Tag Archives: Weight

Master Weight Loss Success – Fat Burning Secrets For a Slim Body

Mastering weight loss is often a very difficult and emotional subject for many people. The simple fact is that it takes effort, and after years of a lifestyle of poor food choices and not enough exercise, weight loss becomes even more difficult. To even think about exercising or cutting back on comfort food can create fear and apprehension.

For many overweight people, exercising, even gently can create pain and fatigue fairly quickly and therefore it is extremely difficult to get over that very first hurdle but the truth is it has to be done. Our bodies are designed to move; we should be able to walk, run and play with ease. Even if disease or disability has affected our bodies, movement in any way possible can only bring great benefits, not only to our physique but to our minds as well.

I think it would be difficult to find one person on this wonderful Earth who doesn’t have certain obstacles that they have to face. The majority of human beings don’t like change; we like certainty. We all have our comfort zones and a requirement to step outside of them causes stressful emotions within the body and mind. But the wonderful thing is that stepping outside of our comfort zone means stepping into fresh air! It is never as frightening as it seems and can be quite exhilarating, bringing a sense of freedom and achievement. Successful people are those who don’t just talk about doing something, they do it, and they continue to do it and when another challenge comes along, they do that as well.

Beginning a weight loss program should always start with setting specific goals. It is never enough to say “I want to lose weight”. Spend some time dreaming about the ideal body you would like to have and write it down, taking note of how you feel, how easily you walk, the clothes you wear, the admiration you receive and the powerful messages you can hand on to others. Take the time to write your ideal weight loss three months from now, then six and then twelve and then your ultimate goal – how long will that take?

Get the excitement ripping through your body. Get rid of the excuses; if you have time to watch tv, you have time to get moving. If you need to, get a treadmill and stick it in front of the tv and make sure you use it – just ditch the excuses once and for all. Once you are on your way to achieving your goals, you will find that you love moving more. Your energy levels increase and you get a buzz when you achieve each new goal. 

My life changed when I finally gave up my excuses. It took me more than 20 years to realise that the ‘quick fixes’ I had been falling prey too were not working for me – how dumb was I to believe that I could take magic pills and follow mad diets to watch the fat melt away?

The day my life changed was when I discovered a no-nonsense, no bs approach which has radically changed the way I approach all aspects of my health. I started with my mind before I started with my body. I discovered that my body type was largely (pun intended) endomorph and that I needed to put in more cardio than some types to get the fat moving.  A little bit of weight training helps to stop my weight loss being due to losing lean body mass.  My quick fixes still weren’t working after 20+ years, and the slower approach which encourages your body to increase lean body mass (which in turn increases metabolism) and lose only fat is what is working for me – what a revelation! With a little effort, a slim body is yours as well. 

And if there is still a bit of you that loves the quick and easy approach – visit my site to find out how to access the plan instantly http://lifeweightprogram.com

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Stay Motivated to Lose Weight For Life – 5 Powerful Secrets

Want to lose weight for life? You will have to find creative ways to stay motivated. Permanent weight loss means successfully navigating daily temptations.

Let’s face it – life gets in the way. You get sick or injured, or a looming deadline at work means no time for exercise. Healthy eating is derailed by business dinners or family gatherings. It’s challenging to hang on to the healthy habits you’ve worked so hard to adopt.

Here are 5 powerful secrets to stay motivated to lose weight for life:

1. Scare Tactics

Want to avoid debilitating chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, stroke, and heart attacks? A healthy lifestyle is your best defense.

The next time you’re tempted to skip your walk or eat that piece of chocolate cake, think about a close friend or relative that has suffered from one of these awful diseases. Don’t you want to do everything in your power to avoid their fate? Then it’s critical that you maintain a healthy weight and get regular exercise.

2. Reprogram Those Rationalizations

How many times have you heard that voice in your head telling you that one dessert won’t matter or one missed workout is OK?

When those voices start chirping remember how far you’ve come. Think about how much better you’ll feel after your workout. Remember how bloated and sluggish you felt the last time you ate a fatty, sugary dessert.

Every time you reprogram your thoughts your confidence soars and the next time will be easier. Pretty soon it’s automatic.

3. Don’t Delay After a Setback

We all have setbacks or “learning moments”. Don’t let one binge or missed workout turn into a string of them. Don’t put off getting back to the gym or your morning walks until “after the holidays” or “when school starts”. Do it the next day!

Every unhealthy meal means you’ll have to work harder. Just because you ate that steak doesn’t mean you’ve already blown it so you may as well have chocolate mud pie for dessert. Instead order some fresh berries to naturally purify your body.

4. Just Do It

The most difficult part of exercise is the first 10 minutes. Once you start, you’re likely to feel so much better that you’ll finish your routine. So if you’re feeling tired or rushed, tell yourself you’ll only do 10 minutes. Usually once you get past that initial hurdle, you’ll keep going. And even if you don’t, 10 minutes is better than nothing.

5. Use Your Competitive Drive

Are you competitive? Then harness that drive to succeed at permanent weight loss. Picture someone you admire for their svelte physique and vibrant health. Tell yourself you’re as good as (or better than) they are!

Suddenly you have energy for a more intense workout. That cheeseburger just doesn’t look as enticing. Set mini-goals for yourself every day and keep the big picture in mind of who you want to “beat”.

Want more secrets to staying motivated to lose weight for life? Get a 4 step plan to manage diet disasters at http://www.lose-weight-for-life.com/diet-disasters.html Learn more about how to live a healthy lifestyle at http://www.lose-weight-for-life.com/lose-it-for-life.html

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Positive Thinking And Weight Loss: Is Positive Thinking Really Necessary To Losing Weight?

If you honestly want to reach any objective in your own health and weight loss cause, you need and to have to be Positive. This is true not just of Weight Loss goals but of every particular of goal you can have. Be it a business or a personal goal, you may not accomplish it unless you do the job in overpowering negativity. Once you set a goal, there will also be tangible roadblocks on your plan in the form of scattered convictions and sentimentsthat will render you disheartened and de-motivated. Your requirement is to weed out those unfavorable ideas from yourheart and replace them with more positive ones. I understand that undertaking so is not so easy as itappears, but then again, if you desire to reach a destination very badly, it isn’t crazy either! In this article I’ll tell you how changing your thoughts can help you lose body weight.

When you launch your Fat Reduction approach your conscience will become buried in thought with ideas such as ‘I’ll never be skinny’, ‘I’m not strong enough to lose weight’, ‘I hate to do exercises’, etc. Instead of being cowed down by such ideas, you need to have to fight them! If these frustrating ideas keep you from reaching your Weight Loss purpose, you are not alone! Most folks be unsuccessful to lose weight because they start with a scattered thoughts; instead of Thinking what will happen When they lose weight, they have an idea about what will probably happen if they don’t! But then again, some of these people actually end up losing weight, when they make the decision to struggle with these stressful ideas, when they be aware of that they have to to lead a healthy life as much as others, when they accept that they can slim down only by harboring more positive ideas in their subconscious.

It is a fact that many of us know how to lose weight but very few of us bother to try to put that knowledge into action because we don’t have the mental strength needed to obtain our goals. When we start making an effort towards the achievement of a objective, we tend to get overpowered by demons such as anger, sadness and depression. As soon as you get control of your life and weed out those stressful ideas, you will see that losing weight is much more easier than you think.

In order to harbor more positive thoughts in your subconscious, you need to have tohave an idea about the future: about the kind of life you will lead The moment you slim down. For instance, when you become skinnier, you will get free of a host of diseases and illnesses, appear sexier and accomplish an increase in virility, or maybe that you will feel more comfortable with yourself, etc. Take a paper and pencil and take a note on the reasons behind your desire to slim down, and then stick it on the wall so that you can see it many times! This way it will be easier for you to grab your negative ideas by the horns and throw them out!

For more information on the omron hj-303 review, go here: http://twobigfatguys.com/2010/12/07/review-of-omron-hj-303-gosmart-tri-axis-pocket-pedometer.

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Proper Mindset and Weight Loss

All weight loss methods and programs require a lot of resisting urges, motivating oneself to work out, to eat right, or simply to do the right thing. However, did it ever occur to you that they are not exactly the most important things? Or that perhaps, there’s a better way to start a fat loss regime? In this article, you will learn about an equally important factor when it comes to losing weight: having the right mindset.

Many people fail to realize that the easiest and simplest technique to lose weight is not really supposed to come from one specific exercise routine or a particular diet. It actually comes from a positive attitude. A proper frame of mind can lead you to a life-changing event. In fact, when this happens, losing weight may come naturally.

The very first thing to do in order to create the right weight loss mindset is to muster the strong desire to succeed. Obviously, desire is what urges us to do something. It is the threshold of the growth process. If you don’t have it, then you probably wouldn’t go anywhere.

Now, to spark your desire, it would help to know and decide what you want to achieve. Whether it is to lose five pounds or 30, you need to make up your mind. On a piece of paper, make a list of why you wish to lose such weight. Seeing the reasons right in front of you can greatly help in keeping your motivated and focused. This is especially true when the time gets rough.

After sparking that desire and knowing what you want to achieve, commit yourself to reaching the goal. Make a solemn promise that you will work as hard as you can. If you are better off working with someone, look for a partner who’s as interested in losing weight and who may just be looking for a partner like you too. A partner can serve two excellent purposes: he or she can support you and he or she can challenge you. Either way, your partner can play a crucial role in motivating you throughout the pursuit. Of course, you play the same crucial role in his or her challenge.

Now, it is expected that during the course of your weight loss regime, you will experience getting off the track every now and then. When this happens, you should never ever beat yourself up. Remind yourself that everyone goes astray and that the solution is to get over it and move on. The scale may not be showing the numbers you want to see, but hey, you are currently working to change them! Give yourself time. No reason to be hard on yourself.

Finally, you should always be realistic and flexible with your weight loss goals. Time is not going to slow down or fasten up for you. When things don’t go according to plan, make the necessary adjustments and remain focused on your goals. Don’t let small mishaps and failures discourage you.

Are you looking for more information regarding weight loss? Visit http://healthyloser.isagenix.com today!

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The Critical Factor For Any Weight Loss Diet Is to Have a Positive Mindset

In any weight loss diet, there are many things that are important. Eating foods that are good for you and will also fuel you through your day and through your workouts are important. Getting at least 30 minutes of exercise per day at least 3 times a week is also crucial. But one important piece of the puzzle which is often forgotten is your mind set. It is absolutely true that having a positive attitude while working towards your weight loss diet can be the deal breaker on any weight loss journey.

What motivates you to work out? The drive to be skinnier, look more attractive in your clothing, attract members of the opposite sex. These things may be true. But if you are trying to lose weight there is a much deeper reason- you want to be a healthier YOU. You can not attempt to lose weight and start a weight loss diet if you are doing it for the wrong reasons. If you are overweight, you already know the health risks, and that depending on who you are, it may be more difficult for you to function in public both physically and psychologically. Without a positive mindset, and envisioning what you will look and feel like AFTER you’ve accomplished your goal, you’ll be stuck at the starting point and have a difficult time making progress.

How tough will it be to start a strict regimen of eating healthy if you have a terrible, negative mindset? It will be basically impossible. It is HARD to change your eating habits, especially if you’ve had bad eating habits since childhood. It is going to be a really rough journey. Without a positive attitude from the start, you’ll have trouble getting going which will prohibit you from seeing any results. It is hard to tell yourself no when you want to eat something that you crave. But if you keep your priorities in order and believe in yourself, it won’t be so hard.

There are so many things you can call up in your mind when you get down in the dumps about your weight loss diet, to bring yourself back up again, and most of these things are different for each individual. If you have children, imagine running through the park with them playing. If you’ve ever been overweight with children, you know it can be heart wrenching when they want you to play sports with them and you have a tough time keeping up. Now, imagine having all the energy in the world to keep up with them and what a role model you will be for them for being healthy.

We all want our children to grow up and be even more happy and successful than we are. No parent wants their child to suffer from obesity. It isn’t just the public difficulties that they will experience as a child, but they also have a higher risk for medical problems like heart disease and diabetes from a young age. If you are a healthy role model for your children and teach them good eating habits, they will likely grow up the same way.

If you do not have children, there are simpler things to keep in mind to keep you motivated. Imagine fitting comfortably in an airplane seat with extra space to spare, feeling more comfortable stepping on the scale at a doctor’s office, or finally feeling confident going to the beach in a bathing suit. These small milestones are important while on a weight loss diet for encouragement and to help with your overall success.

Are you searching for ways to become leaner, fitter and more attractive? Having the right diet meal plan to fit your health objectives is critical to your success.

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Weight Loss Will Require Positive Mindset

Everyone realizes eliminating weight tends to be tricky. Many people have to try a number times before losing pounds long term. Additionally, a number of individuals aim to eliminate unwanted pounds but fail. Individuals which do well discover an effective easy way to lose weight that suits their lifestyle. Therefore, when decreasing body weight in the past has not worked try not to quit now.

Maybe in the past weight loss systems which claim instant fat loss did not succeed. Such dieting plans maybe did not succeed for several reasons. Among these reasons possibly are limiting dieting plans and wrong mindset.

Fat loss systems that exclude foods generally fall short. A human body needs vitamins, carbs, fats and minerals to function effectively. In the event any of those items are not acquired the human body will desire more food. Therefore individuals might eat more in order to curb that hunger sensation. A secret to reducing pounds happens to be eating food products having adequate quantities of nutriments.

Fat loss systems that omit food products generally fail for the reason they do not allow a person to enjoy desired foods. At some point a person may indulge on whatever food products those programs would not allow. At that point, almost certainly a person may think he or she has had no success and then stop this fat loss program. Instead weight loss systems should show people how to incorporate desired foods into munchies and meals to reduce weight.

An additional explanation why fat loss plans might not have worked in the past is people may have had incorrect attitudes. Whenever starting a task this tough people will need to be mentally ready. In the event a person is not willing to incorporate changes, then no fat loss system is going to be successful.

Individuals must have faith dropping excess weight can be possible. Thus if around pessimism, then an initial step is locating a support group. A proper easy way to lose weight is depending upon other individuals who can help with any dilemmas. Whenever eliminating pounds, obstacles are certain to crop up. Thus, depending upon people for support to help with these complications results in individuals being not as inclined to quit the weight loss system.

In addition, a person will have to make changes to eliminate weight permanently. Quick dieting plans require an individual to temporarily alter food products eaten. Eventually people go back to old routines that added weight to begin with. In order to remove body fat permanently a proper weight loss program ought to explain whatever adjustments will need to be made which a person could simply include in everyday routines. These changes should be simple that everyone can live with.

People’s end desired outcome is eliminating weight as well as not regaining it. Although that end desired outcome can be difficult, an individual can reduce body weight. Everybody must find an easy way to lose weight which works for them to be successful.

You may also enjoy lose weight, diet plan and easy way to lose weight

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Weight Loss Success – Creating a Positive Mindset

According to scientists, your mind processes about 60,000 thoughts a day and 95% of these thoughts are what you thought about yesterday. Since your mind controls everything you do, it makes sense that your thoughts have a massive impact on your actions.

It is also true that your mind acts like a magnet (often referred to as the Universal Law of Attraction), attracting to you more of what you are thinking about. This means you really can ‘think’ yourself into success or failure! Creating a positive mindset is therefore the first step in creating long-term success in any area of your life, including your health, fitness and weight loss.


In order to create a positive mindset, you first need to become aware of your thoughts. With 60,000 thoughts a day roaming through your mind, the trick is to make sure that your thoughts remain positive. By staying ‘tuned’ into your thoughts throughout the day, you can catch yourself out if you start to think negative or limiting thoughts. At that point, simply acknowledge what you are thinking and change it to a more positive or empowering thought.

For example, perhaps you are looking in the mirror and your ‘internal dialogue’ starts to go something like this:

‘I have put on so much weight. I look and feel terrible. I will never lose this weight. I am such a failure’ – negative thought.

‘Ok, I know I have put on weight but I am doing something about it and I will succeed’ – acknowledge the negative thought and let it go.

‘I am really happy that I have chosen to change to a healthier lifestyle’ – positive thought.

Positive self-talk

Changing your thoughts from negative to positive can have a dramatic impact on your life, your confidence and your self esteem. Many people who first start thinking positive thoughts about themselves find it difficult and uncomfortable as they have become so accustomed to thinking of themselves and/or the world through negative thoughts.

Another great exercise to help you change your thought patterns is to give yourself positive self talk or self praise. Again, this may feel strange or uncomfortable when you first start, but I urge you to stick with it as it will have a profound impact on your life.

To do this exercise make sure you are by yourself and somewhere private. Then, look in a full-length mirror and give yourself five compliments, repeating each compliment five times. If you find it difficult to look in the mirror while you are doing this exercise, then start without a mirror until you get more comfortable. Similarly, if you find it difficult to think of five things to compliment yourself on, then start with the most you can think of and work your way up.

Some examples of positive self talk include:

I love that I am a very loving and generous wife/husband/friend
I love that I have a wonderful smile
I love that I am always happy
I love who I am
I love that I am open and honest.
Positive affirmations

Positive affirmations are short positive statements that are designed to help you change a negative belief or feeling into a positive belief or feeling by ‘reprogramming’ your thought patterns. They can also assist you in attracting more of what you need (via the Universal Law of Attraction mentioned earlier) and bring positive and permanent changes to your life.

Positive affirmations will help you stay focused on your goals whilst becoming more conscious about your choice of words when talking with other people, and also to yourself via your internal dialogue. The more you practice using positive words and sentences, the more natural it will become. You can use positive affirmations in any area of your life, but for the purpose of this exercise I am giving you some examples on how to create positive affirmations for your health, fitness and weight loss:

I am the perfect weight for my body
I enjoy exercising and it re-energises me
I make healthy food choices that nourish my body
I am happy with my body and I love the changes I have made
Every day I feel stronger, sexier and more alive.

For positive affirmations to work they need to be in the present tense: ‘I am’ rather than ‘I will be’, or ‘I make’ rather than ‘I will make’. When you first start creating your positive affirmations, find the things about your health, fitness, weight or other areas of your life that you feel negative or unhappy about right now, and write down how you would like it to be or feel in the present tense.

If you currently have no energy and eat bad food, you would say, ‘I feel energetic and make healthy food choices that nourish my body’. Although this is not how you feel right now, by saying your positive affirmation positively and with conviction, your brain will recognise that there is a gap between what you are saying and what you are feeling or doing and will look for ways to close that gap. This may sound a little strange, but positive affirmations really do work.

I recommend you to find five positive affirmations and repeat each one five times every morning and every evening for each area of your life that you want to work on. If you want to increase the power of the affirmations, here are a few tips:

Mirror exercise – positive affirmations can be done in the same way as the positive self talk exercise: in the mirror. Look yourself firmly in the eyes and say your affirmations aloud.
Written exercise – write down each of your affirmations 10 times every day before you say them aloud; this helps really keep them at the forefront of your mind.
Singing exercise – the way you say your affirmations can also make your affirmations more powerful; you can sing your affirmations aloud or start off by just saying them out loud with passion and conviction.
Changing your old negative habits into new positive habits

Science has proven that it only takes between 21 and 30 days to create a new habit, so be patient with the above exercises and commit to making these a part of your daily routine for at least 30 days. I promise you that they are well worth your time investment and the rewards will be great. After all, your success is only limited by your thoughts and your imagination.

While practicing any of the above exercises, if your inner dialogue starts to drift into a negative thought process and you find it difficult to switch to a positive thought, try changing the voice of your inner dialogue to Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck or someone you find really funny; it will be much harder to take your negative thoughts seriously!

Another trick to help you if you are feeling a little negative is to change your physiology by standing up straight , smiling or laughing (even if you don’t feel like it), and tilting your head so you are looking slightly upwards. It is much more difficult to feel negative in this position than if you were to look down, frown and slouch over. Try both positions right now and see for yourself how your physiology can impact on the way you think and feel.

Sonja Falvo is the Body Transformation Specialist at Real Body Enterprises and has helped thousands of people to get the body they have always dreamed of. Author of two books; The Real Body Plan and The Real Body Real Food Plan (available from http://www.realbodyclub.com/shop) and highly regarded public speaker, Sonja can show you how easy it is to lose weight without dieting, giving up your favourite foods or spending endless hours in the gym. Sonja has developed a realistic, easy to follow healthy lifestyle and weight-loss program for real people; find out more by subscribing to http://www.realbodyclub.com/members/newslettersignup.asp

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Top 20 Affirmations For Weight Loss, Positive Thinking: Weight Management

Check out the best of the best GUIDED MEDITATIONS download MP3 pack here. Top Value! http://vid.io/xqRg
Click here for more information on subliminal affirmations for weight loss: http://www.relaxmeonline.com/2014/06/15/subliminal-weight-loss-affirmations-positive-thinking-help-weight-loss/ CD

Click below to learn more about the Top 20 affirmations for weight loss: http://www.theweightlossforlife.com/top-20-positive-affirmations-for-weight-loss/

For this exercise, read these positive affirmations aloud each day (twice per day if you can) and once you read them, repeat them out loud, with passion.

The more passion you have speaking affirmations, the closer you will get to achieving your goals.

20 affirmations are mentioned here in this video blog and then they are repeated once more. Keep saying them over and over until you truly believe them!

Please note that you will hear a pulsing sound in the background and this is due to the Alpha isochronic tones. These are used to relax you and to put you into a deeper , more relaxed stated of mind to allow the affirmations to sink in.

If you want to experience subliminal affirmations on YouTube , please visit:

And again, if you would like to create your own subliminal affirmations with this awesome software called MindZoom, pleas read more about it here:


My best wishes to you with your weight loss journey and please remember that no matter how bad it may seem, things can only get better – always!

Create your own personal goal plans here: http://www.relaxmeonline.com/2014/01/07/how-to-create-personal-development-plan-improving-self-esteem/

Namaste and with love and light, Jason
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