Think positively cartoon


Think positively cartoon

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20 Responses to Think positively cartoon

  1. Wafaa Barqawy says:

    very nice movie

  2. Julie Krenek says:

    This video worked for a school assignment. Thanks😉!

  3. Jaime Alexis says:

    It says don't judge others. Prejudice often give meaning to kindness as envy, care as self satisfaction, weakness as strength or innocence as arrogance.

  4. Payton Kise says:

    i love this move

  5. RyRayz says:

    how does a snowman sniff a fur xD

  6. sherese spencer says:

    For anyone having trouble,,,, the video may be trying to say that don't judge the worst or suddenly feel as if you have be competitive with someone just because they want the same goal as you,,,, try to Stay positive and maybe the person who's trying to get what you want may only just want to help you,,,,,, this is my understanding,,,,,, if anyone has more simple quote for the meaning please share with me(:

  7. MegaMissfitz says:

    Shut Ya beautiful blonde cake hole!!! My brain is trying to break out of my skull😣 (not with processing tho)😘

  8. Khansa 2 Shaikh says:

    This vidio about love

  9. Irene Legault says:

    Love it, the best !!!

  10. Maruti Antaragatti says:

    I can't get meaning of this video
    Will you help me———-

  11. taioplayz everything says:

    Why olaf

  12. Ana Curry says:

    this is frozen

  13. Charlene Williams says:

    so funny

  14. danang pratama says:


  15. Jade Botha says:

    Hi, i'm doing a project based on a healthy lifestyle and i was going to ask may i use your video as a reference to my project? need permission.let me know thank you.

  16. Juli Poplawski says:

    Thinking positive is the only way to fly….

  17. Sunita. Iacr says:


  18. Ayumi Honda says:

    The first time in my life 

  19. Ranjith Ganesh says:

    be positive………..alwayssssssssss

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