Tag Archives: Tricks

Proven Method Tricks To Get Him Back – Sneaky Tricks Dont Work

If you’re looking for proven method tricks to get him back, I may be able to help… or I may not. It really just depends on what you have in mind.  If you truly think that it was a mistake for you and your guy to breakup and that you could have a good relationship with a few changes and a little work, than the information in this article can help. If,on the other hand, you’re looking for sneaky ways to trick him into coming back to you with no time or effort on your part, sorry, I can’t help.

You see, using tricks to get someone back (the most common one is making them jealous) is a horrible strategy to use.  Even if they do come back to you, you will be building your relationship on lies instead of love and trust.  No relationship can last or be healthy if it is formed on trickery and games.  It’s much better to take the high road, put in the time and love required and re build your relationship honestly. That is the only way you and your ex will have a real chance of staying together for the long term.

Another thing to keep in mind is that if there were any type of abuse in your relationship whether it was physical, sexual, emotional or verbal, you shouldn’t even consider getting back with him until he has spent some serious time in counseling. If you are considering taking him back even though he hasn’t changed, you are an abused woman and you should get counseling too.

It’s not enough for him to ‘promise’ he’ll get help, he has to actually sign up and go to meetings for several months before you should even consider a reconciliation.

The actual steps you will take to get your ex back are fairly simple but they will take time and effort.  It’s best for the overall success of your reconciliation to not have any contact with your ex while you are going through these steps.  You need to allow him to miss you and he can’t do that if you’re still in contact with him.  

1. Take stock of the woman you are.  This is not about changing so he will want you back, this is about you taking this time to evaluate the type of person you are and deciding what character issues you have that could use some work. This is all about you. We all have personality traits that aren’t the best, this is what you need to focus on and fix.  Whether you and your ex get back together or not, you will have other relationships and it’s always best to take the best version of you into any new relationship.

2.Once you’ve spent time working on your flaws, you need to look at what the problems in the relationship were, and try to find solutions.  It’s important to remember, that you can’t fix all the problems in your relationship all on your own, you can only fix your own problems. For relationship problems you and your ex will have to be willing to work together.

You and your ex can get back together, but if you want it to last you’ll base your relationship on honesty and love and to do that you can use these proven method tricks to get him back, just put emphasis on the method and stay away from the tricks.

You and your ex can get back together, but if you want it to last you’ll base your relationship on honesty and love and to do that you can use these proven method tricks to get him back, just put emphasis on the method and stay away from the tricks.

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Lose Fat Tips and Tricks

When most people want to lose fat they make a few simple, yet powerful, mistakes that keep them from losing any weight possible. Well I’m here to reveal these fat loss mistakes that keep people unhappy and over weight. The most important thing to remember when you’re trying to lose fat is not that losing fat is hard, it isn’t if you put in the work. You must put in the work and your stomach will get smaller and smaller by the day.

First off, start working out in the gym at least three times per week. Three times per week is enough to increase your metabolism for up to 24-48 hours post workout. Since your body needs to recover from your recent workout you’ll keep burning calories over the course of the next two days. Now your workout should consist of full body workout that utilize big muscle groups and movements like lunges, deadlifts, rows and presses. So now remember that the reps you use dedicate everything that happens to your body. Use higher rep, around 10-15 reps and 3-4 sets. This is the best way to release muscle building and weight loss hormones in your body.

The next step is to focus on your nutrition. Most people want to lose fat but they never focus on the proper type of weight loss diet or nutrition. Now I hate the word diet since most people think that they need to stay on a diet or else they won’t lose any weight. That’s the wrong way to thinking. The right way of thinking is that to lose fat you have to eat a lower carbohydrate, high protein and moderate fat diet. The thing about protein is that it helps to build lean muscle, which is great for losing bodyfat, but it also raises your metabolism since it’s so expensive to your body to breakdown protein. So the higher our metabolism is the greater the chance of losing stomach fat.

Now carbohydrates aren’t the enemy, they can be if they are eaten in large quantities over a short period of time. If they are eaten postworkout then they won’t harm you since they’ll be used to increase your recovery from the intense training session that was just performed. But if you don’t work out then there’s no reason that you should be eating carbs. No workout then no carbs.

Lastly you want to focus on your sleep. Try to get 6-8 hours of sleep and you’ll be refreshed and ready to lose fat.

About The Author
For a free workout on how to lose fat visit Jimmy’s site.

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Mind Tricks to Get Your Ex Back – 6 Ultimate Mind Tricks You Can’t Afford to Miss

Most people will say that they do not believe in magic, but sometimes it may seem that magic is the only thing that will help bring your ex back to you. If you are tired of waiting for your ex to open his or her eyes and want them back in your life pronto you may want to read the following six mind tricks to get your ex back. The beauty of these six tricks is that if you execute correctly your ex will come back to you without exposing your role at all!

Thus, you save face from begging for them and get them back in your life which is truly the best reward. However, before this can happen you have to read the six mind tricks!

Leave them alone-

While it is tempting to try and stay friends with your ex since you still want them in your life, this one move can be poison. If you give them all your perks as a friend they will have no need for a relationship with you, so give them some time to miss you!

Leave trash talk at home-

Another tempting thing to do is trash talk your ex to anyone who will listen. However, things have a way of getting through the grapevine back to your ex and you want every thought to be positive. So if you have nothing to say that is nice, keep your mouth shut!

Leave your broken heart behind in public-

Someone who is an emotional mess is not attractive, especially not to their ex. Thus, even if you do not feel like being composed, make an effort while in public. Your ex will be surprised to learn you are not hurting and wonder why they were not worth enough to hurt you. This will send them back in your direction for an answer which is right where you want them!

Start Flirting-

You probably already know this, but jealousy is a miracle worker. Show them that you have other choices and they will begin to get antsy watching others make their move. Before long they will realize that they could lose you for good which will send them back in your direction as well!

Start dressing up-

When you are in a relationship it is ok to get lax with your clothing options, but when you are trying to rebuild one this is a mistake. You would not show up for a first date in sweats with no makeup, so why would you actively pursue your ex in this condition and expect it to work?

Start being patient!-

While it would be nice if your ex came back to you in a day, chances are this will not happen. It will take some waiting, but if you are patient and do not try to rush through these steps expecting instant gratification you will get your ex back with little begging on your part.

Now Listen Carefully-

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Learn The Tricks Of The Trade With Learning Hypnosis

The world of employment has changed drastically in this information-driven world. Before, specialized skills and knowledge in your chosen field of work is enough to get you a promotion and a good salary. These days, though, employers are placing greater importance in well-roundedness and knowledge that spans multiple disciplines.

So how can you stay competitive in such a challenging work environment? Here are some useful tips to stay in power at your dynamic workplace:

1. Have an open mind. As the world becomes a global marketplace, the standards of competitiveness are also increasing. In other words, the stakes are now higher. And before you can succeed in this changing environment, you need to adjust to it first. And you cant adjust to it if you still havent accepted that the world really is changing.

So what you need is to have an open mind. This sounds simpler than it really is. See, the mind works like an ultra-powerful sponge. Chances are that habits of the past are so deeply embedded in your mind that simply deciding to have an open mind is not enough. Even if you make a conscious effort, those old habits stored in your subconscious are still there and are bound to make a much unwelcome appearance from time to time. You wont notice it but most of your actions, despite your conscious desire to embrace this new work environment, will still be affected by habits of old.

And you cant succeed like this, not with new graduates entering the workforce laden with all their interdisciplinary knowledge.

2. Re-program your mind. So what you do is re-program your mind. You can do this with subliminal messages. These messages can help replace your old thoughts with new ideas, your negative thoughts with positive ones.

Some examples you can use are:

I am active and dynamic.
I am well-rounded.
I am fully capable in everything I set my mind to do.
I am knowledgeable and talented.
I like learning new things.
I love expanding myself.
I am unlimited.

3. Go back to basics with subliminal learning. This time, learning wont be focusing on just one field. The more niches you can learn, the better. However, it would be very difficult for you to learn all of them at the same time. Learning is complex and requires a lot of physical and mental effort; it is also hugely affected by emotional and external factors. This means that to learn, your mind and body should be conditioned together.

One good way of gaining interdisciplinary knowledge is through subliminal learning. This is a new aspect of subliminal technology that has been gaining ground in recent years. This has opened up to the possibility of learning even without the use of thick textbooks and examinations, so you dont have to enroll in a graduate course and tire yourself out.

Subliminal learning focuses on making the brain more receptive to new information, improving memory retention, boosting creativity, improving learning potential, and promoting more efficient problem solving all of which will make you a powerful knowledge machine at the office.

You can achieve this with free subliminal learning software downloadable online. Learning is done by sending messages to the brain in the form of brain waves, the language of the brain. One of the most successful techniques is the use of music formed by binaural beats; in fact, this has been proven effective in improving the learning capacity of people with ADHD. How much more powerful will it be for you? Soon your employers will have the highest regard for your knowledge and competence.

Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages online. Valued at 0, click for 4 Free Subliminal messages!

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4 Nasty Mind Tricks on How to Get Your Ex Back – Tricks That Always Work

I know that you are probably hurting right now… everybody that goes trough a breakup feels like you do, but instead of just sitting there and doing nothing you need to take action. If you still love this person then you must get up and do something about it. This article shows 4 nasty mind tricks on how to get your ex back, these tricks always work and you will be shocked at just how basic but yet effective these are.

Trick No. 1 Let them miss you.

This may seem hard but you need to leave them alone for a while. Don’t call them, don’t text them, don’t email them, don’t ask his friends about them. DO NOTHING. This will let them miss you, and it will confuse them about what you are doing why aren’t you taking the first step and so on.

Trick No. 2 Have fun.

It’s important that during these hard times you don’t sit in your house and get depressed. You need to get out and live your life. (or at least let you ex think this) It doesn’t matter if you can have fun at this point (if you can, that’s great, because it will get your mind off the breakup), it’s important that you make it seem as you are having fun. Go out where your ex or his/hers friends go out, if you get seen as having fun then you are most surely over the situation and not desperate. This will get your ex thinking what? so fast? etc and it will make them either jealous or make them realize just how much they missed you.

Trick No. 3 Let them make the first step.

Now that you have been seen. Now that you have stirred emotions into your exes hard you are one step away from getting your ex back. Sit back, relax and wait for them to call you. They will… Don’t feel tempted to call them yourself, let them make the first step. Once they do, you’ll be on the right track to getting back together.

Trick No. 4 Stay in contact.

Now that first contact has been made you need to keep it up. Don’t call them every 2 hrs, not even every day, call them once in a while and let them make more calls. This will show that you are not desperate but interested. Great isn’t it?

There you have it 4 nasty mind tricks on how to get your ex back, they always work, just put them to the test. What are you waiting for? Now pay close attention to this.

If you apply these techniques with no underlying strategy you can do more damage than good. What I mean is if you do manage to get them back, can you keep hold of them? The main idea is to get your ex back and keep them there and for this you need a well organized PLAN! See Plan Here!

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Tricks Get Girlfriend Back ? Powerful Tricks To Get Her Back This Week

Each and every man could get his ex-girlfriend again. Which is, should you choose the ideal things? However, as soon as your girlfriend which you love greatly has split up with you, you immediately get into quite a serious mind-set, expressing things such as “I need to know the tricks get girlfriend back . I cannot be without having her. I must get her again right now”.

The truth is, once your lover breaks up on you; you have to carry out anything you can NOT for you to speak with her. You might feel you are likely to suffocate should you not talk to your girlfriend. You imagine that when you call her, you could persuade her to be with you. I am aware – nonetheless it ended up being the wrong move to make. Hence simply do your best so as to not phone her yet again. You need to abandon your ex lover solely for a moment should you at any time desire one more chance with her.

Getting anything or maybe somebody for granted could be the bane of most relationships. Ok, I’ll offer an illustration out of my relationship – I make her take me for granted. I make her believe that I was usually, often about to be generally there for her. In the long run, which is basic human mindset, she decided not to need me ever again. I could hardly comprehend during the time, however it was basic human mindsets – you never want what you can easily have. She believed that she got constantly on the earth to return to me whenever she desired. Nevertheless, after I discovered the tricks get girlfriend back, I was shown to move away from her life as well as get away from her alone totally. It turned out very difficult to accomplish, yet I did it.

The moment she noticed that I was away from her life, and also she could not get me any longer anytime she desired, she responded wildly. She must have considered that like a wakeup call. The gal who wouldn’t sometimes answer my own phone calls seemed to be now looking for excuses in order to phone me. It turned out the very best moment of my life! What a powerful way to have my girlfriend back again, I believed – it proved helpful so amazingly well! There isn’t any cause it won’t do the job – hence get at it at the moment!

Pay Close Consideration Below

At this point pay attention properly! Get 2 mins for you to go through the following web page and you will find an amazing technique that will get your ex pleading you to have them back again. There exists a number of simple to follow psychological steps that will make your ex get back to you in just a couple of days assured – the following web page shows of my very own tale. I firmly encourage you to go through all on the following web page just before it can be too late and also time goes out- Learn the powerful tricks get girlfriend back now.

Learn the powerful tricks get girlfriend back now

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5 Skateboarding Tricks

Skateboarding tricks can generally be broken up into 5 separate groupings, and this is what we are going to mosey on down to take a gander at here.

OK here are the 5 main groupings, in no particular order, mind.

1. Fliptricks. These are all based around the ollie and comprise of various types of aerial flips without using your hands. The feet remain on the board throughout the trick. Some fliptricks include a fakie ollie, an ollie 180, the kickflip, the heelflip, and the hardflpi etc. In many fliptricks the board is flipped upside down.

2. Freestyle tricks. Freestyle skateboarding tricks involve balancing on either one wheel or two, and sometimes just the front or back of the board, or even the edges. Freestyle has been popular for many years as it is a great way to improvise and have fun on the board, and you can get in to some cool flips.

3. Aerials. Similar to the fliptricks, and as the name implies they are tricks involving flipping your skateboard into the air, but with an aerial trick you use your hand or hands to control the board.

4. Slides and grinds. These skateboarding tricks involve the use of a rail or ledge that the skateboard slides or grinds along. The skateboarder jumps onto the rail or ledge with his board and either slides along it with the edge of the board, or grinds along it with the truck. You dont have to use just rails or ledges either, you can use whatever you got available and improvise, such as with the edges of pavements or pools. The great thing about skateboarding as far as I see it is we can all improvise and use our own imagination.

5. Liptricks. These are mainly done on a skateboard ramp. Half pipes, quarter pipes and mini ramps are all used for liptricks, which again as the name implies uses the lip of the ramp to perform various tricks, such as axle stalls, bean plants, boardstalls and inverts etc.

You can see information on skateboarding tricks at SkatePlanet

Des Ingham hails from Darwen in the North of England.
For all the information and resources you need on skateboarding go to http://www.skateboardplanet.blogspot.com

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Free Mind Reading Tricks For All!

Okay, so you’ve been victimized by a person by his so-called mind reading abilities, and you’ve done your share of searching the internet for free mind reading tricks to get even with him. Admit it, you were outsmarted by that guy’s crafty moves and mastery of the trick. But always remember, if he can do it, there’s no reason why you couldn’t as well.

It doesn’t take a genius for one to know that there are thousands of free mind reading tricks available in the internet. However, if you’re truly determined to pull off that one amazing, trick, the internet may not necessarily be a good place to start. One person somewhere must have come across the same tricks, and might have considered doing them to please a crowd.

If you want to learn a single trick to help you read other people’s minds, then you better read on. There may be different versions of this trick but this version of the trick truly sets it apart from the rest out there.

The name of the trick is the “Quick! Quick! And Don’t Think!” game. The game is simple. It is best played with close friends, people you have known for a long time and have had a long time being together. Before the trick, write the words ‘poodle’ and ‘golden retriever’ on 2 separate slips of paper. Then, have 3-5 people join you in this game. Give each person a pencil and a small piece of paper.

Now, inform your friends that you’ve recently discovered that you have been given with mind reading abilities, and it was only just a week ago that you’ve found that out. Of course, most often your friends would laugh at you, most probably they won’t believe you. If this happens, don’t panic. Instead, celebrate. This is exactly what you want them to think. They can laugh now, but after the trick, you’ll be the one doing all the laughing.

Have your friends be seated along a circle. Then, ask them to spell out simple words. Ask them to write down these words on their slip of paper. You can use any word as long as all words belong to a certain category. For instance, your category is astronomy. You can use Star, Moon, Sun, as long as these words have something in common or belong in the certain classification or group. Have 5 words for these. Next, after the 5th word, instead of asking for another word involving astronomy, ask them to write a type of dog, and to write it as quickly as possible.

At the slightest hint of any of your friends thinking (maybe looking up, closing their eyes, mouthing the word ‘um,’ etc.) approach them quickly and pressure them! Panic them, shout at them, do everything you can! After you’ve made certain everyone has finished writing, tell them that even before your simple game began, you’ve already guessed their answers for their last question. Show them your piece of paper containing “poodle.” Most likely, a few of your friends wrote the same.

Yes, this trick involved luck, but quite honestly, luck is on your side here. If it turns out “poodle” is wrong, tough luck! You’ll get them next time. At least you’ve finally found your go-to trick. You don’t need to look for free mind reading tricks ever again!

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your Mind Reading to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at http://www.secretofmindpower.com

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Mind Reading Tricks to Amaze

If you’ve been to after-work parties or cocktail gatherings, the sight of a person amazing the rest of the crowd with mind reading tricks shouldn’t be unusual to you. It’s entertaining, it catches the awe of the crowd, and it becomes an opportunity for the party to be more fun and longer.

It’s fitting to give certain rules before reading naming several tricks in reading minds.

Rule #1 – The more people involved in the trick, the better. It may be a common sight that a mind reader and a member of the audience go one and one, while the rest of the people in the room are mere spectators. However, as the old saying goes, the more the merrier. That old adage surely applies to doing mind reading tricks as well.

Rule #2 – Practice the trick before performing it. It would be such a shame if you perform a trick and fumble while doing so. Be warned, when doing these sorts of tricks, your audience will be extra critical of everything you say and do. Even the slightest mistake in what you say may ruin the entire trick, and ultimately, the party as well.

Rule #3 – and this is the most important rule – NEVER, EVER, share the trick with the crowd after performing it. After you’ve successfully performed the trick, if the audience is amazed, they will express it by clapping and cheering. Most probably they will ask you to reveal how you did it. Don’t be carried away with your new-found fame, because once you spill the beans and tell your secret to the trick, you’ve given away the one thing that made you a star of the night. Just appreciate the applause, let it sink in, and avoid the temptation of kissing and telling.

When you’re done swearing that you’ll promise to follow all 3 rules, now you’re ready to learn mind reading tricks! Here are 2 of the best ones I’ve seen.

TRICK #1 – The Numbers Game. This trick requires a good friend as an assistant. Now, the goal of this trick is to convince the crowd that you’re so good with numbers that you can determine the sum of three random numbers – even before you’d know what those 4 numbers are. First things first, pick a number above 3600. For example, 3630. This will be the sum you’ll predict. Write it down in a piece of paper and place it in an envelope. Then, display this envelope to the crowd.

Then, ask 3 random spectators to shout out the year when they were born. For example, 1988, 1967, 2001. Write these numbers for everyone to see. Next, to convince the crowd that you’re even going to make things difficult for yourself, ask your assistant to write a 4th number. Do not look at this 4th number. KEY: Make it appear that your assistant is NOT your assistant. Instead, make it appear that you also RANDOMLY chose him or her. Now, have this assistant write a 4th number, making sure that when you add the previous 3 numbers to that number, the sum must be 3630 (the number you guessed). All that’s left to do now is create a little suspense, get your envelope, and reveal the slip of paper you’ve written. Wow, you’ve guessed the sum of 4 totally random numbers! Amazing!

TRICK #2 – Whatever you write. This is more of a joke than a trick. But, it can still be considered a mind reading trick. All you need is 2 slips of paper and a member of the audience. Have that member stand at the opposite end of the room, and instruct him to write his favorite line from a song. After he has done so, tell him “I will write in my paper, whatever you’ve written.” Now, in your own piece of paper, write the words ‘whatever you’ve written.’ Then, tell your volunteer to reveal his paper. It contains the words he chose. Now, remind the audience that “I wrote whatever you’ve written” on your paper. Reveal your paper, and true enough, you wrote exactly that – Whatever you’ve written!

These are just 2 of the tricks that we usually see first-hand in parties. They never grow old. Enjoy playing these mind reading tricks!

Ready to unlock the secrets about Mind Reading Tricks to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at http://www.secretofmindpower.com

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How Jedi Mind Tricks Can Help Your Writing

I have been looking for Obi-Wan Kenobi for some time now. My search for a Jedi master has all but failed me. I found well dressed look-a-likes, bizarre Jedi-wannabe’s who turned out to be 35-year-old unemployed men living with their mothers while honing their light saber skills in a damp basement. Battery operated plastic light sabers and Jedi guides printed from the internet could offer me no assistance. I was searching for the real thing. 

Why do I need a Jedi Master, you ask? I am in search of the secrets of George Lucas, the Jedi Master of Writing and I thought, if anyone could help me find those skills, well, Obi Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn come to mind instantly. And as they obtained those secrets for me-the secrets of great story telling and unrestrained ambition-I thought they could also use some of their power on me. You know, just a few Jedi mind tricks to help me stay focused. I wrote some of them down for that fateful day Obi and I meet face to face.  

You are an amazing writer. 

This book will be published. 

You will work at your craft at every opportunity you get.
You will write consistently several times a week. 

You will read and research to gain more knowledge-always sharpening your skills. 

You will never give up on yourself because your talent is God-given. 

Mere words, yes, but in the hands of a Jedi Master, those words have great power! Even as I read over them again, my faded, folded too many times and shoved in my back pocket list, I can feel the strength they want to have. But my timid words don’t hold the “force”fulness I need and crave. I need Obi Wan to stand before me, waving his mystical hand in front of my eyes and saying in his slightly Scottish voice (the Ewen McGreggor Obi Wan of course), “You are an amazing writer.”

In my desperation, I tried those Jedi mind tricks on myself, all the while knowing I did not possess the Force nor have I had any Jedi training. I did read something though in Proverbs 18:21 that gave me a little more confidence. “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” (NIV) So I stood in front of my bathroom mirror with my list and waved my hand in front of my eyes while reciting, “You are an amazing writer… You will be published… You will never give up on yourself because your talent is God-given.” A funny thing happened. I felt better. 

So the next morning, I pulled my list out, waved my hand in front of my face and read those words again. During my lunch break, I pulled a book out of my bag and began searching through the chapters. It was a book on how to become a better writer. When I finished a long, tedious day, I turned on my laptop and skimmed through a few chapters of an upcoming title I had written a few weeks ago. I continued my Jedi mind tricks, eventually losing the hand movement and found that the more I said those things, the more I believed them. The more I acted on them. I was beginning to act like a writer, writing several times a week and even taking notes and listening to what other writers were saying around me.  

The power of life and death are in my words! I didn’t need a Jedi Master, I just needed to believe in who God created me to be! I am a writer, an amazing writer, who works on her craft at every chance she gets, writes consistently, reads and researches and refuses to give up on herself because her talent is God-given. I have written these words on my bathroom mirror in dry erase marker to remind me of those things. Just as Jedi mind tricks are only temporary-I have to constantly renew my mind. I have to remind myself who I really am as there are those (The Sith) who desire to weaken my resolve.

I no longer seek my Jedi Master, no longer search for Obi Wan Kenobi or Qui-Gon. I have become my own Jedi writing master, if you will. What are the words you need to be saying to yourself as a writer? Write down those thoughts that need to be said back to you-whatever they may be-and write them on your bathroom mirror, tape them to your walls or your computer monitor. Speak those words of writing life over you. Become your own Jedi Master and may the writing force be with you!

Kristen Eckstein is an avid marketer, book publishing coach, and the author of three books. Find out which publishing option is right for you! Grab your free audio and fun quiz at http://www.iampublished.com

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