Using Positive Self Affirmation to Increase Your Vertical Jump

You know that there are certain exercises that will work for certain areas of your body. You will include push ups and pull ups to work your arms. You do cardio exercises to keep your heart in shape. There are also exercises that will help you increase your vertical leap.

As beneficial as exercising is, you aren’t going to get very far with a horrible attitude. How you think and feel about yourself is going to reflect in your efforts to increase your vertical Jump. Basically, if you don’t believe that you are making progress, you won’t. How is this possible?

It is all about your subconscious. If you maintain a negative outlook, your subconscious will sabotage your efforts, without you even realizing it. You can exercise until you fall over, but without self-affirmation and a good attitude, all that exercise won’t help you increase your vertical Jump even the slightest bit.

One of the best ways to get to the point of successful self-affirmation is through visualizing. Many coaches will tell their athletes to visualize the win. The same applies to increasing your vertical Jump. If you picture yourself reaching your goals, all your hard work will pay off and you will get there.

Self-affirmation, positive reinforcement, and visualization are all about the psychology. It is about building your self-esteem – your confidence in yourself. Without enough confidence you cannot hope to increase your vertical Jump, or keep you on top of your game.

One of the most helpful tips that you can do is to verbally affirm your efforts and the results that you are after. For example, if you are trying to increase your vertical Jump, you should tell yourself, out loud, that you can do it. Don’t worry about what other people are thinking about you talking to yourself. Keep repeating the phrases that you need to hear yourself say in order to get where you want to be.

Alen is the creator of The Jumping Manual Review, here Alen will give you a honest review on the Jumping Manual of you want to know more about Alen he has a personal page at Zimbio called Get Higher a Vertical Jump have a look at it today.

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