Tag Archives: Thinking

Change Positive Thinking to Positive Believing

Affirmations alone don’t work. Almost everyone has heard of positive thinking being a key to success. You are to start out repeating affirmations like “I am Rich.” “I am Healthy.” “I am getting better and better everyday.” When your life doesn’t change quickly, you quit. You tell yourself it doesn’t work.

What you may not realize is that your sub-conscious is a little voice inside you that’s telling you the affirmations are wrong. It’s all a lie. You know better. You’re not wealthy and never will be. Money is hard to get. You’re fat and doomed to stay that way. Or any number of negative things that contradict the affirmation.

This diminishes or even completely cancels your efforts. And you may not even be aware of this little voice. But it is this voice that holds you back.

This voice comes from beliefs that you hold that you may not be aware of. It could be some hidden belief like being rich is evil. Do you know the saying “Money is the root of all evil”? That could be where your block comes from. Or maybe you have a belief that rich people are selfish and feel that being selfish is something to avoid at all costs.

If you are trying to lose weight by repeating “I am thin and healthy” when you are far from “thin and healthy”. You won’t believe in the affirmation. In fact, it can boomerang right back and the negative thoughts come back stronger. This is similar to what happens with yo-yo dieting. You lose weight on the diet then when you stop that particular diet, you can all the weight back and more.

Now positive thinking can work. But you need to be able to believe in the affirmation. Tone down that affirmation until it is something you can believe in. Something that little voice can’t argue with too much. Then change it little by little.

Here’s a possible progression for weight loss:

* I am building a desire to be thin and healthy.
* I will like my healthy body.
* I will enjoy the increased activity.
* I am working to become healthier everyday.
* I can picture my new body and I’m pleased with it.
* I work diligently to be healthy.
* I eat mostly vegetables and feel satisfied.
* My level of activity is increasing and I enjoy it.
* Exercise is great.
* My muscle mass is increasing.
* My body is well toned.
* I am thin and healthy.

Here’s a possible progression for increasing wealth:

* I know of people who are wealthy and still nice, thoughtful and generous.
* I can learn what I need to increase my wealth.
* I am as smart as wealthy people and opportunity will come my way.
* I am looking for ways to increase my wealth.
* I expect opportunities to come into my awareness.
* The world abounds with opportunities and there are some for me.
* I will recognize the perfect wealth creating opportunity for me and take it.
* Prosperity lies just ahead.
* Money is flowing my way.

I’m sure you can come up with more and I would be interested in hearing them. Send me your ideas and read more about Changing your thoughts at Thoughtful-self-improvement.com.

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How to Think Positive ? The Power of Positive Thinking

If you want to know how to think positive, you probably aren’t that happy with your life. Maybe you worry a lot about yourself, the future, about your job. Or maybe you simply worry about anything!

The important thing here is that it’s your way of thinking that makes you feel uncertain and bad. You have to realize that how you feel depends on you – and only you. You could feel awesome right now, in this moment. There might be “problems” around you, but only as long as you see them as problems. Of course it’s helpful to identify problems, not to ignore them. But a lot of people are scared of any kind of problems, so the first thing they try to see in every new, unknown situation are the problems, the negative aspects. It’s obvious that you make your life unnecessary difficult and bad this way (as our thoughts shape our moods). This is called negative thinking.

So, the first step to positive thinking is to identify the way you are thinking. You need to recognize the destructive thoughts. Are you a pessimist type of person? Simply try to answer these questions:

1) In a bad situation, do you always expect the worst?

2) Imagine yourself in five years – are you scared?

3) If all your friends tell you about this great movie you simply have to see – you still have doubts?

4) Are your friends pessimistic?

5) Do you worry about things you can’t change?

6) If something good happens, do you think it happened by accident?

Now, if you have answered the most questions with “yes”, you definitely need to change your way of thinking. Here is a great technique to break the vicious circle of negative thinking: sit down for 15 minutes every day for some weeks and write down the thoughts that don’t let you sleep. Next, take a rational look at your notes. Are they true? Mostly there are not. Finally, you can rewrite them in a positive way.

Keep in mind: you don’t need to change yourself as a person. You need to change the way you think of things, the way you look at problems. This will not only improve the quality of your life but also attract other people – maybe even the mate of your dreams! For more information, take a look at this article:

Law of Attraction in Getting a Mate

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The Strength of Positive Thinking

Have you wondered if some people are just born ” lucky”? They are the winners in life, are usually cheerful and somehow seem to succeed at more than the average person.

They rarely complain about feeling hard up, unwell or have a grouch about a family member or friend. That is not to say they do not have their challenges, it is just that they do not dwell on them too much.

These sunny optimists find a way of remaining positive at all times. Are they born with this attitude, or is it a learned skill? Is it possible to make your own luck in this world, or is that just thinking recklessly?

There are many books on the benefits of positive thinking. But what is it that makes some of us able to remain optimistic in the face of adversity and others to constantly fret and worry about things which may or may not happen?

Think of FEAR as a simple acronym False, Evidence, Appearing Real. 95% of the stuff that we are afraid of is just false evidence.

I remember as a young lad, going to the local shop. The old man who served us was called Bob. Like most other kids – I enjoyed sunny mornings. Any conversation with Bob inevitably got round to the weather. If it was poor – Bob complained. If it was pleasant and sunny he always warned, “aye but we will pay for this yet!” The poor old guy was never happy, determined to see the bleak side in everything.

At that time I could never quite make up my mind whether he was a very clever weather forecaster or someone who was afraid to enjoy the moment in life for fear of what may be round the corner. Perhaps Bob had never heard the quote from Scots comedian Billy Connolly “There’s no such thing as bad weather – only the wrong clothes.”

I believe that we humans fall neatly into two categories – those who think of a glass half full and those who see it as half empty. OK nothing new about that you might think, but I urge you to think more about this:

Think of 3 people you know who you consider to be “lucky” – they rarely seem down and use positive language in their conversation.

Now think of 3 people you know who you consider to be constantly challenged in their life to the point that it gets them down. They feel worried, down in spirits and afraid; maybe even go from one crisis to another.

Which of the two types do you think are most likely to succeed in what they do?

This is not intended to be an unsympathetic disregard for those who are troubled in life, quite the opposite in fact. By acknowledging that positive thinking can/ does greatly enhance our quality of life and sense of well being, we then have the choice whether to embrace this way of thinking or not.

British T.V. presenter Richard Hammond astounded and delighted thousands of people by making a remarkable recovery and has confounded all those around him with his mischievous sense of humour and determination to get better. Who would have expected so much progress so soon after crashing at 280 mph while trying to beat the land speed record?

Do you think he saw a glass half full or half empty? If his positive thinking and apparent lack of fear could carry him through such a horrific accident, just think what additional positive thinking can do for us in our daily pursuits?

The secret to thinking positively is, to address our fears and negativities so that we give off a positive energy, which will attract success in all areas of our lives. By doing this we will detract troubles too.  This in turn, will attract good health, prosperity and happiness.

Rather than just telling ourselves to think positively we will help you remove our limitations, which are holding us back. You too can achieve anything you want, be truly happy and successful if you want it badly enough. Most people have these limitations at least until they get into personal development. You are no different from anyone else.

Thanks for reading

What to do now:

To get off to a great start, get your FREE copy of “27 Ways Successful People Avoid Failure and Disappointment in Their Lives” (normally £27.00) – go here: Emotional Intelligence Training

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In todays world, more and more people speak about the power of positive thinking. It is a concept that has a very high view of human nature and ability. Its advocates teach that the human mind has the power to turn wishes into reality through optimism. In other words The Power Of Positive thinking refers to the power of creating thoughts, which create and focus energy into reality. To bring into creation a positive outcome, which you see as a benefit to yourself or others.

Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favourable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds. This is a powerful tool that everybody has, but a lot of people are not aware of it.

Positive thinking includes:
1. Our innate capability to produce desired outcomes with positive thoughts.
2. Having belief in possibilities even when the facts seem to indicate otherwise.
3. Making creative choices.
4. Meeting problems head on.

Concept of Positive Thinking Explained

Everything in the world of form is preceded by a thought. Thoughts are not in the world of form, form is not in the world of thought. But one actually precedes the other in all cases. If one wishes to affect form, one must work with cause, not effect. Thought is cause, form is effect. And when we work in the realm of thought, choosing a negative one or a positive one will influence the outcome.

Simply put, we live in a world of cause and effect i.e. for every cause there is an effect and every effect has to have a cause. Everything that happens in this world (form) is an effect, the cause being thoughts. These thoughts affect the whole universe. And each thought once generated and sent out becomes independent of the brain and mind and will live upon its own energy depending upon its intensity.

All of our feelings, beliefs and knowledge are based on our internal thoughts, both conscious and subconscious. We are in control, whether we know it or not. We can be positive or negative, enthusiastic or dull, active or passive. These attitudes are maintained by the inner conversations we constantly have with ourselves, both consciously and subconsciously.

Mystics have long held that we do, in fact, control our reality; not just the little things in life, but everything. We create our entire world by the way we think. Thoughts are the causes and conditions are the effects. Our circumstances and conditions are not dictated by the world outside; it is the world inside us that creates the outside. They have maintained that regardless of our circumstances, each person has the innate, Universe or God given ability to create or alter reality to our choosing. This is done by using the power of positive thinking. They say that we are not here to suffer or to live a life of misery but rather, each conflict or problem that we confront is merely an opportunity to express our higher selves, to evolve and to alter the circumstances to our liking. They claim that there is no such thing as a God who seeks to punish and that so called errors are merely opportunities to grow.

These concepts on the power of the positive thinking, once restricted to the initiated few, came to light in the so called New Age. Voices from people such as Ram Dass, Deepak Chopra, Joel Goldsmith, John Price, L. Ron Hubbard, Dr. Hew Len and countless others expressed the notion that reality is of our own making and choosing, regardless of appearances to the contrary. The basic premise is that our past conditioning should be re-evaluated and that we should consciously determine the way in which we wish to live. We should use the power of positive thinking to create things (reality) which are good for us and for others.

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Applying Positive Thinking

In applying positive thinking, have you ever envied your friend’s amazing luck, of wondering why you can’t seem to get it together and just wished that you too could see the world from their lives for once? Well it isn’t that hard, you just need a dose of energy to boost you up and we aren’t talking about a cup of coffee…You need Positive Thinking, a very powerful tool in rearranging your life for the better, along side confidence and inner harmony; positive thinking dominates your sense of seeing the world through these special goggles where all of life looks like one big possibility.
First off, get rid of the negative thoughts you have about life. It’s not about how half empty the glass is, it’s about how half full. This is why you need to practice positive thinking; it is a gateway to a whole new world of endless possibilities. Remove notions of you not being able to do anything or you wouldn’t be able to because what it is, it is always doable. The only way you probably couldn’t do it is because physically you really couldn’t, other than that; it’s always within your reach.
Thinking positively helps calm this troubled you-inside, down. It keeps your thoughts in proper perspective and rests the soul of problems and burden as with positive thinking, you can easily see loopholes and ways out of trouble than ways into it. That is why you need to practice positive thinking for your own well being. You need to feel safe, calm and assured that you are doing the right thing.
All you need to get more living out of life is in the book The Mind- getting more living out of life
Opportunities open up, goods things happen and it is for that reason why you need to practice how thinking positively can best work for you. It’s in The Mind.
Get the feel of your courage and creativity building up inside because if you got positive thinking as your driving force and vision, your ideas are always in the green light. This is why you need to practice positive thinking as a precursor to the many things you need to learn in life, it can let you see that there is more ways to achieve something than just one.

applying positive thinking

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Positive Thinking Techniques

If you do, in fact, believe that your thoughts will shape your life, then positive thinking techniques are obviously going to be seen by you as being rather important. So much of success with the Law of Attraction depends upon having a positive outlook and believing that you can manifest what you want in life.

For if you believe that accomplishing something is impossible, then at the moment and instance it does for all practical purposes become impossible.

Embracing positive thinking techniques can do nothing less than change your life forever. If you find that you are plagued by negative thoughts, you may be wondering how you can use positive thinking techniques to reshape your way of thinking.

It may be particularly difficult to imagine reshaping your thought patterns if you are a very difficult person. However, by using the positive thinking techniques we are discussing here, it is quite possible to alter your way of thinking and to do so forever.

Monitor Your Thoughts Throughout The Day

Your starting point for embracing and using positive thinking techniques in your own life is to make a commitment. You must commit to monitoring your thoughts throughout the day.

At first, you may slip up and fall back into old patterns of negativity, but this is fine. The goal is to have your thoughts become increasingly less negative over time. Think of it this way; you are chipping away at your negative thoughts bit by bit until they are gone.

Establish A Check-In Time

Think of your negative thoughts as something that must be periodically checked on. You can envision that you are a security guard who periodically makes his rounds.

Only instead of guarding a warehouse full of valuable gems and precious metals, your security guard is guarding your mind, which is much more valuable. So once an hour check in and think about how you have been thinking recently.

Have your thoughts been negative?

Don’t be afraid to shine a light on those negative thoughts!

Improvement Over Time

Just as you can improve your cardiovascular stamina as you ride a bike or jog, you can also improve your positive thinking techniques stamina.

Over time you will find that the number of negative thoughts you are experiencing every day slowly begin to dwindle and dwindle.

While the rate of success will vary from person to person, it is safe to state that in time you will see real and substantial progress and will find that you thinking more positively.

Tricks For Breaking Up Your Rut

From time to time, you may find that you are just having too many negative thoughts for your own good. At those moments, it might very well be necessary for you to take steps to “snap” yourself out of your negative spiral.

This might be as simple as taking a walk or focusing in on something that you find beautiful such as a flower or a work of art. Whatever the trick is for you- do it! Make sure that you shift your mind out of thinking negatively and towards being positive.

Be Patient And You Will Be Positive

It may take some time to switch your thinking over, but people all over the world have done it successfully. If you feel that your resolve is faltering, just keep reminding yourself that your thoughts shape what you will manifest in your life.

Get more Positive Thinking Techniques Here!

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Positive Thinking – No Sweat

Karl Jung famously said “What you resist, persists”. You might not have heard of or know much about the Law of Attraction, but this basic statement demonstrates one of the Law’s key principles – whatever you think about you attract. And when this is something you really don’t want, you tend to think about it even more and with real feeling – which means you attract more of it, more quickly.

So how does this apply to the problem of excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis as it’s scientifically known? Well, if you suffer from this problem you probably don’t need me to tell you that when you start to sweat, you get stressed…which can make you sweat even more.

You become so conscious of your sweating that it is all you can think about, and you’re thinking about it with such intensity that, according to the Law of Attraction, it’s inevitable that you will sweat more.

Think about it, even when you’re not sweating, if you are going to work in an office all day, or are on your way out for a date, you probably have in your mind the worry that you will start sweating – even though it hasn’t actually happened yet.

So what does this worrying about sweating do? It keeps the problem in your mind and attaches a really strong emotion to it so in the end, you start to sweat.

The Law of Attraction would probably take a lot more than the space on this page to explain in detail, but if you can believe that thinking about the problem makes it worse, you can use the Law to your benefit. If you give some feeling to more positive thoughts the Law says that this is what you will get.

If what you are wanting is to be sweat-free, confident and dry all day, then give some focus to that. Visualise yourself in the office sat back in your chair with your arms behind your head and not a hint of perspiration showing on your shirt or blouse. Picture yourself on a fantastic date where you are able to get really close to your partner because you know your underarms are dry and fresh.

If you’ve ever heard of or used affirmations, these are a big part of using the Law to your benefit. By affirming, saying out loud or in your head, what you want the positive outcome to be, the Law will take notice and bring this outcome to you.

Affirmations should always be positive and in the present tense to be really effective, for example you could try saying this every morning before you go off to work. “I am confident and comfortable and my underarms are dry and fresh all day”.

If this is the first time you are hearing about the Law of Attraction it might be a bit difficult to believe that these principles will have any affect, but if you have faith in what you are saying and try it repeatedly, you should see an improvement. Even if you are a little bit skeptical, what have you got to lose?

If you are keen to understand a bit more about how this approach and the Law of Attraction works you might want to check out a book by Rhonda Byrne called “The Secret”. If you want a more practical approach to curing your excessive sweating problem naturally and permanently, further information is available on my website.

Matthew Johnson promotes only natural and effective cures for excessive sweating and other problems that can drastically improve sufferers’ lives. For more information and a preview of how to cure hyperhidrosis naturally and permanently please visit http://www.StopSweatingStartLiving.co.uk

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Thinking Positive

While discussing Happiness we have to take into account the fact that everything can’t give us Happiness. Happiness is to some extent the creation of our soul.The vital thing that is needed to coin Happiness from Life is the Urge to live amid the so many obstacles of life. If we have the guts to overcome all the hurdles it is sure we may be tinged with the glow of Happiness.But how is it possible? Great philosophers opine that to extract Happiness all that we want most is the Passion for life. At any cost we have to cast a glance at the bright sides of things and in this way we may be Happy.

The essential thing for us to be Happy is to be Positive. Without Positivity nothing is achieved. It is a Positive Mind that can lead us to the perfect path of Happiness.Naturally our minds are shrouded with the cloud of negativity.This cloud bars the sun of Happiness to glare.Thus we are deceived with the tricks of negativity and are plunged into the pool of unhappiness.It is better to say that we are bound to be so, there is no way out.The ultimate role of us is then to disperse the cloud with the tornado of energy and let the Sun blaze at his best.

If Positivity may be our goal we can’t fear the stark reality and be emboldened to face it at any cost.Positive attitude catches hold of our hand and takes us smoothly along the way of Happiness.Again it is Positivity that widens our heart, opens our eyes so that we can cast a glance a the far beyond. Positivity makes us generous. We can love everyone who resides by us.There reigns no ill- feeling.Everything glows in its own aura.Whatever we notice we can’t but find Joy, Joy and Joy. Joy is permeated with everything hence it is no trouble for us to find Joy and be Joyous and Happy.


If you are looking for happiness in life do not forget to click the link. Know more tricks to find happiness in life.

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10 Steps to a Positive Outlook and Focused Thinking

At first glance, it would seem that positive thinking and lack of focus have nothing to do with one another. But many of us with difficulty staying focused develop negative thinking patterns because we become frustrated by our challenges and frequent feelings of being overwhelmed. This negative outlook then makes it even harder for us to manage those challenges and move forward.

Practicing positive thinking allows us to focus on our strengths and accomplishments, which increases happiness and motivation.  This, in turn, allows us to spend more time making progress, and less time feeling down and stuck. The following tips provide practical suggestions that you can use to help you shift into more positive and focused thinking patterns:

Take Good Care Of Yourself:   It’s much easier to be positive and stay focused when you are eating well, exercising, and getting enough rest.  We all know these are the keys to being healthy and energetic; however, few are able to make it a habit.  Write a note to yourself and keep it where you will see it several times a day to remind you that you need to eat well and exercise (when you do these things, getting enough rest will come naturally).  When you are constantly reminded, you will make better choices.  Also, develop a habit of continuous learning by seeking to learn something new every day.  Continuous learning keeps your mind sharp and prevents falling into a SSDD (same stuff different day) mindset.
Have An Attitude Of Gratitude:  If you want more in life, you need to first be thankful for all that you have.  Remind yourself daily of the people and things that you are grateful for.  Keep a gratitude journal and write at least 5 things in it every day that you are grateful for.  Taking just a couple of minutes a day to stop and appreciate your life will make a huge difference.  
Verify And Clarify Before Assuming: Fear of not being liked or accepted can lead us to assume we know what others are thinking, but these fears are usually not reality. If you have a fear that a friend or family member is upset with you, or that your co-workers are secretly gossiping about you behind your back, seek to verify and clarify by asking them directly. Don’t waste time worrying that you may have done something wrong unless you have proof that there is something to worry about.  
Stop Using Absolutes: Do you sometimes say “You’re ALWAYS late!” or “You NEVER call me!”? Thinking and speaking in absolutes like ‘always’ and ‘never’ makes the situation seem worse than it is, and programs your brain into believing that certain people are incapable of delivering.  It also puts people into a defensive mode, which becomes a communication barrier.  Think about what you are saying.  Absolutes are rarely true; focus on a specific situation that you are concerned about without generalizing by saying “always” or “never”.  
Review Your Negative Thoughts: Your thoughts can’t hold any power over you if you don’t judge or emotionalize them. If you notice yourself having a negative thought, detach from it, see it for what it is, and don’t accept it.  When you are able to separate emotion from your negative thoughts, you can banish them from your mind without letting them take hold of your subconscious.  When you catch yourself having negative thoughts, immediately yell out “STOP!” (or at least yell it to yourself).  
Exterminate The “ANTs”: In his book “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life,” Dr. Daniel Amen talks about “ANTs” – Automatic Negative Thoughts. These are usually reactionary negative thoughts, like “Those people are laughing, they must be talking about me,” or “The boss wants to see me? It must be bad!” When you notice these thoughts, realize that they are nothing more than ANTs and exterminate them!  See step 3 above about verifying and clarifying before assuming the worst.   
Understand The Power Of Touch: You don’t have to be an expert to know the benefits of a good hug. Positive physical contact with friends, loved ones, and even pets, is an instant pick-me-up. One research study on this subject had a waitress touch some of her customers on the arm as she handed them their checks. She received higher tips from these customers than from the ones she didn’t touch!  When used appropriately, the power of touch can give you and others a positive physiological boost!  
Become More Social: It may seem obvious that increasing social activity decreases loneliness, but we can fall into ruts and forget this simple formula for boosting our attitude. Surround yourself with healthy, happy people, and their positive energy will affect you in a positive way!  Be selective about who you spend you time with to ensure you are lifting each other up rather than dragging each other down.  Don’t engage in gossip or complaining; instead focus on what’s good.  
Be A Go Giver: Helping others also helps you; everyone feels good after helping. You can volunteer your time, your money, or your resources. The more positive energy you put out into the world, the more you will receive in return.  Or simply put, the more you give the more you receive.  
Use Pattern Interrupts To Stop Dwelling On The Negative: If you find yourself dwelling on something negative, a great way to stop it is to interrupt the pattern and force yourself to do something completely different. Hyper-focus on something negative is never productive, because it’s not rational or solution-oriented, it’s just excessive worry. Try changing your physical environment – go for a walk or sit outside. You could also call a friend, read motivating quotes, turn on some music, or sing a song.  Anything to switch your current thought pattern.

When you are able to banish negative thoughts and fill your mind with powerful, energizing, and positive thoughts, you will begin to boost your focus.  Your mind will no longer be distracted by worry.  Your productivity and achievement will increase, which will increase your self-esteem.  Increased self-esteem will increase your positive outlook and the cycle will continue upward.  Resolve to make a few simple changes in your thinking to achieve big results in the quality of your life. 

The easiest way to ensure you maintain a positive attitude is to engage in daily mental stimulation. Turn your car into a “university on wheels” by listening to audio books or seminars instead of the radio. Become a member of an online learning community, like iLearningGlobal.tv (http://www.ilgachievers.com), where you can have instant 24/7 access to videos and audio from some of the best teachers and thought leaders in the world. Invest in yourself to acknowledge and validate your personal value.

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To Get Your Ex Back – The Power of Positive Thinking

Yes it is difficult to cope with such times. You have been dumped for reasons you do not know or ‘think’ you know. Nevertheless, nothing can stop you from feeling miserable and disillusioned about this thing they call ‘love’. The only thought that recurs in your mind is how to get your ex back. But did it ever occur to you that changing your mindset and attitude might help to get your ex back? Here is how it works:

– The first step to change your mindset is to stop thinking that chasing your ex would help, as this is the only way to show them that you care. Unfortunately it does not work this way. The more you call, the more you text and the more you send mails, the more desperate and pathetic you appear. Instead of triggering to get back to you, you’re ex moves away from an otherwise weak and pitiable human being. No way can this mindset help to get your ex back.

– In stead spend your waking hours in being busy with work, hobby, people, etc. Structure your thought process and try to think more calmly and rationally. Remember there is nothing as attractive as being a completely positive and optimistic person. Once you are close to get your ex back, this change in mindset and attitude is going to keep him/her forever with you.

– All that is pent up in your mind – get them out. Sit in front of the computer and open a file called ‘Notes to myself’. Jot down whatever you remember of the affair with your ex. Include all the positive things as well as the negative events like your first fight, etc. The most important thing to jot down is the things which you never told your ex – your deep innermost feelings, fears and concerns. You have no idea the immense therapeutic value this type of verbal regurgitation has on the mind. Revisit the file and update it time and again with new inputs that appear on your mind. To get your ex back, this is a kind of mental cleansing, which can go a long way in making you a far more positive person.

– Delete all the negative aspects which you associate with your ex. If a particular pub reminds you of your ex, a wonderful way of forgetting your ex is to visit the place with someone else! Remain cool and try to enjoy other people’s company. The problem when we love someone deeply is that we forget to love everyone else. To get your ex back, be available all the time not only to your ex, but also to other people. You do not have to be mentally involved with someone to go out for a dance or to watch a movie.

– Perfect what you are good at and improve on your shortcomings. Take cue from what your ex used to mention. If your ex thought that you had a wonderful voice for singing, why not cultivate this talent and join a music class? If your ex thought that you were a bad cook, why not try to improve this skill, which can stand in good stead in life later? Remember, to get your ex back, you do not have to give up everything and spend the rest of our life in grief and remorse. While you are waiting with open arms to get your ex back, you could use the time in taking good care of yourself.

– The best thing that happens when you become such an improved and positive person is that people notice you and gradually get attracted to you. The more people get attracted to you and are seen in your company, the better are your chances to get your ex back. You are in a very positive way showing your ex that he or she missed the boat. And soon enough they come running back to your arms.

Why is getting your ex back so important to you? Because a good relationship is one of the most treasured of human interactions. We all want to be loved. There are the great times together, the shared dreams and visions, the mutual likes and dislikes and more. Great relationships are essential for enjoying a good quality of life. They color everything else around us.

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