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Three Not-So-Secret Success Secrets

You can read about success strategies, mindsets and approaches until your eyes dry up and wither away. There are countless different outlooks regarding what creates success and how to emulate those who’ve reached the top of the mountain, so to speak. Sometimes, though, it’s good to clear one’s head a bit by getting back to the basics.

With that in mind, let’s cut to the quick and look at three not-so-secret success secrets. This is a trio of “in your face” musts that often are overlooked as we dig deep into the world of personal growth and self-improvement.

Work Hard

As much as we’d all like to find the magic pill that would completely transform our lives, the fact of the matter is that a little elbow grease is necessary to get the success machine in operation. You can’t hope for things to happen by luck or desire alone. While people can laud the Law of Attraction, they’ll even tell you that none of it really matters if you don’t accompanying your manifestations with action. The more action you take, the greater your odds for success will be. It’s not sexy, but it’s true.

Work Smart

There are those who’ll say, “Work smart, not hard”. That’s not the worst plan in the world, but there is a better one. Work hard and smart. As you’re pursuing the necessary actions to reach your goal, look for ways to do things better. Seek efficiency. Pursue knowledge. Benefit from the experience of others. If you can find ways to reduce the effort necessary to complete a task, you’ll accelerate your march toward success.

Keep Working

Do you know why so many people are looking for success secrets? It’s often because they forget this critical part of the success formula. They may have everything they need to reach their goals, but they don’t get the job done because they bail out too soon. You need to do the work and you need to do it the right way. You also need to do enough of it to get from where you are to where you want to be.

That’s a simple look at what it takes to “make it”, isn’t it? Those not-so-secret success secrets may not be the kind of thing that make you stroke your chin and say “aha!” They are, however, core principles that get lost in the shuffle way too often.

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Three Fundamentals of Positive Living

Did you hear!?  The sky is falling!  Get out of your chair, on the phone and tell Ducky Lucky!  Time is wasting!  Go tell Foxy Loxy!  Hurry!  Go tell Henny Penny!!  Maybe I am getting this story completely wrong, but that’s what I’ve been hearing on the news.  Haven’t you? Recently, I was discussing leadership strategies with a client (who works as a manager at a dairy) when she said, “Regardless of the economy, the cows gotta be milked.”  Okay, it may not be the depth of Socrates or Plato, but it struck a chord with me on staying positive and focused.  That, no matter what is going on, there are still things that need to get done, goals to be met, and people to impact.  In short, we can’t let the listlessness that comes from being stressed impede our journey because, no matter what, the “cows gotta be milked!” To help you stay “up” when all is down (and the milk flowing), try working on these three fundamentals.

Fundamental #1:  Keep Moving

I have had some difficult journeys that were traversed one step at a time.  Many times, I had no idea (in the beginning) where I was going but, in the end, I got to places I never thought I would.  Why?  Because I kept putting one foot in front of the other and kept moving.  Do you ever feel like there is no point starting on your journey because it may seem pointless or difficult?  If so, don’t wait – get moving and keep moving!  The surest way to get where you need to go is to pick up one foot and then put it in front of the other.  Then, do it again, and again.  Keep repeating that process and, before you know it, you’ll be on your way to getting “there.” You don’t have to get there fast – sure and steady wins the race, every time!

Fundamental #2:  Keep Laughing

Last year, I was a guest lecturer at Northern Illinois University on the power of laughter in our lives and led the group through a few laughter exercises.  The next day, I received an inspiring testimonial from a professor at the college.  After my lecture, a student told him that two years ago she had been diagnosed with cancer and had been battling with depression ever since.  Then, she told him how wonderful it was to laugh again through the laughter exercises – that a few good belly laughs renewed her spirit and gave her a new hope for the future. She is not alone!  Humor and laughter can help any of us make the rapid mental adjustment needed when times are tough and we are down.  Cows gotta be milked but you can’t find the energy?  Take a break and watch a funny movie, call a friend that always makes you smile, or read a funny story – anything to help you laugh so you can make that adjustment.

Fundamental #3:  Be Awesome!

I make a list of things to do every day (a part of “keep moving”) and every day my youngest daughter, Abby, writes “Be Awesome!” on my list of things that must be done. No matter what is happening, when I see that on my list it reminds me that I am awesome!  But I am not alone in my awesomeness!  Each one of us is special, has something to share, and has something to contribute.  Because of this, each one of us is awesome.  We just need to remind ourselves of it.  So, write it on your list of things to do and then do it.  Don’t wait – BE AWESOME NOW!

In the end, all things pass and we can’t stop doing what needs to be done because of how we feel.  There will always be the “Chicken Littles” – running around, creating frenzy, and yelling the “sky is falling!”  We just need to remember to keep moving, keep laughing and, no matter what, be awesome!  You can consider these three fundamentals your own, personal stimulus package to help you get past the sky falling and to keep milking those cows!

Chip Lutz is a professional speaker, trainer, and retired Navy Officer with 22 years leadership experience. He speaks and trains on the power of positive leadership and the infusion of humor in the workplace to increase morale, productivity, and teamwork. He served as Commanding Officer of two separate Navy Facilities and was the Director of Security for Naval District Washington, DC during September 11th, 2001. Additionally, he is adjunct faculty for two colleges where he teaches classes in leadership, teamwork, and organizational behavior. Find our more about his work at http://www.covenantleadership.com or email him at chip@covenantleadership.com to be put on his weekly newsletter distribution.

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