The Law of Attraction and Positive Thinking

The process behind the realization of what it is you want to experience in life is commonly referred to as the Law of Attraction. This process is arguably one of the most fundamentally important law to the building of a fulfilling and beautiful life and yet despite the prolific amount of information available that is dedicated to the Law of Attraction it is widely misunderstood.

The most common mistake is the misinterpretation that the Law of Attraction is merely a fancy term for positive thinking, a mistake that also acts as one of the key aspects seized upon by those who seek to ridicule the idea of the Law of Attraction as a mechanism for creation.

The more people who misinterpret the idea that the Law of Attraction is reliant on positive thinking, the harder it will be for the human race to awaken to its true nature. For this reason alone I would like to wrap some clarity around the subject.

The process described by the term Law of Attraction begins through the fixated and isolated placement of attention. The process itself has nothing to do with positivity – it has everything to do with attention. I’d like to repeat this, for it is most important to understand:

The Law of Attraction is a natural process of creation that works with or without positive thinking.

Yes, in respect to certain desires, through the power of isolated attention the Law of Attraction can be invoked and will fully manifest the object of attention purely by thought. However, it should always be remembered that the world we live in is a co-creation – not only of mind, but also of matter.

There are many mental and physical beings who, through that which they place their fixated attention upon, create their life and, at the same time, co-create the changes that reality itself undergoes – changes to the world that we all share. Because we are mental and physical beings, the Law of Attraction is primarily a process of creation that works through both the mental and the physical. That is, it requires the application of both mind and matter.

Rather than being a magical fancy of ‘think positive and it will appear’, the Law of Attraction is instead a systematic method of active creation through the principle of combining ‘isolated and fixated attention’ (mind) with the necessary ‘action’ (matter) towards the object or experience of desire.

What we create, either individually or as a shared collective, manifests as a synthesis of the active image in mind (thought) and the active image in form (matter). Manifestation can occur through pure thought attention, but, at least in human reality, it occurs primarily as the result of the combination of an active mind and body. Regardless of the way in which manifestation may occur it is not a process that requires positive thinking as its prerequisite.

The bridge between the effectiveness of the active thought and the physical action that is necessary to contribute to the manifestation of the thought is what is referred to as ‘receptivity’. Receptivity is the ability to see the signs that inspire thought and action towards realization of the intended object or experience. In other words, receptivity is the art of taking notice and even looking for the signs that relate to the bringing of the image in your mind into the form of reality – moments that highlight or indicate things you should or must do to make the object of your intention a reality.

Again, receptivity requires fixated attention – not positivity. That is, receptivity means watching for, or at the very least being actively open to noticing signs upon which you can take the necessary action required to advance the manifestation process. All the amount of positive thinking in the world will never substitute for a mind attentive to that which it wishes to experience, receptive to the signs to make it happen, and active in its approach to helping make it happen.

The simplest definition of the Law of Attraction is to say it is the process of bringing together the various things necessary to realize the object or experience of your desire. This is why I actually prefer to refer to the Law of Attraction as the Art of Realization. You may also refer to it as the Process of Creation or any other fancy term, as all would be just as accurate. However, to refer to it as purely a method of positive thinking is inaccurate.

It is here that I qualify my commentary to avoid the inevitable interpretation that I am somehow against positive thinking. Quite the contrary, I highly recommend maintaining a positive outlook for a positive mind will most definitely support you as you progress through this thing we call life.

The nature of your outlook will also influence the nature of that which you attract, and so positivity is beyond a shadow of a doubt an important element of a healthy attractive mind. But positivity is not the key to harnessing the process of creative attraction and neither is the Law of Attraction another term for positive thinking.

The Law of Attraction as a term has many misnomers associated to it thanks to a variety of representations from those who do not truly understand it. Sadly there are many so-called ‘experts’ who actively present it in ways that confuse many people such that through error the concept itself has attracted much stigma. Fortunately the process that the Law of Attraction refers to does not become a kind of nonsensical magic simply because certain misinterpretations paint it so.

The wonderful truth is the Law of Attraction is really quite simple to put into practice, even if you don’t fully understand the universal mechanics of manifestation. It is surprisingly empowering to realize that even on the days where you struggle to find positivity, you are still able to wield the Law of Attraction with power simply by keeping your attention fixated upon your goal, remaining attentive to the detail, being receptive to the signs and taking action when you notice them.

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