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How to Create a Positive Attitude in a Negative World

Keeping positive in a negative world is sometimes a challenge. Other people are ‘sad sacks’, moaning and groaning about the weather, the lotto results, the traffic, the price increases, the government. It’s easy to pick up on the negativity and the doom and gloom they want to spread, but the other side of the coin, is being positive and a success.

It takes between 21 and 28 days to change a habit. You alter one and there’s another habit you need to change. Your success is stepping stones in progress, but it’s positive and you will succeed. Maybe not overnight, but then you’ve heard the old words “it’s taken my fifteen years to become an overnight movie star.”

Our top sports people have been practicing for years. It’s the same with our life. Practice leads to improvement. The difference is the movie star and sports heroes have coaches, we just bungle along in life and expect successes.

If that’s what you want in you life…here are a few tips that will assist you. I know they work, because I’ve had to learn them myself and now I include these and many others similar to them in my Attitude Training Programme. Copy them and put them on your office board or at home on the fridge.

1 Turn off the television – Negatively is rife in life. It’s in the media, magazines, people. If you want to be positive you need to rid yourself of negativity.

2 Achieve Results. – You need to have a goal, dream or desire you’re working towards. Maybe it’s money in the bank, increased cash flow in your business. A holiday, new car or ten new clients. As the saying says in the Wizard of Oz. Any road will take you there, if you don’t know where you’re going.

3 Overcome Fear – Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. There’s a great book Feel the Fear and do it anyway by Susan Jeffries. Imagine not attempting to walk when you were young. You wouldn’t want to live without it now…. but you didn’t give up. You tried and succeeded. Take small steps to over come your fear.

4 Improve your Attitude – My Attitude postcard reads: Past, Present, Future, Every second you have a choice. Choose Positive and be your own Success Story. It’s true; you can only think one thought at a time. Make it a positive one.

5 Gain Confidence – Walk tall, stand straight, wear your best clothes, use eye contact (careful with some cultures) Smile! Robyn Henderson the International Networking guru says Fake it until you make it. You might have butterflies in your stomach, but no one can see them.

6 Improve your communication – Join Toastmasters and at the same time gain confidence. Attend assertive communication courses, learn about confident communication and remember Hello and Thank You.

7 Become Interactive – Just do it…is the Nike advertisement. Make the appointments and approach new clients, meet new people, join social clubs. Life is for living.

8 ‘Do’ Victory – With every small success reward you. After ten sales calls, have a coffee, after a completing a task well, find a way of patting yourself on your back.
Acknowledge that you’ve achieved something.

9 Get Enthusiastic – Find the ‘it’s great to be alive’ feeling. Discover your passions, experience and enjoy them. Smell the roses, enjoy good health, eat well and find the vitality in life from within. You’ve got it, but it’s up to you to discover it. Everyone has free will, the choice is yours!

Attitude Training, is learning to change the negative thoughts that float around in your mind to positive thoughts. Every time you DO something positive, you start to feel better about yourself. As
Nike says: Just do it!

Janice Davies is The Attitude Specialist, and who teaches people to be positive and empower themselves through Attitude Training. As a Professional Speaker, Success Coach and author Janice educates people at conferences, workshops and through books. Janice is the founder of the global movement International Self Esteem annual awareness day and features in the new True Happiness DVD. Janice has an online products featuring about attitude, goals, stress, happiness, relationships and more. Visit http://www.attitudespecialist.co.nz for other complimentary articles and tips.

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A Simple Smile Would Make The World Positive

In Germantown, TN, people live a rural lifestyle even though they have an urbanely inclined atmosphere. This city is first known as Pea Ridge, but in 1836, it was renamed as Germantown due to the growing German residents who settled in it. During the World War I, however, its name was changed to Neshoba for a short time.

The country suffered a downfall during and right after the war because of the wreckage brought by the war, as well as the epidemic that spread within the city which lead to the death of several Germantown citizens. After the war, it slowly recovered its previous wealth until today.

The city is also full of dependable citizens. Germantown has residents that are dependable and trustworthy, eager to provide quality service to people. Most prominent names that came from Germantown are Matt Cain, Steven Seagal and Michael Stern.

Aside from having famous citizens, the city is also marked as having outstanding services. Their police are considered as one of the best police departments. Their fire services are also exemplary in their field. Germantown is also noted for having proficient dentists that can help residents with any dental issues that they need.

For teeth cleaning, comprehensive oral examinations, cracked tooth tests and other dental services, residents rely on their local dentists. Germantown dentists offer a wide range of dental health services that are at par with dental clinics in big cities. Functional or cosmetic teeth repair are available to patients, using only the latest in dental technology. Also, dentists provide their patients with in-depth dental knowledge to further deliver quality service.

For dental advice and any information regarding proper teeth hygiene and oral care, citizens rely on a dentist. Germantown, TN has quality dentists that can give patients helpful advice on how to take care of their teeth and they can also offer information on how to avoid food and activities that might damage their teeth.

Quality service and optimum care are the motto of dentists. Germantown dentists devote themselves to providing the best in customer care. They cater to any patients needs with regards to their dental health. And they are committed to helping patients retain their smiles by helping them maintain healthy teeth.

For More Information, please visit our website at www.thegermantowndentist.com.

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Abraham Hicks – How to Stay Positive In This Negative World

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How To Stay Positive In A Negative World

It’s hard to stay positive in the tough world of today. Every day we come across situations and people who remind us of the harsh realities of life. No one can avoid problems, but they can definitely determine how to face them. As famous graphic artist Mary Engelbreit said, ‘If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.’ Here are some tips to stay positive in a negative world.

Tips to Staying Positive in A Negative World

Surround yourself with positivity: Feelings and attitudes are infectious. That’s how the company of some people automatically lifts up your spirits. Seek positive friends who are happy and hopeful. Surround your home and office with quotes on positivity.

Nurture your mind: Consciously avoid television programs and films that are negative. They always have an impact at the subconscious level. Read positive books with happy stories and the inspiring lives and thoughts of great people. Spiritual, emotional and mental wellbeing helps you stay happy even in the worst environments.

See hardship as an opportunity: Your view determines everything. The world is the same for everyone. How is it that some make it while others don’t? It’s because the former saw possibilities where others only saw hardship and pain.

Do something: When plagued with negativity, don’t brood. You will only feel worse. Do something you love. Your spirit will be uplifted as your mind is diverted towards the new activity. Like every other organ, the brain has to be fed. Give it light instead of the darkness that comes from pondering over something bitter.

View the positive side of things: Even negative things have a positive side to them. Train your mind to concentrate on those. Losing your job is not all about losing your only source of income. It also means free time for family and all the things you always planned to do but never found the time for.

Appreciate and be grateful: Gratitude is one of the greatest gifts to man. Learn to be grateful not just for something good but even for the negative because it teaches you something. As Oscar Wilde said, ‘If you don’t get everything you want, think of the things you don’t get that you don’t want.’

Forge a strong belief system: Everything starts with you. What are the values you treasure? What is your attitude to people and the world in general? Consciously work on a program of self development that cultivates hope, optimism, faith and your own unique potential.

Learn to let go: Accept that there is only so much that you can do. The rest is outside your control. So just shut out those things and forget about them. Remember that you cannot please all the people all the time. As George Bernard Shaw said, “A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.”

Follow these tips as a basis for a more positive life and you will surely see a change. There is no time like NOW to make a fresh start.

Doug Dvorak is a motivational speaker with vast experience in helping a wide range of companies and employees. His captivating style and humor have made him a popular speaker for a huge variety of issues.

How to stay positive all time – By Sandeep Maheshwari I Hindi

To Read Wonderful Quotes and Message : http://babafacts.com

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How To Stay Positive In A Negative World

The best way to secure future happiness is to be as happy as is rightfully possible today. Quote by, Charles W. Eliot

When life hands you a lemon, are you prepared to make lemonade? Try staying positive when everything around you is negative. It is essential for your health and well being. More importantly, the way you think, feel and act determines the outcome of your experience. So, why not make it a great experience by guiding your attitude toward one that is positive.

With the media always reporting doom and gloom all over the world, it is often difficult to see the good. So many times life puts you into such unexpected surroundings that must be dealt with to the best of your ability. It is never easy.

However, your feelings and thoughts are what determine whether you get through the day by having a positive experience, or a negative one. Your attitude is the key. Positive thoughts, feelings and actions may help you through many stressful situations.

When dealing with unexpected incidents, expressing a positive attitude would be more beneficial than a displaying a depressing one. Additionally, a positive attitude also initiates and builds up your confidence so that you can get through the difficult situation.

To offset a bad day, look inside yourself for the strength, courage, and energy that is necessary in dealing with any problems. Two of my favorite quotes by Noah St. John, Chief Instructor Rich Life Formula and the Success Clinic, fit perfectly here. They are,

1. When your opinion of your past, present and future tends to be positive, you will be happy. And,

2. When your opinion of your past, present and future tends to be negative, you will be unhappy.

Keeping these two quotes uppermost in your consciousness may help you to develop, or bring about more positive feelings. This is a good test to use so that you can live your life with happier results.

Enthusiasm and improving your physical, mental, and emotional spirit are big ways to boost your positive energy. Staying well, keeping your health, your mind, and your body in the best shape are other ways. They all have a lot to do with how your day goes.

For example, when you wake up with a low spirit and low energy from lack of enough sleep, it shows in your work – and your attitude. So take the opposite route and get the required number of hours of rest and sleep. Then your day becomes a more positive experience for you.

Never let challenging situations and problems effect you in a negative way. Negativity only adds fuel to the problem, heightens the difficulty, and makes the situation worse. Instead, maintaining an upbeat attitude creates major harmony and tends to help you through difficult or upsetting situations.

Three other negative behaviors that steal your time and energy, and cause harmful outcomes are worry, fear and anxiety. Never let either one take over any part of your thoughts. Instead, give your subconscious mind positive goals and successful images to work on.

Maintain an attitude of gratitude, and remember to thank God for all that you have now, and all that is to come. Your feelings and thoughts are what matter. And keeping a positive spirit works wonders.

Gerri D Smith apparel designer, creative writer helps women look good and feel even better. An educational resource and virtual boutique inspires women business owners, professionals, celebrities, entertainers, cruise travelers, and women who love to dress up. For fashion tips, wardrobe basics, inspirational lessons, and support, Subscribe to her Free monthly newsletter, and get a Free Special Report at, http://www.distinctive-elegance.com

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