.therealizationsystem.com

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The Secret Success in Positive Thinking

Imagine yourself saying a statement such as:

My income is constantly increasing.

And then listen to what you think in response to that.  If you’re spending more than your income, or if your income is static, it’s likely to be something like ‘no it isn’t’, or ‘what a lot of rubbish!’  Over the last twenty years of using affirmations in my own life, and teaching this method to others, I have always taught people to acknowledge these responses, because it is in the airing of them that their power is lessened. It’s a bit like seeing you have some weeds in the flowerbed, and pulling them out. In order to pull them out, you have to realise they are there, and sort out which ones you want to keep and which ones get to stay.

This is exactly the same with positive thinking. From your responses to the positive thought, you get to see which ones are causing damage and need to go, and which are innocuous and don’t matter.  When you release the blocks getting in the way of truly believing ‘my income is constantly increasing’ regardless of whether it physically is or not, then you can make that statement as if it were true right in the moment. This is when your energy then begins to line up with the statement, there is congruence, everything begins to flow, and you start to feel abundant and prosperous. 

But it takes patience to get this far; patience, persistence and practice. Without that you become just one of the many people who know the theory, and even agree with it, but because you’re not practicing it with full understanding and a determination to see the process through, are one of the disgruntled and disillusioned ones.  How do I know this? Because I’ve been there.  Many times. And therefore have discovered that it is only in the practice that we become what we truly say we want to be. Rich thinking teaches these principles and allows you to become a master of your thoughts and feelings, leading to much more health, wealth and happiness.

Jane Duncan Rogers works with self-employed individuals and others to use the power of their thoughts and feelings to achieve more of what they want in life. Sign up for her free report 7 Steps to Thinking Rich by visiting http://www.richthinkers.co.uk

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The Power of Positive Thinking in Your Life

The power of positive thinking is very powerful indeed. Why? It relates to the fact that the process of thinking takes place most of our awake time, whether we like it or not. Additionally, every single action we carry out originates from a thought. We cannot act upon anything unless there has been a thought about it first. Our whole organism reacts on what goes on inside our heads. That is what´s powerful about it. Because it means that we have the power to control our thoughts, actions and results. Our destiny is in our own hands.

It also means that you become really careful about what you think. Your subconscious mind will act on any thought as a command, whether the message is positive or negative. And since you have the choice, it makes sense to direct your thoughts in a constructive way, to your best benefit.

There are empowering thoughts. They are uplifting, inspiring, joyful, full of hope and positive energy. Thinking positive is like feeding yourself energy. Consequently, the opposite is true of negative thoughts. They rob your energy and attract more negativity into your life.

So it´s all about conditioning yourself to a positive mental attitude. I say conditioning because it is a process that might require some time and effort on your part. If you are very conditioned to negative thought patterns (and most of us are), you are probably also used to blaming others for anything bad in your life. As a result you complain about work, your boss, your spouse, your kids, your neighbors, your kids´school, the government, the weather, God… anything or anybody! And if you complain and expect them to be bad to you, your subconscious mind will create that scenario for you. Others cannot be blamed. Your thoughts are responsible for what´s going on in your life. Or as Earl Nightingale puts it: “You become what you think about all day long.”

There are many parallels and similarities between positive thinking and affirmations. The same basic principles apply to both, so let´s summarize them:

1. Phrase your statements in positive terms.

2. Counter negativity by interrupting the pattern. As a negative thought arises, just jump to any thought that has a positive message. If you are stuck with ongoing destructive thoughts, make yourself shift focus to anything beautiful, loving or otherwise empowering. The trick is to shift focus. Not stay in a negative place. “Do not rent mental space to anything that you do not want.”

3. Expect it to happen. Whether you think you can or you cannot do something is equally true! So you might as well choose to believe that you can. Now THAT is the power of positive thinking!

Kourosh Kavian is an avid learner of personal development and the study of success. He is totally into helping others achieve success in every area in life. Please visit: http://www.personal-development-inside-out.com

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The True Power of Positive Thinking

The power of optimism is not a new subject. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, author of “The Power Of Positive Thinking,” became a pioneer in the self-improvement industry. He helped millions to believe in themselves and achieve success and happiness by harnessing the power of positive thinking coupled with positive action. He taught that the mental attitude of seeing the bright side of life is just another word for faith and is a topic that is always wrapped together with spiritual cultivation.

Positive thinking is one of the most important things you need to practice throughout your life. It is a way of living and a technique that you need to incorporate into your daily life if you have any intentions of changing things or accomplishing your goals.

When our attitude and behavior is positive, we allow only pleasant feelings and constructive images to work in our mind. We also visualize in our inner eye, what we really want from our life and how it should happen.

Although the mind is naturally predisposed to positive thinking, it doesn’t like to change its thought patterns, and often subconsciously sabotages any attempts for looking on the bright side. When it’s not natural, but forced, the results, at best, will be limited, temporary, and self-deluding. The true power of positive thinking is that it allows you to live life to its fullest potential without letting negativity bring you down.

Start with this simple exercise: Every evening, reflect on the positives of the day. Optimism is a mind-set that you must nurture like growing flowers. People with a positive frame of mind think about possibilities, growth, expansion and success.

Positive thinking is a huge personal asset and the key to success. Changing your attitude to look at the positive side of every situation is the best thing you could ever learn to do.

Kimberly C. Smith is an aspiring writer with a different perspective. Visit http://www.HealthAndWealthCommunity.com/ to browse a variety of interesting topics. Join this growing community FREE by clicking http://www.healthandwealthcommunity.com/register.html

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How To Cultivate a Positive Thinking And Positive Attitude

I am very excisted to write this article as I strongly believe that positive attitude can indeed change something from bad to good. Let me start by asking you a question right now…

What thought is on your mind right now? Do you label your thought negative or positive? Now with that in your mind, let imagine that you are currently talking to a person, would you think that the thought that is currently on your mind is going to impact your interaction with that person? Would you think that it is going to impact your interaction with others positively or negatively?

You see, what is in your mind is going to be reflected in how you behave and how you behave is going to affect how you feel; and how you feel is going to affect your action.

Therefore, if what you have in your mind is positive thoughts, this is going to reflect in a positive behaviour as well. And if you behave positively, you are going to feel good and this is going to show in your action. You will act in a positive way.

Here’s another question. When you enter a party filled with friends, do they all fall silent as if something terrible had happened? Or does everybody there perk up as if waiting for something exciting to happen?

You know what? The answer to this question will depend on your frame of mind.

Thoughts are very powerful. They affect your general attitude. The attitude you carry reflects on your appearance too. And it doesn’t end there. Your attitude can also affect people around you.

The type of attitude you carry depends on you. It can be either positive or negative.

Positive thoughts have a filling effect. They are admittedly invigorating. Plus, the people around the person carrying positive thoughts are usually energized by this type of attitude.

Negative thoughts on the other hand have a sapping effect on other people. Aside from making you look gloomy and sad, negative thoughts can turn a festive gathering into a funeral wake.

A positive attitude attracts people, while a negative attitude repels them. People tend to shy away from those who carry a negative attitude.

Your attitude is also going to affect how you see the world. If you have a positive attitude, you will see the world from the bright side. On the other hand, if you have a negative attitude, you will always tend to see the world from the dark side.

That is the reason why people with positive attitude always have a lot of friends because people feel comfortable and happy around them. On the other hand, people with negative attitude will always shy away from people.

You have much to gain from a very positive attitude. Many studies have shown that a positive attitude promotes better health. Those with this kind of attitude also have more friends. projecting a positive attitude also helps one to handle stress and problems better than those who have a negative attitude.

Although it is impossible to keep ourselves from the negative things around us, you can still carry a positive attitude by focusing on the good things, the positive things in life.

You see, life is short. So why focus our energy on the negative things? Negativity can drag you down and drain your energy. It takes the same effort to think positively so why not choose to think positive instead of negative? Since positive thinking and positive attitude can give you so many positive benefits, why not focus all our energy and effort on the positive things in life?

If you can always think positively, this will reflect in your action. You are going to do positive things and produce positive result!

So, it really isn’t that difficult to think and behave positively, is it? I hope you find this article useful and will put this information to good use.

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