Tag Archives: Yourself

Believe in Yourself! Stay Positive & Build on It

Most of us live in a cocoon of fear. If it’s not one thing we’re afraid of it’s another. What with financial stresses, employment uncertainties, relationships at work, problems with children, their schools etc it’s one merry-go-round of anxiety after another. We could be forgiven for thinking this is the only way.

Fortunately it isn’t the only way. There’s an infinitely better way and it’s all about faith; a faith even more simplistic than a faith in God perhaps (as so many baulk at God–though in my experience, the God-concept is pretty simple).

This is as simple as making the choice to see the virtue within you and setting out to replicate it and build on it. Virtue contributes to faith and faith brings a zest for living. Part of this is deliberately choosing to see others positive views of you. See their views of you as positive. It will help your self-esteem.

And the result, over time, is an increasing and welling up of positive confidence that will set you up for future success and so on and so on. It’s a self-fulfilling prophesy. But, it will only work if you’re growing genuinely in virtue i.e. being more thankful, positive, kind etc.

It’s often said that if we don’t believe in ourselves, who will (apart from our parents and a handful of close others)?

It’s strange how believing in yourself and not condemning yourself can be so powerful. Suddenly, without the chains and shackles of despair and rejection holding us down, we’re able to soar like eagles–and be the way we were always meant to be.

Give yourself another second chance. Believe in yourself: your abilities, your ideas, your resilience to get through your tough situation right now, and finally, your character.

Life was never meant to beat us down. No matter what is against you, you can prove the greatest inspiration, even to yourself.

Stay positive and build on it.

Copyright © 2009, S. J. Wickham. All Rights Reserved.

Steve Wickham is a registered safety practitioner (BSc, MSIA, RSP) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). He also has training and leadership Diplomas. His passion in vocation is facilitation and coaching; encouraging people to soar to a higher value of their potential. Steve’s key passion is work / life balance and re-creating value for living, and an exploration of the person within us.

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Empowering Yourself With Positive Talk

Many people thought of communication, they immediately thinking of communicating with someone else. And if the person they like or respect, they will communicate in a manner that projects a positive image to the receiving party, if not, they behave otherwise. Before we start communicating with others, there is one very important person that you need to constantly communicate positive with at all time and to convince that you idea works. That very person is YOU!

Do you know “What to say when you talk to yourself?” You may asked, ‘Why should I know what to say when I talk to myself. Only crazy people do that!’ Well, it matter most on what you have been talking to yourself all this while..

Our success is life is very much depend on what we say to our self, more often than not, we always talk our self out not to do something that is out of our comfort zone. Most people seldom talk themselves into venturing in something new that can make our life better. That’s why few millionaires than commoners. We all constantly talking to our self mentally, negotiating whether to do this or do that, to take the job offer or not, to start or not to start building your own business, even a simple thing like drinking hot, warm or cold water. But do you realize what did you say when you talk to yourself? My guess is you don’t; either you are too busy making ends meet or “it’s just a thought and I can’t never achieve it.” You see, the Pain Little Giant has won.

Every one of us has two little giants in our mind, every time when you have an idea, the two little giants will fight against each other, the first one if you like call it, Pleasure Little Giant will come out with all the wonderful things that you will have when you successfully implement the idea; The Pleasure part or the Positive part. The other little giant; The Pain Little Giant will come out with all the argument why you should not do it, what if you fail, what would happens when you fail? The Pain part or Negative part of it. You will be constantly struggling with the feeling of which of these two little giants won their fight among each other to get control of you. If you Pain Little Giant win most of the time, you will find that your progress in life is dragging and awful. If your Pleasure Little Giant wins most of the time, your life is mostly pleasant and full of energy.

So what do you say when you talk to your self? You need to learn how to help your Pleasure Little Giant win all the time by using the correct language, feeling and action. Never underestimate Your Mind Power. Learn how to do the right and powerful Self talk that will propel you to a higher level. Why settle for mediocre when you can easily be a champion?

SK Wong, A Chartered Marketer of The Chartered Institute of Marketing UK; graduated with an MBA in Finance. He is a Certified NLP Sales Trainer and also Certified Member Trainer and a Senate Member of Junior Chamber International. Currently working as Manager of a Risk Management & Insurance company in charge of Business Development, Operation and Management of his unit. He has conducted numerous training seminars on Motivation, Goal setting, Leadership Development, Marketing & Sales and Management Effectiveness for his groups of financial consultants and agents. His website/blogs Inspire Success Action provides insights, ideas, strategies and tools for personal motivation and success!

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