Tag Archives: Wealth

How to Develop the Proper Mindset to Attract Wealth to Your Business

Having the right mindset when starting and operating a successful business is a crucial but often overlooked requirement. Aspiring entrepreneurs sometimes spend more time picking out the right office furniture or wasting valuable time and energy on the daily minutia that might seem important to business operation, but in reality is more a habit of trying to seem busy, which for a great many business owners is a holdover from their time as employees. The business owner, especially someone new to business ownership, must be cognizant of the differences between business owner and employee mentalities. This article will outline some basic but important considerations in order to develop a mindset that is conducive to business ownership success and to attract wealth.

As previously mentioned, major differences exist in the mentality of business owners and employees. For example, in most cases employees are expected and paid to work set amounts of time during a scheduled work shift. In the typical scenario this means an eight hour workday. So for eight straight hours a day the worker completes the tasks associated with his or her job. However, studies show that the amount of actual, productive work from an average worker is usually less than eight hours – sometimes far less! One study estimates around six out of eight hours are productive, while other studies suggest even less. So what do most workers do with the extra two or more hours a day that are not productive time? They learn how to appear to be busy, and essentially “milk the clock” in order to complete their required shift. One major challenge for an individual who aspires to have business ownership success is unlearning these bad habits.

In starting any type of new endeavor, whether a home based business or traditional brick and mortar company, there may be a transitional period while the old employee paradigm fights to stay in control. Business ownership is a “pay for results” situation, so just appearing to be busy to keep the boss happy or wasting time with unimportant activities needs to be eliminated. These habits can be deadly to a new business. Furthermore, in order to develop a winning mindset even more thoroughly, some understanding is needed of the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction has received a great deal of public attention in recent years with the release of many best selling books and movies like “The Secret,” but this is not a new concept. In fact, the scientific principles behind the Law of Attraction have existed for all time. The very short explanation of this concept is that “like attracts like.” Something in a particular vibrational frequency attracts things in a similar frequency. OK, so you might be asking what this has to do with thinking like a successful business owner. Well – everything! You see, although making the change from idling away valuable time at a job and becoming your own boss is essential, that is only the first step. Realizing how much what you think about impacts the world around you, in this example your business, reveals how important an understanding of this concept is to your success. Your thoughts create your existence – the people, things, opportunities – literally everything in your life. Spend some time studying the Law of Attraction; learn how to get into the right vibration to attract wealth and all the good that you desire.

This brief article sought to provide an overview of some differences between the employee and business owner mentality, and introduce the Law of Attraction to suggest the import role attraction plays in the success of your business. Many workers develop bad habits such as time wasting or appearing to be busy in order to keep a manager happy, and these habits need to change when someone is no longer looking over their shoulder to check their productivity. Finally, the Law of Attraction goes beyond the simple shift in attitude and responsibilities inherent to running a successful business, and demonstrates how critical our thoughts are to the success of our businesses, to attract wealth, and enjoy a happier and more accomplished life in general.

John Muller is a full-time internet marketer and consultant who works daily on developing a winning mindset and using the power of the Law of Attraction in his own business. Learn more at WealthSession.com

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Self Improvement – 3 Tips to Finding Wealth And Prosperity

There are hundreds of unhappy people that are battling within side themselves everyday. They hate their job. They hate the relationships they are in. They hate the house they live in. They hate struggling pay check to pay check. If this is some of the the things that you are saying to yourself on a constant basis, then know there is an answer.

Here are 3 tips to finding wealth and prosperity in your life starting today.

1. You must first recognize what it is that you are unhappy with in your life so sit down in a quiet and ask yourself. What am I not happy with in my life. Then ask yourself how would I like my life to be different from what it is today. You need to have a pencil and some paper and write the answers out so that you can see them. You need to have the answers be specific for example if you are not happy with your job why or what specific type of job would you really want and why.  If you currently like your job but just are not happy with the pay then how much money would you be happy making.

2. You need to take the answers from the first step and actually make a goal of what you would like to see differently for yourself in the next 3 months – 6 months  – 1 year from now. 

3. The next step is to formulate a plan of action to help you transform from where you are right now in your life to what you would like your life to be. When you are doing this there are specific things to keep in mind. You want to break this down into steps so that you do not get overwhelmed and then prioritize the steps in the order they would need to be done to get the results that you want to get.

Then write this out so that you can see the goal and the steps for the plan of action. Then start with step no 1 and work and focus only on that step till it is finished then strike it off the chart this helps you see results. Then move onto the next step and keep this up and before you know it you will start to see the results that you want for yourself.

Now get busy applying this in your life.

Want to make your life better Get your Free Report – Transform your life in 90 Days!

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1000 Wealth Affirmations. Attract Money. Rapid Mind Patterning to Be a Millionaire-1 hour


1000 Wealth Affirmations. Attract Money. Rapid Mind Patterning to Be a Millionaire-1 hour

Get the mp3 here: http://gumroad.com/trigramhealing
Ultra-rapid blueprinting method for prosperity mindset. Manifest money.
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Hypnosis: Total Success, Abundance, Wealth, Positive Mindset.


Hypnosis: Total Success, Abundance, Wealth, Positive Mindset.

Let nothing stand in your way to complete success.

MP3 Downloads: http://gumroad.com/trigramhealing
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Discover just how phenomenal you truly are with 500 Power Affirmations. These positive affirmations are specifically designed to awaken the vast storehouse of profound inner potential, positive thinking and enable you to manifest your highest intentions in every area of your life.

You have the right to live an amazing life! NOW is the time to awaken to your greatest possible future. With the Power Affirmations session, you will program your mind to take massive action NOW and have more drive than you ever could have imagined.

You’re about to discover how to instantly boost your self-esteem, become more self-confident, and begin living life with the self respect you are worthy of receiving!

These 500 affirmations are related to the areas of:

• Success
• Weight Loss
• Self -Love
• Confidence
• Wealth & Prosperity
• Self-Esteem
• Love
• Health & Healing
• Money

Sit back, put your headphones on and enjoy the path that leads to positive thinking. I am here to guide you, so there is nothing to fear in this visualization session. In the audio, we will begin with deep breathing exercises to relax you and help you feel comfortable. Next, I encourage you to visualize a confident memory as we begin to go through a list of powerful confirmations. As you listen to the success affirmations, you will find yourself feeling more positive than before the session began.

If you fully open yourself up to this visualization session, you fill find that it empowers you unlike any other tool you previously tried. It will open up the way you see your day today, tomorrow and far into the future. You will find yourself excited again for goals that you once thought were too difficult to reach as you feel confidence as you haven’t felt in a long time.

Your personal drive will reignite, with a renewed sense of hope about the world around you. When you embrace the power of positive thinking, you not only put out positive energies but get so much back in return. That is the law of attraction in play. When you think of good things, then good things come your way. It is a simple philosophy that truly does work.

Watch as your personal and professional relationships start to strengthen. You will find yourself embracing the new opportunities that come your way rather than avoiding or denying them out of fear. This type of lifestyle is rich in quality and also enriches the lives of everyone around you. It is then that you are living up to your maximum potential.

You will feel unstoppable and full of energy! Positive energy will surround you. Under the law of attraction, success and wealth will be drawn to you. Isn’t this how you have always pictured your life?

The secret to getting to this wonderful place in life is changing your mindset. Listening to the 500 powerful affirmations is the key to getting you there, to the success mindset. Plus, you can listen to the audio again and again. It can become part of your daily routine designed to increase your self-esteem. The daily affirmations offer hope, images of success and serve as motivation.

The power of positive thinking can be yours, as can the success, wealth and self-confidence that comes with it. Do not give up hope when it is within your grasp. Start the journey to living the life of your dreams. Start the journey today by streaming the 500 Positive Affirmations – The Secret to Positive Thinking audio session now.

If you’re ready to step up and enjoy living your full potential, then this session is a must!

If you’re ready to step up and enjoy living your full potential then this session is a must!

Background Music: “Tropical Ocean Surf” http://www.shockwave-sound.com/collections.html

Stock Footage by Addict http://www.pond5.com/after-effect/12678471/glossy-logo.html

Stock Image © Leonid Tit – http://us.fotolia.com/id/34389064

Recorded By: David McGraw
Video Rating: / 5

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