Tony Robins | Secret To Mastering The Perfect Mindset

Tony Robins | Secret To Mastering The Perfect Mindset

Hey I know that it’s hard sometimes to keep your
mind free and clear of stink’n think’n but the thing
that will help you the most is understanding that it only makes
matters worse.. You have always heard that the rich
get richer and the poor get poorer.. Let me be perfectly
straight forward with you here. it has nothing to do
with the money ” FIRST ” yes money is a great tool to
earning more money but if you cant perceive it first
in your mind then you will have a very hard time bringing
an abundance of it into your life and keeping it. When you clearly see
yourself with absolute certainty that you have it and deserve
all you need, then you will project that right into your life..

Doors will open and the ability to make it so, will come natural.
Best rule of thumb is to “project it till you prefect it”, but always know
that you know that you know everything you are wanting will
most definitely show up whether it be good or bad so make
sure you are clear with your thoughts and don’t allow your
mind to rest on the negative ones for very long, like less that
4 seconds.. catch yourself and think of the best thing that
puts a smile on your face to get back on track.. Like anything
old habits are hard to brake sometimes but practice makes perfect.

The out come will be staggeringly good if you master the art of
thinking and speaking positive thoughts out into the world everyday
even when the world is not giving it to you.

Your words create your world so make them all count…
* Tony Robins
* Mindset
* Frank Kern
* Power Of Curtainty mindset

” Your words and Thoughts have physical power ”
” Live Everyday Like It’s A Vacation ”
– Mark Sansom

P.S ..Tony Robins may have big teeth but he is one smart cookie
that has help so many people that it is mind boggling..

Frank kern is a brilliant marketer that has gone on to earn
22 million in a 24 hour period.. before anyone could even
perceive it… Nobody thought that was even posable, with
out winning the lottery or something.

You might believe you are the next one to do even better than
that.. I say whether you think you can or think you can’t “you’re right”


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9 Responses to Tony Robins | Secret To Mastering The Perfect Mindset

  1. Trelelel says:

    I play the guitar and would LOVE to know the last song that you played!! I know that the first one was "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica, but what was the second?

    It was really beautiful and I would love to know what it is so that I can learn how to play it :) if you or anyone else could help me out I would be very grateful.

  2. Mark Sansom says:

    So when it comes to making money online it is the exact same way. Even Frank Kern, John Reese and Tony Robins Only made $0 to $300 a week online at one time. It was in their certainty and belief by watching others make a million that they told themselves, "I know I will make it to the million dollar a month point one day and they did.. This is a good video that explains why this is.. " Power of Subconscious Mind Power Techniques "

  3. Mark Sansom says:

    I totally agree with you my friend..I Have noticed in my life that when I started paying music around my friend at an early age that they said that is cool and looks fun.. and then they said either " I think I could do that " Or " I don't think that I could ever do that " I'm sure you can guess what ones soon became musicians and the ones that did not. none of the ones that said " I don't think I could ever do that" Learned to play an instrument that I ever know of, many of the other ones DID!

  4. Puji Maharani says:

    Hi, have you heard of "Thousands for Surveys" (just search on Google for it …)? On this website you can find beneficial information about how to make an income online by filling out simple consumer surveys. This made it possible for ordinary people to work from the comfort of home and have the benefit of economical freedom super fast. I hope it will work for you also.

  5. ThePoppyG says:

    Hey Mark. This is Fred. We have not spoken in quite awhile. Hope you and your family are fine and well. I listened to this video and appreciate the inspiration. It reminded me of a biblical principle that teaches to believe by faith in the results even before the action takes place. I will be calling you soon my freind. God bless. Hope you come back to La Jolla soon!

  6. Jennifer9715 says:

    Thank you for your inspiring video :-)

  7. Aaron Jones says:

    Metallica – Nothing Else Matters :) what a song 

  8. penguininatux says:

    Thanks a million. I can feel your positive attitude and energy in this video. It's a breath of fresh air. What the last song you played?

  9. viewattitudes says:

    Hey man, nice piece. YOu play a mean guitar, brother. Go viral, man!

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