Tag Archives: Ways

10 Easy Ways to Make a Positive Environmental Impact

How Can I Make Simple Changes That Positively Impact the Environment?

Easy Ways to Go Green

It’s the New Year. Again. Many of us decide to make changes in our lives around this time – that’s no surprise. Often, the resolutions we create for ourselves are dramatic, powerful, even overwhelming. Losing lots of weight, going vegetarian, quitting smoking – we all have our Ace in the hole. Too many years pass, however, when we lose sight of these lofty goals and before the end of the first quarter, we’re already off our game and back to smoking, back to sleeping in, off the daily scheme of going to the gym.

This isn’t a post about how to stay on track with your goals. This isn’t about making smaller steps in between milestones or pinning up a huge calendar to your wall and filling it up with black X’s every time you complete another day on the plus side.

Achieving the Goal of Going Green

I like to think about the goals I want to achieve in as realistic a manner possible. That means – what will actualizing and accomplishing my goals look like on a Tuesday at 1:30 in the afternoon, or a typical Saturday morning at 9:43. That’s more real to me, and consequently more manageable. My goal for this year? To go more green, in as many ways possible. Like many, I am willing to work for it, but I wonder if there aren’t others who would make positive changes if they were easy to accomplish, and didn’t involve too much work.

Big differences are often made with tiny, incremental shifts – one can’t tell just how much of a positive impact is being made by looking at a few of those small steps, but taken in an aggregate form, the impact can be tremendous.

That said, here is a list of ten tiny, realistic steps that I am going to take this year to go more green. If we all do what we can to even uphold a few of these things, the positive impact on our environment would be huge.

Ten Easy Ways to Positively Impact the Environment

1.) Support Farmer’s Markets

Buying local has a dramatic impact on both your health and the environment. While you achieve the goal of supporting local, organic, independent farmers, you also have the opportunity to eat seasonally and raise the bar for yourself in terms of healthy eating habits. By the way – have you ever tasted a plum, or a tomato, or even locally grown, organic salad greens? You’ll never shop at the super market again if you have taste buds.

You’ll be filling your body with produce that is at its freshest, and increasing your consumption of organic produce is incredibly beneficial. The National Resources Defense Council notes that much of the U.S. produce will travel an average of around 1,500 miles before it makes its way into your super market. The negative impact on the planet is huge – think of the pollution alone that is created in that transport.

2.) Toilet Paper

Seriously. Find it online or at your super market, local Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods. If your super market doesn’t have it – take a second and speak to customer service about ordering it, and do it every time you shop there. They’ll stock it eventually. We’re talking about toilet paper made with recycled paper. The impact on the environment in terms of the total number of trees saved each year is huge. Your bumm won’t know the difference.

3.) Cold Water Wash

Don’t personalize your laundry – sure, you like to take a warm bath, but do your old sweat socks, boxer shorts and yoga pants know the difference? A really simple thing to change in your daily or weekly routine, and the environmental impact is great. Procter & Gamble notes that if we all started to use cold water in the washing machines, we could save enough energy to light two and a half million homes for a year.

4.) Bad Bottled Water Habits

How’s this for facts: According to National Geographic magazine, Americans buy approximately 7 billion gallons of bottled water a year. This amounts to roughly 22 billion plastic bottles that eventually get thrown away, and often not in the recycling bin. Consider the (yearly) 1.5 million barrels of oil that it takes to produce those plastic bottles – this amount is enough to fuel nearly 100,000 cars for an entire year. Ways to improve? Buy a water filter and drink tap water that has been properly filtered. Order large bottle service from an organization like Arrowhead or Sparkletts, and drink from a glass at home or at work. At the very least, recycle the plastic bottles that you do use – always.

5.) Re-use Gift Wrapping Paper

Unwrap gifts with a little concern, or teach your little ones a new environmental lesson before they make a mess with the ripping into birthday or holiday packaging. The amount of paper that could be saved is astronomical, if each of us were to recycle wrapping paper from just a few gifts each year.

Get a bag or a box, and start saving bows, ribbons and neatly folded, carefully removed gift wrapping paper. No one will know the difference. Trust me. And if they do, you have the perfect opportunity to bring up a conversation about conservation, without sounding overbearing. They’ll feel great to have helped out without having done anything.

6.) Grocery Bags

When they ask you if you want paper or plastic, just say neither. Spend a dollar at the store and buy a re-usable cotton or hemp bag, and keep them in the trunk of your car for shopping. For a look at the environmental impact of both paper bags and plastic bags [http://www.greeneggsandplanet.com/blog], read these former blog posts. Get creative with your kids and find blank canvas bags online – this will give your kids a chance to be creative, and paint or decorate the grocery bags to personalize them.

7.) Houseplants Can Be Your Friends

It has been noted that many green house plants can assist in the process of removing indoor air pollutants if you cultivate and care for them indoors. Plants like English ivy and others such as golden pothos practically grow themselves. Don’t worry – they’re harder to kill than keep alive. And they’ll be helping keep you alive as they fight environmental toxins in the home.

8.) Eliminate Junk Mail

Hate the junk mail that comes in your mail box just about every day? For most of us, that pile of materials goes directly into the trash. For others, it goes directly into the recycling bin. Neither party ever reads any of it, and yet it still shows up every day. Take a second and visit the Direct Marketing Association’s Mail Preference Service to register not to receive junk mail any longer. The process may take a few months, but eventually, you won’t get so much trash in the mail.

9.) Buy Bulk

Tea drinker? Couple of trips to the local coffee house every morning? Eat cereal or oatmeal? Next time you buy tea, for instance, think about choosing loose leaf over packaged tea. Reducing the amount of packaging materials that you use can make a big difference to the environment.

Think about packaged tea – there’s the card stock paper box wrapped in plastic, the paper inside, the plastic that is often wrapped around the tea bag, the tea bag, the string, the tiny staple and the tea tag. All of those materials get disposed of, typically not recycled, and much of it can be eliminated by buying bulk loose leaf tea and using your own tea infuser.

10.) Green Your Driving

No – I’m not going to make a blanket statement that we should all run out and buy a brand new Prius – it’s not going to be possible for everyone and it isn’t the only way to green up your vehicle. Further, there’s no reason to make people feel bad about failing so miserably right out of the gate when it comes to efficient vehicles.

If you can afford it, buy a hybrid. But there are plenty of other ways to do something about fuel consumption and vehicle pollution. Carpool if and when you can – you have to get over identifying with your vehicle and your alone time first, but it’s worth the small sacrifice. Bike to work if you can; you’ll be getting exercise and helping the planet at the same time.

Or just plain drive smarter when you get behind the wheel – get timely tuneups and keep your tires inflated to the proper pressure to ensure maximum gas-saving efficiency. If you take long trips on the highway (out of the way of traffic), then switch to cruise control to improve your mileage. Curb your urge to drive like your car is a weapon – take off from stops less aggressively, brake more gently and slow down when you can. The speed limit isn’t so bad. And get out of the drive-thru: either quit the fast food or park the car and walk it.

Final Thoughts on Easy Steps to Going Green

Taking meaningful yet small steps towards going greener this year can lead to real, measurable and positive change for the planet. A few easy questions here and there, changing a habit or two, educating yourself and making smarter choices – a little bit at a time is really all that it takes. Think about the many millions of people living in America, making one collective change all at once – that alone could pay huge dividends for our future.

Matty Byloos writes and manages the Green Blog known as: Easy Ways to Go Green, as well as the Organic Food Blog: Organic Eating Daily

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Ways To Stay Positive And Confident When Dating

The period of dating can quite be nerve racking especially for people who are a little shy and introvert. However it is vital to maintain a very confident and positive outlook during the entire dating phase. This will keep the relationship on a smooth track and also you guys closer to each other.

It’s a true fact, that no one likes companions who complain or crib all the time. Positive nature attracts people like a magnet. Insecurity is another major reason that turns off people at a very early stage of dating. So try and learn how to be positive and confident when your date is around even if you are not feeling up to it all the time.

Here are some tips and ways that will help you breakthrough the stereotypes and have a healthy relationship with your mate-

• Shake off the negative vibes. It’s quite obvious to feel conscious and it’s not a cup of tea for everyone to show how cool they are. But try to control your feelings. You have to realize that you are responsible for your actions. Your significant other will not try to cheer you up all the time. You have to learn to be positive and stop showing that funky behavior.

• Give compliments just as you expect them. Giving compliments to your companion can actually make you feel good about yourself. Try it out! It works!!

• Listen to good music. Rocking music really helps to make you come out of depressing and negative thoughts. It also gives you that extra bit of confidence. Your favorite music will definitely help you calm down and be pleasant.

• Smile can work wonders. A perfect smile will help you be more balanced and positive. It will also give a good vibe to your date. Sometimes smile can work wonders for a date! So make the most out of this simple weapon!

• Exercise and yoga. This can help you a great deal to de-stress yourself as well as feel composed. Not only will exercise and yoga help you in your dating period but also in the other phases of life. This will bring a good amount of improvement in your nature as well as your relationship.

• Keep yourself clean and well-groomed. This tip really works especially with those who want to feel good and confident. A well-groomed and clean look will make you look much smarter thus making you positive about yourself. For guys, it’s imperative to wear well ironed clothes, a clean shaven look and a nice hair cut. Where girls are concerned, a good hair-do, simple and subtle makeup and sexy but not revealing clothes will definitely work well.

• Be satisfied. Keep this in mind that no one has a perfect and fulfilling life. It is how you take life and with what attitude you handle it. So just stop cribbing or being frustrated and live a happy and satisfying life. This will also please your date and make you feel more secured about your relationship and certain about what you want in life.

Match Maker is a global network of various dating websites. Some of the sites include Aussie Match Maker, a site for singles interested in free web cam chat, and The Love Club, a place to meet hot sexy women.

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Simple But Effective Ways To Convert A Negative Attitude To Positive Attitude

Within this article we will be introducing ways to converting your negative attitude to positive attitude that will help you cope up with life better. For most people it is far easier to remember the bad things that happened to them in life than the good things. Our minds seem more programmed than ever to indulge on what’s wrong with our lives rather than what’s right. We always seem surrounded by bad news stories, whether it’s the economy, conflicts and wars, poverty………you name it we seem to seem to constantly see it. Being confronted by all this negativity drives the majority of us to have more negative feelings such as hate, anger, insecurity, jealousy, loneliness and many more. Constantly revolving around these feelings, makes it extremely hard to enjoy life and see the world how it’s supposed to be seen. There are some things that we can do however to change these negative attitudes to positive ones.

The first step in converting negative attitude to positive attitude is by listing down the negative things that are happening in your life. There might be a lot of things that you don’t like so just list them all and assess how you feel about those things. After listing them down, check those things that you can still change and those things that are irreversible. Once you have sorted them out, burn the piece of paper containing the bad things that you can not change. This will symbolize your letting go of these things. After this, create a strategic plan on how to turn the negative things around that you can still change.

Focusing on the good things is the next step in changing negative attitude to positive attitude. Being grateful is one way of working out positive vibes. So you have to list down the good things that is already happening or has happened in your life and the things that you want to happen in the future. Just by looking at it you’ll realize that there are still things that you need to be thankful for, and sometimes these are more overwhelming that those bad things that you let go of. This will give you the realization that whatever happens, life is still good and that there is always something to look forward to.

After listing the good things down, the next step in switching negative attitude to positive attitude is focusing your thoughts on all the good things. This will be hard at first but with constant exercise, you’ll get used to it. Every time something that you don’t like is happening, try to forget about it and keep your focus on the things that you like to happen. Just shrug it off and keep moving forward. At first there would be positive and negative thoughts that will be fighting in your mind so just let it be and make sure the positive ones win. Always keep in mind that nothing can pull your focus away from your goal.

Every time distractions come to keep you from your focus, try to meditate and find that inner peace so that it will be easier to alter the negative attitude to positive attitude. Try to be still and convince yourself that everything will be alright. When you are in that state of stillness, it’s easier for you to accept positive aura that will give you the passion to see life in its beautiful form. Never mind the imperfection – what matters is that nothing can keep you from acquiring that fire to live your life to the fullest.

Following these steps above will help you on the road to transforming your life into one that’s more fulfilling, happy, prosperous and successful through simply altering your debilitating negative attitude to positive attitude.

A negative attitude can have serious and damaging consequences on your life. Your attitude is the one thing that will determine whether your life will be happy and successful or one filled with endless struggles. Learn powerful techniques to quickly transform your negative attitude to positive attitude.

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Positive Attitude – Easy Ways For Easier Lives

There are people who would rather hold the negative attitude than a positive one, but as the world is changing the people are also changing; some are getting darker, some are getting brighter. With being more positive you can totally change your life’s direction to the white side which will in turn cause other people to respond more positively to you because you feel good about whatever they say. You can have the ability to change the others positively as well!

First lets see the difference between positive and negative attitudes.

Negative: I will fail 100%.

Positive: I am sure that I won!

How can I create the positive attitude?

Everything valuable in the world takes a bit work, and so does replacing positiveness with negativeness in your minds. You can start to shift your attitude by changing the unconscious thinking. Every time a negative thought comes in your mind, change it into positive. Of course it is not easy because negative thoughts come all the time, but you can change this as well because its you and YOUR MIND which is creating the negative thoughts.

There are many ways to destroy a negative attitude…

– By thinking positively of course… which means that you should expect the best, be optimistic, choose to win, choose to be happy, be motivated, always try harder, look for solutions, believe in yourself, be confident, see the failures as opportunities to learn and succeed.

What do I get by holding a strong positive attitude?

– There are many advantages if you hold the positive attitude such as: success, happiness, feel of better health, wealth, getting less stress, having more confidence, feeling that everything is possible, never giving up, etc.

Now take CONTROL of your MIND and shift your ATTITUDE and start creating glorious results.

“Everything at the beginning is without colors, it is your attitude which paints it brighter or darker.”

My name is HyunSoung Kim, I am student in International Baccalaureate (IB). When I grow up I will be an actor and positive psychologist. If you have any problems or questions about your life, future and frustrations please feel free to ask me by sending an e-mail to kim_h_soung@hotmail.com.

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5 Ways to Ensure Positive Belly Fat Reduction Results

It’s no secret that millions and millions of people are trying to find the best belly fat reduction solutions. The only problem is there are so many different diets out there, you really can’t pinpoint what works best for you. So we decided to give you the 5 ways everyone can get the belly fat reduction they desire. It doesn’t matter your size, shape, or age because these tips will work for anyone.

Focus in on Your Goals

This is where most people lose the battle. While we all want to focus on the diet being the right approach, it all starts with our minds. The first time you say to yourself, “Well, just one candy bar will be okay” is around the time you start falling off the wagon. Set your belly fat reduction goal and stick with it. Staying away from the wrong foods is going to be hard, but it is possible.

Add in Exercise

Probably the most overlooked area is exercise. We aren’t saying you have to spend hours each day exerting the body, but exercising increases your metabolism, which is important. Even if you just want to do a little window shopping and walk around the mall it will be considered exercise. The idea is to stay somewhat active instead of sitting in front of the computer all day.

Mix Up the Calories

Once you’re able to build the metabolism, we always recommend mixing up your calories. You should keep track of this everyday and monitor how many calories you’re ingesting. If you have 2,000 on Monday, drop it to 1,000 on Tuesday, then 1,400 on Wednesday, and 750 on Thursday. You can do it several different ways, but this is just an example. It will confuse the system and start burning away those fat cells at ridiculous rates.

Smaller Portions

One of the best options out there is eating smaller portions during each meal setting. If you have a hard time doing this, try purchasing smaller plates, or those plastic ones with smaller sections. This will keep you from overdoing it during a meal, especially at times like Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Just remember to keep track of the calories.

Cut-Off Soda

This is something that could help your belly fat reduction goals much faster. Soda is one of the biggest culprits to gaining weight. It’s cheap, taste good, and has tons of calories for one 12oz. can. Just try replacing it with flavored water for a week and see what happens. If everything else in your current diet stays the same, you’ll definitely notice the difference.

The Secret Behind it All

Even though these are good tips, there are plenty others out there just waiting to be utilized. While anyone can type up a few things to try from their own experiences, we found an AFLCA Personal Trainer that offers real help. You have to understand that everyone is different so what works for you, may not work for your spouse or children. So get the real help you need and learn from the professionals. They’ll be able to give you the belly fat reduction you desire in the blink of an eye.

Tim Frazier, a nursing major, publishes more great tips at http://bellyfatreductionguide.com/, which showcases some of the best products on the internet for losing belly fat, His main blog http://www.getridofbelly.org/ highlights even more options for losing the weight.

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Self Improvement – 6 Ways To Overcome Shyness And Boost Confidence

If you are here to pick up some great tips to help you overcome shyness and boost self confidence, you have arrived on the right page. In this article, we are going to share with you some practical and easy to follow tips and techniques you can use immediately to eliminate shyness and increase confidence.

Are you shy? Do you have difficulty coping with people or situations? Then I have good news for you. You do not have to suffer from shyness and you should not feel insecure and fear that you are being judged with every step you take. Trust me on that, if you are willing to read through this article and apply the tips, you will succeed in overcoming your shyness. When you do that, you will also feel much more confidence and comfortable in meeting and talking with people.

There are many benefits you can get if you can learn to get rid of shyness and improve your self esteem. You are going to feel a lot better about yourself and you will tell yourself that nothing is going to stop you to attain your goals and live a quality life.

There are hundreds of books written on the subject on how to beat shyness and gain confidence, but there are a few techniques that anyone can practice right away.

Here are 6 tips and techniques we want to share with you:

1. Starting tomorrow… when you wake up in the morning, stand in front of a mirror and shout out: “I Feel Good, I Am Not Shy And I Am Confident”. Repeat this for ten times. This positive affirmation can help a great deal in developing a positive subconscious mind. Subsconcious mind is very powerful as it doesn’t argue with you, it just accepts whatever you are saying to it and take it as the truth.

2. Feel good about yourself. Look your best. Dress up more often. This gives you an extra feeling of confidence and self esteem. On its own just knowing that you look good will boost your confidence and reinforce with others that there are things about you that are worth getting to know.

3. Take the opportunity to talk to a stranger as often as possible. I am not asking you to talk to everybody you see on the street. You can do this in a more subtle way. For example, when you are waiting in a long queue, you can just start a small conversation with the person behind you. This is a great way in helping you to overcome your shyness.

4. When you are engaged in a one to one conversation, or with a larger group of people, let them know that you are shy. This prevents them from misreading you and they are far more likely to invite you into the conversation rather than leave you just listening and wishing you could contribute.

Many people, me included, find following a conversation in a noisy room difficult. If you are having difficulty say so and move so that you can hear. People respect honesty, and vulnerability and you will attract more honest people into your life as a result.

5. Don’t take rejection personally, just treat it as something that is like/dislike. You see, we all have preferences, the things that we like may not be the same as others and vice versa. For instance, if you like a particular type of girl, and you want to ask her out but she rejects you. Well, actually it is not you that she is rejecting, it is just that you are not her type. This is the same as you like a certain type of person but not other. So, it is very important that you don’t take rejection to heart as this is the fact of life. If you take it personally, it will hurt your self esteem.

6. Find a hobby and master some of its basic skills. For example, take up a Karate lesson or pick up some magic tricks that you can use to impress people. Master the skills, this can help boost your confidence and eliminate shyness. I picked up Tae Kwon Do, I find learning martial art can really help increase my self esteem and self confidence very quickly. There are many things you can explore as a hobby such as learning a new language, gardening, sports, singing, etc.

I have shared with you some great tips and techniques on how to overcome shyness and boost self confidence in this article, I home you find them useful.

Another great way to boost self confidence is to learn how to earn extra income online, you can get more info at Mass Cash Coverup and Authority Pro.

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Self Improvement ? 6 Ways To Overcome Shyness And Boost Confidence

If you are here to pick up some great tips to help you overcome shyness and boost self confidence, you have arrived on the right page. In this article, we are going to share with you some practical and easy to follow tips and techniques you can use immediately to eliminate shyness and increase confidence.

Are you shy? Do you have difficulty coping with people or situations? Then I have good news for you. You do not have to suffer from shyness and you should not feel insecure and fear that you are being judged with every step you take. Trust me on that, if you are willing to read through this article and apply the tips, you will succeed in overcoming your shyness. When you do that, you will also feel much more confidence and comfortable in meeting and talking with people.

There are many benefits you can get if you can learn to get rid of shyness and improve your self esteem. You are going to feel a lot better about yourself and you will tell yourself that nothing is going to stop you to attain your goals and live a quality life.

There are hundreds of books written on the subject on how to beat shyness and gain confidence, but there are a few techniques that anyone can practice right away.

Here are 6 tips and techniques we want to share with you:

1. Starting tomorrow… when you wake up in the morning, stand in front of a mirror and shout out: “I Feel Good, I Am Not Shy And I Am Confident”. Repeat this for ten times. This positive affirmation can help a great deal in developing a positive subconscious mind. Subsconcious mind is very powerful as it doesn’t argue with you, it just accepts whatever you are saying to it and take it as the truth.

2. Feel good about yourself. Look your best. Dress up more often. This gives you an extra feeling of confidence and self esteem. On its own just knowing that you look good will boost your confidence and reinforce with others that there are things about you that are worth getting to know.

3. Take the opportunity to talk to a stranger as often as possible. I am not asking you to talk to everybody you see on the street. You can do this in a more subtle way. For example, when you are waiting in a long queue, you can just start a small conversation with the person behind you. This is a great way in helping you to overcome your shyness.

4. When you are engaged in a one to one conversation, or with a larger group of people, let them know that you are shy. This prevents them from misreading you and they are far more likely to invite you into the conversation rather than leave you just listening and wishing you could contribute.

Many people, me included, find following a conversation in a noisy room difficult. If you are having difficulty say so and move so that you can hear. People respect honesty, and vulnerability and you will attract more honest people into your life as a result.

5. Don’t take rejection personally, just treat it as something that is like/dislike. You see, we all have preferences, the things that we like may not be the same as others and vice versa. For instance, if you like a particular type of girl, and you want to ask her out but she rejects you. Well, actually it is not you that she is rejecting, it is just that you are not her type. This is the same as you like a certain type of person but not other. So, it is very important that you don’t take rejection to heart as this is the fact of life. If you take it personally, it will hurt your self esteem.

6. Find a hobby and master some of its basic skills. For example, take up a Karate lesson or pick up some magic tricks that you can use to impress people. Master the skills, this can help boost your confidence and eliminate shyness. I picked up Tae Kwon Do, I find learning martial art can really help increase my self esteem and self confidence very quickly. There are many things you can explore as a hobby such as learning a new language, gardening, sports, singing, etc.

I have shared with you some great tips and techniques on how to overcome shyness and boost self confidence in this article, I home you find them useful.

Another great way to boost self confidence is to learn how to earn extra income online, you can get more info at Mass Cash Coverup and Authority Pro Bonus.

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A Few Wonderful Ways To Stay Positive At Work And In Life

I’d like to offer several practical ideas about staying positive. Nothing magical here, just a few simple ideas to help shape the way you think and feel every day. They apply equally well at work and home, though here I’ll focus more on the job. I could focus largely on your work tasks, but I would like to humanize work a bit by instead talking about you and the interpersonal aspects of your office life. To stay positive:

Bring all of you to the office

This involves the full spectrum of things that define you and make you smile: your attire, the music quietly playing in the background, the office décor – you name it. To constrict who you are at work to fit some “office acceptable” version of yourself requires energy. Energy is finite. Managing impressions is unavoidable, but over managing impressions to the point of losing the unique you at work is far worse. If you like loud ties, wear them. Ladies, if you have a penchant for ridiculous scarves, bring it on. Who cares if nobody other than you in the office likes Elvis Costello? Play it. In fact, spend a little non-work time and put together a few playlists – one for addressing any type of mood that might surface. And for heaven’s sake don’t be like the brain dead planners who designed your office. Why do they feel that gray or brown are motivational colors? Admit it, for most of you, the office is dominated by gray or brown. Weird. Your cube or office need not be. I indulge in Harley-related items (signs, mouse pad, etc.). For you it might be fishing or sports or origami, beats me, but make sure that aspect of you is represented. And add color – that should be a law. Preferably red. Make it a new lamp, phone, chair, something you stick on the shelf – who knows, just add red immediately.

Bring them to the office too

Them is all of the key people in life you love and spend time with. We spend far too much time at work, thus find a way to get them represented right there in your workspace. Bring pictures of the family, the girlfriend or boyfriend, the dog. My favorite recent additions are the framed pictures of my oldest son’s art doodles. He is very into Ben 10 (just Google it). He claims the doodles depict Ben doing all sorts of miraculous things. To me, they are merely funny lighthearted doodles. They make me smile and when he sees them in my office, his smile is even bigger. How about video or audio? I have clips of my wife and both boys on my cell phone and, yes, I do pull it out when in need of a quick smile or bit of perspective.

Have something to look forward to

When we have things to look forward to, what do we do? We survive by any means necessary until they arrive! Make sure you are never without something to look forward to. This does not have to be a lavish vacation or something terribly expensive. It can be as simple as the night later in the week when you have pledged to go home early to cook dinner for the family. For me, that is a real treat. For you that might be a nightmare, so what. Maybe it is the movie night coming up with your children, the cook out with your family friends or the date night with your significant other. Get it on the calendar and in your mind and reference it just when things get a little nutty at work.

Do something nice for someone

Yes, you need to keep focused on the wonderful “thing to look forward to” for yourself. However, it may surprise you just how good it feels to do something for someone else right now. If you have time, try volunteer work. Join the Rotary (I did). Great, but if you’re really strapped for time and money, you can still help others. There are abundant opportunities to do so at work every day. You have no excuse! Compliment someone personally. Maybe it is how they look that day. Maybe it is the fact that they are always positive. Maybe it is the fact that they are thoughtful enough every Friday to wish you a great weekend and every Monday to ask about your weekend. Compliment them professionally. Did they help you massage some data? Did they cover for you when you could not make the meeting? Were they there last week to offer you some needed input on a big decision? Tell them thank you – and be specific about why you are saying thank you. Crazy idea – help them back! It is amazing the wonderful feeling to be had from simply helping another person make it through the day a bit more smoothly.

Dr. Dewett is a nationally recognized leadership expert, professor, author, professional speaker and consultant specializing in all aspects of organizational life. As quoted in the New York Times, BusinessWeek, CNN, the Chicago Tribune, MSNBC and elsewhere. He is the author of Leadership Redefined. Podcasts, blog, free newsletter and more at http://www.drdewett.com Copyright 2009 TVA Inc.

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How to Be Positive in Life – Simple Ways to Develop Positive Thinking

Our mind is powerful and so are our thoughts. The more we think about one thing, the more we are drawn to put it into action – that is why we need to be careful with our thoughts and we should get rid of negative thoughts to learn how to be positive in life.

Being positive brings wonderful results in your life. It will bring you peace within yourself, it will allow you to be a desirable person towards others and build wonderful relationships, and maintaining a positive energy around you will help a lot in living a good and life of abundance.

Learning how to be positive in life can be a little difficult for some especially if troubles and frustrations are looming but you can gradually start with it so that little by little, you will be able to conquer and take command of your life and stay positive. Here are some things you can start with.

– Learn positive affirmations. Learn positive thinking exercises that will focus yourself into the positives in life.

– Believe in yourself. Eliminate self-doubt and build confidence that you can achieve what you are aiming for.

– Think positive. Speak positive. Feel positive. Be optimistic and think about the positive side of things. If you are feeling low, think about something that is happy or create a happy picture in your mind. Be conscious also of the words that come out of your mouth. Avoid negative words as much as possible. Get away from negative feelings as well. Try to remain focused on being positive.

– Visualize. This will give you the motivation to get what you want or overcome whatever it is that is troubling you. Think about the things you want and the life you want to live. Think that you are there and feel the emotions that you would feel if you have reached your goals. Being able to picture out what you want to accomplish will give you the positive drive to work towards your goals.

– Take action on your goals. Of course, if you want something done, you have to put an effort to achieve it. Your dreams and aspirations will never be realized by just thinking about it. Make a plan on how you will achieve it. Start from small and manageable tasks and seize opportunities that may come your way.

– Help others. Volunteer your time or your abilities. The more you share and help those who need it, the more you will feel positive in yourself. Try helping out or volunteering in a charity if you have difficulties in life and you will feel a surge of positive feeling afterwards.

– Be with positive people. Stay away from those who draw you to negative thoughts and discouragements. One simple way to learn how to be positive in life is to surround yourself with positive people.

– Be thankful. Even if there are troubles in your way, you can always find things that you will be grateful for. Many things in life are valued only if we lost them or we badly needed them, so take time to appreciate and be thankful for them. Don’t look at your life through the troubles you have met. Instead, look at it through the things that worked well, through your successes in life and the positive things that happened to you. Always outweigh the negative thoughts with the good ones.

Learning how to be positive in life is indeed one way to make better relationships, good health, success and a happier life. So take time to cultivate positive thinking.

Carolyn Anderson loves to use subliminal videos to help her stay positive. For subliminal videos that you can watch everyday, check out Intelligent Warrior Subliminal Video Series. Also check out Subliminal Video Message System, a subliminal video series that will help your realize your goals and increase your income.

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Positive Ways to Handle Anger

Dealing with inflame and understanding to manage it in the constructive manner isn’t constantly straightforward. All people should take care of problems and enrage from time to time but it truly is how you respond along with the choices that you make which might be the secret to overcoming these difficulties.

– Look for one thing that calms you down. This might be one thing for instance functioning out, taking a walk in the park, writing in a very journal, etc.

– Visit with friends or family.

– Redirect your energy and feelings. Look for other techniques in which it is possible to channel your enrage into forms which might be productive.

– Talk to others about how you’re feeling

– You may well also uncover it helpful to make use of your body as a strategy to cope with your frustration. For instance, going to the gym or working out could be a great method to handle enrage when it arises.

– Give by yourself a ‘timeout’. Even the straightforward act of taking a deep breath and counting to 10 can generally enable to difuse a tense situation.

– Get some space. Take advantage of the opportunity to take a break from the person or scenario that is creating you enraged until you’ve calmed down.

– Think carefully before you say anything. When you speak out of anger you might be more likely to say say something you’ll regret later. You may possibly uncover it helpful to write down what you’ll like to say so that you just can ensure you stick towards the actual troubles. It might be easy to turn out to be sidetracked when you are enraged.

– Once you will be calm, express your frustration in the non-confrontational manner. Continuing to stew about something that is irritating you’ll only make the scenario worse.

– Identify doable solutions to the situation. Instead of focusing on what it really is that created you enraged, try to work by means of the circumstance or the man or woman who is making you enraged so that you just can resolve the problem.

– Make a point to use “I” statements when describing a dilemma as opposed to “you” statements. This will enable you to to prevent placing blame or criticizing someon else, which will only make the other person resentful or indignant and will increase tension. For example, you may possibly say “I am upset which you didn’t help me with this project.”

– Avoid holding a grudge. When that you are able to forgive the human being who produced you angry, it will be helpful to both of you. Remember that it can be merely unrealistic to expect all people to behave precisely as you’d like.

– Use humor to let go of tension. Lightening up a situation may be helpful in diffusing tension and frustration. Keep in mind to keep away from using sarcasm; even so, as it can hurt other men and women and just make the scenario worse.

– Practice relaxation abilities. Finding out and practicing skills which will help you to loosen up and lower your stress levels will also allow you to to control your temper during times when it might be prone to flaring up. Practice visualizing a relaxing scene, deep-breathing exercises or repeating a calming phrase or word to yourself can allow you to to relax. Other exceptional methods for easing frustration including doing yoga, writing in a very journal or listening to calming music.

Anger Managament Advice and Anger Management Tips

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