Troy’s Challenge #3: The Power of the Mind | Troy | E4

Troy’s mind is a powerful beast. He has thoughts that can crush worlds and create new colours… that’s right: colours you’ve never even seen before! But he wants to see what your mind can do…

So it’s easy, Just film yourself doing a snazzy trick, upload the video and tweet the link including the hashtag #Troy.

You can watch Troy on 4oD here:
Subscribe to the E4 channel for more challenges and some more tasty Troy tidbits.

Use these 6 simple law of attraction exercises to increase your manifestation power. ★Purchase our new book 50 Law of Attraction Exercises, Tips & Tricks to Hack Your Mind & Increase Your Manifestation Power here: ➜

Each of these exercises are designed to work directly with law of attraction principles to boost your speed and accuracy to attract what you desire. Through consistent practice, deliberate manifestation becomes visibly easier.

Law of Attraction does not bring positive results without positive beliefs and positive patterns. These principles are the secret formula to follow if you wish to align with your desires the way countless others have. You are a limitless creator. Learn how to break free from self-imposed limitations and live the life you desire!

*Video content copyrighted by Your Youniverse

Musical Content: Eternal Hope by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license – Deliberate Thought by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Source: Artist:

Please subscribe to our channel for more law of attraction and mastering your mind videos.

Purchase our best selling book here:
► Self-Maid – A maid-turned-doctor explains how to deliberately create your life using Universal Laws and the law of attraction →

More law of attraction and mind secret videos:

Life is a Perfect Reflection of Your True Beliefs – Law of Attraction

The Magical Power of Thought Currents – Thoughts Are Things – Law of Attraction

Thoughts Create Reality – Key Thoughts to Consider Changing – Law of Attraction

Man Is The Sum of His Mind – As A Man Thinketh (law of attraction)

Mindsets, Habits and Emotional States of Successful People – Science of Achievement – Tony Robbins

Tuning In To The Secret Power of Infinite Love and Wisdom – Law of Attraction

How Mastering Awareness Can Reinvent a New Reality (law of attraction)

God and the “I” of Man Are One – Neville Goddard

The Unlimited Capacity of the Spiritual Mind – law of attraction

10 Spiritual Principles of Alignment – Wayne Dyer (law of attraction)

The Science Behind Mental Action & Material Conditions – Edinburgh Lectures Part 2 (law of attraction)

The Science Behind Mental Action & Material Conditions – Edinburgh Lectures Part 1 (law of attraction)

Golden Rules for Making Money – The Art of Money Getting (Science of Achievement)

Align With Your Higher Self Through New Consciousness – Stuart Wilde – Law of Attraction

You Were Born to Win! Taking Risks in Order to Be Successful – Les Brown – Motivational/Science of Achievement

Man’s Power to Control the Mind, Body and Circumstances – law of attraction

In Tune With the Infinite – Conscious Realization of the True Self (law of attraction)

Law of Attraction | mind | secret | powerful | key | success | life | training | coach | personal | business | speaker | development | inspiration | motivation | public speaking | leadership | marketing | management | coaching (industry) | sales | motivational | positive | entrepreneur | seminar | inspirational | new | 2016
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40 Responses to Troy’s Challenge #3: The Power of the Mind | Troy | E4

  1. Orginal Gangsta says:

    How he smashes bottle with mind can somebody tell me??

  2. Alamin Ahmed says:

    What was the music in this video

  3. Alamin Ahmed says:

    What was the music that was used in this video

  4. Gisela Gomar says:

    wow yah niggas dumb he put something under the water bottle to suck the that's y the bottle didn't tip over

  5. Maria Vitali says:


  6. Betz Gamashez says:

    That's wicked… pretty cool but still😦

  7. paul kiprop says:

    First trick easy second what the hell just happened

  8. xd sude says:

    Ist das echt Is that really ?

  9. Daniel Madden says:

    Awesome man. Keep it up!!!!

  10. hichem mune says:

    guys.. invisible loops..on his hands.. your welcome

  11. Je yed says:

    He is my favourite magician

  12. Zachary Chan says:

    Static electricity!!!!

  13. Bear-YT Nebulous says:

    I got the best power.Watching troy =D lol…..

  14. Aashell Wallace says:


  15. smokey bob says:

    brain fart

  16. Junaid Arshad says:

    How did you do that with the bottle and the pen

  17. Phvlly Jr says:

    Awesome Awesome 

  18. Just a Skeleton says:


  19. RONALD CIELTO says:

    Nice try Troy you used very fine strings attached to your fingers to control the pen the table and the bottle has holes thus you sucked out all the air out the bottle. the bottle never comes off its standing position. very good trick.

  20. Maddy Gyu says:


  21. olfa fouli says:

    Thank youuu very helpful

  22. i LOVE MEE says:

    Oh C'mmon i wa searching for something like this channel…. I am not gonna give up anyway on whatever it is told here!

  23. Alcepton Music says:

    Wow really glad I clicked on this one

  24. blah vlahblah says:

    our minds are like magnet of the universe like attract like. You become AND attract what you think.

  25. Shauni Costello says:

    I really enjoyed this. THANK YOU

  26. Gogoasa Infuriata says:

    a trillion likes from me!
    love and blessings for all!

  27. MrChrizyzel says:

    For those who believe in God, Just replace the word Universe by the word "God" and it will still give the same results.

  28. Nora says:

    The second exercise is so difficult for me. Like things that make life easy. Like cars? Pollution. Like phones? Asocial. Food? Yes for the Western world. All those people, but so much assholes… Making money? Capitalism, slavery, sweatshops. Probably sounds super depressing but I don't know those are just some things I often think about… I am going to try to see the world as new but it's difficult to 'sush' the thing you know…

  29. Savitha Rao says:

    wonderful !

  30. Bubbly Roy says:

    Such a delightful gift …thank you ..sending blessings and gratitude 🙏

  31. Viveca Williams says:

    one of the most important videos I've ever watched😍😍😍 the gratitude ! 🙌

  32. Elie Khoury says:

    I have studied law of attraction for a long time now, and your sir looks like u got it all right. Just one question is it really working for you ?

  33. rajlaxmi prabhu says:

    wonderful. Thank u Almighty for this video

  34. Margaret Higham says:

    awesome. thank you God Bless

  35. Yrene Cedeno says:

    …to me, the most simple and easy way of explaining our power… we all are creatures of light. Yes, we can create anything we visualize…😊

  36. Isak Shaikh says:

    I can't believe all this because m believe Sandeep maheshwari

  37. Lalitha Nagarajan says:

    This is the simplest and highly useful Law of Attraction video I have come across. I really congratulate the maker of this video very much. I will sure practice these techniques.

  38. TaylorSwiftGleek says:

    Thank you so much for this! I am struggling with depression and anxiety right now and these exercises made me feel in control for the first time in a long time! Thank you so much!!

  39. 001poorna says:

    why I always saw my partner getting hurt in visualization??? And why I getting negative thoughts?? how to remove all this??…can I include my targeted partner name in writing manifestation list?….

  40. Aayushi desai says:

    Thank you so much for sharing these exercises! And Thank you Universe for making me come to this page and BAM! I am a successful creator.

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